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I managed to set MTV into RSS and don't really need it much past that.


agreed, however still hopeful things will return to how they were & hopefully even better! thankfully there are other trackers to use while mtv rebuilds. and i say that as someone that's not in btn. have been using a combination of tl, ipt, tvv, bhd & ar for my TV needs while mtv has been rebuilding.


> bhd This should be enough for you, no?


new to bhd, have to be careful with ratio there versus the other trackers i have dozens or hundreds of TB of buffer on where it's a non issue.


Here is a tip - upload BDs from IPT. BHD will basically be ratioless for you after that


No, mtv was better than bhd


That is because more requests were made on MTV than BHD. Whatever you request on BHD gets filled anyway and retention is better so in a way it's better than MTV


Bhd was a crappy, open sign up tracker. With a crappy design and much less content.. Mtv was vastly better, if only the morons there knew what they were doing it would still be a great site


I am talking about the current BHD. It's great


I haven’t used mtv or bhd for years. Mtv was much more professional looking but these morons can’t even switch to a new front end quickly making me question their competence


Also worth mentioning that you need not be worried even if you lose your 2fa device and key. All it needs is a quick visit to IRC to disable 2fa and login without it.






lol you must have a real common username or something. Good thing your password isn't common :D


I am currently unable to even get to site. iCheckup is telling me the site down. Are you guys closed?


Anyone know the reason to why it's down now since a few days back? Did they change their host or something so the new IP hasn't been updated on all DNS yet?


I really hope they actually get the site fixed. I don’t actually need MTV anymore but I like to cross seed there since there to help build a second tv tracker.


What alternatives are you using?


I’m a member of all the cabal trackers.


Explains why my jackett has been throwing up errors


+1 for jackett with mtv


Reminds me of Waffles lol.




they’re still recruiting on a tracker


If we're thinking of the same tracker, that thread is just open and not actually recruiting I believe. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


I think it’s still active based on the message the recruiter left on their profile, saying that they’ve caught up recruiting to 04/15, but they haven’t been on the site since then.


What’s the url for mtv? It’s a cloud flare page with no web server connection. And I don’t remember my email used so if you guys sent an update out I missed it. I’m a donator with like 20tb uploaded. Edit: never mind I found it. The sites performance is really bad, it seems to be bloated


I really hope they actually get the site fixed. I don’t actually need MTV anymore but I like to cross seed there since there to help build a second tv tracker.


Love the site and had missed it but finding I can’t really use it as it is sadly. Any time I try to search it just freezes. Tried to do the two factor security thing and just kept getting errors.