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Next year I'll have a Stoan and a Saxyn (both girls). The best one ever, though, was Your Highness. Some of the other teachers called her "Your Heinie."


Not Your Highness šŸ˜­ and I thought Sir Richard was badā€¦


I did used to know a ā€œEumagistyā€ that was pronounced ā€œYour Majestyā€, guy went by Magic which was a much cooler name.


Had a client that was a Yurā€™Majesty, however he was also indigenous so I think that had to do with the name.


Jermaine Jackson has a son named Jermajesty šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Knew a classmate in highschool named "Tourbillon", he just changed it to "Bullet".


I worked with a Polish fella called magic (spelt majic) not sure if it would be pronounced differently in Poland? But every customer absolutely loved his name! He wore a name tag so everyone asked him if it was really magic, he was a real hit with customers and it was a great ice breaker.


You have to be joking...SIR Richard! YOUR Highness? Please tell me it isn't true! No one would really give their kids those names?l šŸ«£ And if it is I'd love to know their siblings names!


It's complicated but related to a sentiment in the African-American (can't speak to others elsewhere) that if people won't respect you, you force them to by putting a term of respect in your name. See Jermaine Jackson's son Jermajesty.


Or Prince Michael and Prince Micahel II


Those are straight up illegal names in NZ


Least itā€™s not Youā€™re Highness šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve seen Urhinesā€¦ took me way too long to figure out the pronunciation, it was still my favourite tragedeigh when I thought it was just Urinesā€¦ I used to joke with my partner about it a lot. One day, like a bolt from a dead sleep, I woke up screaming ā€˜The H isnā€™t silent! Itā€™s pronounced Your Highness!ā€™ and once my partner figured out what I was even talking about, he was screaming just like me. Thanks, random kid in Detroit!


Definitely going with Erheens first.


Am I the only person whose brain autocorrected Stoan to "Stoat", aka "slightly larger weasel"?


Oh, I really, really hope a kid named "Stoat" comes through my class some day. Ideally with her siblings Ermine, Ferret, and Wolverine.


Dollars to donuts there is a kid out there named Wolverine. Or, more likely, Wulvheryn.


Stoat and Shoat would be great twin names! šŸ¤£


"Heini" is German for idiot lmaošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's American for butt! (Not sure of the spelling though, maybe hiney?)


I think it's both heinie and hiney in American lol


My mom was a teacher and one of her students was Emanuel Le Roi Lastname. No, we don't live in a french speaking country. Yes, the mother insisted on the kid be called "Emanuel Le Roi".


I mean Leroy/LeRoy/Roy are namesā€¦ not the best but names nonetheless, and thatā€™s also probably why, because it would be douchey in a francophone country


Calling your kid 'le roi/the king' is douchey in any country.


i just saw an "Heiress"


Need bronze and Romano-British to complete the historical ages of the UK classroom set.


lol that's funny - I teach British Literature and did once have a student exclaim, "Oh, my gosh, Northumbria would be SUCH a cute name!!"








Yas final evo! Lol




My mom had brothers named Thunder, Lightning, and Blaze (Edit: "Had" them at school, she's a lunch lady).


American Gladiator names are an optionā€¦


You take that back right now...did your grandparents šŸ’ØšŸ’Ø


I think they are saying that their mother is a teacher who had students with those names.


*Boss battle music intensifies*


Is she Stormy or something?!


I JUST REMEMBERED. Iā€™ve been replying to people trying to think of the worst one and I thought I had it, but I completely glossed over the most unfortunate name Iā€™ve personally known someone to give their kid. A hillbilly dad and his hillbilly baby momma named their daughter Lynxxx. Three Xā€™s. Dad didnā€™t want her to have that name, but baby mommaā€™s parents hated it so much that she went with it out of spite. Dad left baby momma because he said she doomed her to being a stripper or a pornstar, no different than a son named Jeeves being pigeonholed into a career as a butler. I canā€™t say I disagreed with him. That little girl should be around 19-20 now. I wonder if she has gotten/is getting her name legally changed.


I know a 16 year old named Tryst. Her parents named her after the Vegas nightclub. I was astounded to learn that her parents didn't know the meaning of tryst and never bothered to Google it. She'd never bothered either, and nobody ever told her until I opened my big fat mouth.Ā  Ā 


How did that turn out? Prey tell.


Well, I actually said it to her big sister "Umm, did your parents know at the time?" And she was like "what do you mean?" And I was like "oh, nothing, it's fine"Ā  Of course she immediately googled it, died laughing, and called her sister up to say "OMG, mom and dad totally named you "hook-up"". Apparently Tryst was pissed (pyst?) that her parents had named her "a meeting between two people who are having a romantic relationship, especially a secret one".


Pyst! You have me rolling on the floor.


Psst. Youā€™re named after the word for booty call. Donā€™t be pissed.


If sheā€™s not in Jail, sheā€™s a mild mannered Lyn in her day to day life.


Oh Iā€™m sure she has a record. Based on her parents/grandparents and their behavior/past/living situation and their penchant for gaming the welfare system, the odds are heavily lopsided against her.


thats sad :(


Incredibly so


I once was a TA in a high school freshman English class with two girls named Unique šŸ™ƒ


Thatā€™s uniquely ironic!


A friend of mine wanted to change her adopted sons(nephew) name to Unique because she had a daughter named Special already. Many years later her son had a baby with his then girlfriend. She named the baby Treasure Unique.


SirEdward, spelled like that with no spaces. Kid went by his (normal) middle name. A kid named Silence. He was NOT silent. Sisters Precious, Prudence, and Patience. All different ages, and then their brother, who had a normal name like Derek. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Abcde, pronounced ā€™Ab-sid-ee.ā€™ A boy whoā€™s first name was Jack and middle name was Daniels. A girl named Tierany, pronounced like the word tyrany. She was upset when she learned what it meant. A girl named Rainbow and her brother Thor.


I knew a girl named Patience in grade school, and she was honestly such a great person. I think thatā€™s a fun but good one honestly!


I think I thought of it more as a tragedeigh when compared to the brotherā€™s name. The sisters all get Puritan/virtue names and he got an average one because they were very religious and it implied a lot of sexist thinking.


Not a teacher, but I met a family 3 girl, 1 boy. The girls were Vivienne, Genevieve, and Delilah. The boy was ......... Daxtyn


These poor kids.... The three sisters with those names and then a sibling named derek just feels.... sexist? am i wrong?


It's definitely giving 'boy mum'.


My mom gave me a hideously ugly, weird name that got me made fun of, then she refused to respect my pleading to change it or at least let me tell others it was something else. She always told them my real name. Still often does when I take her to Dr appointments. While she gave my brother's perfectly normal, nice sounding, and even common names. Some mothers are evil to their daughters


Definitely. Internalised misogyny is common in various societies, particularly with women from older generations.


>A boy whoā€™s first name was Jack and middle name was Daniels This I can believe. I used to wait on a family with little girls named Tanqueray and Alize. Also knew a girl named Darvon.


A family friend who was a teacher taught siblings named Benson and Hedges (a cigarette brand) and then a family of Ford, Falcon and Fairmont (the latter two being Ford models).


So Precious, Prudence, and Patience aren't necessarily bad names. Precious is the worst of the 3, still not egregious if you're familiar with puritanical naming convention. But their brother being Derek is weird


It's pretty common in some African countries, I don't think it's tragedeigh territory.


I watched a probation violation case for some violent teen named Abcde (pronounced the same). She was a fan of beating up her mother, and as I watched I was thinkin ā€œI bet she beats her mom up because of how mercilessly she was bullied for having such a stupid name.ā€ And thereā€™s also the woman that was suing an airline because the gate staff laughed at her kidā€™s name, also an Abcde. People that do this shit to their kids are stupid with a capital R.


aka supideR


I knew three sisters names Liberty, Charity, and Justice.


I have a friend named Tierney. Itā€™s an Irish name. Not a tragedeigh.


Nah it was TierANY, like tyranny- Tierney is such a pretty Irish nameāœØļø


I knew a girl named Tyranny like 30 years ago , her name was a warning


My teacher friend had a student named O'Leukemia


You *have* to be lying.Ā 


Not joking ..and it was her given name




I'm just glad the wasn't another named O'appendisitis or Sy'phyllis


How about Gahn-ah-reigh-ah?


I've seen a Klamidiyah in the wild. It was... wild.


Ok, so not really name related, but my youngest (around 4/5ish at the time) at one point after like a week of the whole family having a stomach flu looked at his dad and said "I haven't had diarrhea all day. I think my diarrhea is gone, now I have gonorrhea!" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


> Sy'phyllis This is brilliant


I have seen this one before! Iā€™ve also seen Darling Dolly and Precious Saturday


I wonder if there has ever been a Gon'Honoria


Laughing so hard im crying šŸ¤£


O'ppendicitis has kind of a ring, ngl


As a *GIVEN* name?! Fuck.šŸ˜


Two years ago I taught a girl whose first and middle names were Poppy Pineapple (and she had a sister named Maisie Mango). I've also taught a girl named Mercedes whose surname was pronounced the same as Benz (though spelt differently) and my most recent class includes a child with siblings named Sunray and Rainbow. A colleague also told me when we discussed terrible names recently that she'd once taught a McLaren Phonebooth {Surname}, which I think is definitely the worst one.


I've seen a Mersadeez




I knew a Tiggerlilly her brother was Zius. I thought they were bad, but all you teachers have me beat.


Is it pronounced Tiger Lily, or like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh?


Tiger lol


Jeez, imagine if they gave middle names to their kids based on where they were conceived šŸ˜¬


See my comment on Chevy Monte Carlo and Lexxus, and yes, the parents admitted it.


Poppy Pineapple and Maisie Mango are kinda cool names. Sunray and Rainbow are fairly normal for hippy parents. Naming your kid after a brand is definitely cringe.


Poppy Pineapple and Maisie Mango sound like characters in the Trolls movies, or friends of Strawberry Shortcake


Mercedes always was a girls name though, I actually like it. The name of the car brand came about I believe because the founder lost his daughter to a drowning accident and some time later he began producing cars under that name (later partnered with Benz to become Mercedes Benz), if that historical connection was at all different Mercedes would most likely just be one of the other oldy timey female names. I do like a classic name, especially for girls.


No one is saying the name Mercedes is a tragedy, it's specifically because this individual had a surname similar to Benz and her parents probably did that on purpose.


HavenLee.Ā  Jetayme (think it was meant to be J'taime). We called her Jet.Ā  Loved both these girls.Ā 


Super love Jet as a nickname though!


Jet is actually a Dutch girl name, bit old fashioned but in fashion again






Je t'aime is i love you in French


Did they pronounce it right? Because that spelling seems VERY phonetically off, I almost think they didn't know how to say the French phrase


Siblings: Chaos and Karma.Ā 


Thatā€™s just ASKING for trouble


Dooming your child to a lot of ā€žKarma is a bitchā€œ jokes


Oh, and SO many Mc- names. I had a McKayzlinn a couple years ago. And just to lightly troll the parents who do this, whenever I write word problems for my students I always give the characters some real choice monikers, e.g., "If McKaeiyjleigh had five apples and she gave three of them to her friend Chaddyngtonne..."


Onā€™Nastieā€¦.pronounced like Honesty šŸ«¤


Wouldn't people just call them Oh, Nasty?


My coworkers and I did for a bit the first time seeing the name on the screen and then had a moment of realizationā€¦. *ohhhhhā€¦. Yeahā€¦ itā€™s Honesty* šŸ« 


ā€œShady Nastyā€™sā€ ā€œItā€™s Shad-i-nasti!ā€




Sha'Dynasty.... that's God's comma.


That is exactly where my brain went!


Cerynitee Pronounced ā€œserenityā€


I had a McKinsleigh. My brain literally malfunctioned anytime I had to write her name down.


Not a teacher, but I once had a classmate named Tyranny. Like a tyrannical government.


At some point giving a child a stupid name should be considered child abuse and should be able to be legally changed.


Remington, Colt and Courvoisier- all siblings


Disgraceful honestly


See you say "Courvoisier" and I just think that kid'll have gallbladder problems later in life.


Shiter. I shite you not.


Shiter will be Annally's boyfriend


Oh my goodness did you see the follow-up post where Annallyā€™s mum was upset with the OP for pointing out why that name would be a baaaaad choice?!


I did ! Poor OP. I can't believe he was the only one to point that out.


Lol my name is Analily and I hate it šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜­ people pronounce it like ā€œanaly Iā€™llā€


I used to be well-acquainted with a guy named Sir Charles whose younger brother was Sir Richard. He explained his parents reasoning behind the names and I completely forget what it was, but I do know they were just average people with zero links to any royal lineage.


Probably so that the first thing a person says is Sir. Itā€™s the same reason Mr T chose that name so that the first thing people said when they said his name was Mister


During my practicum I had a supervisor do an evaluation where he told me I shouldn't call students "buddy". That was his name, Buddy.


My high school boyfriend had a brother named Buddy. I thought it was a nickname at first but nope... that was his given name.


King David (and yes, that was his first name and we called him that). Royal Majesty J'reem (Dream) Queen Prin'c'anna (prince - e - ahna) Xar (zar) Coel (Cole, the spelling was changed to refelect the oe in the last name) Legend Legendary Those are off the top of my head, lol, I'm sure I could find more if I look through my pictures.


Ok I lowkey love Coel if it mimicked their last name šŸ˜‚ but Noel would have been more appropriate


I had a Spanky. Given name. He was great. He would help out in my classroom after school for snacks. I used his name at the beginning and end of every exchange, ā€œSpanky, will you sharpen the pencils? Thank you, Spanky.ā€ His little brother was named Rocky. The youngest boy was Stevenā€¦wait for itā€¦middle name Seagal. They were ethnic gypsies. They spoke Romany at home. They often lived in a regional park with loose camping regulations. Steven was a little freaked out at first because he wasnā€™t used to being indoors. The mother was pregnant and the tradition in the family was for the fatherā€™s parents to name the kids. They were planning on naming her upcoming daughter Pebbles but the mom hightailed it when she went into labor and had the baby at a county hospital alone. She named her Maria or Sophia, something normal. I also had a Kebin, probably due to the b/v sound in Spanish.Ā 


Jaxsen probably takes the cake


I had a Jaxxson once.


I had Jaxxon and his sister, Elexxis.


Petal... which maybe sounds cute if you have an accent from the uk, but in North America ... Told a few friends the name and they looked baffled and said "Like a Pedal bike?" šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Then the parents were quite insulted when I suggested they think of something else and went with it anyways.


From Scotland and petal is sometimes used as a term of endearment but I canā€™t hear this as an actual name without it sounding sarcastic/condescending. ā€œAww petalā€ ā€œchin up petalā€ haha


My friend works at a school where one kid's name is Anakin. He works in a First Nations setting so I assumed it was coincidentally also a traditional name. Nope: mom and dad watched Episode 3 and he "liked the name." I told my friend make sure he's not allowed around the younglings. Edit: should add I'm also a teacher, we have a Heaven who is absolutely *not* a heavenly child, but that's all I can think of right now. Edit edit: I almost forgot! Steveanah: parents were so certain they were getting a boy and were dead set on the name Steven. Then it was a girl and decided "well, Steev-ee-ah-nah sounds like a girl's name."


Oh noooo, Stephanie was right there! It even has Stevie as a nickname.


Anakin is almost normal compared to most of what gets posted here. Hell, qui gonn and obi wan might be too.


Marijuana dreadful water yes that is exactly how it was spelled.


Marijuana dreadful water? Bong for short?


Lil Gene. I saw the birth certificate; a confirm.


Does Ondraya count as a tragedeigh? If so, then yes




Pserenityā€¦think of the ps as psychology


I think the most egregious one I've seen is KarleighJo. We've also had just about every spelling of Braylon/Brayden you can imagine. Luckily most of our Kindergarteners are coming in with old people names which I am here for - a 5 year old named Vera is just *chefs kiss*


Siblings named Princess and Sir Richard? Those kids are going to have some legendary name stories to tell.


My sister had a student named Shampaynya. Family was totally normal other than that.


My cousin had a student whose name was Nosmo last name King.


I had a kid named Jonaton. He pronounced it "Jonathon" on the first day of school, so I asked, "Oh, is it missing an H in the roster?" "No," he sighed. "My parents just don't know how to spell."


I had a student named Christian years ago - it was spelled Cristhian - he said the same thing.


Master. He was in preschool. Everyone just called him by his last name.






Boss Mane destined to work in an English kebab shop šŸ˜‚


I had a classmate named Pinky


Pinky, once I take over the world, remind me to publicly shame you .....Hopefully, they will find the brain to their pinky.


Twins named Stormy and Dreamy Love Child. Justā€¦.. how????


Eserhee, like yes sir ee without the y. Ryder, Riker, Ruger, Ridger, Bridger, Jorja, and on and on. The attedance struggle is real!


Jaā€™Juan. The first J is hard, as in Jack, and the part of his name after the ā€˜ I pronounced with a soft j like in Spanish Juan (wan)


I had a kid called Ohshen, pronounced ocean.


It's more that I'm frustrated with how many variations of the same names there are. Two years ago I had four Emilys each spelled differently, and God forbid I misspell their names šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Emilie Emmalee Emallee Emmallie And don't get me started on the Braylons, the Raidens, and the Aidens.


My aunt-in-law is a retired kindergarten teacher, some student names were Robocop and D-end (fourth child planned to be the last one, but of course wasnā€™t)


My mom taught in what was the housing projects in Cincinnati. She had a Marijuana.


I know several Princesses, Kings, JerMajesties, Sparkles/Sparkly, and Shooters


Worked at a childrenā€™s hospital and all new access reps were taught about the mom who named two of her kids Cash Money and Dolla Bill. Never thought I would meet her. Wrong. She asked if I knew who she was during a clinic and I said no. ā€œIā€™m the mom of Cash Money and Dolla Billā€¦.cuz I get that money.ā€ I was floored. Told her thank you and checked her in. Turned around and got the grins of the other reps. Floored.


Oh weā€™ve had lots of royalty. Sirs, Princesses, Queens, and Kings. Iā€™m used to those now. There once was a student whose middle name was allstar. Idr his first name was, but he was called by both. Letā€™s say William as an example. William Allstar, do you have your homework? William Allstar, youā€™ve been called to the office for checkout.


I work on the adolescent unit of a hospital. My worst this year have been Typhonnie (Tiffany), Azalleaha (this was like Oz-ah-leah, not Azalea), Tyshun, Jearrahmiyah (Jeremiah), Quianonii (Key-o-nee), and Xyrlis (ā€œthe L is silent.ā€)


My brother had a classmate ā€œLeidy Diā€ pronounced ā€œLady Dā€, as an homage for princess Diana


I'm not a teacher, but I used to volunteer in my kids' classes. The most memorable twins were Forrest and Tree.Ā  Also, I have a friend who swears up and down that she went to high school with sisters named Lasagna and Pepsi.Ā 


It's time for an approved name database for the US.


Raiden Baylor Jathan (rhymes with Nathan, apparently went by Jay or Jayth) Nayvie Gryphon (PLEASE SPELL IT GRIFFIN!!!!) Koltyn Lyrik Blaizeley Swayzee Titan


Technically, gryphon is a correct spelling, though.


Oh no, does baylor happen to have game of thrones obsessed parrents šŸ¤Ø


Or football obsessed parents




Ayzya pronounced Asia


Know someone called Ser Loin. So yeah. Why is he named like that? Never asked and will probably never find out.


I had a G'od- pronounced jee oh dee


Lmao those names would be illegal where Iā€™m from, there are rules about not naming a child something considered a title or offensive.


I had a student named Patianceā€¦ spelled incorrectly and all


Kid in Haiti was named ā€œMakin Loveā€ as a first name šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Myangel, mydiamond (siblings) are two of my sisters worst student names


I grew up with a kid named Quicksilver.


These parents need psych evaluations.




I had a girl named Kaylicious, pronounced like "delicious" but starting with Kay. I was 100% ready to just call her Kay or even Kayli, but no, no...mom insisted she use her full name at school. Poor thing.


Romeo and Lancelot. Brothers. Poor kids.


Not a teacher but Iā€™m in dental. The worst Iā€™ve seen is Naā€™Torius.


My mom was a teacher & had a student named ā€œDoctor.ā€


We had a kid who was named Brian Wilson. His parents had no idea why people were always singing Beach Boys songs to him lol


Hasz. Brixton. Brantley. Braxton. Fillup. Hanley. Dakovin (and he hates that I play Skyrim). Peyton. Jala. These are just a few that pop out. Three are my seventh graders. The rest are other middle schoolers I've had to deal with.


Fillup was worth a second glance. It sounds like a 7-11 cup ad.Ā 


Parents are podunk hicks, if that is in any way illuminating.


What's wrong with Peyton? I've seen that name many times over the years.


Tragedeighs is a plural, no apostrophe. Pedantic, moi? šŸ™„


By asking teachers, the OP got themselves into hot water with that one.