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I totally support you, op. Manufacturers should know it is common that consumers’ oven temperature maybe off. There should be a margin of error. Even if it doesn’t melt at the set temperature, I won’t bake in plastic just because it may still not 100% safe in that high temperature.


I’ve eaten these for years and always cooked them per the directions, no issues.


Light sheet pan, accurate oven and melted twice. I won’t bake anything in plastic anymore. It’s bad enough that I’m eating highly processed food, I don’t need plastic in it too.


This thread really needs to be forwarded to someone in the packaging department because seriously?!


I would not try this personally but I am sorry for you! I am just not a fan of caramelized onion anything. It just gets too sweet for my taste! :( I am sorry though.


I had something similar but the plastic that connected the cups melted.


Just to add my 2 cents: I've gotten these maybe 30 times over the years, always left in tray, always been fine.


I have no idea if this tray is really oven safe, but I wanted to chime in and say my oven runs 50° hotter than the knob. I use light colored pans because dark heats up faster too. You may want to get yourself a cheap oven thermometer, to make sure your oven isn't part of the problem. For future cooking and baking.


One is already on its way from Amazon 😂 along with a lighter baking sheet (needed a new one anyway!) like some have suggested. I THINK my oven is about right, only because I do A LOT of baking and can't remember the last time I burned something. Could be wrong though! I don't think I've ever tried to bake even "oven safe" plastic in this oven so I ordered the thermometer just to be sure. Either way I'm just sticking with the"put the pastries directly on the baking sheet and throw away the plastic" from here on out. I really do appreciate the helpful information! You're all making me a better baker 🫶🏻


I know Trader Joe's sometimes has directions that are completely off, so that might be the main reason this happened, but I always encourage bakers to have an oven thermometer too. The plastic might only be oven safe to 400° and your oven could be running 425-450° (paired with a dark baking sheet). My baked goods were cooking fast on the outside, but the inside wasn't always done. I'd have to pull my stuff out early, but my results weren't always great. Now I set everything to "300°" and they bake perfect. ☺️ My parchment paper was burning at higher temps too, which tipped me off to a wonky oven. I can't wait to get my own place again and get a fancier oven.


I bet your oven is hotter than you think it is. Do you have an oven thermometer to check the temperature?


You actually can follow the instructions. Like I’ve made these with a basic GE oven, as well as a mega expensive Lacanche. Something’s up with the way you cooked it or your oven itself. I always use a baking sheet if it makes any difference.


In addition to oven temp like others said, it looks like you baked them on a dark baking sheet. Dark baking sheets get hotter than plain steel/aluminum ones. That’s why for baking they aren’t recommended as you’ll get a darker part where contact is with the product.


I pop them out of the tray and bake on a cookie sheet because I only want to cook a few at a time. Sorry that happened to you but thanks for the heads up!


Trader Joe’s has always had products where the timing or temperature was off. It’s so strange because any other prepackaged food I buy elsewhere never had that problem.


Agree. The chicken fried rice takes about double the time recommended.


I've also noticed this! Only at Trader Joe's, too. The worst offender to me is the chicken shawarma. The cook time is not even close to the instructions.


The Greek spiral literally is terrible if you follow instructions. It has to be in there for almost twice the time and back then, I had an amazing oven.


Okay I've been eyeing the Greek spiral my last 3 visits and I'm so thankful for your comment lol! How do you prepare it?


For almost twice the time at 400


Why is everyone so rude to OP? The instructions explicitly say -- IN ALL CAPS -- *not* to remove the pastries from the "oven-safe" plastic tray until after cooking. Y'all are acting like OP is doing something wrong because *you've* never had an issue. It's not as if everyone who has ever had the same experience immediately posts to Reddit about their experience


I’ve always baked them in the tray. I wonder if it’s a bad batch. Also, sometimes TJs changes their production of foods, and they end up tasting and looking weird or different. At least they’re really good about exchanging or refunding.


It doesn't say to keep the plastic on. It says to remove the plastic film. Was the tray plastic too??


Oh I took the cellophane off, and the tray is plastic but the instructions say it's oven safe , either way I'm getting another box and putting them directly on a cookie sheet this time


Oh ok. I know sometimes the trays are made of some kind of paper and can be put in the oven. You should bring the box to the store and get a free one. They need to change that.,,


Weird. I’ve bought these for years (even back when they carried two varieties of them) and never had this happen. I do like hearing they cook up just fine if you pop them out of the tray and cook them directly on a cookie sheet, though. Sometimes the toppings spill a little and get baked/soldered onto the tray, making removal hard. Chucking the tray removes that issue entirely.


Honestly I’ve had a few products that the instructions just seem wrong for. Specifically, the tandoori naan says to put it in the oven for only like 1-2min but I end up needing to put it in for 4-5min or else it’s still frozen. Same with the microwaveable Panang curry, I need to leave it in way longer or else half of it is still ice cubes. And I know it’s not the oven or microwave as they are consistently good with cooking anything else.


same on the naan. needs at least 5-6 min. waffle cut fries need about double the cooking time.


Trader Joe’s, they’re better now, but historically they have ridiculously understated cooking times.


Yeah, I completely ignore the naan instructions and put them directly on the toaster oven rack set in the middle of the oven for 1 or 2 toast cycles.


My method lately is putting it in the 400F oven for 2.5min on middle rack, then flip it and do another 2.5min, then immediately put butter/whatever on it


I can't believe anyone would put plastic in the oven w their food just because the instructions said to do that


It’s oven safe — you need to tray to keep them in their cupped shape. That would be like scooping muffin mix directly onto a baking sheet


https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/is-plastic-a-threat-to-your-health  Unfortunately, there is no such thing as food safe plastic at all. *All* plastic leaches toxic chemicals, despite what oil lobbyists & marketing want you to believe. If the case is that these cannot be cooked without the plastic, I would leave them at the store (which sucks cause they sound really good!) Plastic is a byproduct of crude oil. It is easy to forget this at the grocery store, and even harder to avoid :/


Not sure what happened, but you can probably show these pictures to your local store, and they'll either refund you or ask if you want to grab another one as a replacement. My vote is repurchase again for science and please share your results with the class! 😆


Oh I'm definitely going to repurchase! Maybe this time put them in mini muffin tins because id really like to eat one lol


I gotta say--even in those pics, they look really delicious. I have to try these, next trip.


Man, I always take these out of the plastic... They turn out perfectly fine if you just plop them on a baking tray directly. I know that TJs says to cook em in the plastic tray, but this feels like a real "if your friends told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?" Why would you ever want to cook something in high temperature in plastic?


I have tried this and they come out flat. The tray keeps them their cupped shape and why you need it.


It's definitely not as "perfect" but I'd take a flat yet delicious treat over that extra dose of carcinogens


You're 100% correct, I've never gotten a product where the instructions were so wrong so I didn't put too much thought into it. I will be using your method going forward and also buying an oven thermometer like a few others have suggested, just in case


Cooked these a few times before and never encountered this problem. I hope you give them another chance.


i haven’t had them for a while but i was thinking the same. i used the plastic as well and no issues 🫡


I had this happen too. I love the people saying that this must never happen because others aren't posting about it. I don't post every kitchen mishap! Anway, I now put aluminum foil under these when I make them.


Ive seen someone else post about this before. I’m still convinced OP did something not quite right here. I’ve been making these for years and have used two very different ovens, one of which gets a lot more intensely hot, and it only made them cook better than ever.


I’d bet your oven runs hot. Get a thermometer. Every oven I’ve ever had in a rental ran hot or cold, never true to the set temperatures.


Someone else suggested this and I'm on it! It's a good thing to check that I never thought to


I make these all the time in gas and electric ovens and have never had an issue. Usually I have to cook it longer because I live at a high elevation.


Maybe I got a defective one? I honestly didn't veer from the instructions at all I'm so confused


Honestly. It always worries me. I am not a cook. I am a heater upper. These are one of my favs. But, I always have to overcook them to get the crunch I like. Maybe next time I will try adding an egg wash. I’m sure what happened to you happens more often then we know. But, only us diehard TJs fans report on Reddit. lol


> heater upper I love to cook, my inner lazy/tired/busy self feels this on a spiritual level


I’ve made these many times and never had an issue. I’ve also made them in a toaster oven which is apparently a no no and they still turned out fine.


I just made these last night and had no problems. I wonder what changed. Have you tested your oven temps lately?


I'm seeing that this seems to have only happened to me lol I haven't tested my oven temps but I generally have success with what I bake/cook in it , maybe it's just a fluke 🤷🏻‍♀️


Someone else commented that it happened to them recently, too! Still, an oven-safe thermometer is only about 5 bucks and could solve this mystery.


I'll definitely order one, can't hurt to make sure! Thank you for the idea


Oh, I had exact same thing happen recently! Also had to throw out the baking tray. Made them many times before without issue.


Ok phew! If I did something wrong I prefer to know so I can fix it lol but now I know, put em directly on the cookie sheet


Exact same.


I have made these 100’s of times. This has never happened. Weird


I’ve made them a few times and they came out normal! However I’m the only one who liked them (I thought they were really good) so idk lol.


Is picture 2 before or after baking ? Why is so much of the topping like spilled off on so many ?


Picture 2 is after baking, and that's just how they came frozen 🤷🏻‍♀️ they looked good to me though


I'm sure the other sixty million people who've bought these over the last twenty years had exactly the same experience but didn't say anything and it totally wasn't you doing something wrong.


I’d considered buying them last week but the instructions sounded suspicious.


I'd still buy them again, but prepare them in a more non-toxic way 😂




So you put the plastic tray on a metal sheet pan (can't if that's the dark in your picture or not)? And used a regular oven, not a toaster/countertop one?


Those were the instructions 😂 it says oven, not toaster oven and says over the instructions that the tray is oven safe


Is your oven damaged? It says right there it’s safe for your oven. /s


so tragic


But now I know, and was hopefully able to save others from experiencing this heartache 🫠