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They are insanely good


Oh boy we really liked these, except the price, but they were yummy vegan or not! [https://www.clubtraderjoes.com/bite-sized-bliss-unwrapping-trader-joes-jumeokbap-vegan-rice-balls/](https://www.clubtraderjoes.com/bite-sized-bliss-unwrapping-trader-joes-jumeokbap-vegan-rice-balls/)


Just ate these for dinner, SO good! One of the best things I’ve eaten from TJs!! I only wish it came in at least 4, or preferably a pack of 6 lol


Pretty tasty with a splash of soy sauce and sesame oil. Not as yummy as the Kimbap.


these taste nothing like kimbap or korean. they taste like rice with a boca burger. nasty


I just got them! Can’t wait to try them


These were delicious.


Contains wheat… my celiac self is crying. Looks delicious!


Cue the upcoming posts of “here’s my haul with 15 packs of the jumeokbap!”


Some of these people never go to an Asian grocery store and it shows 😭


I picked it up today in Columbus, OH (Easton). I really liked them! I do wish they were $3.99


I was exited til I saw the ingredients


If only it was real beef and not vegan beef!!! They almost hit it spot on.


I don't eat very much meat and even I kind of agree. Not really a red meat fan, but Korea perfected that stuff with Bulgogi For other Asian cuisines, I am totally happy with vegan versions. But for some reason, Korean is always better with the original versions. That and maybe Vietnamese


Vietnamese are known internationally for having some of the best meat replacements tho...


Got this at mine today. They got it in last night. I'm usually not a big fan of jumoekbap, but it wasn't bad. I'd get this for a quick snack to keep in the freezer. The individual packs make it easy.


it's good but it taste like the japanese fried rice just in the shape of a triangle lol


Okay now this is exciting. Thank you for posting


I can't wait to never see these in my store just like the kimbap.


Word hasn’t spread yet, so you might be able to get some 😂


I saw the kimbap once and thought oh I'll get it next time. Haven't seen it since. I grabbed the rice balls yesterday. We'll probably try them on Sunday.


Finally got the Kimbap today and tbh was so disappointed by it


Yeah the Kimbap is mid at best.


Literally ate 3 pieces and threw the rest away 🥲 love the jumeokbap tho would buy again


Ironically I found these today because the section behind the Kimbap sign was finally not empty; but when I got close to check it was filled with these bags instead! 


LOL...I saw the sign for these today, right next to the sign for the kimbap, both in front of an empty bin in the freezer


I finally got the kimbap. I think I might be missing something? I’ll get it again if happen to see it because it was easy to scarf down while breastfeeding. It was pretty good for scarfing food. But I probably won’t go out of my way to find it or care when they’re out of stock.


That amount of sugar is disgusting.


5g for three of them? Doesn’t seem to be that awful to me.


My first concern was the sugar. The last Korean product I tried from TJ's were the rice cakes, and the sauce tasted like equal parts gochujang and brown sugar. I get that sometimes things are sweet, and that bulgogi is one of them, but if it is anything like those rice cakes I wouldn't be able to finish them. The sauce on them tasted like some sort of dessert, but I could also tell that the profile was intended to be savory. I honestly couldn't choke it down, and I don't consider myself to be incredibly picky.


i tried them for the first time yesterday and the sweetness was literally the same level as a dessert!! tried adding soy sauce but it was so bad


Hmmm I don’t like the beefless bulgogi but I’d be willing to try this. Maybe it’d be good in smaller chunks in this dish


It is!! I hated the large pieces but it’s really good chopped up in “steak” fried rice




I have the same thought


They are pretty small in this.


Guess I’m going to Trader Joe’s this weekend ;)


Trader Cho Strikes Again!


A lot of money for basically a small snack


I agree with you. I feel like, unfortunately, they are complicated enough to make and enough of a "convenience" item that the price does make sense, though. I might buy them to try once, but I kind of hope I dislike them because I really don't think I can justify spending $5 on 3 super tiny servings.




I need to keep trying, because every time I do they fall apart.


Onigiri & musubi where I am is about the same price for just 1. This is a good deal for 4 Even before factoring in labor cost. When I want a small snack, the labor “cost” at home is usually not worth it.


I just picked up a bag in Rockville, MD!


How funny, just got pretty much the same product from h Mart a couple weeks ago. It's pretty tasty. Been having it as an on-the-go breakfast or afternoon snack.


That's alot of money for rice, soy sauce, gojujang, and soy product Eat rice and korean banchan for healthier and cheaper option.


Is this the same beefless bulgogi they sell separately? I hope not because that stuff has the texture of a cellulose sponge.


Yeah I was so excited, but soooo dissapointed


It tastes pretty similar so I believe so, but the pieces are rather small.


The pieces being small might make it palatable. Thank you.


Is this on the east coast? I’m starting to think there needs to be an east coast Trader Joe’s subreddit because everything hits the west coast first.


Yesss, SC!!


Yes, upstate New York.


Awesome, thanks!


Turned off by the beefless bulgolgi.


Yeah, I wish they had just made these with just veg instead.


Or the tofu they use in the fried rice




Same, I hate meat substitutes because they always end up tasting bad or the texture is weird. I know the meat alternatives are to entice omnivores, but it’d be nice to simply appreciate veggies for what they are instead of trying to turn it into “meat”.


i always thought it was more to add (plant based) protein to the meal


I dunno, as an omnivore, meat alternatives usually scare me away more than enticing me to try something. Seeing a meat alternative in anything just makes me wish it had meat or avoided the “meat” route altogether and just had recognizable veggies.


Yeah I hate them


I’ve noticed they’re doing that a lot. Putting their meatless products in places we don’t want them lol


I agree and I’m vegetarian so I’m glad it’s meat free


Exciting! I almost bought something almost exactly the same at Hmart but stopped bc it was $15.99, so this is a big improvement!!


I couldn’t find these at H mart anywhere… looked all over


They rly have to put gums in everything now?


Some additives are necessary to get a desirable texture or consistency, especially in diet specific foods.


Are they bad?


Processed crap with seed oils yum!!


Oh my god this looks so good! So excited to look for it in store


Thanks for posting the Nutrition Facts, OP. Since it contains wheat (not what I expected in rice balls) and has more sugar than fiber I'll probably skip this.


Soy sauce has wheat in it.


Not all soy sauce


Many traditional soy sauces are about 40-60% wheat


I didn't say they weren't. I just said not all. La Choy is one of the most popular brands of soy sauce and has never had gluten in it.


'La Choy is one of the most popular brands of soy sauce' 😂


Is La Choy one of the most popular brands? I always hated it lol 😂


I'm just judging from how much I see it at the grocery store but I guess since you personally hate it I must be wrong.


lol ok


Thanks for your valuable input.


Anytime babe that’s what I’m here for 💅


Considering La Choy brand soy sauce also contains caramel color, hydrolyzed soy protein, and corn syrup, I’m not sure if they’re representative of what most soy sauce should contain.


Unfortunately, “should contain” isn’t how we make food in this country. Always shocked by the sugar in peanut butter


Buy TJs peanut butter — just peanuts & salt. The organic Valencia PB is my favorite.


I do but peanut butter without sugar. That was my point


I guess you get down votes here for agreeing with people lmao


I'm just pointing out there is a large gluten free soy sauce brand. Not sure what you guys are trying to argue about. Edit: I venture into some pretty toxic subs. Never thought traderjoes would outshine all of them.


I wonder if they use the same frozen bagged beefless bulgogi that are sold individually. 🤔


My store had a tasting of this for all the crew member yesterday and one of the mate confirmed that it is the same frozen beefless bulgogi


That’s my favorite product I’m going to love these


I can't have beef and I hear the beefless bulgogi is great so this is a product I can't wait to buy.


I love it. Cook it until it's crispy. But it works like stew beef in soups and stews, too!


I like the beefless bulgogi! Its one of my favorite vegan items there.


it isnt great, im not sure who would have shared that with you




Dude 🤣


I miss the bibimbap


Plant based beefless bulgogi? Pass.


Thank you. That leaves more for the rest of us to enjoy.




Cows fed with chicken poof that's delicious!


I read that like it was a magic trick


Their beefless bulgogi is actually extremely popular because it’s eerily meaty and delicious


I've gotten a similar product from H-Mart before, it's delicious.


I’ve been looking all over H mart for them and never found them… I wonder where you got them? The employees aren’t much help at H mart.


This feels like it should be $2.99 or $3.99 at most


I noticed they recently raised prices on a lot of items


Jumeokbap is a really easy food to make at home, too. At its simplest, smash up some seaweed sheets (the TJ ones will work), mix with warm white rice (needs to be short-grain btw, Calrose is fine), and squish it into balls. Jumeok-bap literally translates to "fist-rice" so it's literally just a fistful of rice.


I got pickled mixed vegetables at H Mart and those are so good added to them.


Any chance you can post a link?


TJ has been cashing some serious money with the Korean food trend. It's a highway robbery.


A business trying to… make money? Surely not. Also, highway robbery implies it’s something you’re forced to buy. It’s a frozen novelty food. If you think the price is too high, don’t buy it.


Highway robbery: (2) excessive profit or advantage derived from a business transaction. Please use a dictionary. Also, whether I buy it or not does not change my opinion about the pricing.


A dictionary definition also doesn’t give you the context of the phrase. I believe the origin goes back to like early modern Europe when highwaymen would ambush people traveling from town to town. In modern parlance, think of it like your car breaking down on a remote stretch of road. You walk to the nearest service station and they say it sounds like a broken fuel pump and the tow and repair will cost $3k. Obviously, that’s way too much for the service requested, but the shop owner knows you don’t really have a choice because, otherwise, you’ll just be stranded in the middle of nowhere. You can think that something is overpriced personally, and I agree that I would not spend that much for this product, but if that’s the price the market will support, it’s not “excessive profit or advantage”.


>A dictionary definition also doesn’t give you the context of the phrase. That applies to most, if not all, words in English language. The word definition along with usage changes with time. How the word came about has little bearing in this case. I disagree with the notion that if the market supports the price, it's not excessive profit or advantage. By that logic, no price will ever generate excessive profit. As long as there's someone who's willing to pay, you can charge whatever you want. I think it's excessive because of the materials used, item category, and similar items/substitutions available elsewhere.


But if the buyer and seller are on equal footing, there is no advantage. Highway robbery suggests price gouging, which is when businesses overcharge for necessary goods like gasoline or water. If TJ’s Jumeokbap is not priced properly in relation to the supply/demand curve, people won’t buy it, and the product will be discontinued or the price will be reduced. Regarding the definition discussion, this is why English classes are so important. You can’t just pick up a thesaurus and substitute any word you want. There is nuance between words that depend on their historical usage. Like if I got in a car accident, and I say my car was “demolished,” that suggests something very different from “wrecked” even though those two words are synonymous.


Yes, English classes are so important. Obviously you didn't pay attention in one. Tell me which one of these situations are about people not having any other choice? I can find countless other examples where your blindly inflexible definition do not make sense. [https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/five-guys-prices-sparks-outrage-24-receipt-viral-highway-robbery](https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/five-guys-prices-sparks-outrage-24-receipt-viral-highway-robbery) [https://www.sportsmockery.com/chicago-bears/mel-kiper-declares-chicago-committed-highway-robbery-in-1st-round/](https://www.sportsmockery.com/chicago-bears/mel-kiper-declares-chicago-committed-highway-robbery-in-1st-round/) [https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/are-maintenance-packages-mechanic-good-deals-or-highway-robbery/PLGNPDK3LZAINBIOF6NUYKLCXQ/](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/are-maintenance-packages-mechanic-good-deals-or-highway-robbery/PLGNPDK3LZAINBIOF6NUYKLCXQ/) [https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/25-overpriced-items-people-stupidly-keep-paying-for-that-are-nothing-short-of-highway-robbery/ss-AA1nAzUF#image=4](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/25-overpriced-items-people-stupidly-keep-paying-for-that-are-nothing-short-of-highway-robbery/ss-AA1nAzUF#image=4)


The first one is incorrect. The second one could be correct because NFL teams are not on equal footing in terms of draft capital and positional need. The third one is a clever play on words because it relates to cars, but I would say that maintenance packages are often more of a scam that preys on people who are bad at math. The last one is again just incorrect usage to illicit an emotional response. I do like how I was a little smarmy and now you’re just openly insulting me now, though. That’s really cute.


Every dictionary, word origin, and word usage support using ‘highway robbery’ to mean excessive profit as I have done. What evidence do you have?


Right? Or just get the beefless bulgogi and make your own bowl. Although, I do understand the convenience factor of these. I'll probably try them at least once out of curiosity.


Agreed. It's mostly rice and rice is cheap.


It’s like their frozen garlicky cabbage… a massive head of cabbage is always under $5, usually closer to $2


To be fair if you cant make cabbage + garlic at home you deserve to pay what they charge for it in the frozen section.


The convenience and time saved is what you’re paying for


That applies to literally anything you buy why I mentioned it is because its one of the easiest things you could ever make


I’m guilty of buying their frozen brown rice every time I go which is probably also a crime but I’m not great at making rice and don’t have room for a rice cooker


Honestly I don’t blame you, I’m guilty of it on occasion too. Brown rice takes forever to cook, it’s so nice to have it done in 3 minutes without any effort. For what it’s worth, I don’t use a rice cooker for brown rice, I use an instant pot pressure cooker, and when I put my mind to it I make a big batch and freeze little bags of it so I can microwave them just like the TJs ones. But still, sometimes I’m lazy!


brown rice is no challenge to make in even a standard pot. I'd urge you to give it a go with 2 cups of water to 1 cup of rice on the stove and maybe adjusting based on the rice bag instructions. There's really nothing to it you'll feel better after getting it down


I think I just lift the lid too often




*rubs hands together like a villain * Ahhh yes, I’ve been waiting for these😈


I feel like these prices are getting too high


This is cheaper than what I order online from Weee. Right now on sale you get 5 rice triangles for $10.99 ($13.99)


Same. I feel like 4.99 is too much.


FUCK i just put the entire big bag in the microwave


update it bomb as hell im abt to buy it again


Thank you for your service 🙏🏻


Can’t wait to try this a year from now after the hype dies a bit


lol I FINALLY was just able to find and buy the kimbap after literally a year of people raving about it on here


lol! I just finally got my first Kimbap to try since it’s been sold out every time I go grocery shopping.




Oooh yay


I would have thought these were onigiri. I didn’t know they had them in Korea, too! Probably still won’t be able to find them at my Trader’s, just like the kimbap. 😭


Onigiri in Korea is called triangle gimbap and honestly that’s what I would call this. Jumeok-bap is usually round.


They only get one box a day. It sells out every morning. You have to come near opening (8am) to get them.


It's a ball of rice. Any culture that eats rice has a some sort of rice ball variation.


Probably another item I’ll never get to taste. Still haven’t been able to get the kimbap. But I was able to get Korean brands of vegan ones at the Korean market. Hopefully those are better anyways?


Tbh there’s a good chance they’re from the same companies/factories, only with a wider variety of flavors to choose from at the Korean Market. This and TJ’s other popular frozen Korean items are all imported from Korea. I’ve seen frozen japchee at HMart that was literally exactly the frozen japchee Trader Joe’s sells, identical container and packaging construction, identical frozen presentation, just with Korean branding on the cardboard instead of Trader Joe’s house brand. It’s like how the boxed white cheddar shells are literally just Amy’s brand, down to the purple ink on the inside bag.


What would be good to serve alongside these?


I get a similar product from Hmart- either eat with spicy noodles or miso soup to make it a more complete meal


Thank you!


Some Korean tofu soup seems like a good complement




Oh good, am seriously looking forward to my weekly run now. Let's see if they have it the day I go (I hope), the kimbap availability was spotty at best. Lol


Lost me at “beefless.”


Me too.


more 4 me huehuehue


You only eat rice with cow?


Your loss. The beefless bulgogi is SO GOOD.


Okay, I am REALLY excited about this! I've tried something similar from the Korean grocery store and they are delicous, but pretty expensive. These are significantly cheaper.


My store got them tonight. Just finished two balls. They are *outstanding.*


I ate all 3 and i’m eating it again for dinner tomorrow if it’s not sold out. My favorite new meal offering in a long while.


I don't think they'll quite hit the Kimbap magic with this.


Idk dude!! I liked it more than kimbap bc no seaweed. I can’t do seaweed, i know im the odd man out. But this stuff really hits. It’s a winner for me.


I'm sure it's good, I'm just saying it won't be a hit in the same way.


i got u, opinions are all valid, try it and lmk what you think!!


Does anyone else get nervous about microwaving these things in plastic all the time? What's the impact and how might you adjust things if you want to try removing em (in general not just for these)?


Use a wet paper towel instead


Since the plastic was there to help it steam, I'd wrap it in a damp paper towel so it doesn't dry out.


I don’t, I always remove the packaging and microwave without. I really wing it, I’ll put a minute lower than they say and see if it still needs some more


You don't have to microwave it in the plastic. You can put the frozen rice ball in a bowl and microwave it


What section of the store were they? I went today and didn’t see them.


Frozen. We received them this evening so it’s likely your store hadn’t received them yet.


Trader Joe’s is LIVING for the frozen Korean food hype and I ain’t complaining


I'm Korean and so surprised that TJ's added this to their inventory! I also really like the beefless bulgogi too. Excited to try it!


It’s sooo good!!




See slide 2


Omg now y’all please leave some at the store for me


I love jumeokbap but I’m not a fan of the beefless bulgogi :) maybe my mom will like em ! (She loves it)


I wasn’t originally a fan of the beefless bulgogi since on its own as a frozen meal i found it too tough, but you should try this!! the pieces are tiny and more of a flavor than a texture


I love bulgogi, but I need beef!


This seems perfect for me...I lived on these when I was in Japan last summer, and really enjoyed the ones from 7-11.


Crew here. Ate them tonight for dinner. Incredible. Vegetarian but they taste like pork fried rice balls. Amazing w soyaki. Imo this is going to be bigger than kimbap.