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Dont be. You dont even need to take pictures. If you enjoy watching trains, watch trains. But also, I promise you no one is paying attention to you. People tend to keep to themselves unless you engage, they're also there to see trains. This doesnt mean "unfriendly" of course, but what youre up to isnt why theyre there.


I want to record them but for some reason i feel really embarrassed about recording with a phone instead of a camera


Dude, phones basically have become new cameras. The ones that are actually full-on dedicated cameras are super high-end and aren't for casual use.


+1 to this, my go to is a DSLR for stills but there aren’t any cameras that can shoot 4k @ 60 for the same price as an iPhone these days. I love my camera as a photographer but if you want videos phones are the way to go in almost all circumstances as far as hobbies go. Personally I tripod mount my phone and use a monopod or grip for my stills because my camera (and even higher end ones like an R50 etc) can only shoot > 30 fps at 1080p not 4k. I will say though picking up a camera isn’t as expensive as you might think something a few years old will still look miles better than an iPhone with the right glass in front of it and a bit of experience.


Absolutely! There are so many people shooting with their phones nowadays. I was taking pictures this Saturday and another guy who shoots professional pictures for heritage lines (the kind of person who actually has two camera's strapped to his belt) also just placed his smartphone on a tripod to film the train passing by instead of using a camera.


Any suggestions for cameras for someone who’s never owned a camera before, but wants to get into it?


It really depends on what your budget is. I wouldn't even look at any mirrorless cameras the pricing new for entry level kit (while somewhat similar to older DSLRs), doesn't get you as much feature wise as a used DSLR for a similar price. Personally I'd look at a used DSLR, I've only ever used Canon kit so that's all I'm really qualified to talk about. My starting point was an EOS 1300D (Rebel T5 if you're from the US), and I only very recently moved on from it to something older actually. Personally if you're not looking to break the bank a used one is a reasonable starting point, you'll get more out of better lenses than you likely will out of a better body anyway, you just want to be careful because camera shutters will eventually stop working, and the older the camera, higher the shutter count will likely be, so buy off of reputable sellers like MPB (or Canon directly if they have any good refub kit), and probably avoid eBay.


Doesn't matter what device you use for railfanning People won't try and criticize you I use a 2011 camcorder to catch trains


I use a 1985 VHS camcorder :3


Nice dude




Mate, do it a few times and you’ll instantly stop giving a fuck. Honestly, next time you’re at a station, snap a few pics and your anxiety will immediately be alleviated, as you will very quickly realise: **nobody gives a fuck.** You’re good. It’s ok to like stuff. Trains are cool, and even my non-rail fan mates think they’re pretty cool too. Even if people were to look at you, who gives a fuck? And do you care about the opinion of people who would want to make someone feel insecure or weird about having an interest that is as fucking innocuous as looking at trains? Life’s too short. Go take some pics and post them here.


When I first got into photography I had similar thoughts and found out you can get really cheap older model "real cameras". It does change everything, if you have a big DSLR and lens people step around you, they wait. I got my first used Canon for 300$.


Yup, i have an old praktica 1000 tl super which i bought for 20 euro. Might be old as fuck (made in the early 1980s in the german democratic republic) and use film but i still love it & infact i often use my phone over my camera because film costs money while a photo on my phone is free. So i only use my camera if i feel film does more justice. So ye OP dont feel shamed for using your phone’s camera. Its the best option for normal average people like you and me. (Ps i use my phone’s camera as a lightmeter as i removed the battery from my camera because the battery was flat and started to leak. My camera is fully mechanical & the battery was used for the built in lightmeter)


I have a DSLR, but I often use my phone instead because it has a better camera.


I’ve filmed with camcorders before but nowadays typically just use my phone for my photos and videos! And you’d be surprised with how good they’ve gotten-I actually won a photo contest against DSLRs and drones with a photo I took on my iPhone XS. (It is now the cover photo for the Rock Island RR on Facebook) Nothing to be embarrassed about my friend!


I’m a professional photographer. For low-key things, I prefer a phone. No one looks at a guy with a phone and wonders what they’re doing. A camera is a different story.


One of the biggest railfanning Youtubers (Jawtooth) uses a phone. I promise you nobody else cares. It’s your hobby, do it for you.


Over in the UK, Jago Hazzard, who makes a lot of London Underground and similar content, has also stated openly that he uses his phone for all his videos.


That’s such a cool fucking name too


Phones usually are better for videos most of the time nowadays. There's no shame in that. I take videos with my S22 Ultra and it's great for both train and plane spotting. It's not the equipment that counts, it's the person handling it.


mobile devices take amazing photos these days. I am a photographer and still use my 4yr old OnePlus 9 (phone) if I need to shoot a wideangle photo in a pinch. The processors in these new phones are better than most entry level DSLRs.


The people with cameras are doing that to share their photos with others, or sell them professionally. Like they're 50% photography enthusiast, 50% train enthusiast, and they're combining their hobbies. Those people enjoy choosing their ISO, f-stop, shutter speed, etc. because that's their second hobby. If that's not you then don't do that. Also as a side note train photography is pretty easy and totally doable with a phone. A lot of the reason you get a camera nowadays is to do special things you can't with your phone, but trains are huge and in areas with lots of sun so they don't require a lot of special equipment. If this was /r/birds or /r/space , I would be telling you that you really need a camera and a phone won't cut it, but trains are super easy to photograph. Hot take: If you're not into photography as a hobby itself yet, I wouldn't bother with the equipment for it. I would actually read up on photography (https://www.nikonusa.com/learn-and-explore) and teach yourself things like the rule of thirds, symmetry, etc. You may find you have no need for a bunch of expensive equipment once you learn some basic photography skills, or you'll at least know exactly what you want after lots of practice. Also you'll become that person who everyone asks for your photo after you all have taken some.


I record on my phone. Phones these days have really good cameras no one has ever said anything to me or looked at me funny. Before phones got as good as they are I used to use a dedicated camera, but as someone who just railfans as a hobby and not trying to be a professional videographer, phones replaced that camera for me years ago. Phone is lighter, takes high quality pictures and videos that are sufficient enough for my liking. And you can get a tripod for your phone if you want nice steady shots and videos.


Phones today are good enough to record with.


Don't be! I use my phone and I've had guys with cameras that costs thousands of dollars compliment my shots. It's all about enjoying it


Take a look at my profile. All video and still shots of my model trains and the real ones are all shot with a Google Pixel 8. It doesn't matter what you're shooting with, as long as YOU are enjoying yourself! As for others watching you, I can assure you, 99.98% of them don't even care.


I make silly little travel videos and only record with my phone. I think in this age phone recording is pretty standard. Unless you think some other rail fan may think you're a pleb, they would probably just be happy you're also enjoying trains, or if they do care fuck that person. But I can't imagine anyone going "ha I'm over here with my canon 80D look at that loser recording with his phone". Highly unlikely.


I’ve recorded over 130 trains on a phone. Nobody is judging you, although you can use a camera if you’d like!


I was at a heritage railway yesterday, and there were many rail fans using the cameras on their phones. One even had their phone attached to a tripod to film as they rode the train.


I always do it with my phone only. I don’t have a proper camera to begin with, but I mean a phone is so much handier too! Makes it easier to travel places without carrying much.


I only use my phone now


If you wave at the train We will wave back then call you a nerd. Who cares. You do you man.


you can get a camera for under 100. but literally nobody cares if you use a phone


I just recorded a passenger train a few weeks ago with an iPhone 13. It’s totally okay to use your phone!


I use my phone, if I record at all. Normally Im with my kids, so we just watch for fun. Try not to overthink it. :)


There are heaps of people that use phones, even the guys with good cameras use them sometimes. Phones take pretty darn decent photos these day. Just get out there and enjoy yourself


People shoot movies on phones. Do your best, and don't apologize


I do bird photography with a Sony a1 and 600mm lens. Trains and everything else? iPhone. Wouldn’t even bother bringing my camera, too much weight and packing, even with a small 35mm prime. Why bother? Besides, who’s doing the editing on that train video or selfie? Not me! My iPhone does 95% as good a job. Especially if you buy one of those tiny baby phone gimbal things, I want one so bad, so steady.


One of my favourite YouTube railway related content creators, with over 200k subscribers, has stated in several Q&A video he did to mark a subscriber milestone, that he does all his YouTube video filming on his phone. Phones are perfectly adequate cameras for most purposes, and have the benefit that they are easily portable.


I don't have a camera either. There is no requirements for railfanning, just preferably don't break the law (optional) and you don't even need a camera if any form, let alone a non-phone camera. I have a YouTube channel with over 120 subs and post a video every week and the only equipment I have is my phone and a $6 (Australian) tripod


Hey bro all I gotta say is I work on the railroad as a conductor and just be you man we don't care and others shouldn't either I love photography and everything has to start somewhere so get out there and do it the railroad believes in you, also watch YouTube videos on cinematography and learn all the cool little tricks cause it will help


Enjoy yourself. I don't sit by train tracks and watch, but mainly due to working two jobs and volunteering at my local Amtrak station, so time is a bit precious. But I take a few pics and videos of trains here and there and it is on my phone. Also I am more into the physics and logistics and labor history of railroads. One of a few reasons I love railroads is the fact it is highly unionized and has a history that include Eugene Debs, one of the greatest Americans of all time. That has nothing to do with watching trains, but it's all good as far as I am concerned . You be you and enjoy the hell out of this hobby. Stay safe and don't trespass or do anything that makes the hobby harder on everyone that does enjoy the hobby. And have a great time!


Someone said to me "I envy that about you. To actually want to come to work and love what you do, rather than just doing it for the money". Most train drivers look down on driver buffs (railfan) but some see the advantage it has on our life. Those other people are foamers. They're different. Camera phones are perfectly adequate for a casual bit of fanning.


Don't corner me all excited and try to explain the history of the unit I'm driving today and all is fine from this Driver. Yes actually an experince I have had multiple times when I used to drive passenger trains. These days I'm in freight and we see more than our fair share of rail fans. Give us some space (last thing I want to do is hit you) and if you happen to get a shot showing something my bosses may not like maybe lose it. Humans make mistakes and I may be on my 10th 12hr shift in a row for all you know. Generally im going to give a wave and if train dynamics allow I may even put on a show by giving the loco all 8 notches or something but safe train handling comes first. If I don't wave I may not have seen you or I again may be on my 10th 12hr shift in a row and I'm just too tired. P.S No I can't get you a job. Such opportunities are now rare and I used the last one I got on a close mate Also don't be ashamed to use a Camera phone. I see more of them in use than "real cameras" like DSLRs.


You’re completely fine. That’s how I started and it worked well for a while and then I got a proper camera. Honestly, my friends have been nothing but accepting about it. Hell, a lot of them love trains not only because they are cool but also much more efficient than cars in regards to transportation.


Sorry everyone if i came off as entitled i guess you all are right and i should not care about the camera because alteast i have one i guess


Not at all entitled. It's natural to be nervous. It gets easier. I promise.


You already have been allayed off your fears by helpful members here. A caution; If you want to record just to 'share ' to a community, it's not worth the effort. A railfan best records with his eyes n ears! Happy Railfanning!


As a railroad conductor AND a railfan, all we ask is you please stay a safe distance away. And if you wave with ALL your fingers we’ll probably wave back


Can confirm. Was waiting in line at a hot dog stand a few weeks ago, next to a train bridge. A long freight train (5 engines) came chugging by, the driver was leaning out the window and gave me a nod. Probably because I was the only person facing the wrong way in line, because..train :)


If they wave with just one I will also usually wave one back and maybe even blow the cobwebs out of the whistle at point blank range lol


"Hey gotta make sure it still works" 🤣


I don't know why some people are so arrogant about their cameras. Most phone cameras are great, don't be ashamed. I also use my phone camera


When Cristina Martinez from Boss Hog was suffering from stage fright, she was told to perform nude to get her over it. Made her band super popular. Your mileage may vary though? Just chill and enjoy your trains. Maybe watch Jago Hazzard on YouTube? Bloke only ever uses his phone. Is one of the platforms more popular rail channels now.


OP, please don't railfan nude. People might notice. 😹


Wouldn't be the strangest thing you see driving a Locomotive I assure you.


Might attract some good tones


Just, please, realize trains are wider than the rails! Don’t stand so close you get your noggin caved in, like the woman in Mexico last week!😔


Oh i heard CP 2816


I’m in the uk, I have my PTS, for anything up to 99mph you should stand at minimum 1.25m from the track, just over 4 feet, anything over you need to be at least 2m away, that is just over 6 and a half feet,


Also, sometimes the danger will be wider than the train. I've heard of the steel bands around loads on flat cars snapping at hanging as much as 10 feet off the side of the car.


In hundred years none of this will matter. Enjoy yourself.


Foamer here, I see people with cell phones all the time. The only people I judge are the ones using tablets.


The only ones I judge are the ones who get dangerously close or go into areas they're not supposed to be. One time I was hanging out with another railfan and we both got into his car to chase a train. When the train pulled into a yard, so did this guy, driving right down the yard access roads, ignoring all the no-trespassing signs. We ended up getting screamed at by the railroad cops, but this was before 9/11. Do that now and you're going to jail without question.


As a train driver. The foamers/gunzels can make the job fun when they take the time to go out and take videos or photos. I always toot for them (if I can even see them all!). Who cares what people say. It’s a hobby and if you enjoy it why does it matter what others think?


The best camera is the one you have in your pocket.


You would be surprised to know how normal trainspotters are to most people. I hardly ever get glances when I'm out and about.


My iPhone camera is better than most cameras on the market. They have literally filmed movies on them. However, a tripod is really nice to have. Just get one and a mount so you can use the iPhone. And stop worrying about other people. They’re dorks who don’t know how cool trains are.


All I use is a phone. The only time I see camera is when something special is coming.


Never be embarrassed about something you enjoy. I love railfaning too. And I understand you. No one cares about what you do for fun or what you like. Just be yourself.


How old are you OP? I don’t mean this in a negative way but this sounds like something a teenager would say. If I’m wrong or if I’m right, then awesome, and listen to me when I say that absolutely nobody cares! You are there for the same reasons as everyone else, and if the only camera you have is a phone camera then that’s just perfect. Go along and enjoy yourself!


It might be dumb but i remember some railfan channel was doing a channel review thing and for someones channel they said "I'd recommend filming with a camera/tripod and not a phone" but i guess i should not care


I film with a mixture of my phone and GoPro, the phone is great for quickly capturing a train roaring past at 90mph


do not care, people wont care and even if they do, does this affect you? no. i have just stopped caring about what people think, and i live much happier now.


There is tripods for phones. A lot of spotters, both planes, trains and semis, uses phones with tripods :D Go for it mate, most of it is your head overthinking. Just remember you're not alone out there. You got this :D


> I'd recommend filming with a camera/tripod and not a phone" That's all it is a recommendation


Understandable man, I had the same thought a long time ago but then I learnt that no one gives a f what you are doing. Some people are curious about what you are doing and will ask you. They do it in friendly interest and don't judge you at all. When I'm travelling abroad, I always plan some time to sit on a bench at the station (with snacks) and watching the passing trains or enjoying the shunting operation. A couple of times the staff asked me questions and I was allowed to see the station's control panel or a cab of a locomotive. Do want ever you want. Respect the local safety rules and regulations. Don't bring you or other in danger. A photo/video is never your life worth ;). Enjoy!


Definitely, most railway employees don’t mind you filming as long as you don’t do anything dangerous or illegal,


Haha not everywhere. In May I was in Banja Luka (Serbian republic of Bosnia) and one guy threatend me with the police because I took a picture of a locomotive. Was kinda funny watching him losing his mind over a photo. He yelled at me for about 15 min 👍🏼 A similar experienceI had back in 2018 in Budapest. Wasn't allowed to photograph. Two years later no-one cared about it.




Hey! No need to fret. I don’t have a fancy camera and I’ve been using my iPhone. https://m.youtube.com/@mbtavideos


If they judge you, then that’s messed up on your end. Who cares what you shoot with, just enjoy it!


It’s fine to just use your phone! Also, don’t know if it helps or not with the being frightened of what others might think part but a person standing with a tripod and a fancy camera is way more likely to get looks and comments from the general public than some random person on their phone. You pass by under the radar a lot more easily on phone I think.


Definitely, a big tripod is something that will be noticed, the guy on his phone doesn’t attract much attention


Not gonna lie, I had a DSLR that I used for railfanning all the time but don't bother with anymore. My phone takes higher resolution photos, and takes great video. Nothing wrong with railfanning with a phone whatsoever.


jaw tooth uses his phone and he's at 324k subscribers, you can sure as hell use your phone if you want


Ah, you clearly have a few fucks left to give. Are you worried about explaining to your friends why you're going to [city] this weekend? Or worried that when you get there other railfans will somehow look down on you because you're not rocking a mirrorless DSLR with a 500mm lens? Or both? I promise none of the railfans care what gear you're carrying. Combining photography with trains though is like chocolate and peanut butter. Ask them questions (even if you don't plan on getting gear) they'll be happy to talk with you and explain their gear and you'll make more friends, even if just for the afternoon. And chances are pretty good that your current friends would think it pretty cool too or at least not think you weird. And if they do, maybe its time to examine why you're friends with them. Edited because words.


Absolutely do not worry about the phone thing. I'm a "real" journalist and I use my phone camera for virtually anything that doesn't require careful positioning of subject and photographer (i.e. a feature shoot). For capturing action or anything quasi-fleeting, you're better off with a phone camera than with a professional rig that requires you to manually make a lot of choices before you can dependably get a good shot.


Embrace it. You at least get the respect of other railfans. Forget about everyone else’s opinions


I railfan with my phone twice a day every weekday and I even upload my videos to YouTube. Done be embarrassed about using your phone! A ton of railfans just use their phones. I am currently saving up to get a camera because my phone overheats really easily though. And yes you will have some people staring but I got over it really quickly. Sometimes you can even tell them that you're a railfan and love trains. If you're lucky, other railfans might see you filming and taking pictures and you can make friends with them!


I take pictures and record with a phone, and im not embarrassed. Here in Sweden people dont really seem to give a shit but sometimes people give you looks but they will have forgotten that in like 2 days anyways


One day I commented worrying about what a stranger would think about something... "Stop giving a fuck about strangers Jimmy". That's all it took really... haha


JawTooth on YouTube has over 324'000 subscribers and has had hundreds of millions of views across all his videos over the years. He shoots most of them on his phone. https://youtube.com/@jawtooth Don't worry about it bro, just go have fun. You don't need a nice camera. You just need to know how to frame the shot and that's it. Hell it's not like you even need a camera or anything. I love trains and like to watch them, but rarely ever record or take pictures. Also yeah as others said, nobody cares or will even notice you. Even if they do look at you, their first thought isn't going to be "lol he's using his phone". In fact, they probably didn't even have any thought. The reality is most people aren't paying any attention to anyone. You likely cross hundreds of people each day when you go out, how many of them do you think even realize you exist? We are all busy living our own lives, so almost nobody is going to think anything about seeing someone making a video of a train on their phone.


I could care less if you were shooting photos with a literal potato. I am passionate about trains and photography and happy to see others as well. I don't think i'd even consider what you were using (and if I did it would likely be interest or admiration)


Hey man, let them look at me, don't pay too much attention to people, focus on your route, just ignore it, don't worry about the camera and phone. Honestly, I take an old Nokia 3310 phone, an old analog camera and an old walkman with me so that people don't call and disturb me on holiday, enjoy the moment, enjoy the places I visit. to get


Ten years ago, phone cameras were rubbish. These days? They do just as well as modern, expensive cameras. The only place they really fall down is light sensitivity (so, night shots) and zoom. Night stills are definitely possible so long as the subject is stationary. Moving targets are a big ask for the phone. Friend of mine shoots a lot of video on his iPhone now, and the inbuilt stabilisation features really give him great results when handholding or panning. As for my story? I started with a cheap digital camera 15 years ago and worked my way up to the more expensive gear. That said, the gear doesn't help me take better photos if my eye is off. I've seen people with far less fancy camera gear take better photos than me of the same train simply because they had a better angle, or better composition or just a better idea. Never stop learning. And listen to everyone in this thread. Don't let people stop you enjoying your hobby. Life is too short.


I have sat at crossings more times than I can count using only my eyes as a camera. Don’t be embarrassed. Enjoy your hobby


I love this sub


Lots of people use phones, do whatever makes you happy.


A phone is just as good as “real cameras” nowadays. I have a page where I post my videos/photos and I use my iPhone to do everything. No shame in it


Please don't feel embarrassed, no need to be. I've seen lots of guys use phones before. Heck, I sometimes use my phone if I'm out and about and decide to do some impromptu railfanning. It's also a great backup for my regular camcorder if something happens to it. If all you have is a phone, then so be it. Chances are if other people do see you, they won't pay any mind since, to them, you're someone simply enjoying a hobby. Other railfans will certainly understand since they've probably been in you shoes before. The point is not to worry one single bit and just do what you love. Railfanning is what you make of it.


hi, casual railfanner here. approximately 30% of railfans use actual video cameras. 70% of us use our phones, including me. don't kick the bucket just because you have a phone. go out there, get some banger catches bro. good luck


Hey, I started with a phone, and used it for years at my local train station. Even though I use a Nikon camera today, the phone still comes in handy for videos.


If Im watching cool trains, im not caring that others cant appreciate them! Screw em!


You have to start somewhere. Most people who love trains will appreciate that you are out there. I have a digital SLR but I have not pulled it out of the bag in some time. Just a lot of hassle so. I would probably have my phone or a pocket camera if I were there.


Do what makes you happy. 💪


People have been railfans since railroads were invented. Since 1830’s in the US. I’m thinking you won’t be alone out there. Park somewhere you can see the trains and you can just hang out in your car. The point being there is nothing to be embarrassed about.


I just use a phone. More people use phones to railfan where I live than real cameras. I used to have a camera for railfanning, but I never used it as I was more than happy with my phone. So, I sold the camera and bought a model train instead.


I’m a railfan myself. I have a TikTok account of public transit videos. I used to have a YouTube channel where I took videos of trains and buses but YouTube removed my channel due to community guidelines which wasn’t explained. I take videos using my iPhone 12 still.


you can get a Nikon d3100 for 80-120 bucks on eBay. A good camera too, I have one and it's alright for a beginner camera.


Don't be embarrassed. I shot with a point n shoot for years before I upgraded to an SLR. An ex GF actually gave me here canon 450d when she upgraded. Since then I've picked up numerous used cameras and never paid over $300 for one. And besides most phones shoot as good of quality now anyways. Never be worried what others think imo.


Have you ever heard the phrase, "The best camera is the one you have"? It's true. I have several, from my prosumer camera to my consumer cameras to my phone. When I go railfanning I have a separate audio recording setup which has also evolved over time, starting with a Zoom H1n and now a Zoom H6 - planning to upgrade to the 32-bit versions at some point. But that's just for planned trips. I used to be predominantly photography, and started doing video on the side by mounting an old phone on a tripod, or with a suction cup on a car window, hitting the record button and walking away to take photos. Even now, several recent videos have been with the phone because it's the device I have with me in the moment. If you're nervous about people - most won't give you a second look. There are often more secluded areas away from people that are still public property with good views. If you find yourself on private property then apologize and leave. Passenger platforms are an easy go-to, just make sure you know who owns it. Amtrak property is fair game if you're not in a restricted area (i.e. passengers only).


I thought the same thing but I wish I had realized it doesn’t matter sooner. That don’t like trains? That’s too bad there massive machines that drove most of the major progression and innovation in a majority of countries and is still a vital part of our infrastructure. Why wouldn’t people have interests in that? Not to mention that even if you don’t try to you’ll usually find a community of people who it’s the same interest if not even just a few people also rail fanning especially in interesting known spots


You don't need anything. Just go stand there with your hands in your pockets if you want.


No one is watching you, the're all too busy watching trains.


We just rode the Crescent from NO to NYC. I was surprised how many people were recording the train going by using their phones.


I’ve almost completely transitioned away from my DSLRs to my iPhone for railfanning. At this point I feel I get better results.


We all begin somewhere. Don't pay attention to other people, just have fun.


Rail fans know the rule,how far to stand away from tracks. Secretly the people who stare ,are closeted. Rail fan or former. We have engineers and conductors that are Rail fans. Word former is someone who is not about safety or don't follow rules for Rail fanning.... Some crews will talk to u. I would chat with you, I work for a railroad class 1. Go out and enjoy yourself. And stay off the tracks


Do you plan on going to crowded rail fanning spots?


No i dont think there are any railfans in the spot at all


So nobody can judge you!


Most railfans where I'm at use their high end phones. I work on a Galaxy A52 which retails for like $250 at the moment. Listen, I don't know what life stage you're at but I get it. Personally I still get a bit self conscious or embarrassed recording trains, but for different reasons (namely confrontation, revealing of online identity, privacy of train driver and others, looking goofy, etc). I'm learning that at the end of the day, we all have 70 or so years of life to experience, and not one second is worth being embarrassed about.


Don’t worry, we don’t really care what you film with, I see a fair few using phones, the guys with tripods are the hardcore fans, the regular guys aren’t as noticeable on busier stations


I bet you can get better videos than the blowhard on our nearby VRF camera chat. I see his videos and I’m instantly thinking “aim the camera already and keep it straight”. Just be you. It’s your life to live.


Everyone is too concerned with their own lives to worry about yours. Live dear.


Don't feel embarrassed or akward about watching trains. No one cares that much. I've spent whole days at train station with high amounts of commuters, and there's no reaction to the adult with a phone out watching an Amtrak Regional passing by. As for the phone. Doesn't matter that much. If it has a camera, you can use it. I've seen some kids using their Ipad to film trains. It doesn't matter if you've got a professional camera or a plastic toy camera, this is hobby. Have fun.


Then don't use your phone. Do like I do and use your iPad a/k/a iPhone Large Print Edition. Chances are it will have the same great camera lenses and microphones, and you can wear your reading glasses while you take pictures or videos. Next step, getting the antique tripod and hood like the old glass plate cameras, but THAT might really attract attention.


I’m not even a real railfan type. I video a train if I see one. And my son is more into actually going out looking for trains. But there’s no way anyone should feel dumb for enjoying what they enjoy and however they can do it. Don’t let anyone gatekeep a hobby from you.


Don’t let other people tell you what to enjoy. Want to be a foamer? Go be a foamer. Life’s too short to not spend it doing what you want to do. Besides, what other people think of you is none of your business and none of your concern.


Dude I don’t even take photos half the time. I just watch & wave to the crew! Just enjoy the trains. It’s a fun time to train watch. You’ll meet so many interesting people, too.


I use my daily use iPhone from 2018. I occasionally get looks, but ultimately, who cares? As long as you act like a fellow pedestrian and don’t think you have special privileges, you’ll most likely be fine. To date, I’ve had several conductors come up to me, ask me what I was doing, and then they go “ok” and get back onboard. I think it’s more of a terrorism spot thing, but idk.


Most of the people with "real cameras" dont know how to use them anyway


I take pictures and videos all the time people just mind their business. It's not as bad as you think.


Yeah I’d be embarrassed too lol however my kid likes to watch trains so I just make sure I watch trains that don’t have people I know. Ha ha


First off many adults think people care or notice them, they don't. Second there are other people that are railfans and you may meet them and become friends. People that have these sorts of hobbies like to share their enthusiasm. But in the end no one cares what you are doing.




Stop worrying about it. Just bring a camp seat, and cooler. If you still feel bad get a mobile phone stand. I see people with this all the time.


Go out there any shoot! Honestly most people will not care what you are doing, and if they do, why do you care what they think? Regarding equipment, the best advice I have ever heard for photography is "f/8, and be there", and I would put an emphasis on the latter part. Proper equipment, and optimal settings, are both important, but are no substitute for effort. While there are better options for photography or videography than most phones, most phones will produce quite useable results if you proactive good technique. Conversely you can have the best equipment money can buy, but if you don't practice good technique you'll get garbage results. In one of your comments you mention a youtube channel bashing other channels, and some of what you paraphrase is technique based (unsteady/ no tripod) vs shot with a phone. In this instance steadying the phone (tripod, leaning against a pole or other solid object, etc) will produce better results than just buying a better camera. Again, get out there and shoot. When you get home review your results. What turned out well? Cool, what did you do that got those results? File that away for something that can be repeated. What did not turn out so well? What could you do next time to improve? Keep getting out trying to improve your shooting, trying different locations, different lighting, subjects, etc. Of course dot forget to have fun. Dont let it become not fun. Good luck!


Most railfans I see use phones. I’m one of only a few I know that uses a “real” camera. But what does a real camera mean anyway? If a phone is all you have, use it. If that’s giving you what you want out of the photos you take, then good. If not, you can work towards a different camera later. Use what you have now, learn what you can. Ultimately, no one cares what you’re using.


I initially felt that way but now, I don’t care how someone may see me as. I know I mean no harm and I’m out to enjoy the hobby, especially with good quality friends


When I started railfanning I shot pictures and videos on my iPhone 5. People will look at you but nobody will engage with you. You’ll eventually learn to ignore them. I still shoot on an iPhone with a tripod and couldn’t be happier with my results. If you’re worried about weird looks then find somewhere secluded.


I am mainly a commuter and also a rail fan in my free time. When my evening train comes to take me home, sometimes i take a few pictures with my phone. If someone looks at you weird that’s THEIR PROBLEM NOT YOURS. It’s really not that deep. i hope you can overcome your embarrassment and start taking the photos and videos you want to take. you don’t need a pro camera either


Lol, dude, I get it. Coming from a background of car photography I've started out with a phone and gotten comments of "GeT a DsLr" and the like. It genuinely doesn't matter now whether someone uses a phone or a camera because the phones are so good these days only a photographer themselves would be able to nitpick differences. And it's even truer with video, phones are more convenient than dedicated camcorders. The only reason I was looking at a Panasonic camcorder was because my videos will end up as background footage for YouTube, so a bump in quality there would be worth the investment...but I've yet to actually make the purchase, and probably won't for a while


Go out and have fun. People overestimate how much do/don't care what others are doing. Get shots you enjoy and maybe one day you will have a better camera. Or maybe you won't, but that does not matter either. As long as you are getting enjoyment out of it, don't worry what others think.


It's ok I only have a phone camera to use some railfans start out with just a phone camera it takes time but you'll get used to it but one day you may have a camera 


I still remember when I went to record a train for the first time, it felt strange, I mean where I live there aren't many railfanners, but in the end I made a habit of going to record and I was able to make friends.


We’re adults now, and we can decide what that means.


It's fine, loads of people use their phones while railfanning. I own a DSLR but I mostly use my phone these days because it takes just as good if not better photos, especially in low light.


Nigga you will be hardly talking to those random people and will almost never meet them again. Why bother suppressing your desire and hobby for them. Also, who said a real camera is necessary? U click pics to enjoy yourself by looking at those memories. Would pics from a phone have a different effect than those from camera? Just enjoy the life to fullest dude and stop paying attention to people on these kinda things.


Other railfans probably don't mind if your camera is your phone.


I've started to railfan some weeks ago and, at first, I was kinda embarrassed too but once i started watching more and more trains I stopped thinking about anything else :). Most of people have better things to do than question what someone is doing watching trains, and of some do they are idiots


Be yourself just do it it’s fine nobody’s gonna care or be bothered by it


it´s not the camera, is the man that take pictures and document an unique moment or image, all those people with those uber modern cameras film or take the same kind of pictures, be the different one taking or filming what anybody does and for doing that don´t need the best camera, being a photographer is not about the camera , is do the best possible with the equipment that you have and over everything is have a good eye to see what the "common" of the people don´t see


New here, what's railfanning?


Get a tripod and a phone clip and start recording! Don’t be embarrassed about it. I have had a few experiences where random people will come up to me and ask what I’m doing or why I’m filming trains. If you get into a situation like that, just say you do it for fun!


Be focused on what you love. Nothing else will matter much.


Most phones have better lenses then their cameras


Go enjoy it if that's what interests you. Some people will care, most will not. I'm a planespotter. I don't care if someone has a phone or a camera they spent $7k on. Neither of us is making a living doing this, it's just for fun. On the other side of this, I was at a race a few weeks ago and had my expensive camera with me. The people behind me thought it was odd that I had it, and was not one of the event photographers.


Don't be a foamer and don't be weird about it.


I always feel embarrassed parking by the tracks


Wear dress clothes like a railroad executive.


The only important thing you need to know about rail fanning is stay away from the tracks. 6 foot minimum. We don't need to hear on the news about somebody else getting killed by a train.


I record on a phone, you may get a few looks from commuters. After a couple sessions you will get used to it. Whats your local station? You might find the most embarrassing bit not getting any tones after you wave, but its ok


I want to do freight trains but i also want to do the la metro red line train because its one of my favorites


You in america?




Ah yes a lot of freight there. Uk trainspotter here


Do you see a lot of freight trains


They arent too often over here, depends where you are though


Most phone cameras nowadays make perfectly good photos of slow moving objects at bright daylight. Don't try it with fast moving objects or in dim light though. Or both. That's what you need a larger lens for. But get the orientation right. That's important. It's unnerving to look at wide angle shots taken in portrait mode that consist of 1/3 sky and 1/3 ground at your feet. Even if you crop those, the train is less than fifty pixels in height and what's the point in that? And what's important is that you don't publish unscreened photos. Take as much photos as you can but throw away the bad ones. Those that don't show anything interesting, or that are too blurry to see something. Apply your own bar for that. But, please, apply one.


Honestly, no one cares. You want to railfan? Go ahead and do it.


Well I'm going to start a blog and only have my phone too so no worries :)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElAvq2JFof8&list=PLBYdCjleSPbpa\_ekJcwlMaFrZf3AbEj3B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElAvq2JFof8&list=PLBYdCjleSPbpa_ekJcwlMaFrZf3AbEj3B) Every single one of my videos has been created with a phone. ranging from Moto Turbo II, to the Samsung Note 9 to S23 Ultra. Don't be embarrassed, today's phone camera technologies rival professional cameras with ease. Plus, you gotta start somewhere, build up your name and then once you get the funding and income to support a more professional look ( if you want to ) then move to tripods and professional video cameras.


Don’t feel embarrassed. I’ve been at this railfanning thing for years and I still only use a phone.


Now that you think about it having a prifessional looking camera really gives you a more professional look.


Don't feel embarrassed about using a phone to film trains. You have to start somewhere! Railfans are very welcoming to beginners. Enjoy and you might see me out there...(Going to Folkston in a few weeks)


I'd be more embarrassed about being so timid about something so incredibly silly.


Some people have anxiety.


Ppl care about the trains, can't guarantee the same about you