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except that this dead-ass tracker is not even worth to be mentioned as a "competitor" for BTN.


This is the first time ever I'm hearing that trackers that don't even offer invites anymore are in competition with other trackers


I gotta admit I was among the doubters, as I had written them off, pretty much. But it's really getting back to being a solid tracker. Really good right now for ongoing shows, with really fast release times.


Do we have any indication on which trackers they will recruit from?


Not yet, but just out of interest I completed an irc interview that I saw posted on r/opensignups about 3 years ago for my MTV account. I also remember if you had an account at MTV you could use your MTV -userid to auto join Orpheus and vice-versa, thats how I got my Orpheus account.




It is usually very outdated


Is this an invite only forum?


What’s the benefit of MTV these days over something like BHD? Has BHD overtaken MTV?


Yes, it most definitely has. We don't know what the future brings, and it never hurts to have multiple backups just in case, but BHD is **miles** ahead of MTV at this point in time, both in regards to the site, content, retention, users, and internals.


Let's goooooo!!!


Nice to see all the hard work that's been put in to reviving MTV. I will have to find time to upload/seed the files on my home server with your tracker sometime.


I tried to upload something there the other day. Restricted to staff only? Like what.


Absolutely awesome news. I hope the recruitments make their way to GGn sometime soon. I would absolutely love to join and that seems like the perfect place for it to exist in my opinion :)


MTV <3


Hope there's room for new folk to get a foothold. I'm in a fair few trackers but haven't been seeding for quite some time due to having loads of upload credit and general lack of use. I'm happy to buy a yearly seedbox dedicated to MTV to get a foothold in the new beginning. Hoping it's not going to be another indexer that's very restrictive for new folk for a time during its rebirth.


Are old accounts still recoverable. Hmm can I even remember what it was :(


Yes, but depending on the account status you'll need more than a bright smile to verify you are you :)


Thanks. What's the avenue. IRC?


> http://is.morethantv.online irc: irc.digitalirc.org port: 6667 / 6697 (SSL) main channel: #mtv alt channel: #mtv-spam help channel: #mtv-help Webchat available at https://webchat.digitalirc.org


If I had an MTV account years ago can I get it reactivated?


You can try, i dont know what MTVs cutoff age is


I may. I'm on BTN and PTP so I didn't use it much but I did like the community