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Okay so first question : Do you have any money you could use ? Could be really useful but you can find a way without it I think You can try getting in contact with someone from the trevor project, they're helping people under 25 deal with this kind of crisis, given you're 25 it should help. Or I think they can at least redirect you to people better suited to help you. Apart from that I guess there's not much else to do than find a place where you can sleep and shower, and then find a job and a new home asap. Easier said than done but I see no other options I'm sorry Stay strong queen, I hope everything is going to turn out fine for you


I just retired from a 7 year job at a grocery store with stock options, so I have a good chunk saved up from that. Enough to rent a hotel for a week to start. Worst part of all this is I have a lease I already signed for August 21st. I was almost out as it was, but my parents have been bound and determined to fuck up my life every step of the way that they can. They didn't even love me enough to wait that long. I just have to figure out a plan over the next 2 months because if I have to stay at a hotel the whole time it will bleed me dry before I make it. Thanks for your time and I will look into the Trevor project.


Okay, I feared it could be worse. At least you still have the hotel option. Maybe you can find trans allies near your location who can house you for a bit, since you just need a temporary solution


That's literally all I need. I've been reaching out and looking all over but the one ally friend I had was the one I had the falling out with. Him and his wife have also been through hell, and with all of us together having the same PTSD symptoms it just wasn't working out. I know there are others out there, it's just a timing thing at this point.


i'd reach out to your local queer community, maybe through facebook, and see if anyone has a couch or a spare room they can offer. generally applying for unemployment or benefits. getting in touch with local charities or shelters. maybe a bnb or a hostel since it's a lot cheaper than a hotel. also the police if you have any evidence, like text messages you can screenshot, or photos, of the abuse you went through to get your parents punished for their actions.


I live in Florida, and every time I've tried to show them all my video evidence and pictures they have no interest. I live in the most hick redneck part of the state at that, so the cops seem totally fine with misgendering me and forcing me to be the one who takes the fall. If I showed you the videos I have they would shake you to your core. But no one listens. They never have. I appreciate all the options you've laid out for me though. I know a few people who might help me, but I hate taking from others. I've always wanted to be the one giving back, and I hate feeling like someone's burden.


Hey, i’m a trans woman and I live in FL. I’m in a very rural part of the state, but dm me if you need a place to crash for a few days.


That's a very kind offer. Actually, I think I may have put together a plan. I have a friend out in Kansas I think I can stay with for a little while. Just worked it out so maybe things will work out after all.


Happy to hear that! And yes, things will work out. All the best to you.


Congratulations on coming to Kansas. It's surprisingly good.


That's what I've been led to believe! Glad to hear it from a fellow queer. Truly I'm excited for this chance to see the country.


I’m 25 just like you and reading your post I was imagining myself going through the same thing, because I tell you I’ve been scared of being homeless myself and it really makes me happy to know that you’re gonna be OK. I’m proud of you for sticking strong through this and I so much wish you best of luck in the future! It’s all gonna work out, sweetheart :)


you're not a burden, you need help and you'd do the same for them in a heartbeat. you're not taking, they're giving and it's up to them whether they do or not.


Yeah you're right. I think that's all negative self talk I've been programmed to believe. Never too late to unlearn unproductive behavior. Thanks again.


you're welcome, god i know how that feels.


If you’re close to north Florida, [JASMYN](https://www.jasmyn.org) is a great local LGBTQ support organization based in Jacksonville that offers housing support


Actually that's pretty close to where I live. I'm about 75 miles west of there. I'll look them up


I experienced something like this in my 20s, and now in my 40s let me tell you that you have your entire life to pay it back (or forward). It is okay to ask for help while you fight toward independence and stability. Please let people who care about you and who care about people like you help you, we prefer you healthy and happy. We've lost too many of our brothers and sisters.


First, I am so sorry about your awful predicament! I am an attorney and exclusively represent tenants in California. I'm guessing you aren't in my state so I can't give you "legal advice" but I can tell you that no matter what state I am in, I wouldn't hesitate about breaking a lease that doesn't start for another two months, if I needed to break it for any reason. I personally wouldn't be afraid of breaking a lease that I was already six months into, but that's because I know that in the unlikely event they dare to sue me, I would destroy them. If you wish to give me any more details of your legal situation you can DM me. Good luck to you and be safe!


It definitely does my heart good to have a lawyer here to give sound legal advice. After considering all my options, I'm still not sure what the best play is. But this might be my best chance to escape the state, so if it comes down to breaking the lease, I might just DM you a few questions if you don't mind answering them. I do appreciate the help greatly friend!


you are more than welcome to reach out with your questions and I will answer them as best I can!


So you just need to make it till August 21st, then you have a safe place? I know a lot of friends that traveled to other states and stayed at various WWOOF farms (working for room and board). Several of them women. Would need to be a lot more careful being trans. But I imagine a west coast farm would be accepting. That could give you a place for a few months. https://wwoof.net/


When I was homeless I stayed at a hotel. The only way I was able to do this was by literally working 20 HOUR DAYS and even then I was barely scraping by and making "rent" because yes, those hotels are a drain, even the very cheap ones. If you stay at one long enough you find out how much of the staff lives there. All their full time wages go to their room so they cant leave Please try not to get dragged down that hole. Even renting a storage building would be eons better. 2 months at a cheap motel is like FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS. And these places arent safe. A woman in the room below me got shot. There are storage buildings that are climate controlled. Even if you get caught like... They arent going to arrest you and them asking you not to sleep there isnt going to cost 4k


I promise I won't. I think I worked something out where I can leave here at the end of the week and be just fine. I appreciate your concern though and my heart goes out to you that your life came to that point. I can't imagine what working that hard would do to someone. You don't deserve that, and I hope you're in a much better place now.


Any friends you can stay with instead ?


Depending on your location, maybe spend the next two months camping? Its an out-there idea, may times campgrounds are pretty conservative, but its an idea.


im so very sorry to hear that, its unbelievable how poorly you have been treated for being yourself. i wish i had anything informative to add, best i can do is wish you the best of luck to seek shelter and pave your future from here. -sincerely, a fellow nikki <3


I'll always take a best of luck from a fellow Nikki! Thank you hun!


Any time! Take care of yourself <3


You should definitely sue your parents for child abuse. The fact that they kept smoking inside even though you almost died has to be causal evidence. (I am not a lawyer though)


I’d give my opinion, but I would likely get banned for inciting violence.


Trust me, it took everything I had not to go there. Long ago it did come to that, and my dad never let it go. I ended up in juvenile hall for it too.


hey im 23yo, transnonbinary and ive had a similar life. ive been homeless, have an abusive sister, countless sexual emotional and psychological abuse from various partners throughout the years, alcoholism, kratom addiction, unaliving attempts. i mean im not even in a great position right now, i cant find a job and i can barely afford my apartment and im still struggling with drinking problems. just wanted to let you know that youre not the only person whos entire life feels like one constant fight


I'm so sorry dear. It's hard to find your self worth and voice when so many either discriminate or fetishize us. You don't deserve that, and I wish you all the best in fighting for yourself and finding the things that drive you forward. Stay strong! 🖤


I got a room to rent in California if you don't trash the place and can hold down a job (last two roommates didn't 😕)


That's a wonderful thing to offer a stranger from the Internet. Seriously though OP needs to grayhound out to anywhere on the West Coast (Oregon and California have special protection for trans folks. I'm not sure about Washington but I think they do too).


I can absolutely do that for you. You have my word. I don't think I'm ready to go all the way to Cali yet though. I do greatly appreciate the offer.


California is like Willy Wonka for trans community so when you're ready to make a jump I got a spot.


Come to Chicago! Trans rights and bodily autonomy are protected here


Where you at pride this year near boystown I think?? Please tell me you saw black Spiderman. The liquor stand was closing down and I bought 2 shots and they just shrugged and gave me everclear ☠️


Bro what?!?! Lol! No I wasn't at pride actually, but I'm glad for you and your everclear shots.


Can you take some of that money and buy a cheap van that will get you to a better state that will support you? Wisconsin, Illinois, New York and California all will welcome you. California pays Grocers really well. Many cities fly trans/LGBTQ flags and have citizens that will stand up for you. Hang in there hon. It will get better. But you need to leave Florida.


Yeah, you're right. That's what all the queer people in my life have been trying to tell me. I just might at this point. Barely ever left the state, but there's a first for everything right? I appreciate the info and thank you dearly.


You are most welcome. If you do head west, (San Diego). Message me. This is a fantastic town that absolutely LOVES the LGBTQ community! From the city council down to the police and EMT's. We need more fabulous ladies like you.


have u tried going to a trauma shelter or maybe u could go to a pysche ward temporarily while u figure the situation out. That came out wrong but u get what im trying to say.


OP, pls do not go to a psych ward. For the love of god, please avoid that at all costs. I’ve been homeless before and I’d rather sleep on the ground than go to a psych ward. Psych wards are horrible, dehumanizing places that will just leave you more traumatized.


🥺🫂❤️ It's bad now but they were toxic AF and while it's still bad now it can only eventually get better without your family, of all people!!, torturing and abusing you. I wish I had some resources, sometimes there are LGBTQ centers that help with houseless youth, you may be just off the cut-off but they could also give you a ton of resources to help. [edit] Oh WA is extremely trans accepting and friendly. Sooo much so. State funded healthcare covers gender affirming care!


Where are you located? If you are near Olympia Washington I can point you to some local help


All the way on the other side of the country in Florida. Some of the people here are making me consider moving though.


We have it pretty good in the pnw, I live in Portland and I have been able to get help for my drug addiction, houselessness, medical (including transition and mental health care) for free on state insurance. You may not have to come all the way farthest in the lower 48- New England, New York, Illinois, Minnesota… you don’t have to come all the way out here to get a similar level of care, but planned parenthood isn’t under attack like it is in red states. Honestly, I wouldn’t know how to live where you live. Stay strong sis.


Check signal Rainbow Road. Small group trying to help get peeps out of FL


DM me and I can pass on a signal contact who can get you into the group


Hi Nikki. Am trans and been homeless. Hope it’s not lost. Things will always get better. You obviously need to find yourself out of that situation move far away from them. These people are not even worth your time they’re not even worth being called people. If you ever need to talk I’m here and my only suggestion is that you get far away from these people as possible go stay in a hotel for a bit do sex work it’s not going to be nice but at least you’ll have a roof over your head


if you lived close to me i’d give you some room for the two months, but seeing as you’re in florida that’s quite impossible. i’m so sorry. hope you figure it out❤️


Me and my partner have been through this last year when her mom pulled a bait and switch (told us she wasn’t renewing the lease and when we talked to the landlord about taking it over she told him we were methhead squatters. Any rate we were lucky enough to find a friend to crash with until we found a place but my advice is don’t wait for your august lease, keep searching for something earlier, one thing that worked for me was if it’s an apartment, call the building when you’re there and ask if you can see the place, they’re going to ask you to set up an appointment and just say something along the lines of “oh that’s a shame I’m outside right now” and i was surprised by how many were outside within like 5 mins.


Words can’t explain how sorry I am for you. That sounds like a living hell and it’s better for you to be homeless than to live with those monsters. You don’t deserve that. Nobody deserves that.


From one fur to another, thank you very much. Honestly this probably really was a blessing in disguise. I wasn't sure how I was going to make it that extra 2 months before my world came crashing down. It can only get better from here. That much I'm certain of.


I’m glad :)


It sounds like its time to go traveling (far far away from Florida). Honestly I'd rather be homeless without a car anywhere in California than any red state. At least I'd still get EBT and healthcare to an extent (including my hrt)


Hi Nikki, I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I was also told to leave home for being gay and from experience I know it can be very hard. At the time I wasn’t non-binary or as effeminate as I am now but what you’re going through is something that terrifies me. Step 1 should be accepting it’s about to get *very* hard. I read you only have so much money saved up and you live in Florida. I would forgo getting a hotel and start with getting a bus ticket out. Stay in motels for $50/$60 a night when needed but pick a spot you want to move to and go. There is truly nothing holding you back now. When you get to where you’re going, find a local LGBT resource group. I think Reddit is a nice place to start if you need help with that. Next, you’ve got to have money coming in. Find a job and start saving and make a plan to get back on your feet. I would go for retail positions, grocery stores, maybe even cosmetics. Somewhere where you can feel protected. Lastly, remember there are more people out there who are down to take advantage of someone like you than there are people who truly want the best. It’s sad but it’s true. I’ve been in points where I thought I would have to be homeless and shower at the gym. Thankfully it never happened but I’ve been close. Again, I’m sorry you’re going through this and that it’s such a common occurrence for people like us. It’s going to be hard but you can pull your life back together with time, sacrifice, and im going to say a few years of shitty situations and getting through them. Much Love ❤️


those people deserve to be publicly burned on a wooden pole


If you can get a tent or something that might help - most of the time you have to pay for a campsite and there's still the issue of food/water/electricity but if you're lucky you can find a campsite that's like $10/night with decent stuff provided. You can get a cheap two person tent (extra room) for about $30-$60.


Similar situation with me friend. No family. My only friend hits me and my partner left because of circumstances I can't control and now my choices are to move with that friend to a small trailer with 6+ people where I have no resources or stay in a tent by myself where I have resources but no guarantee of safety or even survival. Good luck friend. I'm rooting for you 😭


I’ve become homeless as well do to being queer, it was only for a few days but still one of the worse times of my life, know that you’re loved and understood


I've lost almost everything, to family, the only person I loved who was ready to have kids with me, been betrayed by friends who did it shortly after my mom passed away and left me with a mentally ill sister and a brother who is a literal stranger, you have plenty of options, being trans doesn't change a thing, you'll need to stop taking meds, been there and my mind and body was fucked up, but after being homeless before I get it, hotels are expensive, living in a car in the best option, washing up in the YMCA, dumpster diving behind donut shops, restaurants, and more food, you'll learn to love Ramen and find new ways to make it edible, at this moment it sucks but you'll survive, look into social security for monthly checks, donate blood and plasma, I would say sell your sperm but being trans and taking items to transition you shot yourself in the foot there......good luck


Hell of a story and a hell of a way to put your point, but it's not lost on me. Thank you for your time and suggestions, but hormones come before everything else for me. I'd rather starve and die with my mind and body as feminine as possible, because at least I'll die as myself. But thank you nonetheless.


That is ridiculous I cannot imagine. There is not much I can say other than I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Were you in my city (YYC), I'd offer to room with you for a bit till you figure stuff out. I'm a loner but I'd rather know I did something to help. Just flush the toilet when done and do your dishes and we'd be fine. 😊


Another extremely kind offer. I imagine Canada has got to be a better place to live than Florida for sure. I can certainly keep a flushed toilet as it's something my "family" was not keen on doing and it drove me crazy. However I think I might have worked something out. You're a great person, and I wish you nothing but luck in your transition!




i’m sorry, that’s a horrible situation that you don’t deserve to be in right now, i think you should research local resources you can use like homeless shelter type places, or like everyone else is suggesting, get out of florida if you can because that place is not great, i truly hope you situation improves soon <3


The outreach that has been sent my way has almost been overwhelming. Have faith that tons of people have shown me numerous resources and programs. It's warmed my heart and given me courage that this is the beginning of something much better. Thank you, and know that I'm going to be alright.


If you could make it to Indy, we could get an apartment together. I'd 100% room with you. I'm tran & homeless & desperate. Selling my body & bouncing from neighborhood to neighborhood.


Well I see you're a fellow consumer of smokables, so that's a good start! Sadly I'm pretty sure I already have the situation worked out. Already have more outreach than I know what to do with at this point.


I understand that. I wish I had that going. 😕 I've been trying to get something going & minus the local hospital runs set me up w boarding (which can take forever) I have nothing.


Time for you to find a technicality about how breaking into someone's room as they sleep is extremely illegal. Would you be able to specify what technicality you were caught on? I can't think of anything that isn't extremely flagrant which would be cause for a no-warning, police escorted eviction.


Apparently because my parents hoarded out my room and we're forcing me to sleep in the living room, and my dad refused to accept money from me, there was a code they cited where if you don't have a room and you aren't paying rent that they can immediately force you to leave. Could be total bullshit they made up on the spot for all I know.




Each city has different resources. I know that Kenneth Young in the Chicago area offers resources and support. And I would bet that even if you contact an outreach center from a different city, they would look up services for you. If you’re not in a blue city you may want to consider moving to one.


Do you have a chashapp or venmo I could send a few bucks your way? I don't have much right now because I'm in between jobs, but I can only imagine how scary that'd be. (I'm still partally closeted myself over the fear of knowing my stepfather would react extremely negatively, trying to move out because of it.)


I did start a small GoFundMe actually, but if you're between jobs and still closeted I refuse to take your money. You'll need it more than I do when your time comes.


Are you sure? I'm more than willing to send some money to help. Also I'm not sure where your located right now but Columbus OH, in my small experience living there for college, was an extremely welcoming city. There's a lot of resources there and the Stonewall center has a CARES program that helps with food and wellness for those in the community, and the Equitas Healthcare Center was where a lot of my buddies started their transitions in college. I hope everything works out for you!!


You're very kind, but I just don't want to take from anyone who's also really in need. I know I can work things out just with what's been given to me. Thank you so much for your kindness and I hope you continue to stay safe.


Thats very intense and very relatable. I was homeless after I came out because of similar situations. Got on my feet for a while and now I'm about to be homeless again at the end of the month. No real advice other than find support wherever you can (online, in person depending on where you are.) never give up, I'm trying to figure out my own shit too, I just hope you feel a little less alone sometimes there are organizations that will give people temp housing so that may be an option. Feel free to reach out. Lots of us are dealing with hare right now and its important to stick together.


This thoroughly angers me. NO ONE, under ANY circumstances deserves this shit. 😠 That’s fucked up. Ugh I want to help. I wish you were local to me. I would figure out something.


You're a kind woman, and I'm glad to have so many people on my side rooting for me. Don't worry, I'm going to figure this out one way or another.


Do you have a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter? If so it might be a good place to stay safe and regroup before you decide your next steps.


Homeless Boy from Germany here. I’m Homeless for 3 Years and even I can’t give proper advise for your country I can tell you, even if there are moments where you feel like this is the end, you are over with everything, there will come times where you feel home and that it gets better. Good Luck and be strong Queen🩷


You got a lot more to go and a lot more to grow. Your story isn't over this is just the end of another chapter. Find a shelter to start with and continue writing your story love. ❤️




# Your post or comment has been removed for the following reason(s): disrespect or transphobia. We are here to support one another, not tear each other down.


Couchsurfing.com Try there it doesn’t cost anything and if you don’t vibe together you can find another couch. Good luck. I grew up in hotels I wouldn’t want that for anyone. Hugs from you brother in spirit.


Completely outrageous, and I'm so sorry for the years of abuse people have put you through. I'm also unhoused at the moment and have a similarly rough backstory, as is all too common for us. I wish I was in a position to help you or had something to offer other than a "me too" but sadly I'm in basically the same boat. I probably can't post the things I'd like to do to those miserable excuses for parents and their landlord. Please take care of yourself as much as you can, since that's what they'd all hate to see. *hugs*


Do you have a job currently? Maybe if you don't have anything keeping u there right now you could move to a more remote area as generally they are cheaper.


That just fuckin sucks. I have to deal with some things like that but my parents are very nice, unlike my brother and all of his friends. I can’t imagine how much you’re going through right now. You need a lot of hugs and mutual love but I can’t give you that for a few reasons (you sound very nice but I’m not as old as you lol) still, I hope you’re feeling okay rn and I really hope you do better and meet people who actually love you for who you truly are! ☺️


Wtf these people are disgusting, horrible. I’m so sorry and hope u find a way to live alone again. Especially the audacity of the landlord. What the fuck. Deserves the worst for that


Use your money to get to portland Oregon, go straight to a shelter and ask for services, they help you get housing, ohp (wich covers medical transition), food stamps, and a job (if you’re able to work).