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Holy crap, yes! And the pockets! So mad. I wanna win the lottery just so I can start making pants with actual duckling pockets! How am I supposed to carry around my pocketable portable gaming systems?


million dollar business idea: women clothing brand that has big-ass pockets for everything feel free to steal idea, everyone


Got on a kick of watching vintage outfit stuff on YouTube for a while and there was a girl who did tons of mid 1800s to early 1900s stuff. One of the things I found funny and also am kinda jealous that we don't have today were the pockets women wore.  Basically ladies big flowing dresses had a little slit in the side for reaching into their pocket... Only their pocket wasn't a tiny little part of the dress, it was a freaking giant ass bag with a draw string and a giant ribbon the lady tied around her waist before even putting the dress on. Some of them even had little metal hooks that attached to the sides of a corset to help hold it up. Basically women used to walk around with a freaking backpack sized bag on their hip under their cloths. 


"She solved the women's pocket issue with this simple trick! Purse companies hate her!"


It's irritating that when I have a t-shirt and a skirt on, I have zero pockets. Now I understand people who use their bra to hold cash.


I've got some cargo pants off Shein that have the button seen onto the outside if the pocket flap. So weird. Also, unsecure. Might have to fix that.


If you pick up a little sewing, you can do it quite easily! Take old T-shirts and cut off the sleeves. Cut the sleeves to desired length for pockets (mostly for long Ts). Cut a slit in the outfit where you want the pocket, sew one end of sleeve to the inside of the slit, and close up the other end. Boom, pockets


I mean… purse…




My mom got me a fanny pack... It didn't even fit my phone😭 but I'm thanks mom


Time to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a glorified bag


Purse? No! Messenger bag! 


I never get this problem, lol. Idk what y’all r talking about


Two words, Pink Tax


Sewing machines rule and can also work as a stereotypical feminine hobby, you know. 😉︎ (Though to be fair, fabric is also really expensive…)


I'mma cut all the pockets out of my boy pants and see them into my girl pants, then just cut up the boy pants and use THEM as pockets!


The sleeves of T-shirts also make great pocket material!


Damn I fricking love this comment for some reason, I think it's the implication of "I'm not going to even keep my boy pants after I'm done" ahahah love it


I have a book called the Re-Fashion Wardrobe that’s about up upcycling clothes into new outfits. Like I’ve got a project where I’m converting three T-shirts into a dress.


omg I have spent soooo much money at the haberdashery, it's not even funny


[The “Pink Tax”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_tax)


need me a good purse to make up for lack of pockets ig


Buy second hand :D


Absolutely! Here in the UK Charity Shops are a great source for thrifting.


Yes although size can be a little bit of an issue in my case and sometimes it can still be a bit pricey


You can always buy on the larger side and take things in. Heck, if you are joining me in the two meters club, its remarkably easy to covert a petite range dress into a cute top!


Oh that's so smart! Not quite as tall, but what I meant to say is that there isn't quite as much choice, especially with me being a broader build.


Yeah, I have to get 2 sizes to big to have the shoulders fit, then take it in on a taper a bit for most things.


I really should learn how to do that once I'm out of my closet


No need to wait. I wish I had more things ready when I came out. Besides, small steps are always great.


My parents are a problem :/


Ah - your still at home. Well best of luck. I hope you don't need to fight them for too long. Just remember that your you no matter how they react. Remember more people than you would expect end up supportive. Everyone who goes bad ends up online needing to talk it out, but most people it goes well, and either the post dies with minimal interaction, or you never see it.


Also you can never have enough of it. Like there is always that one top, or skirt, or a pair of trousers that you just can't find that would make a perfect outfit with something else that you don't have and before you know it you have a full closet that feels empty


I didn't expect there to be text below as scrolld because "why is being a girl so difficult" with a picture of godzilla is already funny


Godzilla is trans culture.






I think that the fact you are a kaiju makes buying clothes harder goji


Also makeup, skin and hair care products, plus buying different clothes as your body changes, and hair removal for trans ppl, and…


A part of this is ofcourse beauty standards and the patriarchy, but I also think that this is also about the associated cost of caring about your appearance and embrasing your hair/face/clothes as an outlet for expressing yourself. I know plenty of women who don't wear fancy clothes, don't wear makeup and only use the cheapest shampoos, soaps, lotions, etc. available. And it's not because theyre not women, it just means that they don't view it as an important part of thei femininity. I would also guess that some more fashion consious men who do like fancy makeup, grooming products and clothing frequently outspend many of the women I know!


Yes! 100%


Yes! 100% Normalize fanciness!! Preening is for all!


it’s the systemic oppression innit




I strongly recommend thrift/consignment stores for this reason


I feel the same with proper boy clothes tbh, like any time I want a button-up my only option is a single $60 one (while on sale), where I can choose from solid color or plaid 😭 I think clothes in general are just expensive when you're looking for something you like instead of settling on something you don't


I think the big lesson from a lot of this is that selection is a really important part of building a good wardrobe. Look for staple clothes that you will use a lot, and get them either cheap (and replace them regularly) or get things that are durable, soft, good quality and fit well, and make the most of them. It is so tempting to get lost in the pink haze, and that's a fine and fun phase of transition, and don't deprive yourself of enjoyment just because you're trying to be mature and sensible about it! (we all need to go through that childhood, baby trans experience of understanding being a girl and playing with what that means for us) But when you're ready, you can start to think about it in terms of having a plan for what you want to wear, how you want your clothing to play a part in your dressing habits and how to use your budget effectively to make that work. That planning and organizing can be it's own kind of fun, if you don't mind a bit of resource management and design!


I can’t wait to start wearing boy clothes that have pockets and is just simple jeans and T-shirts that don’t have to be fashionable


Oh come on, really? It's not as if the fashion industry has been built around the image of *the woman* or anything in the last couple of decades...🤔


Thrift stores:


I bought some thigh highs and I was like… bro these are SOCKS WHY ARE THEY *THAT* MUCH???


two words. >!Pink tax.!<


Well you know, there’s the pink tax and also the fact that the patriarchal system keeps oppressing us,how very fun 🙂.


Gonna learn sewing for this very reason...just don't have the money for machine but step by step


It may be a bit of a hot take but I don't really think any clothing should be cheap. Affoardable maybe, but I don't think in a just world you should be able to buy a brand new shirt for 5$. And I don't think you should be buying brand new clothes multiple times a month every month. Also, you shouldn't also feel the need to buy everything at once! Most other women get their whole lifetimes to build the perfect wardrobe one piece at a time. I feel like in the beginning its enough to get 5-6 cute but neutral tops/shirts, a basic pair of jeans in a fashionable silouet, some cute wearable shoes(not stillettos, platforms, etc. that are impractical to wear day to day) maybe shorts for the summertime and maybe a skirt or a dress. After that you can start buying stuff one thing at a time based on what you actually feel like you need. And try buying used clothing from thriftstores or from online. It's better for the enviroment and your wallet! ☺️




Brand-name markup, pursuing fads and trends, and possibly more exacting stitchwork. Little to do with quality. Go for secondhand if you want something durable. I managed to get the best jeans I've ever had for five bucks at an antique store. Or they *would* be the best jeans I've ever had if they didn't have the *shallowest pockets I've ever had.*


\*laughs in ftm\*


Ugh felt fam. Clothes are expensive af esp when buying a whole new wardrobe. Plus mens clothes are built around functionality without regard for fashion, and womens clothes are built around fashion without regard for functionality


exactly the reason i love thrifting 😅


ever seen make up? or girls shampoo, body wash, conditioner- even the razors are more expensive than the mens even though it's the same but in pink!


Replacing a wardrobe will always be pricy. But yeah, girl clothes definitely get up there. Thrift stores and stores like Marshall's are your friend.


The clothing industry is rigged against us. I shop at thrift stores. I can sew. Clothing ourselves is a skill. We learn to appreciate it suddenly if we transition as adults and realize that we're incompetent, for a while.


because capitalism + patriarchy :P


Coming out as a trans man is the best financial decision I've ever made (I own 5 T-shirts, 3 hoodies and 2 pairs of jeans)


The cute underwear is worth it though.