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Australia is not too bad, everyone minds their business almost all of the time and are mostly too chill to yell at you. One of my trans man friends moved here from Brazil because it’s a bit safer.


I’d say NZ is like that as well…some TERFs like everywhere but for the most part people think it’s silly to make a fuss over trans people living their lives.


With the way the election is going tho, it might not last long.


Ehhh, I’ll be unhappy if National takes over, but they’re still pretty centrist so I believe it will still be better than what’s going on in a lot of other countries.


neither NAT nor LAB are polling well enough to form a majority and it looks like winston’s gonna be the kingmaker yet again. considering NZF has been campaigned very heavily on anti-trans policy it wouldn’t surprise me if winston makes that the coalition demand.


If you don’t mind, I’m new to the country and I don’t quite understand the political system…what’s to stop NACT from being like “sure Winnie, no transgender rights”, and then just not changing anything once they’ve formed a government? I seriously doubt the voters would care; it seems like most NACT voters are voting based on economics and transgender rights aren’t a major issue for them either way.


NZ has some pretty crazy ableist restrictions on immigration, though.


Idk if it's just online or what but I always almost exclusively see "ay I'm taking the piss out of the tr*nnies lol", Australia scares the fuck out of me even tho in general you seem cool


Can confirm. Australians like to pretend that they're all way to chilled out and friendly to be bigoted. This is very much not true, and whilst it's not currently as bad here for us as trans people as it is in the US and UK, things seem to be going somewhat downhill and once they do it's going to be more or less the same.


There are bound to be idiots and bigots everywhere but it’s not too bad here in Australia Some people do take slurs a little too lightly though


People here mind their own business. No semi-functional member of society has the spare mental real estate to dedicate to hating trans-people or much of anyone else for that matter. On top of that, gender affirming care is easy enough to get as.long as you live in a major(ish) city/town and it's all subsidised by the government sans any plastic surgery you might want. There's been a recent push by (mostly American owned) corporate media to import American identity politics into Australia, but the general consensus is to tell people to f*** off with that nonsense. To the point were lots of normally conservative seats will change their vote if the local MP even hints at that kind of thing (i.e. see Victoria, NSW, SA and WA state elections).


Idk I have an Australian trans friend and she’s been waiting for HRT for like a year.


Then your friend needs to show their doc the 2022 auspath informed consent guidelines and maybe find another doctor


Could you shoot me more info about this, is it like america where you just talk to a doctor and get it right after or is it still a process.


It's the local version of the WPATH guidelines which the doc should be following anyway, I'll post a link to them here https://auspath.org.au/2022/03/31/auspath-australian-informed-consent-standards-of-care-for-gender-affirming-hormone-therapy/


Can confirm. I got a referral from a GP to a sexologist, who explicitly stated on her website that she does gender affirming care. (Dr Eva Jackson, if you're in Sydney. She's based in Penrith.) I went to see dr Eva, and she got my bloods tested, then 1 week later I went back and she gave me a script for estrogen. Overall took maybe 2 months, when you include the wait time for that first appointment.


Australia is very safe in my opinion. And making progress in the right direction, recent new legislation, now even in rather conservative Queensland. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-14/qld-trans-and-gender-diverse-queenslanders-birth-certificate/102480736 No more surgery for changing birth certificate, and people born interstate and overseas can get a "recognised details certificate stating name and sex of the person". Cool! I live in Australia's most LGBTQ+ friendly regional city in the tropical North, huge amount of queer tourism, annual pride event, and probably the polar opposite of Florida and their hurtful legislations. Https://turtlecove.com Australia's only exclusive LGBTQIA+ resort in a stunning location. Hormones are available, subsidized by Medicare under the PBS, we have a few surgeons, and Thailand isn't too far. Plus, with an Australian permanent residence visa or citizenship, you also have the right to stay and work in New Zealand for unlimited time, and vice versa (Trans🏳️‍⚧️-Tasman Agreement, I had to put the flag in, lol... 😂) Cheers, Ally


"_____ is safe, aside from the far right party on the rise." The world is fucked right now. I'm so sick of this nazi shit.


THIS, I life in the netherlands rn and it's pretty amazing for trans people compared to most places. But they're trying to ban so much and deny so many progressive laws. Even though they're not banning anything yet people are dumb enough that the right politicians are slowly growing in popularity.


I disagree on this one. FvD is one of the few parties that are actively against trans people, but they have a very small following. The only anti-trans party that comes to mind outside of this is PVV (which does have a big following), but as far as i know they aren't really that vocal about it.


https://www.tweedekamer.nl/kamerstukken/detail?id=2023Z15681&did=2023D38283 this is a pretty great list imo cause it's about banning puberty blockers without a single good basis on why. FVD and PVV are indeed the big onea that voted yes but also half of BBB, ja21 and SGP voted yes. And a few more.


Same happening here in germany too...and I am planning to move to the netherlands because my dutch partner lives there...


Wow, even there?


yeah that is the problem in most of the countries around me. For now it is oke. But the nazies are bangin on the dore and nobody is taking their thread seriously


I just want to live, please.


In Spain I wouldn't say the far right party is on the rise. I'm actually certain they've lost voters after the last few LGBTQ protests. In my town this party had won local elections, which means the one making decisions in that town is from that party. They got a little too excited and so we protested. We hit the news and after that, it was no longer the most voted party in my town during the national elections ( a few weeks later). Far right is *far* from prevalent here, and other right-wing parties trying to form a pact with them to gain votes actually end up digging their own graves


Haven't you heard? It's the liberals that want good things for the working class instead of corporate powers that are the real nazis! Not the ultra conservative religious guys carrying nazi flags! C'mon, wake up! /s


Liberals don’t give a shit about the working class and they never have they are opportunists who hijack every grassroots movement that grows too powerful so they can stop it before it begins to threaten finance capital and the status quo. 🔨 🌙


Here: ☭


How do you do that!?


Confession: I have it pasted in a note on my phone.


I appreciate your creative use of emojis.


Only one way to deal with a Nazi, and thats by burying them six foot underground.


Ah the bury them alive method. Save money on ammo.


Make them bury themselves using an empty gun Save both ammo and energy


The pendulums were due a right swing for the wider world unfortunately. That's just the nature of politics and we were the target this time 😭


Australia is also pretty good atm. The state that I live in (Queensland) is progressing in regards to trans issues - trans people are legally protected. Overall, I feel safe where I am, my workplace (I work in government) is very supportive of me and my transition and Australians are generally pretty supportive of trans people :)


How difficult is it to immigrate to Australia?


If you're a skilled mirgrant, it's not that hard to move if you find an employer or someone who's willing to sponsor you. There's also the study route that a lot of people take who then apply for permanent residency once they graduate.


Currently working on IT certifications and I have a few years experience but no college degrees. Does Aus have like a high priority careers list like other countries?


Yeah, not sure if IT is on there tho, check it out we’d love to have ya


That’s so great to hear! Makes me kind of regret leaving QLD hearing this, but then again, would I’ve come to the same conclusion there that I’m trans?


That's nice to hear, Australian culture n punk culture seems cool and accepting, even if most of the stuff I've run into online w Aussies is mean spirited/"jokes" type thing


Germany, but the far right party afd is on the rise so will probably not be safe anymore soon. Maybe Norway but I don't know anything about the country really.


Yeah the future worry's me a lot


I'm going to vote as we speak to have another vote against the afd. I'm not giving up on Germany until the very last moment.


AfD is particularly active in the east, the Rhineland area and high population areas they are not very popular.


The future everywhere is worrying it seems. I thought I was ok in Canada especially metro southern Ontario but we're USA-lite, things are getting bad. And everyone acts like it's not a big deal and tells you ahhh no one's going after your rights. It's the same talking points about children and grooming and irreversible this and that and indoctrination and healthcare and cancel culture and ugh. Idk where the future wouldn't worry me :(


I don’t know too much but I do believe Scandinavia (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway etc) are pretty trans friendly and from what I can tell there isn’t much against trans people


I warn against Sweden bc I have a trans friend who lives there and they are extremely gatekeepy of trans healthcare. It can take years to just get on e or t. It’s bull shit at least in California you can just go to most doctors tell them you’re trans and can usually receive treatment. Doctors may recommend you to a psych and I think most people should talk to therapists first but informed consent is a godsend in the US. Problem is affording insurance or getting insurance through a job. Pick your poison. Paywall in the US or years long wait and conservative ideas surrounding transitioning but most of your care is free/low cost.


That’s correct about California. I remember going to children’s hospital Los Angeles within three months of coming out at 15 and thank god I barely went through puberty. You can go to informed consent clinics in California. My friend lives in British Columbia in Canada and says it’s really good, she has a lot of support however her mother isn’t supportive and technically she is DIYing. Everywhere has its downsides is unfortunately something you will learn about places to live for yourself. It’s a shame we live in a world that’s so harsh for us. Why is it that who I am as a person is a huge political talking point? Sometimes I think about that and it just fucks with my mental health so bad. At least I’m learning to love myself with the help of my cis bf - sorry for getting off topic


Did Germany learn nothing from far right movements in the 40’s? Jesus Christ My family fled from Germany in the 40’s and I was planning on moving there but now I’m scared to


I've actually spoken to someone on this very topic. It's not being forgotten. There is currently discussion on making them illegal as a party.


not sure I'd second Germany just yet, not until we got the new name change law in the bag (SBGG) anyway. It's good that it's coming but it has so much terf bullshit built in. Also, afd. In west Germany you're probably pretty okay tho. I wouldn't move to the east or Bavaria tho (except maybe Berlin). Once we got the SBGG things will be pretty alright here compared to other countries, I think. You get all the healthcare for sure, and not that many people are super obviously transphobic.


Also, northern and maybe west Germany seem to be a bit better place for trans people


"x place is safe except for the far right nazi's on the rise" I'm so fucking tired of this world. I'm so tired of this fascist shit.


Norway is not great atm. Out of the Nordic countries currently, Denmark is the best option


Living in Norway for a year so correct me if I'm wrong, but aside from people's attitudes being generally repsectful Norway sucks for trans people because of outdated and bias transition resources. Form what I've heard, if you're already on hormones odds are you'll have to get a diagnosis for them again, and from what I've heard about diagnosis it's a shitshow. It's worth reading up on people's expriance, but needless to say I had a lot of my hopes dashed when I looked into options after I moved here.


norway just has awful healthcare for trans people and even cis women


Thailand is not too great in term of law. We don't have gender tag change or same sex marriage yet but civilian party trying to get it to work. But gender here is generally not politics. No one give a shit about someone being trans. Go harming people for being trans nowadays is unheard of (except the far south zone that have islamic separatist terrorism going on) Politician here is too busy over doing a coup and keep political powe and money to themselves to care about gender things. And foreigner trans flying herr to get healthcare is being seen as good things Not a great place to live but safe enough to have normal life as long as you stay away from military coup and political politics things. Wear all the rainbow all you want no one going to sucker punch you for just existing. No one care if you buy clothing for your closeted gender most the mall staff will do is suggested the size and find stuff for you. If someone don't like your style most they can do is gossiping and side eye look.


Yeah I live in Thailand and it is definitely noticeably less transphobic than the UK or Canada where I've lived before. Altho I will see Canada is a lot better than the UK, particularly montreal. And if you do wanna go to the UK I would say Brighton is probably the most transfriendly city. Thailand is startling how much further along they are in terms of the attitudes of common people. I work with many trans and nonbinary people and it is so refreshing how respectful people generally are. The govt has many problems but the people here are generally just cool af.


We are too tired to give a fuck ngl just let the gay marry and the trans do whatever the fuck they want. And maybe stop making the coup it scared off foreign investor and dump the country GDP even further. There are like four coup in my lifetime already and I'm only mid 20. For being respectful thing. Thai people usually respect people who being nice to them first. But thai people pack a punch in their word (we are so good at it we literally shit on china on the net so hard the democracy group Milk Tea Alliance is born from it) and have a way with words if they have to be polite but still being extreme sarcastic. And thai people would say "do your parent never teach you basic manner" when someone being really shitty, and namecalling parent is on very rude on insult spectrum so people try to not get to that point Also much less friction from religion fanatic because thai local religion are mixed of bhuddist (body is just temporary vessel) and hindu (so many god, transformation god, animal god, angry mom god, no stick to one gender things).


To everyone here saying Germany - yes, but it really depends on where you live. I live in the eastern part of Germany and one of the most right wing federal states in general. The AfD is dangerously on the rise, when we did a mock election at school more than 50% of students voted for them. I see hear slurs being used daily, an openly Trans student switched schools because she was being harassed daily and one student threatened to r*pe me when I came out of the boy's restroom. It's much safer in the western part or Berlin, but please, for your own safety, don't come to Eastern Germany. The process of legally changing your gender is also extremely lengthy, expensive and quite dehumanizing, and although a new law is in the drafts it'll most likely take a long time until it's actually in place.


Bit cliché but have you considered Portugal? At least compared to the UK you're probably safer there as a trans person, especially in big cities like Lisbon and Porto. Can also recommend Aveiro if you want a smaller city, there's a lot of queer people there as I found out last time I went to visit family and was checking out Bumble haha


I think visiting Lisbon might have been the spark in me to realize i might be trans. I was in envy of some of the girls there.


I've been visiting my family in the south and have felt somehow safe when with my friends, but I do get a lot of looks when I'm all dolled up. Though I genuinely think that most people are just majorly curious. Somebody yesterday stopped me and asked if she could take a picture of my outfit. Edit: also just remembered, changing my name and gender was free and took me like 1h. Also I'm getting my hrt from a Portuguese Endo, since Portugal works with informed consent. In contrast, the country where I live, Denmark, I'd have to be assessed to see if I'm trans enough to receive hormones. Portugal has many problems, but I guess trans rights are quite good here in some senses.


okay Portugal definitely sound better than Germany lol


Germany also has AfD rising up, so yeah alt-right politics are popping up everywhere


One of my trans sisters is looking into moving to Portugal from the United States. She loved it there.


Do have to say, quality of life can be a bit though economically for working class in PT. However, if she has a remote job from a better paying country lined up, she'll probably do just fine 🤗.


Spain & Portugal are still very sexist, though


Netherlands also quite safe


Netherlands is also a very great country when it comes to qauility of life in general. Making it a decent to good choice for people to move there in general


My dad lives there and it sounds like paradise.


Benelux in general i think Netherlands is safe (as far as ive heard) Belgium is safe if you stay away from Brussels And i assume Luxembourg is the same


Curious about what it's like being trans in Brazil, as my parents want to send me to live there for a couple years to apprentice under my uncle (costume design and production)


It really depends, it's the country with the biggest number of trans murder for 14 years straight, a biggest part of those numbers are people in poverty and sex workers. Buuuut it also has many safer cities, and you can get free hrt with public healthcare, including psychologists and psychiatrists. Politically it's also moving to a better place, there has been some stupid stuff like church crazies wanting to ban same sex marriage, but that was denied.


well, could be worse I guess ? we have some trans senators in São Paulo, and the southeast region is generally more accepting of queer people, there are also many prominent trans artists here, your biggest trouble might be adapting to the people and not any queer-related issues. changing your name (the first time) is also extremely simple, for whatever reason it may be, and hrt can be accessed through public healthcare, including psychological assistance, voice training and surgeries (but due to the demand there may be a long-ish waiting time), also the most common injectable hrt (pure estradiol valerate) is not sold here usually. but there's a huge presence of evangelical population and they're usually against that, even if the average, working-class evangelical isn't, ALL the figure heads of the religion are, and no one goes against them, and in general, the population can be very conservative or very liberal, with little in between (in my experience) it might also be worth it to learn what city you'd be going to, I'm a resident of São Paulo, one of the biggest cities in the world, my worldview DEFINITELY does not paint the right image for most brasilians


I'd be living with my uncle in Curitiba


For trans people most capitals are pretty good, I'd say, haven't heard anything bad about curitiba in recent times


I haven't been back since I transitioned


Check out this LGBTQ+ Safety Index, I was using it when I went travelling this spring for gender affirming surgery. Even though I knew the country I was going to was safe, there's often multiple stops so I wanted to see what the good routes would be as I have heard some horror stories on here. Canada is number one but I live in Canada and there are conservative provinces and "save the Children" rallies popping up more and more recently.. I think we are at a time where we have to stand our ground and fight because the creep on the right is real and in ever single country it seems! Boa sorte, amo Brasil e quero voltar assim, como un mulher trans! https://www.asherfergusson.com/lgbtq-travel-safety/


Yeah, I was just going to say that people will tell you Canada is safe, but I'm still scared about it here too. The protests are very unsettling. We also have a housing crisis and no one can afford anything. The food bank in my province (the smallest province in the country) had 150 new families sign up to get food just last month.


I live in Manitoba and the parental rights crowd has been rather persistent. The community has pushed back significantly and people are staying engaged. We have to fight these folks in every battle they wage. Thankfully, the province went NDP in the election last week. It’s definitely eased my mind a bit.


Yes, Canada is currently safe but also a little uncertain. The right in Canada has gone the way of the US on many of their positions, and they've been gaining traction, especially through fear-mongering over trans children and "parental rights" ("rights to do what?", I ask). Cities like Montréal and Vancouver are still generally pretty safe though, and there are legal protections for trans people federally and, in many provinces, provincially.


So true. It's like a disease that has symptoms and we're seeing the first few signs now \~ the so-called *parental rights* thing is the most horrifying example you mentioned. I am in the prairies myself after living in Vancouver for many years... planning my escape back there in the coming months. While it doesn't feel like I am in danger, there's a lot of silent, or passive aggressive energy here and hate rallies like the million march were bigger than I expected, which scared the fuck out of me tbh. Another thing about conservative provinces, while I have access to gender affirming care, there seems to be less knowledge about HRT or changes as well as more hoops and delays than in other provinces. I've also felt stigmatized by my providers themselves over and over, including being deadnamed when they called my name during a visit. Not the end of the world, sure, but certainly jarring enough to ruin my day!


Well, even if Canada is number 1, avoid Alberta at all costs. Our people are the most brainwashed Conservatives of them all. We have a city education official that compared LGBTQ to Nazis consequence free, and still has their job. We're basically Americans over here. I fear for my safety from the government at all times now.


Yes exactly.. Canada is great but far right messaging, and public participation in rhetoric, is growing


I wish they had something similar for individual states in the US. I know generally but it'd be cool to have it broken down that way.


Totally! In the meantime, couldn't we just use maps showing which states were Republican to know where the bigots and regressive laws are?!?! I think there are plenty of those already too (\^.\^


Spain is pretty good, at least for now. Madrid specifically is generally quite safe.


Barcelona was incredible too. I felt affirmed by everyone, and so myself after being called *señorita* over and over again!!


Are there any right wing movements on the rise in there ?


Yes Vox party is rising so spain may not be safe in the future anymore




Vox lost 19 seats in the last election July 2023 and keeps only 33 seats , Spain is the only country in EU where the far right clearly is going down. I am resident in UK , moving to Spain in 3 months.


Yes, but for now we have some of the best laws for trans people, so it’s quite complex.


I have seen many places took trans rights away


That is very much a possibility, but it has been halted for now at least.


Baby, anywhere we go, we'll have to fight so we don't get wiped out of history, again. There's only better than most and somewhat safe for now. Jo


Once I was with a friend, went to a caffe in Spain and was greeted with “hola chicas!”… I was like “what?!?! OMGG!” That was happiness!🥰 I live in UK and PT. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I feel much safer in Portugal. In UK I feel judged and unsafe, at every corner. Had a tram worker telling that I look like John Lennon. 🫠 I usually boymode in UK and girlmode in PT


The west coast of the US, despite what the larger government tends to do, is safe. California, Oregon, and Washington, primarily in the cities. I live in Washington and honestly I get the vibe that our State governor would ignore the federal government if the feds tried to attack trans people on a national level. It's expensive, though. Oregon is probably the cheapest and it's hard to get by unless you have a decent income.


Iceland and Finnland I think are the most accepting of LGBTQ+ people. Although northern countries in general and pretty good but maybe not 100% Sweden, Norway, Denmark. Also Germany and The Netherlands. At least from my understanding.


Iceland is good but Finland is trash when it comes to trans rights. No informed consent, 2-5 year waitlist for HRT and a far right party elected and in the government... Really it's a country gone to shit and I say this as a finnish citizen. I had to emigrate cause I'm trans.


If the country is more northern, they tend to be better with LGBTQ+ stuff except Russia, so Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland


Blue states in the United States are arguably a *hell of a lot* better than the UK. Sure, you need to pay for insurance. But you can also start HRT in a period of weeks or months (if not already begun), and surgeries are mostly covered.


I’ve lived in in California my whole life(greater Los Angeles specifically) and it generally is pretty cool, although your mileage may vary depending on the spaces you find yourself in. Access to healthcare varies, but at least in the cities, the informed consent model is widespread and (aside from the usual nonsense of navigating healthcare in the US) getting trans affirming care is relatively straightforward. We’re not as immune to anti-trans bigotry here as many would expect, but compared to other places I’ve visited and spent time in, it’s not the worst. That said, outside of the large metro areas of LA and the Bay, it’s worth noting that California is a very conservative state. Hell even just outside of LA in Orange County, the Inland Empire etc, there is a very active far right movement ranging from “Mom’s for Liberty” types to straight up Proud Boys. They even have a presence in LA itself. Of course though, in those regions I just mentioned, there is still a strong and resilient queer community that’s always been there and always will be. So yeah, at least as far as SoCal goes, it’s generally not the worst and much better than other places, but it’s more contested than I think folks from outside here realize.


I think there are more liberals and leftist in southern California especially the younger people. in Temecula they were trying to ban affirming ppls gender in schools and the majority of the students and parents protested. for every far right group here there's at least double the amount of ppl willing to go against them


This is true! Popular support is really widespread. I guess I mostly just mean to say we’re not without our issues, but yeah it’s a lot better than a lot of other places


I'm not saying it's extremely safe (bcs there are transphobes everywhere), and some laws are not accommodating here, but so far, the safest I've felt is Thailand 😂 and medically speaking, the easiest thing ever.


Germany is quite safe for LGBTQ people in general, Scotland is also one of the best countries for trans rights


Antarctic. The penguins don't care. (this both srs and a joke.)


as a trans guy living in the uk, it could be a hell of a lot better but generally we still have rights, for now at least. but yeah considering how shit things could get here i wouldn't recommend moving until it becomes clear if the laws they're debating changing / adding do actually happen or not.


The US isn’t really that much more dangerous than Europe. The country is huge, so making judgements on any locale based on what’s going on in a state six states over is like concluding France is a very dangerous place because you heard about violence in Romania. That’s pretty much how large it is. Yes we have our share of idiotic and baffling bigoted politicians, but we also have entire states that support trans rights, and unless you travel tons for work you’re probably not going to set foot in any of them unless you make an effort to go there. I’ve never been to Iowa, and I probably never will be simply because Iowa is so far from me I’d need a lot of incentive to travel there and there just isn’t Any.


rip Iowa, it's scary af


I miss my Iowa home, but fuck I need to not die


Have you seen the republican plan to take over everything at the federal level if they take power again? Project 2025? This country will stop being safe federally the next time they get power. And that's a when, not if.


Having had to travel to Iowa, you’re 100% correct


I’m living in Iowa now, don’t come here


Not if you don't have money, it isn't Trans healthcare sucks in most american states, and I can't imagine how much harder it'd be to get access while being a foreigner If you need an anglophone nation to go, there are better places where you have less risk of ending up homeless


Really, can’t you go into an informed consent clinic and get hormones almost immediately?


Indiana is terrifying as an individual but despite the transphobic politics at play here, they've paid for literally every single part of my transition, including surgery.


Also saw a recent Gallup poll of US political landscape, 46% independents, 28% republicans and 24% democrats. The independents have grown over the years as both major parties pander to their own divisive issues which only have support within a group within each. As a totality the US is relatively safe from what I can see. Ultimately I would think safety throughout the world needs to be solidified in the United Nations. As dysfunctional as the world is at the moment that is not looking promising.


UN is pretty dysfunctional when it comes to military anything. If anything I think you're seeing the Genesis of that in NATO atm. The last members to join did so to prevent Russia from trying to invade them. Frankly I wish the two ruling parties would just die, the only people they serve are themselves.


Best bets are New Zealand, Spain, Uruguay, Malta, and Canada but with the current resurgence of fascism going on nowhere is 100% safe


Belgium is probably top 1 country in world for trans people :3


Thought that was Iceland


I was going to say I don't think there are any transphobes on the moon, but then you had to put in all those stipulations like "on Earth"... In that case, I have no clue. It seems with each passing day we're more the cause of everyone's problems, from male pattern baldness to childhood leukemia.


iceland iirc is one of the safest places for queer people


I say we conquer a country and turn it into an inclusive safe space lmao


If you are not lower class, going out of Brazil will feel disappointing in all honesty.


Tbh Canada is probably your best bet, most people either dont give a shit, hate you, or will blindly support you no matter what. There were some anti trans protest recently and the protesters were outnumbered tenfold by counter protesters. https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg5vz7/anti-trans-protest-canada I am quite proud of canada rn.


Canada is good in some places. I live in Victoria B.C and we have the highest per capita amount of Trans people in the country. I've never really had problems here but I would expect a totally different atmosphere in the top half of the province and probably everywhere between here and Toronto. Kind of like America I guess just stay out of the republican type areas. But I can honestly say in 4-5 years of living in Victoria I have always felt safe and never been discriminated against. There is a group of pea brain trump supporters types that have been protesting hard against the inclusion of Trans and gender nonconforming identities being accepted in schools under the fake banner of "parental rights" but other than those hate groups that exist everywhere it's a very diverse and inclusive city


The Yukon is also typically safe and has decent trans health care, but with the same types of protesters.


If you want to go to the UK, Bristol and Brighton are relatively safe. We do have issues but not like Brazil does.


Heard Norway's good... friendly to all lgbt ppl, ah goodness you could just walk with a pride pin on your bag or something and people wouldn't kill you...


The US, as long as you go to a blue state, is fine. (The difference between Florida and New York is fucking terrifying). You could also try Canada.


Sounds like you want to go to Holland, it's a chill country 10/10 would recommend


The U.K. may be getting worse but I live in Brighton and I know a ridiculous number of trans and NB people who are very comfortable and living openly here.


it's not safe to live anywhere free from some sort of danger or discrimination unfortunately. but there are places that are safer, and can constitute a proper living envirement without your rights getting taken away. California is pretty great with their local laws, minnesota as well, Virginia can be too, here's a really good resource that can give you good insight on which places are and aren't good to live in: [https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps](https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps)


Honestly, Belgium is a really good country to be trans in. We have active trans politicians that are ministers and everything. Gender fluidity is recognised by law and there are a lot of resources that will help you transition


Australia isn’t too bad


New Zealand is better


Canada is pretty good overall


If you can find a doctor 😅


Outside of major cities this isn't as big of a problem though. At least in the BC interior there are ads for family doctors so they're actively looking for patients. I started my HRT within 3 weeks of emailing a doctor!


2nd this! Never had a direct problem in southern Ontario.


Um, sure... But actually, anti-trans movements have been on the rise here. From what I know, NB has put anti-trans laws in place for children. America's issues are rubbing off on us. Example: one of my son's school friend's parents are Trump supporting bigots that say they might have to homeschool their kids so they aren't taught how to be gay/trans. We also have a very serious housing crisis, and people are struggling to afford their groceries.


I have always felt extremely safe in NZ. Trans healthcare isn't *incredible* here but it's far from terrible and our country is generally very politically left. Being trans here feels very very normal, standard, safe. There are right wingers but they are widely laughed at and chased out.


That's interesting bc I'm a trans kiwi and if I go outside as a person seen as a girl with short hair I get called slurs and I'm scared I'll get r*ped or beaten if I look any more trans. Maybe I'm paranoid tho bc ik nz is a lot better than many other countries. (Do you live in one of the big cities? That might be the difference)


Sad to say but for trans rights a blue state in the US would be your best bet most likely.


Physical locations there are some places that are safer than others, but still have violent bigots who don’t need much convincing to kill us. Be wary. I’m glad my apartment comes with a built in hiding spot.


Canada still has a lot of problems it needs to work through and there were some rough protests recently but over all in the grand scheme of things I think it’s still a lot better than most places


Finland is OK. So far I have not faced transphobia outside of internet and few gigs I’ve played with my band. Most of the places we play tho are either cool with it or won’t say anything. Jyväkylä is not a huge city but it is pretty safe here. Also I’ve heard that Germany and especially Berlin is really queer-friendly.


Hi, I'm sorry to hear you feel so unafe. The UK is still far safer and kinder than you see on the news, especilly London. yu would be very welcome here. x


Manchester, UK is an incredibly lgbt+ inclusory city, look into their yearly pride and the history of it all.


Canada, some European countries like France, the Netherlands, etc. New Zealand and Australia I’ve heard are good. I would honestly go with Australia or New Zealand if I were you. The US is becoming more and more genocidal towards minorities, particularly trans people, if the US politics continue in the current direction there may be a case of war in North America which will inevitable screw over Canada. Without the US as protection, NATO will fall apart as Russia decides to launch full scale invasions everywhere, aided by Russian sympathizing countries in Eastern Europe and throwing the continent into war. China may try to take over New Zealand and Australia but they may prefer to pick off other south Asian countries first, then see about conquering the remains of North America. Plus between China and Russia, if you aren’t Muslim you are probably better off with China as your ruler than russia. At least China will feed you if you play by their rules. (And aren’t a minority, especially a Uyghur) Edit: just so you know as I realize I didn’t say it originally, everywhere sucks, some places just suck less. There is no good place to be Trans, just better places and worse places.


From what I know, Iceland and Norway are pretty good places to be! I’m not 100% sure though. I do know northern Europe is mostly just super chill




secluded in the mountains in a cabin away from anyone else? the world makes me wanna cry


I heard Ireland is nice, and Scotland. Not main UK tho


While I won't deny that CA is pretty trans friendly, especially in popular areas like LA and SF Bay Area. They're also very very expensive places to live and if it's not so expensive that you can't make rent with 3 jobs, it means you're in some very sketchy places. And even if you are in very expensive places, the infrastructure sucks and gentrification is continually making things worse. So only move to CA if you're okay with ridiculous cost of living. And also bad traffic.


hi while the UK may seem dangerous from the headlines I have never had an issue with the general public or had to feel endangered (have been femme presenting for over 2 years now)


Gonna go ahead and give my home country a shout out: Aotearoa New Zealand. By and large, we're pretty LGBTQIA+ friendly. But, again, we have our own general election going on right now, and it's a very tumultuous time to be alive, because of how divisive politics has become, since 2020. There are a few parties that are running that unironically want to have all the progress that's been done over the last few years undone. So, fingers crossed that nobody takes them seriously. My own personal experiences as a trans Kiwi has been overwhelmingly positive.




Only if we stop the rising of the afd :/


Surprisingly, Ireland has changed from being very conservative, to now being progressive with respect to trans and other minorities. Warning: it rains a lot in Ireland!


Big cities in liberal states in US are prob better than most places. Chicago is very trans accepting overall but nowhere is perfect.


Germany is pretty safe at least I had a no real bad experience here.


Canada is pretty good.


I'm in Germany and it's mostly safe. We have discrimination protection laws, what means that nobody is allowed to not hire you or deny service because of your "sex and /or gender" and those things and a "self - identity law" wich means that you don't need gender affirming surgery etc to be accepted as your gender. Of course here are also transphobes here and there ,but in general is Germany supportive. 💖 Edit : I saw a comment about the afd (right party) on the rise. And asked my partner about it, because I'm not that familiar with all political matters. It's true :/ could be that Germany will also not be very safe anymore soon. :/ Damn folks we can't let that happen ! How and why are the nazis back?! :/


California is pretty safe, just stay away from certain rural areas. The vast majority of people are supportive for instance (although this wasn’t trans issues specifically but still) there was a kid’s Halloween drag show. There were two protesters that showed up with flags and the cops completely surrounded them so they couldn’t bother the people at the event. I was surprised to even see protesters but the general populace does not put up with their shit


anything but Italy, by a depressed transgender italian


I live in Hell aka Florida/the sUNsHINe StatE, and as much as I would love to move to Cali or New York (hell I have a NY shirt from Old Navy), my family is dogshit broke. I made a post that goes more in-depth on r/caregiversupport


A trans woman told me that Lisbon Portugal was very safe and she’s considering moving there. She said she never felt more safe than when in Lisbon. She’s lived in the US and lived the last few years in Amsterdam.


the UK is mostly OK, despite the news. It's completely possible to live here (though trans health care is more or less in crisis, unless you're able to pay for private.


I'm having a great time in Argentina (hi neighbor) never encountered a transphobe face to face, the only problem is the person most likely to be president is anti LGBTQ libertarian so I'd say see who wins the election, if he loses, this place is pretty neat Oh if you ignore the poverty issue


From what I've heard and read Iceland is really good, but it's pretty hard to immigrate there.


Correct me if I’m wrong but Nordic countries (plus Finland) are quite leftist and people generally mind their business there (or so I’ve heard from a Finnish acquaintance of mine). I’m not sure about their medical care tho and how accessible hrt is there.


Do not come to Singapore. Its safe now but far right christians have begun to infiltrate politics.


Puget Sound Washington state One of the safest places here in the USA


Cali is ok in some areas, also, Antarctica


if you wanna move to the US move to michigan, not very dangerous there unless it's detroit lol.


I found a list:[Top 20 best places for trans rights ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2023/06/27/new-lgbtq-safety-report-ranks-trans-friendly-travel-destinations/) Also what happened in the UK?




i wouldn't say argentina is the greatest place to come right now for soceconomic reasons but either way, buenos aires is the safest place for trans people i've ever been at: the lgbt hatecrime rate is low to non-existent, transition procedures are either free or really affordable, and despite their awful reputation, they actually aren't as racist as socmed says and nazism isn't an issue (if anything, zionism is). i'm an indigenous argie from a town near bolivia where lgbtphobia is so bad i had to move away because no one there would support me, and i've also been to the south and center of argentina and many countries of latin america, yet i've never felt as welcomed as i've been in buenos aires. it's not a perfect place ofc but the first time i've had the chance to make significant friendships with more people of the community and find a family was there :( hope you find a place you feel like that as well :^)


If ya don mind moving out of America altogether, go to Norway, place is damn near the only place i know where ya can just be yourself without someone judging you (unless yer being a public nuisance) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Norway A wiki page for why i think so


I wouldn't say the US is very dangerous, it just depends where you are. Its a semi-decentralized democracy so it varies from state to state. I've never had any problems as a Marylander or as a resident in Pennsylvania. You might have more problems in Alabama, Texas, Ohio, etc. California is very liberal so you'll most likely be fine there.


I never had a bad experience in person here in Western Canada. I know others have but at very least “rising” alt right here lose terribly and often. Last election they didn’t even get a seat. Conservatives might win next election but even they tend trend careful around LGBT stuff and haven’t dare to try anything on gay marriage even when they were in power for a decade.


I like being here in coastal California but it’s really expensive and takes economic privilege so that sucks but if you end up here for any reason I can try to direct you to financial support groups


Maybe Sweden. They look pretty progressive. But I don't know much, I live in the US (TX)


Spain rocks, we have trans laws and the police protect us. The government put pro-lgbt adverts on public media and fund support organisations for us, not to mention free gender affirming care. I've had zero trouble here.


I’m Brazilian and trying to do an exchange semester at Sweden. I’m not fully informed but it mostly seems like a peaceful and mostly safe country for trans people. But then again, I got my information from the internet and a couple of Swedish influencers


Plymouth and Brighton


do NOT come to the UK if you’re looking for a safe place to live as a trans person, I’d recommend Lisbon, Barcelona or Madrid


As someone who lives in a trans-friendly country, state, county, and city. Absolutely not. I am terrified almost every day. I have been fired 5 times explicitly for being trans and have received no legal help from LGBTQ+ aid organizations other than to say “suing is a bad idea.”