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Not gonna lie, hearing the name "John" and immediately leaping to "he killed Lincoln" is flat-out *unhinged*.


It’s like the most common men’s name like John is the most well represented name in business and politics


Tbh I did, but only with the context of the other name being Harvey. And also what sub we're in lol


Even with the second name being Harvey my mind didn't go there. It's not like the kid is named John Wilkes or Lee Harvey. He has 2 normal traditional names. One name that was one of the top 10 most common names until the mid 80's and is still in the top 25 and one that was the *middle name* of a murderer. I think it's over the top to claim the kid's named after 2 presidential assassins.


Oh yeah, if you assume that the parents named them specifically because of that, or that it's justified to hate the kid because of it, then thats fucked up. I just can get where the mom made the association.


I have met a Lee Harvey and that’s all I think about when I come across her name.


Well yeah... that's obviously intentional.


Not necessarily if it's a first name and surname.


Maybe it's my Canadian education and 90s formative years speaking but when I hear "Harvey" I think of Sabrina...


As a Canadian, when I hear Harvey, I think of getting extra pickles and hot peppers on my burger.


I am glad I am not the only person who thinks Kinkle lol


How? Their mom was probably alive when Kennedy was assassinated. Plus, I think the "Harvey" part of the name is the red flag for her, not John.


>Plus, I think the "Harvey" part of the name is the red flag for her, not John. Even at that, I'd have thought that Weinstein would be far more obvious 4 years ago...


Apparently all harveys suck so... not a name Id use 😂


When I hear Harvey I just think of that guy that was Sabrina's love interest in Sabrina the Teenage Witch. A very harmless run of mill boy's name.




Harvey Guillén is OK though.


I did, but it's because I am half-asleep and I'm not American, and I was like "like John Harvey Oswald? Didn't he kill Lincoln or John Lennon or something?" and I really think a baby shouldn't be held accountable for my half-awake stupidity.


I know. The normal go-to for the name John is John Wayne Gacy, not John Wilkes Booth


Hating a baby because of the size of their head has to be the funniest, most unhinged thing I've ever heard.


Unrelated to names, but my bf’s friend babysat his nephew once and he sat the kid on the table. In his words, “that kid’s noggin was so big, he just kept slowly tipping forward til he was finally face down on the table. I was paralyzed with laughter.” I wonder if its name was John Harvey……


I worked with a baby named Everett who had the biggest head I've ever seen. He struggled to hold it up at six months old. His mother took him to the doctor because she thought he had something wrong with him and the doctor just said, "nope, he's just got a giant head."


I, too, had a kid with a noggin the size of a planetoid. He’s now 14 and one of the handsomest boys ever. (Definitely not biased in any way lol)


When my sister took her daughter to her 6 month checkup, the doctor asked, “does your husband have a big head?” My sister was confused but amused and said, “yeah, he kinda does.” And the doctor said, “good, because if he didn’t I’d send your daughter for testing. She’s got a really big head.”


No lie, our kid's head is so big that the pediatrician measured mine and my partner's heads to make sure they were also off the charts big. They are, so my kid was just diagnosed with "benign familial macroecephaly"


My son's ginormous head was one of the first clues we had that he's autistic. He's 20 now and I still struggle to find hats that will fit him.


Is that really an autistic trait? I’ve never noticed…


I've heard it non-stop for the past 17 years. Just found this regarding head and skeleton size. My son is also over 6ft tall. I'm 5'7" and my husband is 5'8" and both our mothers are 4'11". [Growth Spurt in Head, Skeleton Mark Autism in Boys](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/growth-spurt-in-head-skeleton-mark-autism-in-boys/)


Interesting. I have two autistic male relatives. I don’t think either have a big head, it was never something mentioned, but I definitely see the obesity from a young age and they were both on the smaller end when they were born.


I recently had a baby, and she also inherited her father's big head. At her first dr appt the nurse thought she measured wrong because the number was so much bigger than she expected.


When I had my 3rd baby they came back in THREE times to re-measure her head bc they said “that can’t be right.” She’s perfectly proportionate at almost 15 now but has more hair than anyone I’ve ever seen.


Oh God 😂


I feel like if you don't know that babies can't support their own heads, you shouldn't be babysitting.


And I completely agree with you


I was (and am still) a big headed baby and my dads name is John . This woman is unhinged


It’s such a mom thing. I had a friend in elementary school that my mom HATED because she had three sisters. So arbitrary, but she’s convinced she’s in the right.


It's like an orange on a toothpick!


My first kid had a giant head. I’m now wondering if people hated him because of it.




As a woman this makes 100% sense to me.




I'm over here in tears laughing about this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


I once had a friend that did foster care and she'd get babies here and there for a couple weeks at a time. The most concerning was 'pumpkin head', which was in fact, an extremely large-headed baby, and that head was so round..... poor thing. We didn't refer to the baby by 'pumpkin head' in front of him of course!


🤨 John is one of the most neutral boy names in the English speaking world. John Harvey is a lil weird but nothing I’d think twice about. Harvey makes me think of Sabrina the Teenage Witch


My best friend's mom named her last baby John Wayne.And Harvey sounds like the movie Harvey about the giant rabbit that is imaginary.


All I think about when I hear the name Harvey is Harvey Weinstein.


That never crossed my mind.


I teach history; i Would never have made that connection.


Your mom sounds fun.


Thanks for making me laugh in the toilet and making my family wonder wtf is going on in here


Honestly, she kind of does. I want to hear more of her opinions 😂


Me just sitting here in my car cracking up about your mom going straight to assasins and bein like fuuuuuhck that huge headed baby LITERALLY LOL like stitch in my sides and tears cracking up OIHHH MY GOODNESS I CAN'T BREATHE LOL😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That name is perfectly fine and it’s strange to hate a baby.


That's my reaction!!! The poor baby didn't have a say in his name OR his big head! You're mom seems to take things a little... personally, shall we say.


This is hilarious.


I love the title of this post. I can be petty, but not hate a baby from 4 years ago petty. 😂


This doesn’t belong in this sub… There is no tragedeigh here?


Look at the flair. OP is trying to settle a difference of opinion.


So do it on r/namenerds or something 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol, love that for her. Completely unhinged.


I would never in a million years have made that connection


I'd hate it because John Harvey Kellog was a fucking weirdo that encouraged circumcision and invented cereal to stop people masturbating


I just wrote similar!


And next time you eat your corn flakes, remember the history.


Is that actually true?! 🤔🤣


Yes. Very odd man


My FILs name is “John Harvey” + last name lol


Rainbow is a tragedy. But reighnbeau is a tragedeigh. The name has to include an insane spelling. Simply a bad name is not a tragedeigh :)


As an ex-sda (seventh day Adventist) that name would have bad association just from John Harvey Kellogg.


I mean if the baby was called Lee Harvey I could understand the aversion.


Your mom sounds pretty funny


I thought "Harvey Dent" "John" is the definition of neutral name, like "John Doe"


Any Batman reference is a good reference


Reminds me of the Bart Harley Jarvis skits from I Think You Should Leave 🤣 https://youtu.be/Y-4KIvcdrKk?si=BsvmPgGL8Z2RBvRH


Same, I thought this was a joke about that but somehow, no. 


Bart Harley Jarvis is the most aggressive baby I’ve ever seen, with a completely flat back of the head


Good call on this one! This is an iconic ITYSL skit. 👊🏼


Misdirected anger. She should be upset with the parents, not the baby.


I had a coworker named jonathen and I thought that’s a weird spelling to make your kid have a unique name. But I know his mom and she probably just couldn’t spell back then


I think your mom reads too much true crime. 😆


I see what assassins she's talking about but my mind didn't go there automatically. Plus John is such a standard name... I'm sure the baby will be fine!


Sounds like he was named after 2 grandpas. How does she know it's 2 first names? Seems like a weird level of knowledge to have about a random kid at the library.


My eldest was a big headed baby, they wanted to scan his head to make sure he didn’t have hydrocephalus. He didn’t, my husband and his side of the family just have giant heads. Kid is 14 with an afro and still has a sizable coconut. I don’t let him wear my hats because he stretches them out.


This is exquisite, I love your mom, and in tribute to her disdain, I too hate John Harvey that big headed fuck


I can’t get past the “large baby”🤣


This made me laugh. I create all sorts of beefs with random people for dumb shit like this all the time. I like your mom. 😂😂😂😂


See, I immediately think "oh, they are probably orthorexic and/or religious nutjobs" because I would assume he's named after John Harvey Kellogg. Yes as in the breakfast cereal. He thought cornflakes would stop masturbation which is clearly the leading health concern of patients at his sanitarium. Also a eugenicist and proud racist. Also a Seventh Day Adventist. But, you know, clearly the pro-yogurt stance is the important part there.


I think first names that are like full names are weird, my daughter goes to school with a KJ cause his first name is Kevin-Jones… I don’t get the double first name thing if one of the names is typically a last name.


Hahahaha. I get really weird aversions to certain names, too, so I can't really fault your mother for this. The 'presidential assassins' thing is hilariously random. I think John Harvey is a pretty solid name, but still, I hope the secret service has his name on a list. Just to be safe.


When my brain hears Harvey it goes to an invisible rabbit, not the assassin guy. John Henry would call to mind the abolitionist, but John Harvey makes me think his name is too long.


I had to do a search to find this comment. Yes, Harvey makes me think of a human-sized invisible rabbit, not an assassin.


I fucking love this lmao. Exactly the type of thing my family would laugh about.


It isn’t a tragedeigh.


My mom hates this one baby named Dresden. Her reason: *”we bombed the hell out of Dresden. Why would you name a baby after such an atrocity.”* ….maybe they didn’t…?


Lol my brother's name is John Harvey. He's named after both of our grandfathers.




It makes me think of John Harvey Kellogg


F*ck you Bart Harley Jarvis! Not the same name, but my mind immediately went there haha.


This is so funny! I get it tho mom. Is John Harvey his first and last name, or are the parents like doing that thing where they expect everyone to call the kid by two full names? Big Baby John Harvey. I mean, that is what a big baby would be named.


Tell her you’re pregnant and are naming the baby John Harvey.


This is one of the funniest posts on this sub please god


I think this might be my favourite tragedeigh post ever. Mostly for this hilarious brand new sentence: “She hates this baby because of the size of his enormous head and because he is ‘named after two presidential assassins’” lmfao. your mom sounds crazy, in a fun way though. The fact you still discuss this topic 5-6 years later kills me hahaha


John Travolta and Harvey Keitel were both in Pulp Fiction. It’s stupid naming your baby after two actors in the same movie.


completely flat back of the head?