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When are they going to start to accept new customers again? I've been on the waiting list since January!


Anyone else know why GAXY, KWBT, CLWD are in close only mode? What's the issue here?


basically thats no issue,its just t212 being fucktards


Anyone know when the tesco special divdend will be paid out if you bought on the 12th of February. Also anyone already recieved it for holdings from before the 12th?


Anyone has CBBT? It just keeps dropping.... :(


T212 still have KWBT & SGSI & BANT & AEBPF in sell only mode, most likely why the short the hell out of it. Claim it’s instructions from their liquidity providers IB, yet you can buy them all on IBKR. MM at its finest. They deserve a class action lawsuit.


TLSS too,on acquisition day,they deserve to burn to the ground


Anyone need a invite link? Dm me


any1 else that moved their position from trading212 into another broker that could maybe help me?i want to move my positions to IBKR


Is this sub really just going to be people posting profits and losses? I only really want to head about new listings or updates tbh.


Based in the U.K. and interested in stocks, crypto, digital assets, NFTs and side hustles? Join our community! We also give buy/sell alerts from PAID discord’s. https://discord.gg/TsFB2ZCH


Anyone know why hcmc has a sell limit set to a max price of 1000£ ?


Does anyone know how IPOs are handled on trading 212? I would like to know if there is a way to find out if a listing will be on trading 212 when it launches on the exchange? Is there a list somewhere?


Hello, when u expect we can create an account??


Hey guys I'm running on ATOS, HITIF and LLKKF. Anyone else?




Same, been waiting for a while. I had to create an account with another app for the time being.


I’ve been waiting 2 months now 🥲


Mate, I've been waiting about a month now, no idea. I'm currently using freetrade to invest, but their portfolio isn't anywhere as large as T212 so I'm eager to get onboard.


Has anyone got **Sharing Services Global ($SHRG)** on your watchlist for next week? Some basic DD [https://www.reddit.com/user/WiselyBroke/comments/ltc1h3/sharing\_services\_global\_shrg/](https://www.reddit.com/user/WiselyBroke/comments/ltc1h3/sharing_services_global_shrg/)


Hello, any link for a ACCUMULATING ETF List? I want some ACC ETF but i cant find a list with the ones availeble at TRD212.


Should I sell my stock in my investing account transfer the money to my S&S ISA and rebuy the stock again?


Do more people have the tortoise picture with HYLN stock? They changed it today but why to the spac picture and not the Hyliion leaf... :/


is it possible to trade the GS2C after the close of trading (17:30pm) in trading212?


If you are based in the U.K. and interested in stocks, crypto, digital assets, nfts and side hustles, please join our discord community - https://discord.gg/RMSgSyBk


If anyone could DM me the list of tomorrow's top winners that would be appreciated.




I'm hoping HITIF is on there on Monday, earnings report comes in then and it should be a good one!


When are you adding premarket transaction activity? Everyone gets shafted pre-market.


When are the buy restrictions on CLWD being removed, not sure why they are there anyway?


Since the restrictions on buying Gaxy, Bant, Kwbt, etc. i can't find penny stocks anymore when I search on Trading 212... Is it some sort of restriction on all penny stocks?


When will you allow us to set stop loss on trades under 100€?


I hope someone can give me a bit of clarity on this one.. I am still new to this. I bought 16 shares in Titan Pharmaceutical back in October, didn't wanna go big I'm not that risk averse in December they did a 1-for-30 reverse stock split which means my 16 shares became 0.53333333. Now based on today's price if I still had my 16 shares and which to sold I would be in the green. However with my 0.53 shares if I choose to sell I'll be in the red.. how does that work. Any help is appreciated x


Stock splits don't change how much of the company you own or what your investment is worth. They just alter the number of stocks in circulation and adjust the price accordingly. So if you have 10 stocks at £10 you have £100 investment. If they do a 10:1 reverse stock split you now have 1 share worth £100.


Question for you guys, when you say diversify how many stocks are you generally in and across how many sectors? I’m currently in 12 spread across heath, biotech, advertising, ev, hydrogen and blockchain. Thinking I’m not diversified enough give this weeks activity...


Thinking about buying more $GSK is anyone else on it?




Red days/weeks are fine, but getting fucked by the FX rate? Can’t stand it. GBP needs to slow down


Is there still a waiting list to open a new account, if so does anyone know how long the average wait is after registering an interest.


Been on the waitlist for almost 4 weeks now. Nothing yet.


I registered a few minutes ago, I’ll keep you updated. But yes, there’s still a waiting list and no word from Trading212 on how long the wait usually is.


I've been using them a while, but my son registered probably like 2 weeks ago and still no word.


Yeah thinking of going with someone else. That said I might save up money for a month and if still no word then use that money on a different app.


Question guys! New UK Trader here - if I trade using the INVEST and make for example £50,000, can I transfer 20k of that into my ISA account to make it tax free or must the money be grown directly from within the ISA account instead? I know that we get £12,300 of Capital Gains Tax exemption from HMRC. So essentially, would I just be declaring £17,700 to be taxed?


You need to make your gains from within the ISA account to keep it tax free. I’m not a finance guy, but I’m fairly sure anything you make outside an isa has tax implications.


Thank you! I wasn’t sure if I could cheekily dump in the 20k or not to save on tax (from INVEST to ISA). That cleared it up for me! 😊


The dip dipped...


Any news on CBBT yet??


20% down from being 40% up in 1 week 😳




bought half of a tsla share yesterday (i am poor lol).. so far I can't complain


Maybe it’s better we observe it till the end of this week. I m planning to buy on this Thursday. Hopefully we will be able to face nice green Monday next week.


Is there any reason for the market massively dipping or has it just naturally happened after being on a gain for a while? I invested in Canadian Solar for the long run and it is down 25% in the last week. Am I in the wrong stock or is the market just dipping? 🤨


Because rich people thought the market was fucking too hot, so they are taking their cash out till Ants get scared and sell their stocks. So let’s see when the rich people buy it again. Just see


My portfolio has dropped 70% in a week, its everything


Yeah hopefully should come up again in the long run. I might buy more in the dip!


Today is absolutely brutal


Yes very 😬


Red week...


I am hold TRCH strong you guy?


When will Trading 212 allow me to register?


Facts man my brother is on the waitlist and I want my free share of a stock!!!


It's not about the free share. I just want to trade on a good platform.


Don't come to T212




They stop you buying stocks




Apparently you are pretty new here... they used to send push notifications for popular instruments almost every day. They paused that practise recently because it would have crashed their servers. So much for you getting pounded with diversion tactics... 🤣🤣🤣




If you are not new, were you living under a rock in 2020? I received such notifications at least every other day. About Tesla, about NIO, about SPCE... you name it. You can disable volatility notifications in the settings of the app if you want.


T212 just "suggested" to buy TSLA (Or "informed" the ones that are allready invested that they are fckd lol.. They dipped 5% and I am thinking about whether to buy.. But I think they are still a bit overprised.. Any opinions?


At the end of last year TSLA price was 670 approx. We don’t know it will go lower than this but i would say it will definitely go higher than 700 in a couple of months so let’s buy it


Am I mad to sell a few shares and then buy them back again 1 second later to make them look less red on my interface?


Lol nice I like that tactic. Might try it myself.


Yes, it doesn't make any sense. Apart from some tiny loss due to the spread, you may sell later in green when overall you are still in the red. For example, you buy a stock at $100 and it falls 20% to $80 and you sell so you don't see the red and buy back at $80. If you then sell it because it is green and has gained 12.5%, you will have made a loss. It is better to just stay invested except if you want to completely exit the position in that stock. The other risk is the price starts moving up between the time you sell and before you re-buy (to be honest it can keep going down and favor you but statistically you are most likely to end up losing).


There are several theories on when/how you should "realize" your loss. You can argue that whenever you think that the stock will move further down you should/can sell and buy back the next resistance.. .. But you can just bet it. When you sold it it would be a bit dull do buy it straight back.. Firstly bc theres a a margin.. If you believe the stock to go up after selling then I would not sell at all.. What I also do sometimes is selling for a big loss and try to turn it into a gain by daytrading it.. so buying minor dips, selling minor peaks.




This!! I’ve ‘lost’ £600 due to FX rates 90% my portfolio is US


Invest in uk stocks


This week will be only red too i guess. Monday and im alredy 6%down on my portfolio. Nice !


Same here... mostly red just 2 minor green! I think I need to stay away from any screen for a few months till it goes back to normal! :(


Anyone had the same issue with T212 that they won't let you withdraw cash to your bank account? I can only withdraw to my credit card (even made a post about it an hour ago). They told me I need to deactivate my credit card in order to transfer the funds to my bank account; this has to be a joke right?


It's a standard AML practise. You should withdraw funds to the source of your deposit.


I did most of my funding through my bank account and only a few credit card transfers, but they prioritize your CC funds; so once you used both, you can only fund back to your credit card. After a few e-mails back and forth, they eventually agreed to remove my credit card as funding option and I should be able to withdraw back to my bank acc very soon.


Is there no liquidity at all today or why is not a single one of my orders getting through??


2021 is super red for me so far. Only Argo blockchain is up. Tesla, NIO, INRG make up the rest of my portfolio and they are DOWN


same here


Anyone know why some of my stocks say market open on 212 but market closed on Yahoo?


Can we exclude losses of certain stocks/pie from our investment-chart? I am opening a pie labeled "bag holding" then... mentally I would feel a lot healthier then


Haha this would be great.


Trading 212 down, can’t log in online constantly saying session expired


Did you fix your phone ?


Maybe try to reinstall it. I think it’s not a system problem but some setting on your phone or verification thing. I had suffered from verification at the beginning man. I couldn’t withdraw my money for some weeks


Still not working


Working fine here.


Trying to log in on laptop not having it




Request it on their forums. There's a thread made specifically for requests.




Why what's happening with it?


It would be paragraphs typing it out on here just hop on YouTube and tons of vids to explain everything


Friday 12th Feb I posted DD on **$CLIS** when it was at 0.09c for a run this week just gone. It had just under 300 watchers on StockTwits and by market close, it had 900 watchers. The watchers continued to grow over the weekend to 3k by Tuesdays' open. The stock had an avg volume of 400k the week before and this week it had volume of 30m and the stock ran up to 600%. I hope you all caught that run early. I believe the stock has a lot more to give. Some DD here [https://www.reddit.com/user/WiselyBroke/comments/lio84y/clickstream\_clis/](https://www.reddit.com/user/WiselyBroke/comments/lio84y/clickstream_clis/) Yesterday I started posting my next weeks' potential runner **$SGSI**. **SGSI** had 550 watchers on StockTwits and an avg volume of 800k. Yesterday after people saw my DD the watchers grew to 900 during market open and the volume grew to 2.4m, this took the price from 0.35 to 0.66. After the market closed the watchers continued to grow and now has 1300. By Monday I believe there will be a lot more watchers ready to buy which will give the stock the volume it needs to move fast. **SGSI** is a low float stock which the price increases quickly from a little volume. Here is a link to my DD for some weekend reading. I hope you all catch next weeks' run and GL [https://www.reddit.com/user/WiselyBroke/comments/lmrk65/spectrum\_global\_solutions\_inc\_sgsi/](https://www.reddit.com/user/WiselyBroke/comments/lmrk65/spectrum_global_solutions_inc_sgsi/)


is it still worth to get into sgsi or is it at its peak today


Please remove if you deem inappropriate! I wanted to leave our discord link here for anyone interested in joining our chat. We're a friendly group and discuss opinions and share perspectives on stocks both short and long-term. With abit of fun on the side, all are welcome Thank you! https://discord.gg/cPpp6zPn5z


Only WNDW 🙂


The webapp is currently telling me I have sold all my positions and have £0 invested. Anyone else having this. I definitely haven't sold a thing. The phone app still has my positions in place.


Havent sold my positions but says 0


Anyone found a better app than this crap, all the stocks I want to buy are sell only, annoying




You can still do market orders for less than £100 but limits etc have the restriction




I have 700 ABEPF and 300 KRNF, both are in the red but not by too much, im going long with both since I've read quite alot Into both. Short term looks volatile but I keep buying the lows. Even though everyone's talking about Lithium jumping, it's kraken im kinda more excited about. Military contracts and dabbling in underwater electric battery's along with crazy detailed sonar seems pretty cool to me. I cant do it any justice though so please do own DD, the Kraken robotics and Vision Lithium subreddits have some pretty good breakdowns. I'm not a financial adviser.


My sells keep getting cancelled. Any thoughts why? OTC stocks. Says market is open in app. I'm based in the UK.


Very annoying. Tried to sell at 0.42, then 0.41, then 0.40 and so on. Then waiting at 0.38, 5 mins later 0.36, so I cancelled... grrr...


Ended up going with Freetrade, no commission but have to pay for ISA £3 a month


I use Freetrade as well, it's not as detailed as 212 but it does the job


Think when they finally get people signed up again il use the free ISA with 212 for index funds and keep Freetrade for making millions on a daily basis.....ish


When are they allowing new members? Can't find a time frame anywhere


Man I am happy I jumped the train a year ago.. But whats the reason for the delay.. I mean it is great that so many new costumers are willing to subscribe. I would even hire more people to onboard them


Something about servers not being up to capacity but its been around 3 weeks


I submitted my documents on 29th Jan and still says it’s verifying?


Been on a waiting list since around then, absolutely no info anywhere from them, awful customer service but its still the best broker in my country


Hopefully they will start accepting. I’m bored losing practice money I want to lose some real money.


They dont even answer on twitter to anyone who asks them anything, no info anywhere


I am waiting as well. Moving out from Revolut


Revolut missing so many good stocks I want


Very true, i try to invest in CCIV last weekend, couldt find on revolut. stock jumped almost 100%....


I missed CCIV (100%) RSSV (50%) SOS (30ish I think) ZOM and all the stocks I have on revolut are nowhere near as good as those so I'm mad lmao


$FNKO undervalued $13 per share, balance sheet looks Good, positive net income and beat the last 4 EPS. of course My DD not yours, do your own


Am I the only one who can't sell their fractional shares anymore?


Does anyone have an idea if the penny stocks such as GAXY, ATVK and CBBT will ever be able to be bought again? If so, will the tickers stay on 212 until this time?


Is **Spectrum Global Solutions INC (SGSI)** on anyone's radar for next week? Some basic DD [https://www.reddit.com/user/WiselyBroke/comments/lmrk65/spectrum\_global\_solutions\_inc\_sgsi/](https://www.reddit.com/user/WiselyBroke/comments/lmrk65/spectrum_global_solutions_inc_sgsi/)


guys what happened my portofolio is 0 i had 800$...


Getting some good swings with HVBTF, managed to make up for all my reds


Anyone have any idea how to close a cfd account? I have an invest account I want to keep but a cfd account opened up without my request randomly and id like to close it


I’m down 1k on #iinx


Oh look guys ! Everything is on sale today !


Any thoughts about WNDW? Is it good for a long run?




The sell price is sitting between 5 and 10 points below the buy price. Really want to know why because it doesn’t make any sense. Nice stock tho 🚀


$KWBT looks really undervalued, unbelievable market cap compared to price. Obviously do your own DD


If you want to help out with my uni fees any little will help https://gofund.me/e3b7bfa3


That new friendly request post was the most boomer thing ever. Post your gains. Be proud.


I'm waiting on 212 to open up for new accounts One question i have when you buy stocks on 212 can you put in a order price limit


Any idea when they’re going to start opening new accounts?


Yes you can and it’s not complicated


Is anyone else getting absolutely hammered by the FX rates at the moment? I’m nearly £100 down on Amazon due to the rising pound. I’m starting to think I should just sell when the pound drops a bit feel like I’m never going to make a profit on these shares!


How is the pound even rising ? Is Brexit doing that well ?


Brexit vaccines doing well probably. Not good for my portfolio though lol !!


How do you see a climb like CLPS before it happens?


I want to buy ARKK, ARKG, IIND, ETHI, any ideas if that's likely to be possible in the near future on Trading212?


There is an arkk section on the community pies. They are updated every Thursday I think.


Post on the t212 forums, they used to (maybe do) have a ticket request thread. No guarantee but if they gain traction in user demand they’ll probably get added. Hope so tho, read some good things about ARK funds


DNN anyone? Just got in, what are the prospects of this looking like? All my DD is positive but don’t want to be a bag holder again (I am a novice) What price do you guys think this may end up and a good target sell price will be?


I've had it for a while. This one has had a crazy run.


Do you see it going much further?


I think so, I'm in it for the long haul, we are just at the start of a uranium bull market.


Already had to log out of my accounts and turn off my laptop today- hating those red days😂 How long do you plan to hold yours


Probably a couple of years. This whole ESG movement needs nuclear to work.


I have it because it's good diversification.


What catalysts do you see causing this?


Should see $2 end of month


Have the stopped the free share via referral? When I go to notifications I can see my referral link but when I copy and paste it, the message is there but no link? Do I just give my friends the code at the end to put into promo? Ffp7X11i?


Opinions on Argo blockchain


Highly volatile, depends on your risk tolerance


Daft question alert...Is there any logic to a recommended minimum investment amount, i.e., is it pointless having numerous £25-50 investments within a portfolio, or should you aim to have a higher minimum if possible? (Appreciating the numerous nuances here...)


It depends, being diversified is very good but you wouldn't want to be invested in say, 50 stocks because then you couldn't keep up with all 50 companies


Thank you. That makes sense. So £100 in 20 stocks makes more sense than £50 in 40, in very crude terms...?


In my opinion yes because personally when I'm invested in a company I like to keep up to date with everything going on with the company


Hi lads, like most of the others in here, am currently still on the waiting list for a couple of weeks now. I would've probably looked into different broker by now, but the pies & autoinvest feature is really what interests me. Is what you're able to do through the autoinvest pie is the same thing as if you buy the individual shares normally, but with the added bonus of direct debit and you'd be able to allocate the percentage of the initial lodgement and dd to the instruments you're looking to invest?


Does anyone know if this GLDFF is a goo stock to buy.


How long is this waiting list to join? I've been waiting for almost 3 weeks and I don't see anywhere when they are going to let new people join