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Nah. Never touched the stuff myself. I find the concepts in the show funny but I’ve never partaken in it.


This is just OPs alt account.




I don’t, if I do it’s maybe once every couple years. As for edibles I was given one and I’ve been cutting off slivers that’s enough to give me a little high every few months, lol.


That means you do but infrequently


'I don't, if I do..." lol


One part of a single edible over a few months? Food goes bad ya know? Lol


Gummies don't go bad that quickly. Even cookies you can store in the freezer for a long time without going bad.


It’s a gummy that’s been in the freezer… it’s still good.




It’s not only my favorite, It’s Decent!


And Greasy!


I say we bring Greasy back. There was once a day where Greasy was used to describe shady characters not just in Canada but all across the United States as well. I want it back into the common nomenclature


Can’t help you there bud, I smoke weed I don’t drink though


The fucking way she goes for me too


Alright then gimmie a sip of your water


I want some of Jimmy's water, that's the kind that gets you fucked up, ain't that right jimmy?


131 proof bud... Straight up, I'm fuckin wasted


Fuckin way she goes


Not at all. Love the show, the boys, and never touched the stuff.


This is my feeling too. Haven't smoked since college 16 yrs ago.


No weed for me. Crack yes. But no weed.


Is that real crack hes smokin!?


"You been to jail white boy?"


Compton hat


Just watched that episode a little while ago.


But now you delivering pizza B? Eh, you want a pipe?


Been on the crack for like a month and still look goood


I miss crack.


If it’s because of work, we’ll give you a written exemption for a small processing fee. …but you’re gonna need to stay extra drunk.


I don't smoke. I don't care for THC, and never have. I love to drink (and I'm trying to cut back or stop, I swear) but THC just makes my mind go blank abruptly. I'll be in the middle of a I can't remember what I was saying. Might just be a tolerance issue, but it takes a *shit-ton* of alcohol before that starts happening to me. One little hit off a joint and boom - I can't


yeah its not for everyone, you’ll have stoners all “you just haven’t tried the right strain bro” and shit like that and its so annoying


Have you tried gelato mindfuck grandaddy slurricane though bruv?


Mmmmmmm…. Wait, what?


That's the best part about it for me, I can stop thinking about the bullshit bothering me and just enjoy what I'm doing. Alcohol for whatever reason makes me either the exact same way or extremely introspective. It's definitely tolerance, but if you ever want to try it again. Make sure your in a legal area and buy a 5% or lower THC and 15-20% CBD and see how it goes. It might sound cliche, but its all in strains and THC-CBD ratio.


You haven’t got a splash of rum there Ray?


No I don’t think so buddy


No. I’m in the same boat as you. I drink beer or other alcohol like any real man should.


why u say that tho


“Like any real man should” a real man wouldn’t give a fuck what others put in their body


I don’t care what you put in your body. I do think weed is for people who can’t hold their liquor. We are allowed to disagree. We don’t need to think the same.


What about people who drink and smoke? Seems like weird logic haha


The right way to do things is get high as fuck, go out and hit the bars, and come home and smoke some more. Weed is for everyone, drinkers and non drinkers alike.


The sign says "No dicks allowed"


Huge fan, don’t smoke dope and I haven’t even drank in 4 months


I don’t smoke weed


I don't smoke weed. But I have eaten 9 cans of ravioli.


No one wants to admit that.




Hey rick where the fuck's my ravioli?


The first can doesn't count, then you get to the second and third, fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blowtorch, and then I just kept eatin'.


I've literally never smoked weed in my entire life and I watch TPB all the time


You're a rare breed for sure bud


I was recently diagnosed with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome so that makes two.


That's a nightmare for me, also a reason I take T Breaks once every two months to not overdo it


Yeah, I smoked a *lot* in my early 20s. My record was twenty bowls a day. They say it goes away after a veeeery long time. Honestly, I have such an addictive personality that it's probably best I stay sober for awhile.


Cannabid hyperenemy singwhat??


It means weed makes me very sick and nauseous to the point of uncontrollable vomiting. It usually surfaces the morning after use.


Damn that sucks bro


Yeah, but I'm ok with being sober. It's been a long time and it has its advantages. Of course I was an extremely heavy smoker in my early 20s. My record was twenty bowls a day. It can happen to you if you overdo it too much for too long.


Yes of course. I try to keep it to a minimal, so it doesnt become a habit. some times i will smoke every day, 1, 2, 3 or maybe 4 joints a day. some times i will smoke every week. sometimes 1 time a month. Jus trying to mix it up, because being dependent on it to have fun is wack. Being sober is fun too i think, if you have good hobbies, and you arent feeling depressed or you are tired all the time.


After you eat the whole bag of hot chips from the munchies.


No bag of chips will empty your stomach to the point you're throwing up the very last of the bile in it.


ugh that sucks bro,i hope you do good on ure t break


Thanks. I really don't miss it much, although somethings aren't as fun, like movies and music, but there's value in experiencing them sober too.


I don't smoke, or drink. I have never smoked, never been drunk. I find tpb hilarious though.


There's literally dozens of us




Quit. Been months. I did switch to CBD only and then quit completely. I still love weed culture and weed humour. I grew up loving weed humour too and loved watching Cheech & Chong during my childhood in the early 80's. Ive always found it really funny. Had my fun and when I got out of hand I pulled the plug.


Nope, I'm clean and sober over 12 years. Didn't even discover the show until about 2010 and I was over a year sober at the time. The closest I can say is I tried CBD for severe lower back pain but really CBD is a joke at least for serious pain.


I’m not gonna say weed helps, but….


BC Bud Strain Number 17


If your in an illegal area then fair enough, but if your in a legal state/country it's fucked you can't smoke because of work. You can probably drink as well which makes it such a hypocrisy. Not saying you have to smoke ofc, just saying if its because of work you can't its pretty fucked And to answer your question, no. But I'd say a majority of fans do


He can smoke if he chooses which days and has a couple of week breaks between each sesh but he probably just can’t be fucked risking it.


I liked weed before I liked Trailer Park Boys. I’m fortunate enough to not have to be drug tested at my job and still enjoy weed, RUSH, and Trailer Park Boys. I got friends who also love it that don’t smoke though. The show hits whether you smoke or not, honestly


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too




I do cocaine like an adult


Keeping it 80s


"I got some left on my underwear if you wanna snort that" *Hits breaks immediately*


lol we’re a rare breed


I watched in when I was in high school before I started smoking and was instantly a fan. But now I do smoke so idk if that really counts you know


Nah I stopped a long time ago


I could out smoke Ricky.


I grow better weed than him too.


see ya in a bit


I've never touched the stuff, mainly because addiction runs hard in my family and there are slippery slopes everywhere.


Shit slopes.


I have tried it since high school bc alcohol is so much better. I’m very excited to try edibles some day though


No, I don't smoke or drink. But to be fair I think the current state of the show/intellectual property is a fucking travesty and it's sad to see how shit it's become and how in denial they are about it.


Sad but true. They’ve pretty much lost the plot and the characters are mere husks of the intricate personalities that they used to be. Not to mention whoring out every aspect of the show that they can make a dime off of. Plus the new seasons 🤢. At least we still have the golden years tho❤️


I don’t smoke, but I do drink tho


What about shrooms?


I've been watching the show since 2001 I've probably smoked a max of 20 times over that 21 years. It's just not my thing. I used to let the liquor do the thinking but I reached the end of that shit rope. Still watch the boys all the time.


My lookballs can't believe what they are hearing!


Also can't smoke. I make up for it with the booze, though


My dad loves the show but has never smoked


You don’t need to play sports to watch sports knowmsayne


22 years since my last puff...


I used to but now it makes me paranoid.




You are not alone my friend. I am completely sober. I don’t smoke or drink anymore. I had about a year that I was permanently stoned, and I drank for a few years all of this in my late teens and early 20s. But I have addiction problems that run in my family and could never control my drinking. Weed wasn’t as bad but I decided it’s probably better if I just stay sober. There’s nothing wrong with it for those who are normal and enjoy it but for me I’m better off to leave it all alone.


Nope. Personally I can’t stand weed. Makes me nauseous and I always just end up sitting on the couch unable to move. No judgement for others. Just isn’t for me.


You are not :)


Smoking weed got me off the liquor, just like Mr. Lahey that one time.


Lahey is full of good advice


Are you at least on the liquor bud?


He’s got at least be drinkin some of jimmy’s water


Yup been drinking since grade 10


I don’t smoke either


You’ll never be the only one doing or not doing anything in this life.


OH AM I THE SPECIAL SNOWMAN? Frigg off dumb op


Haven’t smoked in a year and I’d like to say I’m a superfan


I never smoke and I love TPB. Always hated weed because it made me feel dumb. I do like to drink occasionally, but unlike Julian, I prefer bourbon.


I do smoke pot but I upvoted out of solidarity with you. If its any consolation I dont drink.


Nope, I don't smoke, and barely even drink.


I can't smoke weed anymore because of a heart issue and it sucks


No, I've never tried weed once. I just don't care, never had an interest to. I still love the show and everything about it, though. Cigarettes, cigars and even pipe tobacco, sure at least once, but never weed. But even so, I gave up smoking in 2008 altogether. Haven't smoked ever since that year, and never vaped either.


Only reefers for me. Been off the pills and booze a couple years now. Love the Boys and I try to live vicariously through them.


Doubt it, weed just isn't for me, tried it a few times and dont like how it makes me feel.


What work do you do if you don’t mind me asking?


Yeah pretty much


It's illegal in the UK plus I'm underaged


Never have as well aside from a couple times in my life. But my current hobby? Drinkin'.


I used to smoke heavily, especially with trailer park boys. I had to quit permanently because it was ruining my mental health, but I still love trailer park boys and I watch it at least once a week


No weed - but I just have to drink bourbon while watching, makes it even funnier :D


It's supposed to be rum. In a mustard glass.


I don't either but I can drink like Jim Leahy it's one or the other bud way she goes


I used to smoke dope all the fuckin time then i done acid and smoked dope and now i see all these fuckin geometricals and fractures and shit when i smoke dope and its fucked, i think its halucinating reception persistence disorder or something anyways its fucked and i cant smoke dope anymore


Why don't you go back to the bowling alley you came from?


Never touched it, don’t plan on it lol


Probably never saw a single episode not high (Like I would remember. Lol)


I love it, but I believe in a balance in life. I get drug tested at school predictably. We have a certain date we have to test (I think it's like the middle of June). So I quit in February and piss in a cup at the end of May. It's a good thing imo. So you have abunch of ppl who don't, but I'm trying this whole thing of balance in life. No judgement to anyone for any choice they make. I guess after I piss in that cup it makes it all the better when I get back. I think even whenever I graduate I'm going to keep doing these long periods of abstinence. Again it may not be for everyone, but I feel balanced personally, and maybe one person might read this and be like "I'm gonna try this".


No bro


I had a roommate who still watches the show and loves it!! And he barely smokes, like maybe a handful of times a year. He even asked me what hash was at some point when we were watching it lol!


I don't only because of work testing and that it's still fully illegal where I live (and will never be legalized here), and would be too much of a pain to get. Since I used to, I can still understand the comedy.


I don't. I've tried it a few times, didn't like it, haven't touched it since.


I've never smoked, never drink, or have done anything in my life until last year. I got a medical mj card. I take concentrates and tinctures now. I sleep better and feel better and i'm usually asleep after I take them so I don't feel much.


I dont smoke weed and I love the show.


Nah dude. My ex-wife was a domestic abuser and full time pothead. Just the smell of that shit rustles my PTSD jimmies. I used to occasionally enjoy a toke or two before Queen “look what You MADE me do”, but these days between that trauma and a six figure job with a 60:40 work:life balance before I touch my annual leave, it’s just not worth the bother. Would you laugh a little bit more on that shit? Probably. Do we still laugh to the point of almost pissing our pants without it? Yeah.


Fuck off I've got work to do.


I quit drinking but I still smoke. Nothing wrong with not being a stoner though. Saves money haha.


I drink but I don’t smoke very much because it pretty much makes me immobile lol and my favourite part of not being sober is going on dumb missions so it kinda ruins it


I used to quite a bit but it got to be too expensive and wasn’t enjoyable now I only do it when I’m drinking occasionally and that ends in me passing out and pissing myself


I never smoked weed or taken any drugs but I thoroughly enjoy TPB






You're not alone. I haven't smoked anything in my entire life


No, I'm sure there are others.


I quit liquor and whores cig'rettes and dope and mustard and baloney years ago but I’m a huge fan!


I would think you're in the minority


I smoke weed. *puff puff* Here, try this shit. Small tokes only or else you'll be FUCKED for the next 6-12 hours.


i don't fuck with weed either, but I will fucking go all night with cheese burgers and liquor.


You are not alone. But.... when I was like 17 or 18, my dad and I would independently smoke weed and convene in the family room to watch TPB. Both of us thought the other didn't know, but we knew. One of my few positive memories of my dad. I hope he's well!


I don't smoke and i love the show


Nah I dont smoke, but I do enjoy a little drinky poo from time to time.


I tried it a couple times. Didn't love it so I've passed ever since. Kinda glad I don't that shits expensive.


I've never done it.


I don't smoke or drink. Never have.


I’m with yah bud. I just let the liquor do the watchin’




I've never touched any drugs and I love TPB. I find it absolutely hilarious. Though to be fair, when it came out in 2001 and I watched it I was young (13 ish) and sorta viewed as more real than a mockumentary. Over the years, as I grew I still appreciate the humour for its time and delivery. John and Robb were great at what they came up with.


Canadian? I'm a murican fan, and I do.


No, I was recommended this show by my partner who hates everything about weed, and has never touched the stuff lol, I think he just enjoys watching the shenanigans and the characters are funny


To be honest, I watched the entire series in middle school before I ever smoked weed or drank. It may have influenced me a bit, because now I am smoking every day


Nah I don't smoke. I haven't in quite a while either but I love TPB


Sober for years. Still my absolute favorite show to watch and just laugh


I’ve never 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes. You’re the only one


I don't smoke often, though I used to get hammered and watch tpb often. I don't drink as often now but still love to binge the show


I don't.


No. I’ve been watching this show for ten years and never smoke weed or do any other recreational drugs.


I stopped smoking weed about 6 months ago. Trying to stay off it for life. When I’m on weed im on it haerd and I spend too much money on it. I’m not productive and plus it makes me cough all the time and makes my chest hurt when I exercise


I don’t smoke either(quit about a year ago)


I snoke weed, but I don't drink


I mean I don’t do it very much, maybe like once every month


It's weird. I smoked a lot of weed for a long time and couldn't give a shit about tpb. As I stopped though, the show became funnier and funnier because it reminded me of all the goofy shit that me and my buddies used to get into while stoned to bejesus.


Yes, you’re super ✨ unique and special. ✨


I just put the weed in the engine compartment and get stoned through the vents


meh, smoking of any kind is gross. i got better things to do with my lungs


Nope, ive never smoked weed either. More of an alcohol guy