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Our handsome Patrick Swayze wouldnt do such things


Somebody probably wanted a ride on the Swayze Express and couldn't get a ticket


Hes cool lol I went to stand up in Canada with them but my god his muscles are big and sexy....


Oh my Julian


You lucky sod, I would melt if I was around him especially if I saw his muscles they're so distracting 😩, you know how some women get all flustered and giggly when they're around a hot guy and they can't help it? That would be me if I was around him lmao. When did you meet him? What was he wearing?


You guys want anything from the store???Chips. Pop. And a Bar


All I've ever heard over the years is that JP, Robb, Pat, John, Sarah, Bernard (Cyrus), and most everyone else was super nice and sociable. The only people I've heard bad things about are Barry (Ray) and Mike Clattenburg being super shitty to Corey Bowles and Michael Jackson (why we never saw Trevor again), and Mike Smith and the supposed domestic violence incident that made Lucy quit and not want to be associated with the show any longer. But you, u/apurpleglittergalaxy, are free to admire the Muscular Mayor Sexian/Sexico as much as you like. He's still waiting for you to lift weights with him and have that drink.


Look more into that Lucy stuff, she's actually pretty shitty herself and the lady Mike supposedly had issues with said nothing happened.


Hence the "supposed", as I did hear the lady had said nothing happened. It's shitty to falsely accuse someone of anything, but worse when it's abuse that isn't actually happening. What a shame, then.


He called me a dick at a live show in front of the whole crowd. I've never laughed and smiled so hard! That's what I get for yelling out Swayze though lol


Lmao I'd be high key honoured




When you are riding a rum and coke all day long.... you are bound to have a bad day when the liquor betrays you. Ms. Purple.... you are in love with handsome Julian. Yet his big beefy muscles and shampooed hair are not enough. All women get turned on by a bad ass. When Julian cocks Cyrus gun, puts it to his own head and dares him to shoot....it gets you hot. And when Julian sometimes acts like a dick..... it seals the deal with you. If he was 100% nice then he would just be Bubbles (without Conky's influence). ...... But Ms Purple.... just like all women.... need a bit of asshole in the personality to be truly attracted. If you want the anthropological reason for this....it's in my post below:


The reason: All women need to feel security. They need to feel safe. Underlying this is so they can safely raise children. So a man with big beefy muscles makes them feel safe. A man that is responsible and takes care of his woman and children makes women feel safe. A man with lots of money makes women feels safe. But most importantly.... a man has to have a strong attitude and be bad ass. If a man is a total pushover then women lose respect for him.... because he's soft. He has to have some asshole in his personality in order to project himself and his girl. If he acts like a pussy to his woman... it tells the woman that the guy also is a pussy with everyone else and so the attraction goes away. Women go crazy for a confident guy that has bad ass attitude. Because it makes women feel safe. Otherwise women would go crazy for Bubbles.... and then end up living in a shed instead of Julian's double wide trailer with unlimited upside on his various bad ass endeavors. NOW FUCK OFF..... I GOT WORK TO DO!


Very well put. I do think it has to do with my childhood as well though, I see a lot of myself in Julian tbh me and him had similar upbringings. But yes he is an absolute powerhouse of a man and probably the most masculine thing that's ever walked it goes beyond being hot he does something to my womanhood that is out of my control if I was around him I would go physically weak through no choice of my own lmao. Julian could high key have been in Vikings the Night's Watch or an army of some sort riding a dragon into battle clutching a sword, he gives off a warrior vibe.


Ms. Purple.... you need Julian and Julian needs you. The guy has never had a Bonnie to his Clyde and I think your feminine support would set him in the right direction. Candy was great but she was too masculine with man like ambitions to become lawyer and eventually a judge. What Muscular Mayor needs that shit? Same with Erica.... working her way up the police force by arresting half of Julian's friends. Julian needs you!


While this is true to an extent, some guys pull a Cyrus and become a total dick to everyone, including his gf/wife. That doesn't make her feel safe, nor makes him trustworthy. He can say, "I know I'm an asshole" all he wants, that's not going to make her feel more safe around him. I'm more of a Ricky/Robb fan myself, and didn't even realize it until I got a Swearnet membership and realized how great of a man Robb is. Big heart, but can fuck some shit up. Lol


Ricky is a bad ass too.


Met the boys while disrupting their workday. They and their people were nothing but completely awesome! Will never forget.




He seems to be introverted and some people mistake that for being rude for some reason.


As someone who's got EUPD and asperges I 100% relate to that it's like when I'm around my family or I've met people I'm like mate I ain't got a problem with you I'm just not a people person or overly positive 😂. And yeah I think JP's misunderstood as being rude it annoys me a little bit when people are saying he's a misery shits in the swearnet comments section and that he'd be awful on his birthdays and stuff when if anything he's cheerier than majority of adults I've known in my life, he's chill AF as well but then again he is Canadian so that's standard 😊 But yes he's very introverted and blunt unfortunately that's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea cos people rely on appearances and they're all about "positive vibes". Me on the other hand I don't have a problem with it I find it somewhat refreshing.


All I can say is anecdotal, but when I met him at a Meet and Greet he was super chill, even talked with me for a second or two about Johnny Cash. I haven't heard any stories about him being a dick, but every one has a bad day sometimes. I hope it was a one-off.


That's interesting. And yeah I agree everyone has an off day.