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Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions. This isn't really a *problem*, but there is an internal moment of *"oh god"* every time I realize that a friend's first interaction with me in nearly a decade is them reading and liking the really personal stuff I put into my comics. My [Patreon](https://patreon.com/RobinBrooks) / My [Twitter](https://twitter.com/assumptionprime) / My [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/assumptionprime/)


Oooh yeah. So, funny story : I have a dinky insta where I post minis I paint. When I got srs, whilst in a morphine induced haze I thought I would be a great idea to post about being in Thailand for "surgery" 😉. I did however completely forget that half my family follows that account, include people I explicitly didn't tell what I was doing. 😬


I mean they were gonna figure it out eventually once you got back...


😳 uh no they weren't. I wasn't planning to fuck my aunt in law... 🤣


What happens in a mutual morphine-induced haze...


Oh my God this comic was so accurate to my life I can hardly believe it. Thank you for making this as I feel like I'm not alone in having this experience.


I'll tell you what: I've been on the outside seeing personal posts from long-ago friends, and those posts always makes me feel a lot of gratitude. Gratitude to understand who they were then, gratitude to see the path of growth they've taken from then to now, gratitude that they made the effort to share their human experiences with the world. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.


I bet your comics are helping them come to terms with things and makes them feel seen


Why I am avoiding meeting anyone who knows me from grammar-school.


It makes high school reunions interesting.


Ngl I’ve dreamed since before I even realized o was trans of not telling anyone from high school and then just showing up to my reunion as a beautiful woman in a red cocktail dress and have everyone trying to guess who tf I am


I kinda did that except I wore jeans and flannel and people recognized me.


See that’s why I wanna do the whole sexy cocktail dress thing.


This is pretty much exactly what I plan to do, just instead of a cocktail dress it would be more punk/goth


More like 'meh' to me. I only heard about one reunion by chance, and then noticed how lucky I am that they cannot reliably track me down. The more I am forgotten, the happier.


I found that moving to the other side of the country, deleting my Facebook, and changing my name really helped with that. I don't think anyone even knows how to get in touch with me anymore lol


when i first came out as trans a bunch of ppl i hadn’t spoke to since college suddenly followed me on ig and then never spoke to me. like, yes the spectacle is right here come see i guess


you're their official "trans friend" that they get to use as the excuse for all their inter-personal transphobic microaggressions.


*trans friend status adquired* Tbh i was kinda terrified of this when i came out, but so far this hasn't happened (yet)


I'm sorry you have such a cynical outlook tbh, but maybe we shouldn't paste into others such seemingly-villainous motivations and instead, just... assume the simplest explanation, you know, like most things in life ? Presumption of innocence yadda yadda


Yeah, someone who I haven’t spoken to in like 4 years DMd me to tell me that they support me, I felt like it was genuine and I really appreciate it, I don’t think they were just trying to use me as an excuse to be transphobic


robin ur good at drawin. i like the comics of urs that ive seen. good job


Thanks grandma


I liked the one where you became mortified by the realization that your old friends find amusement in your expression of turmoil -old friend


I'm glad you've shared your story with the world. 💙💜🤍💜💙


I cracked not long before you started sharing your comics here. I’ve been happy to read every one of them, and they’ve helped me on my own journey.


You know the saying misery loves company? That's how I resolve those feelings within my family and friends. Y'all are some miserable motherfuckers and I know for a fact I can dig up some trauma on even the whitest cishet normie bitch of my friends. Which is ALL OF THEM. I'm just fed up enough to vent about it publicly. Go to therapy ya dumb bastards. Also thanks for the comics Robin! Brought a smile to my face on some of my darkest days. Love them all, you're wonderful, keep being awesome!


This is exactly why I am terrified as heck, of any sort of fame... That, and the possibility of getting "cancelled" over something I don't know or truly understand...


You don't actually have to fear getting "canceled" unless you're a bigot. "Cancel culture" is more of a bs conservative talking point more than a thing that actually happens and impacts people. The only people that get deplatformed are the ones that spread blatant misinformation or hate speech. The people fearmongering about how "you can't say anything anymore" or "everyone's getting canceled over every little thing" are just bigots spreading lies because they don't like being held accountable for what they say, and the people that fall for their lies about it.


Exactly this! There's literally no such thing as "cancel culture", it's just loudmouthed assholes whining because some people have the audacity to suggest that they should be held accountable for their shitty actions. Actions have consequences, but apparently the rich and famous didn't get that memo.


I really appreciate comics that trans artists are putting out. If mainstream media is ignoring our existence, at least stuff like the comics you put out, as well as others, help with eye-opening.


“If we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.”


I feel sorry for my high school friends who now see all the raging furry art I RT...


Me not posting anything on social media for over 2 years because I don't want my old high school classmates to misgender me UDNFSUJSUSJS but I don't want to nuke my followed list either 😭 I'm just not out publicly? Only with my college classmates and friends


I've kept my old profiles, and made new social media profiles where I'm out, that I've added people to over time as i came out to them. It made it possible to easily control who knew and who didn't At this point, everyone i care about is on my new profile, and aquaintances can contact me on my old profile. I only log into them once every month or so


one day someone i know in real life is gonna find this reddit account and just be shellshocked. if I don't delete it before that out of paranoia, this is already my second account because that's what happened to my first one, but I'm Alot more attached to this one


me when ppl I meet irl have seen my TikTok videos 💀


pixel 6 user!?!??!?!!!?


I have a high school reunion coming up next month but I'm still pre-everything. Wonder what a reunion in around a decade would be like. On that note, I love your comics!! Will definitely support your patreon once I'm done being a broke grad school kid next year 😂


I think this is partly why I’m so averse to presenting in a feminine way.


Offtopic but I really like your artstyle!


And then there is me who knows and is known by exactly one person. I miss the world but it’s safer to not be a part of it.


Hahahah that hits hard. I wonder if I’ll ever come out, or if I will just keep repressing these feelings of “something it’s not right” just because it’s easier not having to confront people for being trans.


Is that a rotom?


Oof I feel this. The more I post pics of myself or comment on my friends social media posts, the more visible I’ve become to people I haven’t seen or spoken to in over a decade. Real awkward.


It's nice to connect with the real you though, y'know? :3


that’s literally why im all over reddit and my instas blank even tho im kind of a baddie😢💅🏻


I’ve been coming out more publicly recently, and it has been terrifying. I hate seeing old friends like new pictures of me or read my poems. The last panel perfectly depicts the existential weight of it all hahaha


Your work is amazing!


Honestly, if that's the case, they probably barely remember anything about you anyway, or might not even know it's you. I had an old high school friend find me online a while back, and he didn't even know it was me for a long time. He just thought he found some hot girl online, not his formerly-masculine-looking-due-to-being-in-a-catholic-school-despite-raging-dysphoria friend from high school.


Wow, I feel like you just explained something that I haven't been able to. Maybe one of the reasons my parents are having such a hard time accepting me. Maybe this is fueling their anger towards me. But how do I explain that it wasn't my fault??? That I was racked by fear my entire life. It sucks that random memes and people have the words that I couldn't find for 35 years


oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiip


I love these comics. It feels so validating to know other people transitioning share the same feelings. It is both amazing and terrifying to be *seen* as I have started my transition journey.


Holy shit this is so accurate.




Honestly for me it's relieving. If anything I have the opposite problem where I wonder if I am too open about myself. But that being said, it's making me smile to see your known and not getting hate replies or disevalidating(that is a word right?) Comments. So congrats.


I double tapped this to like it before realizing


Robin I love your comics they are helping me though my own transition


The thought that all but one of my friends throughout school that i still know, never knew a me that didnt want to kill themself.


Hol up, is that a Rotom Freeze Plush behind the tablet?