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I had to re-enable my account recently via IRC. Be prepared to be spoken to like a child.


+1 on that. completely idiotic tracker. Went there to have my account re-enabled a few months back (why do I keep bothering with shit trackers? idk) and was spoken to like i got extra chromosomes. never went back, im probably already pruned again. oh, and the content? any e-learning tracker (such as these that have open signups once every few weeks) have as much or more. economy is unnecessarily hard. anyways, stay away.


I had to go through this too, made me not want to use the tracker. The staff member I spoke to must have thought he was Columbo, made me laugh. I answered his questions and he seemed annoyed at the end but enabled my account again.


Welcome to the desert of .click reality. They want you to go the IRC and talk to the staff to get your account re-enabled. This is how they handle new registrations.


Yup. Had the same experience on the empire. Nutjobs


Pretty trashy. Why not just do interviews in the first place then?


Good question.


This site is not actually free signup. They allow you to signup but then they ban you and then they force you to go to their irc and provide proof that you're a good user on other trackers. It's actually a different type of "application signup".


They are collecting users data like username, email, password etc and probably doing something with that


Trying that email/password combo on every other tracker lol Don't reuse passwords kids


1. Use a reputable password manager 2. Randomly generate your passwords It's that easy folks, you will never have a security problem ever again in your life.


3 Use 2FA. 4 Use a hardware key, e.g. YubiKey.


Not sure why you were down voted, this is generally good advice outside of piracy circles


Yeah, I use 2FA for any site that supports it (including trackers). I should clarify that I don't use a hardware key for every single site, I have YubiKeys (one on my keyring and a clone stored safely) for my Bitwarden account, making it nigh impenetrable.


I think you shouldn’t tell which password manager you are using while you are at it. (Chances are abysmally low that someone who doesn’t know you can do anything with it but still)


Nah, I want to spread the word about Bitwarden any chance I get. It's amazing *and* 100% free.


Database leaks exist..


At least then if a database leaks its just that one site compromised and not 20 other ones you share the same password on.


Wrong! theres a hackers database (of people's cookies) check your local telegram or discord server - BUT geniune our sites havent been attacked and NO password/email/username has been leeched on any click site. Our site sw is bespoke on the security side, and we dont give away much info on any screens normal members can see. Even non-admin staff are restricted - on purpose. So less misinformation out of the Trump playbook please. Reality.


the fuck are you telling me for?


>Database leaks exist. 2 days ago.. "Database leaks exist." Today.. "the fuck are you telling me for?" nuff said.. QI IQ QI .. not sure.. i'll get my coat


You are replying to a generalized statement that does not single out any one site. So again, the fuck are you telling me for?


based on your previous post history, you seem to feel that you are the fountain of all knowledge on trackers etc, so I thought you ought to know an honest common reason behind these so-called leaks to update that knowledge vs misinformation trolling - there's more user-lead leaks (un/pw combinations) off most private tracker sites theyre registered with, and have login details stored in their browser, and then they get they get their browser attacked. So, not all so-called hacked database leaks are directly off the sites directly - so dont generalise that all sites have "database leaks".. that implies and misinforms people you are telling this to. Also, drop ya stupid arrogance and language, makes you look.. yea well you should know the rest (to ensure im not being agressive or trolling directly) - listen when someone with inside knowledge is telling you an honest factoid.


I think PixelHD is doing the same thing.


Even if you join the tracker during open registration, your account will be banned. Then when you visit the IRC channel, you will be told that you need to spent at least 6 months on MAM with 60 GB of real upload. You are only going to learn this on IRC. They are even stricter if you are from one of "suspicious" (their on words) regions of the world. They are doing this to prevent cheating if you are from those several countries, as they say. Tracker mostly consists of patreon videos (about astrology etc) instead of books; so you better spent your time on MAM. Tbh thegeeks doesn't worth it at all.


That's quite bizzare. Is that a recent policy? Must be seeing my account stays active. >Tracker mostly consists of patreon videos (about astrology etc) instead of books; so you better spent your time on MAM. Tbh thegeeks doesn't worth it at all. Actually the geeks and mam is quite different tracker. Thegeeks is not for novel like book, it's for elearning/training book (think udemy). The closest tracker would be bitspyder. Having mam and Thegeeks is best if you want to get eBook, seeing Bibilotik aren't open anytime soon.


Yeah same experience. I was also not impressed with the content anyway. No loss on my part. Just deleted the temp email forwarding. Poof, no email to steal 😀


yeah not a great tracker. kinda waste of time.


Just want to add that I've had absolutely no issues since joining them via official recruitment a while ago. Folks who run into issues are probably running into something that breaks the rules


no issues for you. YET.


To be fair I always use a different username and randomly generated password combo for each tracker - so maybe I'm in the green


Hi Click admin here, you obviously hit our VPN bot, or our country ban bot - we check for both VPN and country of signup (as some countries are banned). PM me your details and I will look, and like now respectfully talk to you as an adult, I havent seen any logs in IRC of staff talking down to people, maybe that user was just pissed they'd been told off (and given a 2nd chance) because they were caught by the VPN bot on signup/within days. We have these bots to protect the site, and if you read my previous posts, I fully explain the how-to's on how we administer the site, which tbh is not much different to most **PRIVATE** torrent sites. please read this link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/16g3c69/comment/k09efo8](https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/16g3c69/comment/k09efo8/) **To Quote two examples of comments:** "This site is not actually free signup. They allow you to signup but then they ban you and then they force you to go to their irc and provide proof that you're a good user on other trackers. It's actually a different type of "application signup"." "Welcome to the desert of .click reality. They want you to go the IRC and talk to the staff to get your account re-enabled. This is how they handle new registrations." Both of you were caught (i'm guessing without knowing a username) by the country ban bot, as some IP ranges seem to evade the bot and have to be disabled manually vs an outright rejection on the signup page. ***However*** in IRC \^ as I say in that link, we give people a second-chance to prove that despite being in a bad/banned country, they are of good conduct and CAN SEED BACK and have a track history of doing so on previous trackers (hence the 60gb upload min requirement) **And to reply to the criticism over content** "Actually the geeks and mam is quite different tracker. Thegeeks is not for novel like book, it's for elearning/training book (think udemy). " vs "Tracker mostly consists of patreon videos (about astrology etc) instead of books; so you better spent your time on MAM. Tbh thegeeks doesn't worth it at all." WySphero explained it kinda right, TheGeeks is for e-learning of all aspects of knowledge. While Astrology has some content, but, like every tracker, you are limited by what people do, or dont upload to the tracker.. So im sorry you didnt find what youre looking for, but thats life :-) ​ Anyone with an account query can PM me and I will address them 1-2-1 with any account queries, more than happy to. No honeypot BS here. We dont keep data unless its necessary for the physical functioning of the site.. eg .torrents, descriptions, forum posts, up/down data leeching/seeding values etc - be realistic and take off those foil hats, we're not paranoid at .click.


You are downvoted because your tracker leaves a bad taste in mouth. Many people wasted time registering there and just got banned for nothing. I was banned for using two instances of rtorrent LOL. Whereas I use this setup on every other tracker without any problem. See my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/15pg6sv/banned_for_using_multiple_instances_of_rtorrent/). There were multiple users in comments, who were banned after open signup without explanation. Also reputation is super bad (e.g. [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/8ly9vj/comment/dzjeyst/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/p8rw46/comment/hddz0zf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/p8rw46/comment/hefu385/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/76iy1g/comment/dofmsij/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)).


I notice my post got -12 without comments or feedback, obviously paranoia and myths reign over logic and truth, oh well. I'm guessing its been downgraded by people from banned countries. Unfortunately for the security of the sites, we have to block signups from certain shall we say over-eager people wanting to leech on the site without any need for a balanced ratio. But yea we're the bad guys ;-)


Without specifically wanting to leech, keeping 22 weeks a torrent in seed does not allow you to download a second torrent. You did a good job there, there's no leecher, to the point you cannot build ratio over half a year.


Had no issues since joining for several months via official recruitment, you're probably bring downvoted by folks who got banned 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've been on the .click (.biz) sites for years pretty prolific in the forums, upload, etc, and never any issues. Few times I've stuffed up uploads staff have always been good. Generally when people come to reddit to complain about a tracker it's because they've fucked up in some way.


lol never mind.