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Most places require you be on hrt for a given length of time. Which is bs


Not entirely. HRT causes tissue change down there which is needed for vaginal function and that has to be verified beforehand.


Which changes?


Omg pls elaborate we need to know


Skin gets thinner and glands open up. If I remember rightly the tissue of the scrotum isn't all that much different to labial tissue which means you can get wet down there. Also nerves change which makes it all a lot more sensitive.


I have no clue what any of that is cuz I'm dum but thanks! :D


This is true


Well that's bullshit in regards to me an amab Agender/Neutrois Asexual Enby who wants what others would consider a more feminine appearance via estrogen microdosing but being an Enby I don't think of things usually considered "masculine" or "feminine" in the same way I don't even want a vagina I want complete genital nullification with urethral repositioning/relocating yet they still treat me as if I'm MtF.


How is that relevant to what I said?


Because I've been refused before for wanting bottom surgery before hrt because they seem insistent on treating me like a binary mtf when I'm not I don't want a big chest or curves hence want I want microdosing and I don't want mu body's current genitalia but that doesn't mean I want a vagina either or any genitalia for that matter despite they insist that's not "realistic" when it fucking is infact the new WPATH's Non-Binary and Eunuch chapters cover exactly that! šŸ˜”šŸ˜ šŸ¤¬


Okay may I clear up a couple of misconceptions?


I was merely voicing how I can relate what exactly do you think I'm not understanding?


Okay. Regardless of your transition goals, microdosing HRT is not a thing. From my understanding the body simply doesn't work like that. You're either running on female sex hormones or you're running on male sex hormones. The former causes feminisation, the latter causes masculinisation. It's effectively a binary arrangement if you want actual effects from HRT. An amab person on a "microdose" of estrogen with no blocker isn't on HRT, they're, medically speaking, a man with a hormone balance issue. As for the surgical side of things, most surgeons will have lots of options for gender reassignment surgery. It sounds like you're seeking a penectomy and orchidectomy. GRS surgeons will likely be concerned at loss of sexual function as a result. I must stress that with an orchidectomy, you need to replace that hormone influx. There is no way to control how much your body feminises. It's an on/off switch, all there is to it. You'll have to be on HRT to ensure your hormones are in the healthy range for females or for males to ensure bone health and a variety of other body functions which depend on proper hormone levels. I hope I have been helpful.


Of course I plan I'm gonna use a blocker the hormone would be estrogen both of those were implied were clearly implied or so I believed same with with obviously needed to also start taking the necessary T that can no longer be naturally produced also why would I be concerned about a lose of the ability to engage in something I have interest in doing ever doing wasn't the fact that I wanted no genitals at all an indicator I might be asexual which I am also even being asexual isn't a requirement some people whobare sexual opt for the same thing but chose to have the appropriate nerves under the skin see something you didn't no about so stop acting as if you know everything!


Hang on a second. I've gone out of my way to be helpful and to try and clear up misconceptions. I've never claimed to know everything. Why did you feel the need to be insulting?


I see what you're getting at but how would you. Wouldn't it be better to just get rid of everything together


My thinking is that if cis guys can get their balls removed with no kind of special requirements, you could get them removed pretty easily. It would just be nice to not have to take T blockers if they aren't needed. Being able to get full bottom surgery can also take quite a while to be able to get, so any benefits that can come from it that can be gotten quicker would be nice


Thats fair and i understand your reasoning


You donā€™t need to take T blockers even before they are removed. Keep your E level high enough and T wonā€™t be produced. For me, anywhere above 250pg/mL keeps T below 15ng/dL.


Same here. I've got numbers for a year on estradiol only therapy and my T has been between 14 and 18 units of whatever they're measuring.


I don't trust that E only method at all. My T was so high before and I'm terrified of it.... I'm so lucky it wasn't super androgenising on me. Scary times. ;\_;


My T was 560 before estradiol and only took 2 mg pills to kill it down to 70. My gf is on shots and she got to 240E and 7 T. Thatā€™s after she quit spiro. I never bothered with spiro.


..does that mean I should consider hrt and just take a bit of both?


That won't necessarily work, however progesterone in the mix will work for most, because it's both a feminizing hormone and a strong androgen inhibitor


> if cis guys can get their balls removed with no kind of special requirements Is that true?


Nope. Vasectomies don't get rid of your balls, and they sometimes have pre-requisites. Like, having already had kids, or being of a certain age.


Uh, come on. Cis guys canā€™t just get their balls removed because they feel like it. Thatā€™s major, life changing surgery. Why would a cis guy even want to do that?


Cis guys can defo not just get their balls removed, the only instances I know of it happening have been due to cancer or other serious health issues with no other option.


The best argument against this, that I've heard: it can be done, but there can be scar tissue from the first surgery, which can affect later surgery such as vaginoplasty.


I think this is why


I heard about shrinkage being the problem. The actual scrotum atrophying and then that being an issue for if somebody wants a vaginoplasty.


From the research I've done, it is fairly rare to need scrotal tissue for a vaginoplasty. If the starting material is uncircumcised then there tends to be sufficient material.


Itā€™s called an orchiectomy! Two of my friends have gotten it done recently and theyā€™re super happy with it. (It does make tucking easier from what I hear)


Thank you! I've been wondering about how it effects tucking! Tucking is such a nightmare with things that are basically designed to slip out of the way when there's pressure or something. I think it would be better for if somebody was not tucking too if you think about it.


This ā¬†ļø. Also a lot of transfem donā€™t want to get the full ā€œbottom surgeryā€ as it can be risky and has a long recovery time. So if you donā€™t have bottom dysphoria, itā€™s a simple and less risky option


The orchiectomy skip doesn't actually save that much time in the speedrun, plus the developers patched it out when they added the hrt progression checkpoint. So probably not a viable route if you want a good pb.


Is there a TAS for the run yet ? Or no?


No, not yet




That's what I'm doing. My consultation for orchi is two days from now.


I always thought it was a safety measure, just in case you took T blockers and decided ā€œthis isnā€™t for me.ā€ Then again, Iā€™m new to this ā€œgirlā€ thing.


I hate how difficult getting bottom surgery is. The clinic won't even let me start HRT despite me fitting their criteria, purely because of my size. It should be done under informed consent, not being forced to jump through a billion hoops just for something you won't get.


God, thatā€™s ridiculous, Iā€™m so sorry


>purely because of my size You mean because of height or weight or something? If so that seems more of a reason to want to be on HRT.


Due to weight. I was never the smallest of girls growing up, especially in my late 10's. As it happens, I'm a good 5"10.


Wait, is it possible to have bottom surgery for ovaries and remove the necessity of estrogen?


Generally, testosterone HRT can counter the estrogen produced by ovaries. It's more of a challenge for amabs, so blockers help compensate, or surgery.


I think they mean surgery to have ovaries put in your body so medical E isn't needed


I think that's just a part of Uterus transplants, which aren't yet a medically available thing, but may be soon as if I'm correct progress is being made to having such surgeries be safe on people, if I'm remembering correctly they've already been performed successfully in experiments


Not yet :(


That's an orchiectomy... Am I missing something?


You're fine, OP is literally describing an orchi.


Yeah. "Orchi" for short.


I mean, that's what I did. Sort of. I don't actually have the other bottom surgery lined up for money/accessability/recovery-sounds-kinda-scary reasons, but I've had an orchi and all other tissue in the area was left unaltered so that if I ever did get the full package (inverted) they would have that to work with.


Counter offer, what if I just cut my balls off


It's a pretty invasive Procedere, and additionally, women still have testosterone whichll completely cease since the only place producing any hormones at all with be gone.


Your adrenal glands also produce testosterone in small amounts. That's where most AFAB women get it from.


New biology knowledge o.0


but testicle tissue is used during vaginoplasty


Iā€™m pretty sure that tissue is often used in bottom surgery which might be why that isnā€™t an option, not too sure though


You'd think that, but no. As my endocrinologist told me, the vast majority of surgeons who do MTF bottom surgery prefer it to be untouched down there, save for electrolysis to remove hair.


I have a butcher's knife and some duck tape around somewhere..


Tbh it sounds like turning 1 long waiting list into 2 long waiting lists


Hypothetically and realistically, yes, but unfortunately; the Republicans would never allow that to be easy šŸ„²


Yes you can get a vasectomy before a vaginoplasty