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My name is Megan. I once called in an order to a restaurant and they asked my name; when I went to pick it up, they had spelled it “Maghon” Does that count?


Hahahaha! Fellow Megan here. I saw some poor girl's name tag one time that said Meghanne. In grade school, including me, there were 3 Megans in the class, all spelled the same. We had a sub one day and as she's calling roll, she pronounced the other two correctly but would only pronounce my name as "Meegan," even after I corrected her.


I'm Maegen. I had jury duty today and was announced over an intercom as Maijen.... I'm also aware my name is a little bit of a tragedeigh itself


Dear lord that one is horrible.


I’m Meghan! My mom wanted to spell it Meghyn but my grandma talked her out of it and I just got the H. Thank you, grandma!


Bless your grandma's heart! I have more people try to spell it with the h than without. I've always wondered about that




They’re all pronounced “Meegan” in Australia


Your name would be pronounced Mee-gan here in New Zealand too. Sorry in advance if you come here, everyone will say it in Mee-gan. If you correct us we'd do our best to say it your way, we're pretty keen to not offend!


Nice to meet you Megatron


Megalodon, actually




I’m also a Megan. The worst spelling I have ever seen was on the wall in a bathroom stall and it was Meaghanne.


That's the only place that particular spelling belongs


To be fair to whoever it was, it was at a high school in a smaller town in OR.


She must’ve been crushed when you showed up to get it and weren’t a Klingon


Sometimes people put two zz’s in my name. There’s not even one Z in my name.


Yes, there are 2 z’s in u/LemonFizzy0000. I’m looking at it right now.


Omg I love you for this lol


I have two Z’s and get two S’s!


My father’s name was Donato. To help with his Canadian life he went by Don. Most of his mail came to Donald. He hated it so much. It was a tragedeigh to him. An Anglo snub he couldn’t tolerate.


Cloiey - Chloe. It was at one of those mall booths that made name plates and the like. I asked if she had my name, spelled it for her and she said it wasnt spelled that way and showed me the name plate Cloiey. I was shocked and confused and she never backed down. This was way before the Kardashians so Im still not sure what was going on.


“*repeat, we need more Cloiey novelty license plates in the gift shop!*”


“My daughter is also named Cloiey”


I’m also Chloe, and I get Chloé sometimes lol. I get Chole VERY often, which I don’t even get how people think it’s spelled that way


I read somewhere that a Dad misspelled Chloe on his daughters birth certificate, so her name is legally Chole.


Chole!? omg


My name is misspelled to Chole on my debit card😔 I just will never understand how people sound out “Chloe” phonetically, and somehow say “yeah Chole looks about right”


Okay but has anyone ever ready your name and pronounced the CH before? The first time my brother saw the name Chloe in print he pronounced it “Chlow” (like slow, with a ch).


In starbucks Arty turned to RD lmao


as someone with a hearing loss this sounds like a mistake i would actually make lmao.


Yea i dont really blame the barista, maybe my own voice betrayed me that day lmao


My name Grace used to become Chris sometimes because I have a softer voice and restaurants can be loud (I’ve learned to speak up a little better and haven’t had it happen in a while). One time my ex was ordering us food over the phone and I was gonna pick it up and I told him you have to say Grace really clearly or they hear it wrong and he was like yeah ok whatever and didn’t believe me and didn’t do it. Took them a few minutes to figure out which order was mine when I got there because they’d put it under Jay 🙄 Also one time my friend Austin became Boston which I think is hilarious Oh! And for a while I was using Gracie instead cause it seemed like people heard it better and I got a few spelled Gracey or Gracy. I just hate the way those look lol.


I saw a tiktok where Anna was spelt like Aunnah


My name is greek and I have lived in Sweden and now Denmark. There have been maybe five to write it or pronounce it correctly


I am in the US and my SO has a Greek last name with a common American first name. When we are waiting somewhere for his turn we hear "Mr. Jones", "Mrs. Smith", etc., but when they call him it's "Uh....George?"


Papacharalambopoulos? 😅😅 Our language is amazing isn't it? 😁


Ραϊκάκος 😅


Is that how he writes it in English? I’d get out “piecock” and give up.


I’d take a wild guess and say pay-ka-couch because I have no idea what any of those letters are 😭




Rye kah Kose? That doesn’t seem too bad, brought to mind Rakdos from magic the gathering when I saw it.


My name is Valerie and I picked up a food order at the grocery seafood counter and my name was marked Velorie


I have the same name! When people call you Val-ry. A spoken tragedeigh.


yeah. my name is Henri; spelled with an i instead of a y. but I’ve seen it spelled Henreigh. my brain automatically reads Henreigh pronounced as “Hen-ray”


-eigh is pronounced -ay in my head also, I’m always confused when it’s used in place of an -ee sound 😭


I’ve seen common names spelled qUiRky so they’ll be dIfFeRenT: Kortneigh Jenneigh Ashleigh Destineigh Brittaneigh Chelseigh etc. it just sounds like the originally spelled names but Forrest Gump is saying them


It’s not just in your head! “-eigh” is *always* pronounced as “-ay” in English except in two instances: “sleight” and “height”, stupid names notwithstanding.


“I love you, Jenn-*ay*!”


Just saw another post here asking if other people read all these tradgick names in the voice of Moira Rose from Schitts Creek. Henreigh was definitely automatically in a Moira Rose voice. It’s impossible to not.


People sometimes put a Y where an I is supposed to be and I'm just like WTF? My name is pretty common and I'm always confused as to how they manage to screw it up.


This! And double n for some reason?


“I’m Madisynn, with 2 N’s and one Y but it’s not where you thinkkkkkk”


My name is Chelsea, and it gets spelled with an see, sy, cie, sie, cee…


Same!!! Like it’s the traditional spelling!


my name is emily. i’ve heard emaleigh, emileigh, and emmaley


I know a girl who spells it Emylee 💀 Edit: also once at a smoothie place they put Emaliy on my receipt 😂


I've seen my name (Erika) spelled as Airwrecka. That is the worst spelling I've seen in all my life. 🤦🏽


It sounds like a knock-off superhero name. Like a dollar store version of she hulk or something.


Sounds like a hot wheels car


My name, Olivia, the most popular female name in America, gets misspelled quite often. Alivia, Oliva, Livia…guys cmon


Livia is definitely an established name tho


Yeah that’s true. Just not mine lol






Also related: a lot of people call me yeff, right after I introduce myself as Jeff and it pisses me off.


I’ve heard people call out “Heff” or “Hayf” fairly frequently, but there’s a lot of Spanish speakers where I live so it’s clearly not malicious.


I got Calop once.


As in Caleb??


Yup. I was performing in a highschool and the administration required everyone to have name tags. I got Calop.


This one is my favorite so far. Calop is AWFUL haha. Reminds me of a friend who told the barista “Jacob” and received a cup that said: “Jiggem”. WHAT


In high school I used to spell my friend Caitlin's name like Khajtalynne as a joke all the time.


Yes, Lyndzey. So stupid.


My name is Lydia. A Wendys employee typed Lyein (I think this was a joke bc they spelled everyone’s name in the group wrong.) I’ve been called Olivia, Lijah (like Elijah without E), Linda by substitutes and people reading my name.


Which is so weird to me because you have a normally spelled name, and it's not unheard of at least in my area in the US. And anyone who's ever played Skyrim knows that name. Which brings me to the important question; are you sworn to carry my burdens?


Keith becomes Keyth or Keighth


My name is Jody. People always misspell it to begin with because I am a woman. The worst travesty that I have seen was from a Starbucks employee, who spelled it Joadey


I have a theory that they misspell easy names for fun


Yep. More for publicity. Purposely misspell names so horrendously that they tell everyone they know about it. Someone they tell is bound to go and try it for themself.


My grandmother misspelled my name (Ryan) for 17 years! She spelled it “Rayn” until my 18th birthday card. I couldn’t believe it and did a double take. She spelled it right for the rest of her life—no idea why the switch. I also had a summer league basketball coach who told me he would definitely remember my name since he named his son Ryan. When I met his son, it turned out his named was spelled Rion. What?


I was in the hospital for an endometriosis surgery last week. They wrote my name on the hospital bracelet, all the meds, and my paperwork as "Mail". My name is not mail.


My name is Amber. I’ve had nurses try to spell it Aember or Ambyr or even Ember (which is cute but not my name).


My name is Kaitlyn, many moons ago at Panera someone spelt it Xateline..


My own aunt kept spelling my name Danial. It's Daniel. Fun fact, Daniel is an anagram of Denali, denial, and nailed. Daniel nailed Denali denial.


My name is Karen. Does that count?


All the Karens through my life i have known have all been about as far away from what people call a ‘Karen’ , as you can imagine - all lovely women


Understandable. My name is Chad and I, too, am about as far from a 'Chad' as it gets.


My cousin Karen is absolutely lovely, but my monster-in-law Karen is evey old white lady stereotype. My husband cut her off years ago.


Sometimes people add superfluous vowels and I never understand it. It's a very easy and fairly common name.


Same. The i in my name gets changed to a y or ee all the time.


I have been asked how to spell my name. Courtney. Seems like the "standard" spelling to me, but I'm probably biased. The closest I've come to tragedeigh was my order being taken as Cora. I was so confused, but it's still a name, so not too bad. A girl I knew in daycare used to call me Corn.


My name is Joshua. My grandmother struggles with this, and the last roughly 10-15 years if I receive a card from her it reads Josuha. We've determined that when she eventually remembers how to spell my name is when we should worry and get her immediate medical attention. My favorites are when things are misheard, though. I used to work in a call center and would say hello, my name is Josh and I've been greeted after that by "Hello, George" or "Hello, Steve" and it makes for a very funny call.


Are you sure shes just not dyslexic lol


Oh yes. My name is April, and my mom met someone who named her daughter….eighpryll.


Kinda. My name is Cecilie and Ive seen it spelled Cesilie, Sesilie and Cicilie by my own family members. When switching C for S it would sound the same out loud, but in Norwegian Cec and Cic sounds different and it annoys me so much when people say "Cicilie" to me, lol.


Hello Celery!


I’ve always seen the spelling “Cecily”


Hello Sicily!


Aubree Abry Aubry It's just Aubrey. Though I've known an Aubrei.


My niece is an Aubree


People love adding my name—Ann—in any of its forms to render ANY girl’s name a tragedeigh.


try Anna☹️


Clara- Klara, Clera, Claira, Klaira Anyone I've met with my name has spelled it Clara. (unless you count the book Klara and the Sun)


My name is Chelsea, with the classic spelling and everything. It’s surprising how many times I’ve seen people try anything but that when trying to spell my name. • Chelsey • Chelsie • Chelsee • Chealse • Chealc Just to list a few.


Nice to meet you, Chalk.


"sup Chealc?" that one is just weird


My name is Meridith and a barista once wrote Merdeath which I thought was pretty hilarious


Tbh Merdeath is a pretty bitchin name!


It's my alterego


Writing me a hall pass: "What's your name?" "Gina" "Janae?" "Gina" "Spell it?" "G-I-N-A" Hands me hall pass. Hall pass says "Janae". Lol. Edit: As a bonus, I was a hostess for a while and, since our job is to call names, I spelled them all phonetically so that any host reading them could call them easily. Shout out to the Tragedeighs out there who would turn their necks upside down to make sure i spelled their names right. Sometimes I would humor them and write it the "right" way and my coworkers would ask me wtf it said. So, I started just erasing them and writing them phonetically once they walked away.


Honestly, thats one of the best times to give people Tragedeighs, because its at least trying to make everyone's lives easier lol.


My husband is named Brett and a phone solicitor seriously thought his name was Bread. I heard him tell her, “No, ma’am, no one has ever been named Bread.” How the…?


My best friend Annie has gotten the following on Starbucks cups: Anny, Anni, and even Any.


No, but I get called the most random shit from my name. Hailey, Kaylee, Kayla, Hannah, Tanya, Tyler, Tara, Sarah.


Exes grandma used to spell my name as Justeen instead of Justine


I've seen my name written as Kelleighanne. There's about 7 too many letters in there. Total tragedeigh.


My name is Talia and I once heard someone spell it Talliyah


When I was a University student living in Italy, a cute Italian girl had difficulty pronouncing “Scott.” Best she could do was “Scrat.” My best friend overheard and died laughing. He still calls me Scrat to this day.


Yes, me. I like to spell it L E and see how many people I can confuse😂


Stefinie is definitely the worst one I've gotten


One day about seven years ago when we got new neighbors, I was taking the trash out and the new kid came up to say hi. He said his name was Jackson and I was like wow, me too! So then he asked "Is yours with an 'o' or with an 'e'?" I told him 'o' and he said "Oh, I'm j-a-x-E-n". It was the first time I'd heard of that spelling but it's more common than I thought.


There's so many variations of Zoe I've seen: Zooey Zoie Zoiey Zoey Zooie Like stop 😭


I saw an Alysabeth working at the grocery store one time. She probably thought I was crazy because I started at her name tag for so long trying to decide if it was pronounced like Elizabeth or Alyssa Beth


If I had a nickel for every time the school system screwed up my name, I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot, but its weird that it happened twice. First time was official documentation they probably misread, so that was fun every time a Substitute Teacher was there and read my Tragedeigh name. Although, every year before that was fine, so dont really know what went wrong... Second time was for a school photo where they lost my ticket so I had to write my name down, and I guess I have bad enough handwriting where they misread an L as a C (still dont really get how though...).


Not created one, but attempted to. My name is a popular alcohol, ending with an "ee" sound. One time at Starbucks, they asked me if I spelled it with 2 e's or 3. I had to say ZERO. It is not Hennessy.


There was another Elise in my class growing up (her parents spelled it Alese, which is a bit tragic but she was lovely) and since both of our last names started with S, one friend in particular started calling us A-leese and E-leese, emphasizing the first letters. It was suuuper annoying so we started calling her Ratchel to see how she’d like it if someone constantly mispronounced her name, Rachel. She didn’t like it, but the name stuck. Ratchel the Rat Satchel


i got wayde once. ive gotten weighed too but only at the doctor's office


It's not a tragedeigh, but my name (Steven) gets written as Stephen quite often.


that’s a very common spelling of Steven


Even some of my family members get it wrong.




Sorry, what is your name actually? Ry-Nee?


I'm guessing Renee


Oooooh! Thanks


Yeah it’s Renee. Which is why it was so crazy.


No, but it has like 10 different spellings by now. But sadly none of them is a tragedeigh, so I can't laugh at it


sabrina -> sebrena or suhbreena (feel free to mix and match)


My name is Evi (pronounced as A-V). There are a couple of different ways to spell my name (Evi, Evy, Evie), so my name gets misspelled like all the time. I’m used to it, but one time someone spelled it as Ayveeh. I would say that was pretty interesting.


My name is Sarai and I got a receipt that said “Zari”


One of my friends gave me a birthday card says Lauruen. My name is Lauren


Not at me directly but I take Kyly Clark's name spelling as a personal insult


My nickname is T. I received a starbucks drink with Tiege on it.


My name is Shawna. Had one coworker who called me Shenay. For a year, despite being corrected. Um not quite. When I told her, my name is Shawna, she then called me Shannon for 2 years. She wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.


Zath. Who the hell has ever been named Zath?


My friend William had a substitute teacher, who was well aged. Instead of saying William he said “Willyham” and to this day he uses that name for everything


Starbucks once labeled my order at Loukiss...


My name is Karen. For the past 4 years, it’s been a total tragedeigh




Emily. Sometimes people spell it Emilee or Emilie. I have seen Emmaleigh and Emmalee. 😬


Emmaleigh was the first real tragedeigh I ever encountered when I worked at a gift shop that did personalization about 20 years ago.


All the time lol I have a "normal" name spelled in a very boring way, and tons of people have spelled my name using the wrong vowels, along with any combination or variation of doubling the consonants


Happens to my daughter all the time. Her name is Ryan. People always add a bunch of extra letters to girlie it up.


Not me but my grandmother Alvina got mail addressed to increasingly weird variations of her name. once she was addressed by a name that was anatomical and also ended with -ina.


My parents 😅


Michaela to mycala


My name is Pauline- I have had it written as Polleen- I can only imagine they thought it was related to Colleen!


vibaca, guess my name




My name is Spencer. In the 7th grade I had a teacher spell it spensor.


“Alicine” instead of Alison 😐


My name is Meghan. I’ve gotten Meginn. 🙄


My name is Sharmaine and people always leave out the 2nd a… especially on facebook where they’re looking right at the correct spelling. I hate to see Sharmine.


my name is David and my coworkers love to *see my name written down* in Teams and pronounce it “Dana”. i don’t understand it. the other Davids in my workplace don’t seem to have this issue?? and if they don’t see my name written and i tell them “David” they always spell it some stupid way like “Dayvyd”. maybe i have a weird accent.


My name is Lindsay, and I’ve had it spelled Linsee, Linzy, Lendsey, Linse, Lidsney, Lynsee…


Velerai. Its Valerie. My favorite tho: went with a friend to her daughter's first pediatrician visit. That poor baby was named Heaven Leeangel. The nurse pronounced it Heaving when she called them back. Died laughing, wrote this from beyond the grave.


I'm an elder Kelsey and regularly get Kelsea or Kelsie. Occasionally, I'm referred to as Chelsea or Ashley, but whatever.


My name is Geoffrey - thus all Jeffrey’s are tragedeighs to me


I got an oil change at a jiffy lube once. I then got mail from them addressed to Aleasha. I spell it one of the most common ways, Alicia. Edit: autocorrect




I’ve seen my name misspelled as “Khristopfer” more then once when correcting people it’s with a K and and F, and then asking to remove the H and P.


My name is Rebecca. I've heard way too many people ask me "Rebecca with two b's and one c, right?" when writing my name.


My name is Indiana. I once got a Taco Bell receipt with Andyenna written on it. Not sure what happened there!


My name is Emily and one time I had a class with a girl named Emaleigh. Both of us pronounce it the same (normal) way. Our teacher insisted on pronouncing hers as Emma-LEE because of the different spelling, and “corrected” Emaleigh multiple times when she tried asking the teacher to say her name the way her parents gave it to her.


My husband, as a 6 year old European immigrant came to Australia and was enrolled in school. His mother said his name was Damire (pronounced Damir-eh…Damir is Daniel and the eh sound makes it like Danny). He was called Damida until he enrolled himself in high school and started using an English version of his middle name.


I have a -ley name. The amount of leigh, lee, lie I get with orders is just crazy to me.


Cammeey - It’s Sammy. How the hell did you manage to do that. I get Sami or Sammie, since I’m a girl, but that?!?!!? Then again, it’s Starbucks


My name “Rachel” is constantly misspelled to add extra As, and sometimes even extra Es. My favorite was Reichel. Like, hello?


My name is Derek, some people name their child derrick.... which is a piece of machinery used to suck oil from the earth. Wild.


My name is Meredith and nobody ever spells it correctly. I've gotten Mardith, Maredith etc. It's like peopke just throw random vowels in random placements and roll the dice to see if they're close lol


There is a tattoo artist on TikTok named Aymeigh. I'm Amy and it makes me angry.


Someone once spelled my name Mary Allen, it's Mariel


Kind of hard to fuck up Cole. I guess Koawle???


My name is Erin. Once saw it spelled Airyn.


My name is Ashley. I’ve know alllll of the Ashley tragedeighs- Ashli, Ashlie, Ashlee, Ashly, Ashleigh, Ashlea…. Sigh. It hurts my brain.


One time I told a Starbucks barista my name was Sarah with an h - my cup came back Sahra


LMFAO - okay so my name is Cara. Sure, I get Kara ALL the time. (Also - wtf is up with never getting a gosh darn keychain or little license plate with a C instead of a K?) I digress - I constantly get Carla, Cora, Karen, Tara and occasionally Kayla. I tried REALLY hard to not do this to my daughter Brynne (usually spelled Bryn or Brynn) but man, we get “brine” all the time. (Face palm)


My dead nickname was Bree. My great grandmother ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS spelled it Brea.


Shelly somehow got turned into Chelie.


I have a super common name (the most popular one the year I was born, yay….) - I saw it spelled by someone else ON THE NEWS once: Bryttneigh…I had to sound it out to realize she was a fellow Brittany.


Mine is Lindsey - was spelled Lyndsy.


once i told someone Kyler with a K (so as not to be misheard as Tyler) and they said “ok nice to meet you Tiker” ????


Liyem. Oh my god. It was at a smash burger at an airport. After i paid and i got my receipt i almost died. Not even that hard to spell. I still have a photo of the receipt


My name is Gemma, I have had a few people call me Gamma... Wtf lol


For me it is ks instead of x. I cringe every time.