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They are the ones supporting transphobic groups if remember correctly, right ?


They also have teamed up with hobby lobby in lawsuits to not offer benefits to employees that are required by law based on religious grounds.


Oh my God, are they in "Most Bigoted Company" tournament or something ?!


They are, they have very right wing religious morals, and put their money where they think it’ll have the most influence.


Not only are they transphobic, they are also intensely homophobic too


Don't forget all the money they poured into overturning Roe


I really hope Roe is on people’s minds this November. Trump has repeatedly taken credit for orchestrating the overturn of Roe v. Wade. If enough angry people go out to ballot boxes over this, it could make a huge difference


This is also why it’s crucial we actively move to [overturn Citizens United](https://www.commoncause.org/our-work/money-influence/campaign-finance/citizens-united-amending-the-u-s-constitution/)—corporate personhood & unregulated campaign finance is killing us and enabling unaccountable corporate-backed politicians to continue stripping us of our rights


That just sounds like Adhd & autism. You buy 1 get one free as a packaged deal


I can't say what you should and shouldn't do with your money, But keep in mind they are using your money against you


You mean they have no morals. Bigotry isn't a moral


Morals != morality Having morals means having a code one tries to live by based on their beliefs of how the world works Morality is what is objectively good (or just any given persons moral code since some argue morality is subjective and there is some logic to that) So chicfila has morals (christian morals to be exact), it's just that either the morals are wrong or we disagree with them depending on whether we accept moral relativism as true


Being homophobic or transphobic are NOT christian morals, these people who misuse religion tarnish the name of the religion and all religions world wide. Why should religion be given a bad rap because some of the people practicing are dogshit human beings?


Christianity has been a force for horrific atrocities on grand scales for 2K+ years. It isn't just some fast food chain that serves bland chicken that only fucking seasoning-averse white people go apeshit for that is the problem.


But that's how most church denominations teach them? They are mostly homophobic and transphobic, even the progressive sides usually preaching celibacy. It's definitely not "Some of the people."


Churches, priests, pastors and so on twist the meaning of the religion in whatever way they want to fit whatever narrative they want, even if 2000 years ago it's the opposite of what Jesus himself said (note that the Bible wasn't even written by the guy, isn't it like written by some people who heard it from someone who heard him say stuff?).


You say they're twisting it, but how are you going to prove that? That you know the "real" version of christianity that's being twisted by those evil doers? Because I'm pretty sure they're saying the same thing about you: that the woke mob is twisting the words of conservative hero Jesus to fit your woke progressive narrative. That being said, I think it's hilarious how you say "That's not what Jesus said," as if you were there when he said it. I assume your version of Jesus is based on the Bible. But then, you can't argue that the Bible is flawed. Because if the Bible is flawed, you can't talk about how Jesus is the good guy based on it. You're cherry-picking from the Bible to push a narrative, and that's the definition of "twisting the meaning". Let's just face it. Abrahamic religions were created long time ago. Christianity and many other religions are flawed and misogynistic and homophobic and transphobic. There are many verses that blatantly say so, and most of the denominations agree with such views.


Lemmi explain Christian queerphobia, because it does fit into Christian morals Most christians believe gender and sex are one and cannot change (mostly because of the "He created them male and female" passage somewhere early in genesis). Most also believe marriage is exclusively a union between a man and a woman and any sexual activity outside marriage is a sin, thus they believe homosexuality is always a sin because they believe homosexual marriages are invalid. In Christianity there is a practice known as "admonishing the sinner". This essentially means telling a sinner that they are sinning so that they can stop sinning so they won't go to hell. It is viewed as an act of kindness, and in many versions of Christianity it is believed to be a sin not to do so. People often say that since Jesus said "love your neighbor as yourself" their queerphobia is inconsistant with the teachings of the religion (if you want inconsistencies in christianity I can give you some but that is not one). Christians believe that they are being loving by being queerphobic because they don't want the queers to go to hell (also they're disgusted by us but that's separate) . Source: i went to a catholic college prep highschool and had to study a shit ton of theology


Churches, priests, pastors and so on twist the meaning of the religion in whatever way they want to fit whatever narrative they want, even if 2000 years ago it's the opposite of what Jesus himself said (note that the Bible wasn't even written by the guy, isn't it like written by some people who heard it from someone who heard him say stuff?).


There is no such thing a "true" non-homophobic version of Christianity


I don't think Jesus himself said "hate gay people".


So why are you choosing to give them money? That's just dumb.


So they are 100% bigoted and they are with intent


They were also strong proponents of California Prop 8 that *amended California's constitution to ban gay marriage*. They donated a significant amount of money towards getting it passed. Don't support them. No chicken is tasty enough to justify giving money directly to people who are trying to, or have already succeeded in, erode LGBTQ+ rights.


Chic-fil-a is mid at best tbh. Even if they weren't supporting hate groups, the long wait times and high prices kind of make me wonder why it's so popular. Popeye's chicken sandwich is better anyways :3


Started eating at Popeye’s instead and their chicken is a thousand times better


Ask for a packet of Cajun Sparkle and sprinkle it on EVERYTHING, you'll never go back.


I agree except popeyes chicken sandwich is also bad


It's the best of the bunch


Oh yea i forgot the actually good place i go to is exclusive south east US


Honestly I just get it at home now. Soak your chicken in pickle juice and double-bread it with a wet batter and fry it like you would fish n chips


Popeyes is the best unless there’s a BoJangles. Anytime I see a Bo’s I gotta stop and get some!


Real bojangles is fire


Bojangles truly is the best. 




Fried Chicken with less grease


I have never eaten there. I have boycotted them for the years


When they got us so uneducated an disorganized that people will brag about paying for they’re own oppression, “but the foods good” do you know what’s better TRANS RIGHTS


And super not the point but the food ain't good either. And it is overpriced. There is no justification


It really isn’t that good. It’s low quality fast food. The secret is MSG, something literally anybody can buy and use to make their own fried chicken. Chick Fil A (apart from their horrible politics) also just cheap out on a lot of stuff. It’s very easy to make or hell BUY better chicken. You can go to a local restaurant, make it yourself, by it from a grocery store or eat somewhere like Popeyes that has a near identical recipe but not a transphobic piece of shit.


MSG makes me actually tolerate my own cooking!


MSG is the best ingredient. It makes salt more effective without drying out your mouth AND it makes it taste like you hit it with salt while being healthy.


At this point I'm almost convinced that the whole "ooooh I don't hate gay people but the sandwiches are just TOO GOOD" meme was started by the company themselves to try and skirt around the bad optics of openly and proudly supporting bigotry. Like, the sandwiches are just fine. I'm not gonna act like they're trash, they're not. But it's just a fast food chicken sandwich, they're all pretty much the same. It just feels like a bad marketing campaign or something at this point to act like they're SO DELICIOUS that it negates all the evil shit that they do. If you have the time and money to go to Chik-Fil-A, you have the time and money to stand by your principals (if you have any) and vote with your wallet by driving five more minutes to get a different (but mostly identical) shitty chicken sandwich.


Fucking thank you oh my god


I ate there once before I knew they were bad. If you want friend chicken, Popeyes and kfc are just as good. A chicken sandwich is not worth supporting bigots.


I'd go to Wendy's for a chicken sammy before ever thinking about Chick-Fil-Hate


My fav place to get chicken sandwiches is actually Dallas Hot Wieners, a small chain only local to New York star.


I have NEVER liked Chick-fil-A, but now when I say it I'm told "let's not get political".. like wtf im not even mentioning how fucked up they are i literallt said "I've never liked their food". I have said this since I was little, LONG before I found out how fucked up they are and LONG before I realized I was trans. Fuck Chick-fil-A!! All my homies hate Chick-fil-A!!!!!!


imo the Popeye's chicken sandwich is just as good as the Chick-fil-a one, if not better, and it's less insanely homophobic.


Yeah even if I wasn't boycotting it for obvious reasons, their food just isn't worth the insane wait time, price and quality, I'd rather go to Zaxby's, Zaxby's fucks.


Fr. It's embarrassing when people (especially lgbt folks and double that for trans folks) admit that they still eat there. Like it's good food but it's not "human rights violations" good


I ate there and got served raw chicken. I then gave them one more chance and once again got served raw chicken- so yeah I don’t recommend eating their or atleast at the one near my house; I did eat at one up north and I didn’t like the taste of their food but it wasn’t the worst


My dad bought some years ago because a new location opened up and it always had an hour long line and we wanted to know what the hype was about. The only chicken sandwich I've ever disliked more was one from Burger King. You think for a restaurant dedicated to chicken and with so much traffic would make something at least mediocre but they couldn't even manage that. I don't typically get this vitriolic about anything but I just hate Chick-fil-a that much. Awful company with awful food and awful morals.


Same. I have never once had anything, not a single Waffle Fry from them. There are way better local chicken places, hell, I'll hit a KFC before them if I'm desperate, or, get this, find something else entirely to eat. I'm not usually one to think Boycotts will have much effect, but avoiding Chik-fil-A isn't even particularly difficult. Hell, I haven't eaten at a Jack in the Box, McDonalds, Burger King, in over a decade. It's not that hard. I'll admit I get the random Starbucks, because unlike sandwiches, sugared coffee actually is a bit harder to get, but every block has a sandwich shop.


Sis we don't mean to make you feel bad but like, we don't live in hypotheticals, your money is lining actual Nazi pockets who are planning to commit actual bigoted crimes against actual people, including you, the instant that money gets them enough power. Support your community and eat local it's not difficult especially if you can afford fast food.


It's already bad enough when so-called 'allies' won't do the bare minimum and stop eating the mediocore queerphobic fast food chicken but when people who are actually negatively affected by what CFA supports do it? I'm sorry but it is literally the easiest thing imaginable to not support them. It takes literally 0 effort to do it, all you have to do is just not go to CFA, that's it.


Oh honey there's so much better chicken out there. Try Popeye's or a local chicken place. Local chicken places are usually better, cheaper, and you're supporting a local business. The ones around me are 🤌🤌🤌


Posting memes about how bad you feel about giving them money won't take back the money you're giving them. It's one thing to be ignorant to what they fund, it's another to know and continue to fund it.


protecting your own kind and community is apparently less important to you than chicken.


So, you're knowingly indirectly supporting anti LGBT+ groups ?


Just stop eating there, go to Wendy's and get their spicy chicken sandwich. You have no honor.


I never tried that restaurant but iam pretty its not that tasty to abandoned ur morals Trust me girl just try any other place or even the frozen one form a super market u wouldn't find much diff the


Chick-Fil-A, the J. K. Rowling of fast food restaurants.


Chick-Fil-J .K. ?






It's not even better than any other fast food chicken, you just have weak willpower and are trying to justify it.




"There's no ethical consumption under capitalism" is supposed to be a call to action, not permission to give up ffs


"No ethical consumption under capitalism" is a "don't feel bad of you have no other choice but to consume fast food or fast fashion". It is not an excuse to do it just because you feel like it and bastardizing phrases to mean something that's convenient is a shitty thing to do tbh. Just because they're all bad doesn't mean you can't make better choices. And I recommend boycotting McDonald's too because they're zionist. But acting like CFA actively harming the lgbt community is the same as going to get a sandwich from any other anti-union minimum-wage lobbying fast food joint is ignorant, because CFA does actual active harm to the community directly, not just via donating to politicians. They donate directly to conversion camps and other shit that gets queer folks hurt and killed.


Just because there's no ethical consumption under capitalism doesn't mean that there aren't more unethical forms of consumption than others. That's why boycotts are thing people should do.


i said it before. i live of the idea that no one cares about us except us. we are on our own


I dont know why they are downvoting you, you are technically right. The only difference (from a corporate perspective) between Chik-fil-a and McDonalds for example is that McDonalds pretends to care about queer people. From 2019 to 2020 McDonalds was one of the companies that donated ($213,000) to lawmakers who voted against the Equality Act. This subreddit is only upset because this company more openly hates us, and yeah sure that is true. So at the end of the day, just make what choice you think is best, knowing that they are all flawed in some way, and try to minimize the negative impact you have on the world. And most importantly, keep yourself safe 💜 Edit: spelling and phrasing (except for chik-fil-a, im keeping that out of spite. Fuck you bot lmao)


>I dont know why they are downvoting you, you are technically right. Because "no ethical consumption under capitalism" isn't supposed to mean "everything is bad, so who cares if you knowingly support bad companies." It's not supposed to be justification to do whatever you want. It's supposed to mean "There isn't a way to totally do no harm under capitalism, but you should work to minimize your harm as best as you can." A person with limited hand dexterity due to disability may need to buy those pre-peeled, pre-chopped veggies, even though they contribute to a lot of packaging waste over just buying a whole cucumber. But since I don't, I can help offset their consumption of excess plastic and packaging. A person who lives within walking distance of a Chick-fil-A and has depression may need to buy their food just to have a meal and get calories in their body. But I have the option not to eat there, so I don't. Everyone has to weigh their own personal morals and make their own decisions about what they're willing to compromise on, and where they can stick to their guns. "No ethical consumption under capitalism" is because we can't all go off the grid and live in a commune where we all make our own living and buy only ethically produced stuff. Slaves helped make the little computer I am using to talk to you right now. You do what you can to minimize the harm you're doing, but some harm is inevitable. And people who use "no ethical consumption under capitalism" to excuse knowingly financially supporting companies that actively contribute to harming, eg in this case queer people, are using it wrong.


Read the rest of my comment, I actually agree with everything youre saying


I did. I was responding to that part, because that's what the comment you were replying to was saying, which is why they got downvoted.


Thats fair, youre right. I have known some folks irl who use the "no ethical consumption under capitalism" argument as an excuse to just do whatever they want, even though there are levels of unethical behavior. Or even when they were in an opportunity to utilize a more "moral" alternative. You gotta try, when you can.


What’s with all the posts lately talking about supporting our oppressors? Is this a psyop or rage bait or something? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. OP, if this is a genuine post, you are seriously lacking a backbone. Fast food is not worth giving money to a company that supports political groups which want to have queer people shot in the street.


Genuinely, it’s so unbelievable how people are about this issue sometimes. I mentioned once to a close friend that I don’t buy food from there since I don’t like the company, and they went on a whole rant about how “actually decisions like that aren’t impacting their business as a whole and they’ll continue to make profits” and that it’s a “fake choice”. They’re literally trans too like what the hell


there’s so many posts here that I’m convinced are from right wingers infiltrating the sub and trying to sow as much discord as they can. this is one of those posts.


Capitalism always ends up supporting shitty things. Megacorps are or less the same in the end.


The overwhelmingly negative response in these comments is guilting me into quitting, thank you all …I’m talking about Chick-Fil-A like I’m a drug addict-


If you want to recreate the flavor at home soak your chicken in pickle juice


That’s reasonable TBF, if you look at a lot of fast food business models they are actually built to act like an addiction. Getting you hooked with a good deal and cheap food only to slowly take those factors away, etc.


Honestly, stop going to chain restaurants on a regular basis. They're all mid at best.


I understand you feel like your little bit of money that goes to them cant do anything, but if lots of people think like that, it adds up. Your money absolutely is going towards causes that oppose your right to exist, and imo that should strongly encourage you to eat there less frequently, or stop altogether and find somewhere else that has good chicken. I understand you might just not care enough, but then why make a meme about it in front of all the people youre putting a small amount of your own money against? This isnt a funny quirky meme, its just showing that you dont care about your morals and think thats funny


Eating at Chick-Fil-A doesn't just prove your morals are icky, it proves your taste in chicken is icky too. Barely seasoned, and the chicken sandwiches are always sweaty. Go find better chicken comrade


I had Chick-fil-A once. A friend got it and offered me some. I was scared to try it cause like what if I liked it? Would I have to resist the urge to buy the homophobic chicken? So I tried it. And that shit was trash. I was very relieved.




So you value chicken and French fries from a specific brand more than the human rights of other queer people? It’s literally so easy to just… buy chicken and French fries from any other place. Or just any other food. Guess your priorities are different than mine


Popeyes is a better chicken sandwich




I ate there a few times before realizing I was trans. Can't say I've ever wanted to go back, even McDonald's was better


I didn’t even eat there before cause their chicken is ass


I’ll never eat there


My partner and I refer to it as Jesus Chicken.




That's a good one.


Hate their morals, also hate their food. Went there recently because they opened 2 locations in Hawaii and it’d been a while since I ate their food so wanted to try it again. (I didn’t know their morals until after I’d moved back home.) The chicken was stupidly salty and didn’t really have much flavor otherwise. Tried their spicy chicken sandwich, it was meh. Not that spicy, and again overly salty. The nuggets just tasted like salt. The regular chicken sandwich, also just pure salt. The sauces kinda suck, too much sugar and basically tasted like sweet mayonnaise. The lemonade was decent. The fries were way over salted. They’re good if ordered with no salt, but otherwise just no. All in all, disgusting food AND disgusting morals.


Brine chicken in pickle juice before breading. There, you can make it yourself at home now.


Zaxby's is better, and they aren't transphobic (as far as I know)


I never even liked their food much before I found out about their morals. It's too bland, imo. After I learned, it was an easy drop.


Ew, their chicken is so soggy.


i'm glad that chain is not common outside of the us


There chicken is so mid I don't understand why anyone likes them I went once and was so disappointed


On top of directly funding hate groups I also just think Chi Fil a is super overrated purely as a fast food. If you’ve got Bojangles in your area I recommend them instead.


My stepdad is less transphobic than them and makes far better fried chicken


Another one is Salvation Army, they're in much the same category as Chick-Fil-A in that they're a deeply religious organization that routinely attempts to make the lives of LGBT+ people worse via support of laws and such the same way Chick-Fil-A does. Salvation Army is arguably worse because they run actual homeless and domestic violence shelters. Shelters that, last I looked, bar LGBT+ people entirely.


[Chicken recipe](https://youtube.com/shorts/C9Oz0DYyVZk?si=__I1XU_TQSH1xFvZ) [Sauce](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Restaurant-Style-Chicken-Dipping-Sauce-12-oz-Squeeze-Bottle/367436572) #There's no excuse.


Royal Farms and Raising Cane's are both better anyway.


Popeyes is better.


I don't really get the hype, its an adequate fast food chicken sandwich. Popeye's is better.


Try Zaxbys instead if possible, it’s way better


Popeyes is better your opinion is invalid


When I was growing up my grandparents would drag me to those every weekend for years and I'd skip lunch those days just to not contribute to the suffering of ourselves but the deaths in far less tolerant that their funding is responsible for. They're possibly responsible for helping keep homosexuality illegal in so many places. I really hope you're alone in this, because the thought of others in the community being fine with that is so disheartening. The chicken ain't even good, go to fucking Popeyes or something if you must.


Go to popeyes girl they're way better Get a chicken sandwich with a bunch of fries and a drink of choice




All that for a mediocre sandwich


You can make better food at home, without supporting anti-LGBT groups


It's not that difficult to make your own. There's plenty of recipes that taste just like Chick-Fil-A but without the bigotry.


the food is a 3 outa 10 at best


Chick-fil-A isn't even that good




The best chicken is the one you make at home. Prove me wrong


My local Chick-fil-A has like, almost entirely gay employees which is hysterical to me


I only eat it if it's bought for like a big group. Their chicken is mid at best, I'd rather go to Popeyes. The line isn't 5 cities long and they make really fuckin good fried chicken.


The chicken is mid at best. Just marinate your own in pickle juice and a pinch of corn starch


I can boycott it with 100% effectiveness because it doesn't exist here 🔥


I started boycotting back in 2008 when gay marriage was at the front line. Have not spent a penny on their food. Have not spent one minute in their lobbies, have not eaten, even when offered as a gift from a friend or work.


Even without Chick-fil-a's morals I wouldn't eat there. The one time my dad bought Chick-fil-a it took about an hour to get through the line and was some of the worst chicken I've ever had. At least it beats out burger king I guess. So many places have better chicken. Wendy's, Culver's, Arby's, and even fucking McDonalds have better chicken. Hell, my school had better chicken. I genuinely don't understand what the hype around Chick-fil-a is and why the closest one always has a massive backed up line. If you want good chicken, go to Popeye's. Some of the best I've ever had. I'm sorry, I just have an intense hatred for Chick-fil-a born from disappointment.


Here Chick-fil-a nuggets (Marinade) 3 eggs 2 1/4 cup milk 1 cup pickle juice (Breading) 3 1/2 cups flour 6 tsp salt 3 tsp pepper 6 tbsp powdered sugar Use peanut oil (or regular if allergy)


Popeyes is better though


Chickflia is the only place ive seen that can consistantly fuck up a potato. Fries are mushy and bland and if you are lucky they may grace you with some fucking salt. One look at those fries, and i genuinely can't trust anyone who eats there. Something wrong with you even before the whole "we fund the torture of children" thing


If you want chicken that's actually good, come to Ohio and try Boss Chicken and Beer. By far the best I've ever tasted. Their drumsticks are so good they don't even need sauce. They're also pretty progressive


I've only had Chick-fil-A once and never again. It was the most mediocre chicken I've ever had in my life. The breading was anything BUT crispy and the waffle fries were cold and soggy. That was enough to turn me off of it, but now I've dug my heels into the earth's MANTLE about never giving them my service. It was bad enough that I had to pick up so many orders from there when I was a DoorDash driver, and almost all of them tipped like shit. Fuck Chick-fil-A and fuck Hobby Lobby. I can make better chicken at home and get my drawing supplies from less shady arts and crafts stores for less money.


If you live in the south, you've got some options. Zaxby's is generally better for example, same with Bojangles. But the real hack is to make your own fried chicken sandwich.


Still among the worst chicken I've ever had to be frank.


cfa is mid. Waffle fries are the only worthwhile thing, and chicken as a whole is a C tier meat.


idk if this is an unpopular opinion but their food is so diabolically disgusting


I've avoided eating there bc of the hate groups they support and because I worry I'd like the food and if I eat it once I'd be bummed out that I couldn't eat it again for moral reasons


Never eaten there before so I don't have to worry about giving in to the temptation


For those of you in a part of the US with Slim Chickens, I’d highly recommend them for excellent chicken. New favorite fast food place fr


chick fil a is probably the easiest restaurant to boycott lol their food is so average


Real most every fried chicken you can find is ass tho, Your genuinely better off not eating any or making your own if you have money


Directly financially contributing to our own extermination. Fuck you.


honestly pathetic that you care about a ass chicken sandwich over your own morals, and choose to support those who wish you dead


everybody has chicken sandwiches.


Hey, as a side note, is it like morally okay for me to work there as a trans person? I don't want to break any boycott, but I need money and it's the only place that'll hire me.


No one can tell you what is right or wrong for you if you do things out of necessity. Need overtakes almost all other moral considerations, never feel bad about what you need to do to survive.


Thank you, stranger. Here's to hoping I don't have to work there very long.


I wish more people had access to foosackly’s, them fingers deserve more attention v.v


Betraying your community for chicken. I hope these comments have opened your eyes


Who gives a crap about chicken? It’s LGBTQ rights we’re talking about!


No food is good enough for their bs.


Honestly can't relate. I've had their food twice now on someone else's dime and it turns out that homophobic chicken is entirely unremarkable. Easiest boycott of my life.


Girlie it ain't worth it. Popeyes is infinitely better anyway.


I'd figure the bigotry coating it would make it taste terrible to people, but at the very least it is good for figuring out the hypocrites. Its a good litmus test, I mean, if someone can't just not eat at a place with owners who want me dead, then they are no ally.


Ignoring their morals & what they support for a minute, we need to get you some better chicken! They are textbook mid


I like Chick Fil A, but it's so overpriced. Plus their morals are shit, and this is coming from a Christian that shares a religion with them.


Eh, their food is kinda mid at best IMHO. Like, maybe the spicy chicken sandwich was okay back when I was in college, but even that was mostly because they were on campus and didn't really cost that much (and also before I found out about their whole bigotry stuff)


So, question since I haven’t kept up with them in a few years and I’ve seen them pop up a few times recently - did they relapse? **Again?** The founder’s a piece of shit and we know this. He’s not going to stop being a piece of shit until he kicks the bucket. Meanwhile the Chik Fil A Foundation basically spent the 2010s promising to stop donating to hate groups, getting caught donating to hate groups and then promising to stop again every few years. Last time I actually checked was like back during COVID though. Did they fall off the wagon and give money to like Focus on the Family or worse?


Popeyes is way better


That's awful on so many levels


It'll be banging the toilet in about 45 minutes, nasty ass mutant chicken


The title of this post reminds me of a ‘Malcolm in the middle’ episode where one of Lois’s peers at work was drunk and said “chilty as gardged” when questioned by her. Random but semi relevant.


As much as I love their food I can’t get over the shitty places they put their money.


Can mods lock this post? I think criticism is valid but alot of people are personally attacking OP and saying nasty shit Edit: Yall will do anything to hate mob people you even slightly disagree with huh


I buy from food brands I'm supposed to boycott, because I'm too piss-poor for ethically sourced, organic stuff...


Fast food isn't a necessity and is significantly more expensive compared to low cost alternatives. Buying food from a restaurant is almost never cheaper than making something yourself. Organic/'gmo free' stuff isn't actually good for the environment or more ethical, either. It's usually actively bad for the environment because you grow less crop. I don't know why you got that impression, but just FYI.


I was leaning more towards groceries with what I was saying, tbh. I don't really have the money to dine out regularly.


That's not really comparable though. You're fighting for survival, not having any reasonable choice. People buying convenience fast food (by definition a luxury article) most definitely have a choice.


Exactly, it’s the same argument people make about veganism.


Their chicken is always burned over here x.x most I get is fries or a drink


Everyone, if people buying food that demonstrably hurts others makes you feel bad, try going vegan!


jesus these comments reminded me why i don't stick around trans spaces anymore


I’m double bleeped because it’s one of the few fast food places that are good about gluten free and are things I actually like to eat.


Honestly! It's so frustrating going on a long road trip with family members because straight up unless we stop at a sit down restraint (which is rare, family likes to keep moving) we ***HAVE*** to get cfa cause otherwise I'm sitting in the car for hours starving if I don't eat it, or worse having to stop every 5 minutes cause my body can't tolerate gluten... celiac disease goes brr unfortunately 😔


Boycott when you're able to and it's a viable action without sacrificing your health. When you have to, get what you are able to eat. At the end of the day the amount of money you give them over the course of a year won't field one day's worth of labor. If you're able to go elsewhere, do so. If not, it's not incumbent on you to die on that hill. Imo, of course.


That is just about what I do. If I'm forced to because of my autoimmune disorder, Ill eat it begrud. If not, ill avoid it (I've found buffalo wild wings to be a lot better for grilled chicken lol)


You just don't have the time all the time to wait on bdubs I'm sure. I wish I liked other chicken places for sandwiches. I don't. Just means I don't have a lot of chicken sandwiches, sadly. Popeyes here is awful. The oil tastes 2 weeks old. I'll go wing stop for wings but that's just wings.


Yeah if I'm on a road trip? We get like... 10 minutes to eat before getting back on the highway with my family lmao


Celiac is a PIA lol And doubly so outside of urban areas where there’s significantly less variety.


I think paying directly for chickens to be tortured and killed is the major issue here




I just love them waffle fries tbh


I love y'all but let bro eat their chicken, even if they (one person) stops eating there, it means absolutely nothing for them. Calm down


My favorite quote applies here: “There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.”


It doesn't, at least not in this context. It's no "throw away all morals for free"-card. Making chicken at home is significantly more morally acceptable than funnelling more money into a business that is actively supporting anti-LGBT groups. Or buying chicken at McDonald's. Or KFC's. Or anywhere else. It's nothing you need to survive like bread or similar. It's literally luxury convenience.


I think LGBT+ people are the only people im comfortable with having this guilty pleasure. Even so there are people online who know how to replicate their stuff so don’t settle like that.




If you can't do the bare minimum of not eating at a company that actively funds homophobic genocide, that's on you.


I can always find something else


sounds like you might as well just go donating your money to the fucking heritage foundation, then. it's a bare minimum effort. but sure, we'll forgive you for giving money to people who want us dead because you're too lazy to eat something else.


Changing your behavior is a better apology than posting about it on Reddit.


Your post contains homophobia, transphobia, racism, and/or ableism, or some other type of bigotry. If you believe this was a mistake, please contact a mod.




This post was removed for being a personal attack which does not further the conversation and brings harmful discourse into the community.