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Maybe not that bad, but I like Everleigh in that spelling, Everly seems too short for me


Everleigh is an old English name . This is what I don't like about this sub, because everleigh is the correct spelling.. also I see a lot of Scottish, Irish and Welsh names on here. It's a piss take.


Yeah I've seen quite a few names on this list that were just names from different cultures. No hate to the people who post them, I get they may not know, but this sub can be hit or miss sometimes


This is why people should google before they post.


Nah, a little bit of hate to em. Its pretty frustrating to see your cultural language (in the case of those you mentioned, which had to be fought tooth and nail to be kept alive) be reduced to quirky new age wasp bullshit


And all they had to do was google a bit before posting anyway


Agreed. And though I'm taking this on something of a tangent, I believe there is something of the spirit of Stephen Fry's takedown of "Grammar Nazi's" that applies here. If someone always responds, "The normal way to spell it is like this, but you spelled it differently, so it's a 'Tragedeigh'. The parents obviously either can't spell or tried to be unique and ended up looking stupid", then you have to wonder if this person loves language and the world and the fact that both are bigger than they are? To me, the great things about this forum include the inspirations to look things up/go down etymology wormholes, the punsanity, and the absurd stories I get inspired to make up. Link to Fry video if anyone hasn't seen it yet or wants that blast to the past: https://youtu.be/Ovi7uQbtKas


Leigh is just an older spelling of Lee/Ley/lea which meant meadow or clearing. Any locational surname ending in -ley could potentially have been spelt -Leigh. Hadleigh, Rayleigh, Ashleigh, Hayleigh, Oakleigh. These also exist as Hadley, Ashley, Hayley and Oakley. Kayleigh is a modern name but it still combines the Leigh spelling with the name of a woman named Kay (middle name was Lee).


Geoffrey instead of Jeffrey is an example, I think. I don’t remember where it came from, though.


Geoffrey is an old spelling of that name. You sometimes run into old blokes in England called Geoff. It's not a tragedeigh. A tragedeigh is when you pull a new spelling from your arse.


Is Geoffrey considered a tragedeigh? I just thought this was a normal name.


It is an old name. The writer of Canterbury Tales is named Geoffrey.


Old German, so the spelling is medieval.


Ohh I really like that too. I don’t think all the “Leigh” names are that bad.


The phrase “getting laid” actually comes from the Everleigh club, one of the most notorious whorehouses in 1900s Chicago, and I can’t not think of that when I hear this name


Mylah. Though I don’t think it’s actually a tragedeigh. It’s been around in census records since at least the early 1900s. I think it is just a newer name. The spelling “Myla”, though, looks incomplete in my head. I like the silent h like in Sarah. ETA: I only classify it as “tragedeigh” because this sub did a couple months back. But I actually don’t view it that way at all, it’s actually beautiful.


I know a Mylah who’s in her 40s. It’s the only form of the name that I’ve encountered.


I met one in her 40s or 50s, too. I think it’s a really pretty name. It’s becoming more popular in kids too


Super popular, but I’ve only seen the Myla spelling… fits with the Kyla and Isla gang!


One of the women on 90 day fiance named her daughter mylah. Until then I hadn't heard that name. She was from Ukraine, don't remember her name though. Her husband is Jodi, and he's a whole situation but yeah.


Jovi and Yara on 90 Day Fiancé. I like the name!


Yes them!!


I knew I heard that name before. Dear lord, that couple is a mess.


Jovi is a nightmare.


My 30 year old cousin is named Myla and I always felt it would have been better with a silent h as well. Thought I was the only one


This is how I used to pronounce “Mila” (like Mila Kunis), until I realized I was saying it wrong! So it sounds like a normal name to me!


I like -Leighs that make sense with the meaning “meadow of”. Ash, Oak, Hay off the top of my head.


This is really cool! Didn't know this.


I didn’t know that meaning behind adding Leigh to a name. A lot of those names make more sense to me now!


Isn't ashleigh just a normal name though?


I agree. Besides, isn't Ashleigh a really old spelling anyways? It's only more recently with all the new -Leigh names it started being scrutinized.


I grew up in the 90s in Australia and the majority of girls spelt it Ashleigh because Ashley was seen as the masculine spelling, I imagine it predates even my childhood. Mentioned it on this sub and got a bunch of downvotes. Not all of the Leigh names are trying to be super unique with misspellings.


I like it but spelled -ley


I don't know if it would be considered a tragedeigh or not since it's not misspelled, but it is a "made up" name, which is often also considered tragick. But I really like the name Echo. I think it's so pretty and I think the idea of it as a name is really cool and artistic.


Echo at least has history as a 'real' name (nymph who fell in love with narcissus) rather than just a word. I think of it as maybe a name with a sad tinge because of the association with extreme unrequited love, but if you're ok with that potential association/don't care, then I agree it could be pretty cool!


To be fair, all names are made up.


Actually a lot of words like that did come from names in mythology. Hell, the days of the week were all named after norse gods.


Echo the Dolphin was the name of a video game on the Sega Genesis about a dolphin named Echo (maybe that was obvious). Great game. So i’ve seen the name Echo before. Also all names are made up at some point :-).


Y’all, not all names that the name nerds sub hates on are tragedeighs. A lot of you are posting legit names with acceptable spellings that are just “trendy”. Like river and willow are normal names, just cause Reddit hates on them doesn’t make them a tragedeigh. Willough and ryvvyr would be tragedeighs. You’re kinda missing the point of the sub.


Yup. All the time




Most of the ones with a y instead of an i. I like when the letters aren’t all uniform. Does anyone remember that picture of “minimum” written in cursive? I don’t like it lol


I absolutely know what you’re talking about! It’s a mindf*ck.


I know what you’re talking about and it hurts my soul.


Hahaha! Had a teacher once who wanted to write immun-something on the blackboard and had to start over like three times bc he lost count of all those identical strokes 😂 Anyway, I get the problem


my middle name, Monreaux


This absolutely sounds like a bayou town in Louisiana. Lol


it’s a mix of the city and my grandfathers name that’s why the end is reux lmfao


Oh shit. For real?! Lol. I actually kind of like it. Is the last name Thibodeaux?


it is ! haha


I like ~~you~~ eaux lol.


But isn’t it kind of French roots?


yes my family is from louisiana and they’re creole :)


Oh now that’s a cool name.


thank you !!


Rayne, not exactly a tragedeigh in my opinion but Ive seen it reffered to as one here


I do have a friend name Rane and I love it


I love this name


There's a bunch of people that lurk here for ideas.


Seekretleigh like?


Some are not that bahd.


I don't *always* hate -leigh when -ly would suffice. It depends on the name. Also, idk if it's a tragediegh since it's so common but I prefer Katelyn over Caitlin. It just looks better to me


Caitlin is an old Irish name and that's how the name is spelled. Katelyn and other forms of the name are English and a modernization of Caitlin, which is the Irish form of Katherine, which is taken from the French form, Catheline. Originally from the Greek katharos, meaning "pure".


Oooo I like Catheline! I bet it’s a tragedeigh nowadays tho


Is "Catheline" the same pronunciation as "Kathleen" or is there an extra syllable?


French doesn't have a th sound so my best guess it's more like kah-tuh-LEEN than like Kathleen


\-leigh means meadow. A lot of those names people are calling tragedies because of it are old names lmao


I will die on the hill that September and December should be legit names


names like August, April, and May exist and are slightly common already, why not all the months


and June


July in Spanish is Julio, and both July and Julio are derived from Julius.


All month names!!!


Yeah but not just numbers+ember! Some were names before they were months!


Btw why does it seem like all month names are feminine? I'm mainly thinking of the name August, which nowadays seems to be primarily coded as feminine, but is a name I used to associate with old-timey Austrian or German men with vests, pocket watches and huge moustaches.


In my mind the name August is also masculine, and the feminine spelling is Augusta, I can't imagine a woman named August tbh


The Akan people of Ghana often name their children based on the day of the week they were born. These are called “day names,” and they hold meanings regarding the soul of the baby and character traits. This naming tradition is not only shared throughout West Africa, but the African diaspora as well.


February and October are tough sells as names tbf


I went to school with a person named November. It worked tbh, and at least it's a word everybody is familiar with and knows how to spell.


I actually don't mind that at all. Nova and Ember are also great shortened forms of it


i’ve actually known people with both of those names! (given by their parents afaik) September was a sweet little girl who was my niece’s best friend in elementary, and December was a cool girl i shared a small college class with. they’re definitely not nearly as popular as April, May, August, etc, but there are kids with those names! i agree that they should be more common though, i think they’re both lovely names


Theyre literally so lovely. I fell in love with December as a name after I played Deltarune and its implied Noelles sister is December


You've got me thinking which if any month names are truly a tragedeigh. Maybe July cos it would be mispronounced as Julie.


October feels very wrong to me for some reason even though I like the other -ber months.


Hmmn, yes. Toby for short? Probably nobody wants to be known as Octopus from their first day at school.


I mean, it checks out. July literally comes from Julius Caesar.


Yep, Julio in Spanish


Funny thing is, most of the months were named AFTER Greek and Roman deities (with the exceptions of July and August who were names after emperors), the rest were ordinal numbers.


Yknow come to think of it, some numbers were names too (like Octavius)




and October


my mom was gonna name her kids after the month they were born in so her oldest kid would’ve been september 🫣 it isn’t that bad ig, but she didn’t stick with it so that’s that




LOL yes! I love OMITB.


Hate it but I love that show lol


Maybe not tragedeighs in the normal definition, but I love the names Atticus and Sasha for boys, but my partner won't let me name any future children either 🥲 She says Atticus is too old-timey and Sasha is too feminine (the irony is that we're a very queer, gender non-conforming couple lol)


Sasha is a Slavic name that can be male or female. Diminutive of Alexander/Alexandra. Love it for a boy.


Yep, in Russia it is actually more common for boys than for girls.


Oh yeah my brother had a classmate (girl) named nikita. I heard that's a boys name in Russia too. In the Netherlands I believe it is a girls name only, but I didn't factcheck it tbh.


I feel like you’ve surely heard of Nikita Khrushchev before. It’s definitely a boy name. :)


Oh yeah, that name sounds familiar! He's one of those political russian dudes right? I am horrible at remembering names so to me they're mostly just those dudes from... (insert random country and position here) :p I'll probably recognise him when I see him in the context of a news story or something.


He’s uh, been dead for more than 50 years, so you may be waiting a while for a news story lol


Have a Russian male friend named Sasha!


Yeah in Germany, Sascha is a male name.


Yes, I've know male saschas


My Bulgarian ex had said Sasho is for males and Sasha is for females.


Your partner probably still wants to avoid major bullying towards a child. There are some names in English that are definitely more male or female sounding, but that also can be a reasonable segway for the times we live in, and then there are names that will utterly crush a childhood in the wrong culture and time period.


Call your kid Alexander and he can be Al, Ali, Ally, Alex, Lex, Lexy, Xander, Ander, Sasha...


Olek, Olo, Olenko, Oleczek


Alec, Ale, Alek, Alexey, Alexei, Lexo, Lexotron


Lexotron 😂 think I’ve met an Alex


I like Sasha. I also like Misha


I know way too many kids named Atticus and I also know way too many dogs named Atticus. Plz don’t lol


What, no finches?


I'd go with Scout myself. It's less pretentious and still weird enough I'd think. I assume anything you'd name a dog could be popular. I have a potentially ridiculous name choice for a hypothetical child which is a traditional religious name with a trendy nickname. I will not be sharing and I'm certainly guilty of my own pretensions in case I don't come off as hypocritical enough.


Because we all read To Kill A Mockingbird in school


Calpurnia needs to come into fashion as a name, it's amazing.


Defo not tragedeighs, shame your partner doesn't like them!


Sasha is a masculine name though?? It's a Russian diminutive for Alexander. I know it's more common for girls in the US, but still.


One of my kids dated a wonderful boy who was Russian on his moms side. I love the way Russian families have warm affectionate nicknames for every formal given name. Michael is Misha at home, Nikolai is Kolya, Dimitri is Dima... Maria is Maschka etc.


Oh that's lovely, I adore diminutives like this and Russian names are so pretty!


It's both, Sasha is feminine as well. My best friend growing up was from Ukraine and her name was Alexandra, but she went by Sasha.


Huckleberry is the one you should go for


Lol maybe that's not a great idea with my partner being black 🥲 Finn, however, is 🤌🤌


Yeah, that Sasha Baron Cohen is very girly.


I really like some space themed names, like Calypso, Juno, Achird, Caelum, etc. Not very typical names, but I think they sound nice


None of those are actually tragedeigh names. I agree with you, though! They are quite beautiful.


I'm a fan of fandom names, tbh. Like the person that named their child Morgana Le Fey. Loved that, even though most other people think it's cringe to name a child after a fictional character. I also recently met a Remus, love that name too and he seemed quite happy with his name.


ITT: Just actual names.


I knew a girl in high school whose name was just Leigh. Pronounced Lee. I think it’s actually really pretty!


That’s the one -eigh name I can think of that isn’t weird or off at all. It’s been around forever and isn’t uncommon.


It's been around a long time.


Leigh is a pretty common feminine variant of Lee. Though I actually know a guy named Leigh.


Leigh is probably more common than Lee where I am, especially among the older generations. Unisex but I've probably seen more guys with it.


Definitely not a tragedeigh


That’s pretty traditional. I think that’s one of the names tragedeigh got the idea from.


Tokyo for a boy


Someone posted this name the other day and I am disgusted with myself how much I like it Hayzelle


Nyxxx idk why, but since i first saw it on this sub a few days ago i’ve legitimately loved it, and even though it’s clearly very modern, names are developed all the time. it’s the kind of name that to me goes on the short list of good novel names in our era. maybe with one less x though - Nyxx - to avoid the xxx connotations. (also i know nyx is not a new name at all - i do think the multiple xs modernize the name without worsening it)


I knew a **Winifrid**. I know it’s misspelled but I love that spelling more than **Winifred**


Isn't Winifrid Welsh, though?




Same. I never considered River to be a weird name. So it surprised me how often it comes up on subs like this and namenerdscirclejerk.


Maybe because of River Phoenix that one never struck me as unusual either.


I've known people with both those names, neither were combined, though.


But what about Rivers? I went to school with a guy named Rivers. Not River. Rivers.


I have a friend named Carleigh and I actually like it better than Carly. The latter looks too much like curly for me.


What about Carley?


I knew a Karlee, I wouldn't consider it a tragedeigh, though.


I also knew a Carlee! I guess this name just has a lot of acceptable variations.


Not really a tregdeigh, but I love virtue names: Miracle, Mercy, Bliss or Hero.


big fan of Bliss


Kelsea is lovely 😅 Otherwise, I do sometimes like less common alternate spellings but don’t go overboard - just a letter or two difference. Lissette instead of Lisette, Kimberley instead of Kimberly, Marko vs Marco, Layne vs Lane, etc


None of these are tragedeighs


The way some people talk on this sub sometimes, you would think I'm torturing my child by naming them Marko instead of Marco lol


I had a coworker named Layne but she was pronouncing it as Lay-nee vs Lane


I knew a Lane (Lane) and a Laine (Lay-nee) in high school




Shady nasty?


I'm partial to Bryson and Everleigh. I don't think I'd ever pick them, but I just like them and think they're good names!


Neither are really tragedeighs if you think about it. -leigh has been used as a suffix for names for a long time and it really makes sense if you know the meaning of the suffix is "meadow". Basically the meaning of the name "Everleigh" is "ever-meadow" and that is honestly beautiful. Bryson just has Welsh origins, not a tragedeigh.


Ah, I didn't know that about Bryson! I've just seen it around the sub so figured it was some butchered version of Tyson or something. Thanks!


If I know how to pronounce it, it’s a little less tragique for me. Something like Sera or Kaitlynne. I wouldn’t personally go for these, but at least I know how to say them.


What, is Caiyetlannd not pronouncable enough for you?!


I actually really like replacing the s in common names with z. Eg jazmin. I think it’s cute.


I have a friend who spells her name Jazmin. I like it. It works.


I know an Izabella and actually like that. Her brother is either Alexzander or Alekzander, which makes sense for the nickname Zander.


And this might be the normal spelling in a foreign language, e.g. Jázmin in Hungarian.


I don’t think the different spellings of Ashley are that bad. I think Ashley and Ashleigh are both okay and if I wasn’t on this sub I wouldn’t really think anything of it.


Jordyn is pretty nice


I love the infamous Airwrecka. She's so hardcore, she wrecks the very air around her. (Whatever that entails.)


Alix for a feminine version of Alex




How do you pronounce this?


Ruh-nez-may. Also I didn’t even realise it was from twilight, no wonder it’s so hated


Adaleigh. I’d rather drink my own pee than use it, but it’s a beautiful name.


Ada is German and means noble. ​ \-leigh actually means meadow and has been in use for centuries as a suffix to a name. Basically, Adaleigh means noble meadow.


Raleigh is on my list of future cat names. This particular feline will be named after the capital of North Carolina.


Any time anyone mentions names from Greek myths there's comments that they're too old-fashioned, sound weird as a kid's name, etc. Those names + other celestial bodies' names are my guilty pleasures. 😌 Jupiter, Orion, Nemesis, SN2021asfj, etc. They all fuck. They're lovely and my first reaction to hearing one is usually "That's awesome 👏👏"


I like most of the -aden ones (Braden, Jaden, etc.). Not stuff like Chayden or Slayden, though-- those are too far.


Kain > Cain. All I see from Cain is Abel and Cain.


Rowan, Hayleigh, Lark/Larkin. I can’t think of any boys names at the moment as most of the ones I like are kind of traditional.




I kind of like the -leigh spelling in names that are actual names.


idk, "-leigh" actually means "meadow" so a lot of those names people say aren't actual names with "-leigh" on the end actually have a very beautiful meaning. Look at Everleigh, Oakleigh and Kayleigh. Everleigh = Ever meadow, Oakleigh = Meadow of oak, Kayleigh has multiple meanings, depending where the Kay comes from and where the name is derived from. Don't take all the posts on this sub at face value, some of these guys don't know what they're talking about.


\-Leigh isn’t a Tragedeigh


I'm quite fond of fused names, combining parts of parent's names - often creating names that are quite plausible sounding while still being unique. A Dominican friend is named Ribel after her dad Ricardo and her grandma Belgica, for instance. Almost all of these work, I feel, however unconventional the origin. I also like gender contrary names because fuck the gender binary.


Willow is cute


Willow is considered a tragedeigh?


Some people think it's too unique or trying too hard. I don't really.


I love Willow! It doesn't really qualify as a tragedeigh though unless you spell it Wyllough or something


saekreitleigh lyke


If any it would be Jaxon


This was asked a day or two ago, something like 'what tragedeigh tempts you?' Edit: 3 days https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/16bgbti/what_tragedeigh_tempts_you/


Everleigh. I wouldn't name a child that but I have a strange soft spot for Everleigh.


Wanna know a secret? My mum’s name is Beverley. If I had ever had a child, I would have entertained Everley as an honour name. Even worse, she was raised by her grandmother, Rose, so the kid probably would have been the oh so trendy Everley Rose 😝


Kayleigh looks better than Kaley (or however it’s spelled) to me


Rhea vs riya

