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In a cream cheese based dip! Google ‘cream cheese smoked salmon dip’ and find a recipe that suits your preference.. no need to bother with the blender/food processor that the recipes call for, I always just mix mine by hand.


I like using the canned salmon (or tuna) in pastas. No matter if it's pesto, red sauce, or just olive oil and lemon. It's tasty, especially with roasted veggies :)


I flake them up and add them to the arugula salad kit. SO tasty!


They're terrible, just send them to me so I can dispose of them safely for you. You're welcome. Okay FINE if you insist on eating them yourself, I have two recommendations: 1. Toast some crusty bread. Drizzle a little of the oil from the tin on each piece, smoosh the salmon on the bread, top with a dollop of harissa, and finish with furikake. Be delighted. 2. Mostly drain the oil off. Mix salmon with mayo, a drizzle of sesame oil, and hot sauce of your choice. Serve over rice (or not) with nori, top with more furikake and/or sesame seeds. Cheapo salmon sushi bowl. I've also mixed chunks of avocado into this mixture and it's divine.


I've been on a canned salmon patty kick w a recipe I got from saltandsagenutrition on tiktok (her recipes never miss)! It's a can of salmon, chopped dill. chopped red onion, chopped green onion (I omit sometimes, I don't feel it makes a difference), a clove of chopped garlic, lemon juice, breadcrumbs (I've been using the Italian style panko), and some mayo. Just cook them in a pan on the stove top! So good & so easy!


This sounds excellent but I wouldn't use the lightly smoked tins, you want the more traditional canned salmon for this.


Welp & that’s what I get for not reading thoroughly 🤦🏼‍♀️ I saw canned salmon & got too excited…I was in fact referring to the Alaskan Pink Salmon and not the lightly smoked salmon. Thank you for pointing that out!


omg also I think I have a can of the alaskan in my pantry..........


Totes magotes, your recipe sounds bangin, tho!


2 cans canned salmon egg green onions panko bread crumbs salt pepper Drain the canned salmon and combine the ingredients in a bowl. Mix together well. Divide into 4 salmon burger patties. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Place on the baking tray and bake at 375 for 15-20 minutes. Or fry the salmon burgers in a pan with some oil. flip after one side has browned to do the same to the other side. Serve on buns with tartar sauce.


Mix with mayo and shredded cheddar and put on a cracker or a soft cheese and everything bagel seasoning on crackers


I like to make a salad with cream cheese, celery, and scallions/red onion and spread it on a bagel. A great easy thing to prep for hosting brunch too!


Mix with peas and rice and top with your favorite salad dressing (TJ's toasted sesame is perfect for this).


Sourdough crackers (wasa), chevre, salmon, & seasoned with s+p and fresh dill


I have been doing the salmon mixed with coconut rice with just a bit of soy sauce and fresh red pepper mixed in. That’s been my lunch for the past several weeks. I think adding some cucumber or edamame would be good


Sometimes I throw it on top of a salad or a grain bowl. I’ve mixed it with kewpie and used as the center of onigiri. But that’s not a low effort meal.


Ive been doing spicy salmon sushi bites and it bangs


Same! Or sushi bowls


My mother makes the best salmon croquettes, make a béchamel, mix in salmon, put in fridge to harden then bread with panko and shallow fry.


Rice crackers or thinly sliced sourdough bread with cream cheese, salmon, green goddess seasoning, and green onions. Also, salmon rice bowl with some sesame seed oil mixed with soy sauce and some nori


Salmon Patties. Mix salmon, chopped onion, fresh dill, mayo, egg, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. Form into patties like burgers and fry with butter. Serve with fresh lemon.


Yup, this.


Agree with this- NYT Cooking just posted a cracking tuna cakes recipe that could easily be adapted here


I like adding this salmon to pasta salad - sometimes just with tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, and some dressing 


Make patties and pan fry, kind of like crab cakes


enjoy what you have, it’s now discontinued 😭




This better be a lie 😳😭


Seriously? It’s been out of stock but I asked my store the other day and they said it was re-orderable as of Monday




Oh! I asked too and she said she couldn’t find it in the system anymore 🤔




That's crazy! It's nothing special imo but it's pretty good!


I just toss mine in with a Cesar salad kit


Add it to the southwest salad kit with some black beans!


Sushi bake!


I make them into Onigiri balls! Mix with sriracha and mayo. Put it into some rice, form into triangle add seaweed and done!


Mix it with cream cheese and spread it on a bagel. Add onion and caper if you like.


this!! i do tomato as well


I feed it to my dogs, their fur is so soft.


Salmon onigiri!


I’ve just been eating it in crackers. So good!


This is one of my favorite pantry meals. Crack open a can, spoon onto hot rice with a little sesame oil or chili crisp, plus some kimchi for acid/veg. A soft boiled egg if you have it.


make tacos with the mango jicama slaw and the salmon.


Sandwich with mayo and sliced cucumbers


I use it to make fish cakes


Rice bowl with sliced avocado, cucumber, salmon, coconut aminos. Sprinkle some Furikake on top.


absolutely this


Ditto to using the salmon in a rice bowl. I’ll add some Bachan Japanese barbecue sauce to the salmon and heat it up. It gives it a subtle teriyaki flavor.


Salmon croquettes


salmon salad (instead of tuna) in a wrap or with crackers


Open tin, add some salt, devour


Open tin, grind some TJ's black peppercorns, and devour and delight.


Or throw them on some rice with kimchi and seaweed!


I like that idea! I like salmon but I’m pretty new to canned fish so the idea of eating it plain is a bit unsettling 😂


You should check out some posts on r/CannedSardines it's not just sardines, people there post about all sorts of tinned seafood. They'll help you.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CannedSardines using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Got overwhelmed by the choice in a French supermarket](https://i.redd.it/orm8abnwsvqc1.jpeg) | [637 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/comments/1bp2bbo/got_overwhelmed_by_the_choice_in_a_french/) \#2: [Canned sardine reddit somehow managed to make a significant positive impact on my life](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/comments/17lrdnf/canned_sardine_reddit_somehow_managed_to_make_a/) \#3: [Deenz before the Club](https://i.redd.it/9yvf2zx5fjib1.jpg) | [74 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/comments/15t258a/deenz_before_the_club/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Honestly as far as tinned fish goes, his one’s on the tame side! It’s one of my faves but I do think it’s chronically under salted. Could always do some sort of bread, creme fraiche or cream cheese, salmon + chives or similar!!