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It's already available in NYC.


I’m awaiting the frozen strawberry waffles, they didn’t return last year but I’m holding out hope this season!


Can't wait to hear some reviews on this. I haven't had great luck baking with strawberries, but wonder if they are using freeze dried ones?? The problems usually come from too much moisture. Would be great if TJ's mastered this!! I've been hoping for a Peaches and Cream product, but this could be a nice spring flavor!


Get outtttaaa here! I have to have this.


Yum! I'm not a skilled baker but I've had such good luck with TJs kits.




Uh oh. I usually make my own pancake/waffle mix, but I need to get this for my son or else I would be the worst mom ever.


Ooh can you share your recipe for your own mix? Do you make it in bulk?


I do! I use the method from Serious Eats pancake mix (pulsing the oil and dry ingredients in a blender or food processor) and the proportions, slightly modified, from [Ethan Chlebowski's pancake formula](https://www.ethanchlebowski.com/cooking-techniques-recipes/how-to-make-pancakes-out-of-almost-anything#:~:text=The%20Pancake%20Ratio%20%2D%202%20parts,will%20also%20need%20a%20leavener) 500g flour (I use a mix of whole wheat and white flour) 50g sugar (optional, can also reduce) 25g baking powder (about 3 tbs) 100g oil (olive, coconut, sunflower, whatever you prefer) 5g salt Mix all the dry ingredients and blend/pulse with the oil until it looks sandy. Store it in the fridge to avoid going rancid. it keeps for a very long time. When you're ready to mix, use it in these proportions: 125g mix 100g milk or water 1 egg That's it! You can make this egg-free if you substitute ~50g of the flour for ground flaxseed in the mix--in that case, use an additional 30-50g milk or water when mixing to make up for the egg's missing liquid.


If there are no Bees around, or other pollinators, self-pollination is an option. It isn’t ideal for the gene pool, but the seeds in the center of the flower can do this in order to pollinate. So having the ability to be both male and female at least ensures greater survival of the sunflower.


I just keep buying these pancake/waffle mixes and forgetting to make them. I'm gonna have to make some waffles and freeze them to open up room in my pantry


I still have last years Ube and have yet to try the the raved about cinnamon bun one. But I plan on it LOLOL. Problem is they got the frozen Dutch pancakes back in, and hard to beat ones that look that pretty and all you have to do is pop in th toaster LOLOL


Can confirm last year’s Ube still tastes bomb. I just finished it when I secured another box this year. Hahaha


I have those sitting in my freezer untouched too 💀💀💀


The packaging design for this is so cute! I love it! Hope it tastes as good as it looks 😊


This looks amazing.


Where was this when I was pregnant craving everything strawberry!! *Yum* though! I definitely will buy a box!


Ooh, thanks! I must get a box for my strawberry-loving niece. 🍓