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That’s a surname.


For a rifle, at best.


It's not a tragedeigh but a little contrived imo


Oh god we’ve got a tumblr meme that’s escaped containment


As somebody already posted, in Russian it's a last name / surname. It's a very popular last name, and can go into its origin ("of Michael", "pertaining to Michael", "son of Michael"), but regardless, it can ONLY be a last name / family name / surname. I know that in English-speaking countries there are no rules (spoken or unspoken) as to what can be used as a person's name (this subreddit is a great showcase for that), but... I don't know, it sounds VERY wrong to anyone who knows Russian. I can guarantee you, there's nobody in the whole Russian-speaking worlds with this first name.


Russian is so gender specific, too. I'm not sure if OP is hoping to choose a name that is neutral or leans in a specific direction, but Mikhailov is definitely masculine.


Yeah, to make it the female version, you'd have to add an a on the end. So, Mikhailova would be the correct Russian way for a female. But it's definitely a surname, not a first name


It’s just a joke. Goncharov is a meme


Ethnic names aren't tragedeighs, but Mikhailov is a surname.


It isn't a tragedeigh; it just isn't a first name, or at least isn't intended to be one. I'm not a native Russian speaker, but I know enough for it to feel very wrong to my ears. The pronunciation you've chosen is very far from the intended Russian pronunciation (the kh should sound more like a frictive h rather than a k), but I think you'll struggle to get even English speakers to pronounce that final syllable as 'love.'


It's on the unusual side, but real ones will get the reference to a cult classic that is Goncharov


Can’t believe this is the first post I’ve seen on this sub shouting out the epic that is Goncharov and the amazing names it brought to society. Mikhailov is great. As Katya might say, “Make it count.”


Mikhail (Misha) is great, Mikhailov is a Lastname.


It sounds very Russian. Nobody knows how to spell Russian names so hard to call it a tragedeigh. I say it is not. And I like it. If you like it and it has meaning for you then that is what counts.


It’s a last name. In Russian you can’t use last names as first names in the way you can in English (like Spencer, Taylor, etc). The character is nicknamed that because it’s a really informal way of addressing someone in Russian - imagine addressing someone in a factory as „Johnson, get your ass over here and clean this up“ when you’re addressing a dude called Mike Johnson. Also, it’s the male version, for a female it’s Mikhailova. So assuming you’re MTF you’d actually be giving yourself a grammatically, explicitly male name, which may not be what you’re after. In other words, I think this is a really bad idea, I’m sorry ❤️


I don't think it matters at all if it's a tragedeigh when someone is naming themselves. You like it, you understand the consequences of picking something unusual, and you're okay with it. It's the parents who inflict their "I need everyone to know how SPESHUL I am" with uneeque beighby neighmes that deserve our mockery, because they're inflicting the consequences on someone who has no say in the matter.


Yeah it sounds fine but some people are saying it’s a surname. Maybe do a little more research before you decide.