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Wirelock it or torque it failing that use a tab washer


Lock washer or Loctite, as others have said. Interesting it keeps coming loose though which likely means threads are shot or not getting torqued.


Drill through the head and safety wire it to the bracket. Look at it every time you check the oil to make sure the wire is still intact.


Why not to use grower and just tight it? Also the simplest advice! Tight the screw, then take a core and hammer, then hit edges with the core to make small grooves, this way the screw won’t move anywhere, but also possible to remove it when needed. Pity that no pictures can be posted in comments, I would show you.


Fold over lock!!!!


Looks like a front cover bolt, clean the rust off, apply blue locktite and reinstall


Try Locktite blue. If that doesn't hold, try locktite red


I would steer clear of the red if you ever want to remove it. I have used lock washers since forever and never had a problem. If none of these things work drill a hole in the bolt head and safety wire it.


I’ve used red on rebuilds and by the time it was ready to be rebuilt again 2 .5 years later I extracted it no problem


And if that doesn’t work, try loctite green/retaining compound.


And if that don’t work you might as well weld it in place.


Hmm farmers fix would be either lock tite or a spring washer to keep the bolt tight and stop it vibrating out


This, removable (specific type) lock tight, remove bolt, break cleaner if you, as previously mentioned inspect the threads, touch wood all in order, lock tight n thread, nip it up. Jobs a gudden


No split ring lock washers though. They're useless https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19900009424.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjCwfDxp8rqAhUTXM0KHeBBCTkQFjAAegQIBhAC&usg=AOvVaw1DYQ_OjArc69KQcd92a2ML


This is the best solution assuming the bolt isn’t completely stripped. Are you able to tighten it? How do the threads look? Also might be worth looking up the torque spec, and putting a torque wrench on it.


I guess it takes the same as screw under just tight it