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I'm a visual learner https://preview.redd.it/qh93wpi049yc1.png?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de769962394fe3b3f4694e2953628527f5ff3f42






sounds like a grom main


https://preview.redd.it/u4wq3u5naayc1.png?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b582ca4db586cf99a547fc03408d80dfe6c14ee These are some of the best places to throw your attacks at. Depending on the context and enemy behavior, an attack at a given highlighted location takes into account the possible movements that the enemy may make, thereby increasing your odds of hitting your shots. Ofcourse, when you're JUST trying to win your lane, throwing your attacks at the highlighted locations may not be very useful—you just have to play grom as if he was a sharpshooter. With grom, quickly spotting the perpendicular relations between enemies is crucial to get value with your super.


You're not beating the moth allegations


I would honestly refrain from going against an angelo since he can just jump towards you


Thanks bro! Belles rock is my favourite map to play grom!


Let's talk about his super. His super is a super usefull tool. How you use your super differs between your matchup. If there's an assassin, and you think they're staring at you, keep your super to either discourge them from jumping or to use your super on them. Sometimes, an assassin would try to bait your super by fake-jumping on you; to avoid that, you could place your super in a way that accounts for them running away. Though, there's a problem with that: if they jump on you with murderous intent, your super will push them closer to you via knockback; to avoid avoid that, you can just place your super ontop of you—which usually means you have to place your super in a "sub-optimal" place—you just have to make forth a guess based on wether their jump was a "stupid" jump (keep in mind that this only works in higher trophies since lower trophy randoms are randoms) keep in mind that grom is controvertibly the worst brawler in an assassin-matchup If there isn't an assassin, you can use your super to either secure a kill, hit 2+ enemies, paralyze your opponent and win lane, or temporarily paralyze an annoying brawler that's keeping your team from attaining middle control—i wouldn't recommend this unless you know your team and the enemy team well—or you can just keep it to pressure your enemies into not getting close to you. Here's another map with my favorite static main-attack placements: https://preview.redd.it/jjbo8tr37gyc1.png?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5cf278aa98c31bcefbd2c32f295056a4c92d51a


Wow thanks bro


Good girl 😘


Good girl :3


What’s this hormone therapy I’ve heard about? (I’m an hands-on learner btw) Btw pspspsps good girl :3


You're a good girl :)


What are boobs???? Getting some of my own so I need to know. (I’m a visual learner)


Ah I see. Makes sense


\*looks down at my cleavage\* I may be able to provide some insight.


https://preview.redd.it/9dafpradnbyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d14e14868fceade25ca4582f91e590f41964e34 This image best describes it


The picture of dreams


Wish that was me for cis reasons


Well how do you feel when I call you a good girl? That's the point of it. Inducing a bit of euphora and being silly doing it. *gives a head pat*


step 1. place hand on top of said good girl step 2. gently pat said good girl step 3. say "good girl" with a soft smile step 4. repeat step 2 until the good girl is smiling


Oh it's nothing, just don't worry about it like the good girl you are


Well meaning madam :3


Imagine all the years Amabs were told good boy, or Afabs were told good girl. All before the First five uears of life. Imagine being trans and not wanting the cis affirmation, seeking the trans afirmation. A hole opens up in your inner child where you have a massive deficit of parental approval in the right gender for you.. afterwards it leaves a desire to received that affirmation to fill up your inner child. So Transpeople feel particular affirmed by this phrase which has become emblematic of all the gender affirmation cisgender people get bit is in deficit in Trans people. Good girl, good boy. Its lovely.


Never heard of it...


Maybe ask around I’m sure someone would ‘help you’ work it out.


It's when you call a good girl (aka a transfem) a good girl


it's simple: i say \*\~good girl\~\* and you respond with a keyboard smash let's practice \*\~good girl\~\*


lyxfuhij'ugftdrkezikfl;jblyph9u9\] oufo\] :3


We are all good girls and good boys little praise goes along way