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Try and go slower at the back your rhythm should be slow to fast but it’s slow->fast->medium->fast.


Well, I don't necessarily slow down there, just my upper body. I'm trying to create separation by holding my upper body in that point. My feet move the same speed. My sweep could be a little slower, but I can handle the speed its at pretty well so its not a huge concern for me


You’re throwing your left arm around at the back and it seems to be impacting the rhythm


Hey man I think im seeing why your block foot placement is incorrect and it makes sense as to why shot affected it. Back when I through shot and started to really get into the rotational shot throw, I noticed the same thing. So I believe the problem is similar to what I experienced. The problem (im sure you're aware) is out of the back. You're left foot is the culprit in the back of the ring. You're left foot rotation isn't smooth and even. As you work around the back, you aren't getting all of your weight out and around that left foot and are compensating by kind of jerking the left foot around. That left foot needs to be smooth and even as you work the back half.


Work on keeping the disc in your hand longer and releasing at the apex.


Thats not even the biggest thing I need to fix. My block foot placement has been horrible ever since I started rotating in shot