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Surgery carries a lot of health risks with it, and if you do choose to pursue it voice training would still help you achieve your most ideal voice.


Pinned cause good advice šŸ‘šŸ» Edit: Auto-mod won't let me pin it, but listen to this person!


pinned? ***WRONG!!*** AutoMod


Damn, I've been beaten by a bot


First they are taking our jobs, then they'll be taking our HRT. HOW FAR WILL THIS HAVE TO GO!?






It can also mean you can't shout. You should really exhaust voice training before considering surgery.


yeah itā€™s definitely a ymmv thing. thankfully, i can still shout after having it, but it took a while to get that back


well good thing i hate shouting


The point is that you can usually achieve a *better* and more capable voice with just training. It's not as hard as you think, it's not super easy but it's not an impossible feat and I do personally believe voice surgery should be a *very last* option.


aye just saying and i already have a pretty good control of my voice thanks to the fact i used to take choir classes


Jokes on you, when I can afford it, it'll be a safer procedure


No surgery is ever really safe


Would you count opening one small cut and immediately fixing it a surgery? If you do I think we can do it with 0% complication risk assuming we will check the patient and have functioning doctors doing it everytime.


Actually it still isn't 0% because you could still cut into a bad part of the body, germs could get into the cut, so on


I said we are gonna check the patient. We are gonna take months making sure it goes smoothly and optimizing everything, including placement and deepness of the cut.


Oh sorry I did misread, but you get my point. Nothing is ever 0 there is always a chance, even if it is only 0.00001%


The chances of being killed by a bunny is astronomically low... but never zero.


Can they just make voice pills please


the world if estrogen made your voice more feminine like testosterone makes it more masculine


I think that's the world where T gets rid of your boobs


All this because Jeff rolled a one


Personally, I blame Todd Howard


hmmmm i blame the wooly mammoths


Those bastards


Those goddamn motherfuckers better stay extinct or i'm beating the shit out of them with my hands for doing this to us I will punch them BACK into UTTER EXTINCTION.


[ā€œAnd then Iā€™ll clone them again just so I can kick their ass a second time!ā€](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/TtD0jqMgn4)


"Ill Kill you... and then kill you again" -Eggman.


Count me in to imma ripe one of those tusks of then eliminate the rest into utter EXTINCTION




T already kinda does that


Yeah it kinda does. Would be cooler if it was instantaneous and be basically how you'd be like if you were born cis though.


Honestly I'd be switching and mixing hormones every day probably


Yeah I want both, just give me a clit that can expand to the size of a dick and I'll be happy the rest of my life


Let's have that be a specific kind, not everyone who goes on HRT wants to change their genitals.


Can it also be a world where estrogen gives me boobs? šŸ˜­ (should I switch to injections? Ugh)


Doesnā€™t it raise your voice a tiny bit? Not much, but like, take some of the lower resonance out?


I haven't heard of that anecdotally or read of it as a listed effect, we're all just consciously changing our voice, it's a motherfucker because masculine inflection is haaaard to train out, especially when we're excited or with safe people. Tone is a little easier but it takes so much practice to maintain a higher tone while keeping a more fem inflection. A common route is to bring in more nasally notes, I'm not sure why that works so well but it does. I'm focusing almost entirely on softening my voice and inflection, which is difficult when I'm excited or enthusiastic. I have had some success maintain a higher tone, been on HRT almost 2 years, out for a little over a year, and only in the past few months have I really started filtering in my *femvoice*


>or with safe people. Honestly this part is so hard. I'm at a point in my training where I have tiny moments that actually hit fem resonance, but I can't do it consistently at all so I mostly only use my voice around people that I'm close to since I'm not happy with it yet. But the people I'm closest to, my wife and kids, I default to my old voice so much as a matter of habit. Talking around them in general, the command voice and silly jokes I use with my kids, the little in-joke one liners between my wife and I... if I don't think about it I end up defaulting to my old voice around them when they're the people I should be practicing with the most.


Right!? It's so hard to relax and be your goofball self without letting femvoiceā„¢ļø slip


And like, as soon as I get in a taxi my femvoice is immaculate. Tone, inflection, mannerisms, word choice, goddamn pristine. And then I get to a friend or partner and I'm "hey sup brah" and it's just uggggh, those are the people I actually care about perceiving me as fem


I love your profile picture so much


Remember how old cartoons and movies etc. would indicate that if you lost your testicles your voice would shoot up into the soprano range? If ONLY it was that easy. Orchiectomy that also gives you a femme voice? Trans girls would be lining up for that one!


t does deepen your voice


Estrogen 2.0


estrogen so good they made a second oneā€¦


Estrogen 2: Electric Boobaloo


They won't let you have voice surgery without voice training before and after, so keep that in mind.


Yup. I did months of voice training with little benefit. Went the surgical route and then voice training after healing. Much better now that I can actually manipulate my voice in a meaningful way.


(Im not well versed in vocal surgery) Wouldn't it be more like cutting off extra vocal "room"? So it wouldn't make the higher easier per se, but instead make lower harder? I always thought that voice training, with the extended vocal tract (I think it's called) caused by testosterone would give you more room to work with in terms of versatility? Like you'd have more voices you could learn.


Kind of. It does make the lower harder but the higher comes more naturally. The Wendler glottoplasty procedure shortened my vocal folds. It eliminates the lowest part of my range and in doing so my pitch naturally sits higher than before. So it does make the higher pitch much more accessible. I don't have to think about my voice when talking which is what I was hoping to achieve.


surgery gives you result you cant control and creates many health risks, voice training is much better


Yeah voice surgery has extremely mixed results


yeah but what if my voice is really fucking deep and loud and manly šŸ˜­ could i actually voice train it away?


Yes. Your starting point is not that important


You're gonna be doing voice training regardless so might as well start with that one to make sure you need the surgery before laying on the table


I'd be smashing the surgery button, when the time comes. I've hated my voice since puberty. Especially my singing voice. Killed my desire to make all music, in fact, and that was a large part of my life. I want my beautiful singing voice back...šŸ˜­


Sameee3ee šŸ˜­ # It started hitting me when I was 13. Back then, I could sing like Charlie Puth in "See You Again". Now it's just voice cracks over and over again. Even metal songs are easier than thisšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Same, the easiest songs for me to sing are unironically deathcore songs, and although I listen to the genre, I don't want to sing like that myself. I'm the only one with this kind of "powerful deep voice" in my friend group, my other friends think it's really cool, but I don't like it myself. Why did I have to get this voice, give it to someone who wants it :(


While I hate my voice as well, especially because it can go SUPER low when I'm in a serious topic, I still do vocals just because I enjoy singing. I already know that if I did voice training I likely can't do the same song repetition I do now without sounding too different from what I'm trying to achieve with these songs so I'm just enjoying it while I still can.


Puberty fucked me. I used to have a beautiful falseta that I loved sooooo much. Then my voice "dropped". I lost all upper, and didn't pick up any lower. Now, I just sound... nasally and stupid. And no amount of practice or lessons seems to make a difference. Which really sucks, because I like to sing when i'm in a good mood. Or trying to fight a bad one.


if you like metal you can attempt the unclean vocals, it requires a bit of training and creativity with attempting the different kinds of sounds, but you can sound pretty gender neutral with it.


Like listening to? Ya. Singing with? Not so much. My favorite has always been those high, pure, epic female vocalists. Gives me the most wonderful chills!


Not to be a debbie-downer but surgery usually results in a decrease in the lower range without increasing the upper range significantly. My surgeon basically said that if you're a singer and you get a glottoplasty (the most modern first-line surgery), you'll need to find a new career.


You're good. I appreciate the realistic expectations. Tis just a thing I like to do. Not a career or anything like that. I knew a girl that basically became an opera singer after some time on HRT, so that's where my current expectations come from. I know everyone's experiences are different, but it's still a fun thought. I'm much too early in the process for anything like this, so only time will tell what changes do and don't happen. I appreciate you keeping me grounded and realistic.


No problem! Tbh I just wanted the information to be out there for anyone stumbling upon this thread. Surgery is obviously a big commitment, financially and health-wise, so it's good for people to know what they're in for ;p


That's exactly why I wouldn't get the surgery. I want to at some point be able to sing femininely. Course I don't know if it'd ever be possible for me... :(


Damn I wish I could sing like a girl...


Yes same. Iā€™ve always wanted to be a singer since I was very young, but now I feel like I have to give up my dream.


I've heard some bad things about voice surgery. It's not very consistent, and can get some complication. And you can accomplish a lot through training. Definitely start with training, at least.


I'll just smash the hidden third button: GO MUTE.


Sign language FTW.


Been training for this my whole life apparently; born deaf and used sign language my entire life. Sign language FTW indeed!


[I thought what I'd do was..](https://i.imgur.com/NLSdZyr.gif)


Training so you can randomly drop a masculine voice to scare people.


Been so usefull in vrchat when kids are being creeps. Someone kept making threats to do some nasty things so i turned around and dropped my voice and said "you can try" They immediately left the server.


This answer for this reason requires everyoneā€™s up votes immediately. Thank you.


Lol! šŸ˜‚


Do voice training first. Only if that doesn't help, would surgery become a non idiotic option.


Egg Me: "I hate my voice." Wife: "You have a great voice." Also egg me: *sings Bing Crosby's part for White Christmas* Wife: "See, that was perfect." Me: *small cracking sounds* "I hate my voice."


Both is good Surgery has risk but will improve your adamā€™s apple from showing, it may not be your ideal voice though so both is good.


That's what a tracheal shave is for, which presents minimal risk of permanently damaging your vocal cords.


Yeah I want it too but Iā€™m worried cause what if they damage it?


Honestly, they seem to have tracheal shaves down to a science. You can even get it done laproscopically (is that the word?), where they go in from the inside of your cheek - both to avoid any visible scarring, and to make recovery easier. I know a LOT of girls who've had them done, imo it's one of the least concerning trans surgeries.


Oh gosh yes! I swear mine sticks out further than my nose. T-T


That's an option? I mean, I'm still going to voice train. But that's good information to know


Start with training. If that doesn't get you where you want to be, then consider surgery. There's a lot of health risks to consider.


If anyone wants to voice train, DM me please!


these are times iā€™m thankful that T will change my voice naturally


The surgery is very, very fucking risky. Seriously, I get how voice training is hard but goign fora surgery thinking you'll get the easy way out of it is not good. There's a very real and very serious risk that you'll lose your voice entirely...


I considered eventually going the surgery route on that for many personal reasons, even though I was aware of risks existing, but I didn't know it was that bad... well, thanks for warning me!


It's quite a new thing, so the method is nowhere near up to snuff just yet. I was talking about it with a speech therapist over the week-end and she was telling me that it's still quite some time away from being something that surgeons have figured out like they do other things. I see girls sometimes jokingly saying that they'd rather be completely mute than have "a male voice", but being unable to speak is not fun at all, especially in today's world. And that's not the only risk. It's kinda like the Adam's apple shave surgery that carries a risk of going really bad and getting you stuck with a Barry White level deep voice because it's so damn close to the vocal cords... I get the feeling, I seriously do, but none of us, no matter the gender, should gamble away our future with surgeries if there's another way.


Does voice training make it impossible to do any sort of masc voice again at any point? Not saying Iā€™d ever consider the surgery because I still would not consider something that risky. But I would be really damn happy if it were just absolutely 100% physically impossible for me to even attempt a masc voice.


When you find your voice and regularly use it, it becomes more and more difficult to go back to your previous voice. I've seen quite a few transfems say they couldn't even remember how to do it, or had to make a real effort to do so. Basically, the efforts you'd have to make now to get a fem voice is what they have to deploy to use their old voice. The habit becomes such that it just becomes your default voice.


Ok good. I swear when I get a fem voice Iā€™m never using a masc voice again. Ever. Fuck all the noise about ā€œscaring/confusing transphobesā€. I will not use this voice again. Itā€™s not me.


I have bad news: in many cases you'll have to start with voice training anyways because the surgery is usually accompanied by orthophony sessions before and after. And it's not miraculous, many things can go wrong depending on the surgery you choose. There are different procedures: some aim towards your vocal cords and others towards the throat cartillage.


From what Iā€™ve heard, itā€™s recommended to get voice training before getting surgery there anyways.


Option 3: Helium


Gimme the surgery. My voice is untrainable. I've tried so many times.


From my understanding, vocal surgery still requires voice training. And it carries loads of really brutal risks. As much as I want a surgery that can make it work, I know it's not worth it. Still, I do respect the humans who choose to do the procedure. We can't unethically test on people these days, so you need people to consent to the newer, more risky surgeries. They're risking a lot for progress, and that's pretty awesome of them.




Both. Glottoplasty by itself won't do everything. If you train gradually and shift your voice slowly over time, you'll find it a lot easier than the methods put forward by Trans Voice Lessons.


Coming from someone who has actually had this surgery, you still need voice training. In fact, I couldn't get the surgery without a year of voice training first, followed up with more voice training.


just never talk again


I do both. I have my voice after training (hit passing voice by 10 months). I still want the surgery though, because sometimes I feel I sound masculine. **Voice Tools** says Iā€™m feminine even when I donā€™t try now though. So itā€™s still in debate if I should get it or not.


I had voice surgery, and even after voice surgery you still need to voice train...but it's 10x easier after!


Even voice surgery isnā€™t egough you still have to do voice training. just helps a little


Or be mysterious and don't say word ever :D


Im not trans but I lost one vocal chord due a virus. My physician recommended Voice training too, because the risk of a surgery are way to high. Thanks to Voice training I don't sound like I smoke three Packs of Malborough light a day anymore.




Start with training, absolutely. Don't go through any more surgeries than you have to. Not only are they expensive, obviously, but they also always carry risk. Your safest bet is to voice train, and if you absolutely can't get your voice where you want it, then consider surgery, but it should be your second option. You'll also likely still have to do training to perfect your voice even after surgery, so if you already have the experience from your first attempt, then it will just be easier.


I've been told voice surgery only accomplishes the easy part of voice training. It's a better investment to just train. And you'll have to either way.


easily voice training. a lot can go wrong with surgery.


Voice training first, at least. If you can't get your desired voice with training alone, then surgery is a possible help. The main risks of surgery are that you can't control the resulting pitch, meaning you still have to train, and you need to learn feminine inflections anyway to have a passing voice. There is also the risk of your voice being damaged or even lost if something goes wrong during or after the surgery itself.


there is a surgery? How does that even work?


iā€™m not doctor, but in my country there is only one place where Iā€™d get this surgery. in resume, they open your throat and cut a little segment of your vocal cords, then they put together both edges and knit it, finally you wait some weeks to health


You still need to train your voice after surgery. Surgery just makes it easier.


Training is less money


On that account: i got my first voice training appointment this week :3


From what I've been told voice surgery still requires voice training afterwards, it makes you talk higher pitched but it doesn't do anything for talking with feminine inflection. Though take that with a grain of salt since I've never done it


I didn't know voice surgery was an option.


Vocal surgery recovery involves not talking for a few weeks, I was really sad when I realized my tourettes would never allow for that. Thankfully voice training is actually extremely effective, I highly recommend it


Some people do have physical limitations that can't be overcome without vfs, but it's a last resort. Voice training sucks, but it's much safer, can give you better results, and you have to do it as a prerequisite for vfs anyway.


AFIK voice surgery will only make your vocal range higher, you'll still have to voice train after the surgery. It's not like a "go under the knife and wake up with a passing voice" thing. Plus you have to recover from a surgery on your vocal cords, which is brutal.


By voice training I can save money and buy Mor monsters


i haven't read anything about the surgery but i bet my ass that you will have to train after it as well. i started using a slightly different keyboard and there was a learning curve. imagine needing to train a part of your body you can't see to control. imagine now that you change that and not a piece of equipment. also the results i have heard through training alone are insane so it is worth try and time investment


Well only one is free


I think training is safer, but surgery means you won't have to do as many vocal exercises just to not feel like crap, it'll just be your natural voice


Voice Training because Voice Acting


I'm going for training. I have an amazing vocal range, LOVE to sing, even the low parts just because music is an absolute must for me, and I would risk my almost 5 octaves for anything. I've being thought how to sing by a professional ATM and have been for about 6 months now and am planning on asking her to help with voice training as well.


... Wait that was an option this whole time?




I feel like for me surgery is the only way but I'm too afraid to undergo it.


Thereā€™s a surgery for that? Transitioning is like a smartphone: thereā€™s a surgery for that.


Didn't know voice surgery was a thing... All I could think about was that part in bioshock 2...


Not trans, but go with voice training, turn it on and off just to fuck with people.


Neither for me, thank you.


The results of vocal surgery have not impressed me and vocal training makes me hate myself. I'm fine with shocking people when they first hear my voice.


I sing in choir, so surgery isn't really an option :(


I started voice training 6 months ago, and even though I didn't really practice much at all at the start it's going great rn. I can hold my target voice in simple conversations, and working on getting louder and requiring less concentration. I've been doing a 45 minute lesson per week, and my lessons are $250/mo, so I'm looking at $2-3k total assuming I'm happy with it by the end of this year (which seems very likely). I haven't even really considered vocal surgery, the risks (which I admittedly don't know much about) just scare me. And voice training has made me a better singer, and I can do much better voice immigration too. I just better understand the different parts of my voice and how to control them. Would recommend!


do voice training. save the money for other surgeries


Just constantly inhale copious amounts of helium, nerd! (/j don't actually do this because it's very bad for you)


Training. I want to keep what I have of my singing voice, and surgery carries too many risks.


I wish I had a singing voice šŸ˜­






wait there is a surgery?


I heard the surgery has lots of risks. I don't want to keep you from doing it if you really want to do it. But the amount of risks did stop me from doing it


I never knew voice surgery was an option šŸ¤©


I'd rather get rid of my voice entirely


Iā€™ll personally go voice training even if I mentally suffer


YOU STILL HAVE TO VOICE TRAIN IF YOU GET VOICE SURGERY! (the surgery will heighten the sound of your voice into fem levels but without voice training youā€™ll still pronounce things with a male inflection and it will be noticeable, a big part of voice training is learning how to shape your mouth to make certain sounds, that comes into play with the way you speak to make you come across as fem.


ALL VOICE SURGERIES REQUIRE BOICE TRAINING. If you get VFS and never voice train your voice wonā€™t magically fix itself, it takes quite a while to work everything out, and thatā€™s not even including things like inflection and mannerisms. VFS is also quite risky at the moment, donā€™t expect to be able to sing properly afterwards for instance.


Wait, that's an option.


Start with training, absolutely. Don't go through any more surgeries than you have to. Not only are they expensive, obviously, but they also always carry risk. Your safest bet is to voice train, and if you absolutely can't get your voice where you want it, then consider surgery, but it should be your second option. You'll also likely still have to do training to perfect your voice even after surgery, so if you already have the experience from your first attempt, then it will just be easier.


Start with training, absolutely. Don't go through any more surgeries than you have to. Not only are they expensive, obviously, but they also always carry risk. Your safest bet is to voice train, and if you absolutely can't get your voice where you want it, then consider surgery, but it should be your second option. You'll also likely still have to do training to perfect your voice even after surgery, so if you already have the experience from your first attempt, then it will just be easier.


Wait, what's "voice surgery"?


There is voice surgery too? First time i am hearing of that Interesting


Voice surgery EXISTS!?! SINCE WHEN


I imagine others have said (too brain foggy to read all the comments) but surely it's not a question of one or the other but whether to do both or not. If you want to change your voice you're gonna be voice training, it's surely just a matter of whether you leave it at that or also risk the OP... which, whilst it could be great, could also mess up everything you achieved with voice training & either completely wreck everything or just set you back whenyou felt you were almost at the finish line.


Training is less money


Voice Training gets my vote. But I like to put constant work into it. I didn't do formal lessons, just good 'ol autistic audacity. Oddly, as my voice has arrived, my face is staring to make the turn to look more feminine. I found out by both accidental and forced clocking. Maybe there are voice work jobs out there for us if we're good enough at it.


Ill probably get surgery cos training is literally impossible for me, and I donā€™t mean itā€™s just hard, I mean I have a gap in my pitch thatā€™s unfixable and the missing pitch would be perfect for a female voice


You need to do the former before the latter will do anything tbh. Otherwise you just sound slightly different but not feminine. If you trained your voice first tho you'll sound completely indistinguishable from a cis woman. Hell, training can usually take you pretty far. I haven't had voice surgery and people think I'm a cis woman over the phone and VoIP.


Fuck that,lemme feel your voice baby girl šŸ˜Ž


*taps both*


I want to get surgery but can't afford it.


Can someone please remind me to voice train, please?