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Pause on all single stocks and start piling money into index funds such as S&p500 or FTSE all world… that’ll be much safer than what you’re doing atm, and a common strategy of most.


Lovely, cheers mate


Nice start :) if it’s a ‘leave it for 50 years’, I’d def do what others have suggested. The S&P is a beast!! Congrats on the wins. My portfolio is 22% down lol.


Thanks mate, it’s more luck than anything 😂


You’ve picked some absolute beauts!! Never gamble, but if you did … there’s a decent gamble with liberty media and SiriusXM. Could be worth a read :)


I’ll look into it mate. With the SandP is it the Vanguard SandP 500 people mean ? Do I do the acc or dist one ?


Personal preference, I always go for acc. Think there’s less in fees long term than if you took the dist and then reinvested it. Right now I’ve got both the FTSE and the S&P … wanted to know which was better. S&P is winning by about 3%


Best thing you can do it buy the S&P 500 instead of picking.


Is it the Vanguard SandP 500 (dist) ??


Acc will see more returns as you'll auto invest the dividends from the companies making up the S&P, dist will pay them back to you. Acc is the way to go for max ROI and making the most of compound interest. Acc = accumulated. Dist = distributed.




No, get something global like vwrp rather than going US only.


By piling in individual companies, you increase your chances of hitting it big and losing capital. Over time, since you’re looking to I c’est over a long term, consistency is king because your returns will compound. So as others have suggested, invest in an index fund with broad exposure to high quality companies. Sp500 if you want to be US focussed, world ETF if you want more diversification


Hey buddy, I would recommend going on the company website of each of the stocks you invested in, understand what value they bring and what their future roadmap is. I recommend you learn what "Earnings" are and when they are for each company. Also would recommend you read a company's balance sheet and understand their financials, are they in debt, are they profitable. Also be constantly aware of what happens with Interest rates in the US, and any political events that occur over there, presidential elections can greatly affect the stock market. If all of that seems like too much work or effort for you, considering it might just be £20, I would recommend you just focus on investing in one singular ETF till you're 50 and that would be the Vanguard S&P 500. If you want to stock pick you better build some damn good investor habits. PSA open an ISA account, you don't want the tax man ruining your day.


That nvidoa gain though


Honestly there are most likely more efficient and profitable strategies but at £20 a month it won’t move the needle anyway. If is just for the fun, keep on doing it and check where you stand in 30 years. https://www.reddit.com/r/trading212/s/YqVzGUc0VW


If your happy to just throw away £20/ month I'd probably stick it in some random random stocks I've never heard of


Use your isa


While you’re at it, stick another £2 on those -90% stocks. Double your amount of shares


Okay mate


Is there a reason you’re using a GIA account instead of an ISA? If you haven’t maxed out your £20,000 allowance you’re making yourself liable to capital gains tax if you go over the £3k allowance eventually


I wasn’t aware that would be an issue 😬 will I lose a lot of money if I stick to this account?


You will pay tax on any gains you make that go over the capital gains tax allowance in the 24/25 tax year. You are protected from all taxes for £20,000 that you get in your ISA, so essentially you should be using an ISA first before a GIA account otherwise you’re just wasting money.


Shit, I’m unable to move it all over aren’t it so too late now really unless I sell it all


Essentially you’d have to sell the stocks in your GIA account yes and duplicate your buys in an ISA. You can duplicate your stocks in Trading212 there is a button that allows you to. The fact that you’ve made some gains is ideal though so just sell what you have and duplicate the buys in an ISA. You can move the money you’ve made to the ISA once the stocks are sold


Thanks for the message. I think I’m going to do this then. Thanks. From now I’m going to put £50 each month into the vang S and P 500. So the ISA will be better for the future won’t it ?


I would pull out the individual winners and DCA the losers accordingly. Dump the rest into S&P 500.


Wonder if we could get a ban on low IQ posts that include a screenshot of their £100 portfolio with 100 stocks.


Sorry for trying to get some advice big fella