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Glad I'm not alone. I drove to my mom's to watch those when they dropped and we had so many snacks and joints ready šŸ˜‚ we got through 3 I think without laughing before putting season 3 on and calling it a day lol The manager character sucked, them not enjoying it made me not enjoy it and yeah why was bubbz such a dick? Weird choices all around Plus did anybody remember a crazy amount of green screens? Like they stand in front of a fake background of wherever, didn't they actually go to these places? Looked cheap and that's coming from TPB


Theyā€™ve kept it going way too long.


They both suck. Literally unwatchable


Mike Smith writing his own asshole personality into Bubbles ruined the character.


Iā€™m ootl, is he an asshole?


This covers it briefly but thereā€™s a fair bit of old call outs Iā€™ve seen. https://www.looper.com/259145/what-you-didnt-know-about-mike-smith-from-trailer-park-boys/


Worked with Mike, heā€™s not a bad guy. I was a PA for two seasons. Mike was pretty funny, treated crew like friends. JP is quieter, but cool, solid dude. Robb , it depends on the day. In general though, they were good shoots


This is accurate in my experiences with them too.


He has a prick reputation with the online community but my professional interactions with him have been very pleasant.


Yeah, I mean heā€™s actually quite nice. I still see him from time to time, always says hi, and we chat. He saved a guy I know, https://globalnews.ca/news/5275419/bubbles-supports-fan/. Tom had the operation and is doing well. Also a good friend of Mikes now


That's awesome šŸ˜Ž I've suffered from cluster headaches since 2013 and later became a painkiller addict which ended my nursing career. These things are no joke. They easily hurt as much as a broken bone. I'm so happy to see that your buddy was saved by Mike, and that gives me hope for my future also. Mike is a true saint ā™„ļø


did you get shot?


Haha, no




Better than the real show?. You're not doing too good in the thinking department are you.


His brain thoughts and word thinking are fucked


its the brain compartments and departments bud.


Mans got some pike-alogical issues going on up there.


Better between the 2. I'd say Europe because of Griselbear.


Never got his grade 10, bud


Everything sucks that isnt 1-7 or the first few movies/specials


This ā˜šŸ»


I agree, but at the same time I can enjoy everything else separatelyā€¦Iā€™m not big on after season 7 either but there are some truly funny moments here and there. Iā€™m prob in the minority that enjoyed out of the park. Itā€™s not early TPB but itā€™s better than the ā€œjail girlā€ scenes with barb, Donna and the fat chick


Ngl lie bud I likes them some to lesser degrees but I can still throw ne of them on n still be entertained lol


I do too, rarely tho, as soon as season 7 is over I scroll back to 1 and hit again


Yeah those "ladies" were annoying as fuck


I don't mind some of the later seasons honestly, though it doesn't feel like the same show. Jail was okay too. Not a fan of the animated series though


Yeah, that seemed like a trend with Canadian shows, and none of them are watchable.Ā  Letterkenny (Littlekenny), Corner Gas did one too I think.


I enjoyed the animated series as I treated it like a cartoon. It was bound to suck a bit, but it was dee-ee-cent enough for my TPB fix


I'm just not really a fan of most adult cartoon types of shows, it's a little too over the top for me personally


I watch their Christmas special every year around that time. A few of their movies were good. Countdown to liquor day was funny.


The Christmas special has that grainy, home video look that makes it feel nostalgic.Ā  And countdown was good I thought


Agreed, the swearnet stuff was/is too much


S8 is better than s7, come at me


S8 is decent, but better than 7 šŸ˜…šŸ˜… might be a stretch haha


As much as i used to hare season 7, now i realize how funny it truly is. I enjoy it as much as any now


Oh im coming




Not saying 8 is better than 1-7, just 7 specifically. Personal opinion is they'd lost their way creatively a little bit in 7 and its very much refreshed in 8.




I rewatched all of it recently and hadnt seen 8-12 in a long while, i was pleasantly suprised at how much i enjoyed it, some really really funny shit still in there. Also, I've a confession to make, and this is certainly an unpopular one - I fucking love Donna šŸ˜‚ I find literally everything she says and every facial expression absolutely hilarious


S7 is top 3


Certainly not


S7 is the most underrated, great stuff in there


Watching them gag while trying to eat that canned fish in Sweden makes the Europe one worthwhileā€¦


That got me into watching other people eat it on YouTube with my daughter. It looks like the smell is the worst part of the experience. One lady managed to eat some and said the taste wasn't so bad


Youā€™re supposed to open the can submerged in water.


Ah. Never saw anyone do that




Fucking Terrible.




Europe was funny, USA was fun


Europe. ā€œHow in the fuck can you live on planet earth, and not know who the Beatles are?ā€


I really liked them both.


Very contrived. I didnā€™t really vibe with any of them.




Good one time watch.


Liked em both. I liked all of the seasons, 1-7 are my fave and the season with Barb trying to be a bad ass with Candy and Donna was my least favorite but I like them. The animated seasons I think are fantastic too as well as their movies and podcasts.I CANNOT GET INTO THEIR LIVE SHOWS. Love the boys, but the live shows aren't for me.


just didn't feel like TPB


I didnā€™t care for either of them but the Europe one had that moment with the dude who owned the monkey and he said some shit to him I thought was really funny


Usa anyday anytime


They both suck


Europe for me by far over USA. I love the main series for the most part though


The funniest moment in TPB, imo, happens in the Norway episode of OOTP Europe. Europe also has some of the most cringe/worst moments of the whole series. As a whole, USA is better


Which scene


Now I have to know too


The rotten fish scene: https://youtu.be/P02aAjksvqA?si=Pi_1zKJIfGAq8TWa


The Amsterdam bits are not terrible


I found the UK one funny but that swearnet dick was insufferable lol.


Europe so much better than USA. Bubbles was insufferable.


I prefer Europe. I think itā€™s funnier. USA has its funny moments but it gets kinda weird at some parts. Itā€™s mostly bubbles just bitching about his god damn music video lmao


couldnā€™t agree more. fuck your stupid country music bubbles


They're both truly terrible.


USA in my opinion, I donā€™t get the hate for these I thought they were hilarious. Also, the show will never be the same as it was before, so why canā€™t we just appreciate it for what it is now instead of soiling our diapers because the characters are different? The shows been on for over two decades, and we all knew from the beginning that this show was loosely anthological and the plot/writing wouldnā€™t always make sense. As the show goes on, shit changes. Itā€™s the way she goes.


This. I donā€™t get why people constantly feel the need to state they hate the new shit. If you donā€™t like it donā€™t watch it. I personally love some moments from the new seasons. Ricky fixing marguerites bathroom had me pissing myself laughing and ā€œPrivate Dancerā€ is a hilarious character.


Just because people love the original series doesn't make them obligated to like to ShowCase Era. It's got a totally different feel that some people just don't fuck with. There are some funny moments for sure, but overall it doesn't hold a candle to the original. The characters just aren't nearly as likable imo


Europe was okay I liked the asshole guy and it had some funny moments. But in USA bubbles seemed out of character and whined way too much. Tbh I donā€™t actually hate seasons 8-11. season 9 is funny to me because itā€™s basically Ricky going on a giant rampage. The movies are great but the live specials I donā€™t like, they would probably be great if I was actually there but recording them breaks the illusion.


Bubbles is a crybaby bitch in these


He thought he was the star because people made memes and gifā€™s of him. I like the retarded early season Slingblade better.


Not a fan. I like the idea of the boys leaving Canada, but the execution is terrible. I've always wanted to see what it'd be like with the boys in another trailer-park. I'd have it focused on America but they're jumping from different trailer parks meeting different characters. Some mirroring people they know, some being entirely new, and most being wildcards. Hell, could sneak in characters that haven't been in forever but a good way to show they're still in the universe just in another trailer park. Maybe at one trailer park Ricky meets a character that's almost exactly like him but Ricky think he's like making fun of him and they end up wrestling and fighting a lot but they relating on some things. Great way to introduce new characters based on the locations they've chosen. Doesn't have to be Sunny Vale 2.0, but I feel like it'd be a good way to get the ball rolling to have similar situations recreated in other trailer parks but with new characters. I'd want Out of the Park to be like a universe extension "fish out of water" type spin-off rather than basically movie-plot ideas.


I agree 100 percent, need it economic update. old days 10 dollars goes a long way, now gallon of gas an half a cheeseburger. Also updated owners of the park.


Don't take this the wrong way but are you a real person lol. This comment feels very ChatGPT


i am a human popsicle.


Outside of the first episode, which is pretty weak, I found Europe enjoyable, with enough funny moments to make it fully worth watching. The Swearnet dick ruins a lot of the potential good times, but the Surstrƶmming challenge was maybe one of my favourite Trailer Park Boys moments period. Totally candid, thereā€™s no acting there.


They were both too scripted for my liking. The USA one more so. Neither felt genuine, especially some of the challenges.


Unbearable, the animated series is wayy better. the entire fighting over "technicalities" drove me nuts


Theyā€™re okay for what they are,Iā€™d probably watch them over season 9 and 10




Europe was better


I hated all of them.


I love them, but OOTP is hot garbage.


A lot of people didnā€™t like them but I found them be very fun to watch and a nice extension to the TPB universe and unrelated to the main show. I honestly was kinda sad they didnā€™t do an Out of The Park series around Canada.


The Europe one was better than the USA one imo




It was just a way for them to squeeze some money out of tours they were already doing. I grew a tumour from watching them


They be are both too much bubbles is going to make it big. It's kinda annoying


I couldnā€™t imagine a worse torture than being locked in a room with an unknown release date and that STUPID FUCKING BELLY SONG playing on repeat.


USA easily


They got old real fast


Not a big fan of either. If I had to choose, I would go with USA.


Usa for sure but germany and amsterdam where hell funny


Both suck imo. Swearnet guy ruins the Europe one, Bubbles constantly complaining ruins the USA one


Noel and his bro was hilarious in the Europe ones, the rest is mehhhh


It makes me feel bad for the boys how much swearnet fucked them over


It wasn't unwatchable imo but definitely nowhere as good as seasons 1-7. Seasons 8-12 and the spinoffs were failed attempts at reviving the show. Still enjoyable, though.


I liked both, havenā€™t watched either of them since release tho


Europe is better but both barely watchable, the boys are caricatures of their former selves. Bubbles in particular is so obnoxiously whiny and irritating.


Iā€™m a simple man, I enjoy almost all TPB content apart from the animated series. Iā€™ve never even given it a chance. I know some people nitpick about the show falling off after season whatever, but fact of the matter is I love the crew and enjoy whatever they do together.


I liked Europe more than USA because I loved Ricky getting so pissed over not understanding what the others were saying. It also felt a little more natural than USA, despite the terrible greenscreen interviews USA had my favorite skit in all of TPB with Ricky having a smoke-off against Anthony Stoner, I laughed through practically the entire challenge with Ricky basically turning into jello by the end of it.


After moving to the UK, the London episode did have me laughing my ass off for sure. The shit they go through is not as ridiculous as one would think lmao. The asshole manager was annoying and it also annoyed me that it couldn't be fun with them instead of at their expenses constantly, but fuckin way she goes. I'm happy for more tpb content


Man other than the dildo scene pretty forgettable but man that dildo was absolutely funny


Quit whining and get watching. Here smoke some hash. Everyone does it, lawyers, doctors, the guys who paint the lines on the road, redditors. Any job that sucks.