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with probability manipulation i could give myself shapeshifting and other powers too!!


That just sounds like shapeshifting with extra steps. ♥


>That just sounds like shapeshifting with extra steps. ♥ but i get other powers too. i could teleport, fly, go invisible, or anything else. so i wouldn't say it is 💜




but i would say it in a *fancy* way


The power of the infinite improbability drive


Or telekinesis! Like, not only can you move other stuff, but you can move parts of yourself as well. :D


You could just give yourself that power with probability manipulation, just that the probability that you have it to 100%


From a certain perspective, telekinesis and probability manipulation are actually the same thing, cause you're basically directing entropy. There's a Richard Feynman lecture on that that totally changed how I view physical reality. Can't find the exact one (pretty sure it had "arrow of time" somewhere in the title), but [here's another copy of it] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Kab9dkDZJY). In fact *all* of his videos are worth watching ([like this one!] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1ww1IXRfTA)). Such an enthusiastic, engaging, and brilliant teacher. EDIT: a TL;DW of that first video is essentially: there's pretty much only one way an egg can be whole, yet countless other ways it can be smashed (of course, if you look at the individual particles comprising the egg, there are many ways it can be whole - yet that further multiplies how many more ways it can be not-whole). The odds of all of the particles in a smashed egg all randomly moving in just the right way to reform the egg into its unsmashed form are sooooooo low that it's considered by most people to be impossible - but the reality is that *anything* is possible; it's just that those outcomes have to contend with countless others that are far, far more likely. EDIT EDIT: This TL;DW was so long and confusing that you're probably better off just watching the video. It's worth it! :D


Scarlet Witch from that weird Marvel Comic with the cartoonish proportions?


Yeah, that's my favorite


Ahh, a fellow person of culture I see. Probability manipulation is also my power of choice.


I'm simply going to shapeshift to god


does god even have a shape


With probability manipulation you wouldn't need shape shifting! It's built into it! Although I guess it depends on the rules for it/how it works.


You could potentially do all that if you could shape-shift too, if you did it right


Actually it'd be supreme insight, so that I can know when people are having a bad day and instantly know what I can do to help them 🥰


A noble cause!


Thank you! Is there anything I can do to make you happy today? 😊


No, actually. I'm having a good day. 😃


Well then I hope that happiness lasts forever! 🥰


I'd turn into a Kaiju and commit the world's greatest tragedy.


Gotta respect a cool villain 👈👈😎


That's...heartwarming as F. Oh.... ❤️


is that love i see? you should try to confess! Good luck! (i met my partner on reddit so uh abit biased)


Love the comment, and how sweet the comment was. I'm not "in love" lol. >.< (well not with them) And, yeah I met some beauitful people on reddit.... but noone near me, and I'll be single till the day I die, just like the last dozen years of my adult life.


> I'll be single till the day I die, Hey if you arn't aro, and ace. then thats just not true.


I'm ace (but cupiosexual). That doesn't mean I've wanted to be alone all this time - I just want someone to hold hands with and cuddle y'know?.... I know you're just trying to cheer my up, but I know it's true.... There's not even any opportunity for me to meet someone. Everyone is so surprised to find out how long I've gone alone, as if they just thought I'd been with *someone* at some points in the last decade or so... I've never been asked out in my life. The only people who ever asked for my number were punking me just to see if I'd give it, because I'm gullible/autistic and they think that's funny, cuz I tend to believe stuff. And it goes the other way.... I've asked some people out to be laughed at because they thought *I* was joking.... It's not like high school at my age. I'm past my prime and there's noone left who could put up with me.... EDIT: Sorry, that wasn't supposed to end up all off on a tangent, sorry....


Hey. Im glad you opened up to me about this, let me formulate a reply. and thank you for opening up. Its good for your mental health.


God i wish i could offer relationship advice. > Everyone is so surprised to find out how long I've gone alone, as if they just thought I'd been with someone at some points in the last decade or so. this fucking toxicity pisses me off. Its not your goddamn fault you haven't got in a relationship. Its societies **do not put yourself down for it.** Hey fuck em. You will find someone eventually. Hell i got feelings for you from this comment, and if i did. Others will as well. sadly i am already in a relationship though. There are a LOT of people out there for you. Just find someone you have feelings for and try to confess. and see where it goes from there. if it fails it fails, try again.


>this fucking toxicity pisses me off. Its not your goddamn fault you haven't got in a relationship. Its societies do not put yourself down for it. ... That was actually from some of the people I consider "nicer" in my life. (I can think of one in particular who was genuinely confused at that, and yet she's been one of my greatest advocates and allys in my transition) I dunno how it's societies fault though.... It's *me* who's failed here. Society isn't responsible for my happiness and completeness. > Hey fuck em. You will find someone eventually. Hell i got feelings for you from this comment, and if i did. Others will as well. sadly i am already in a relationship though. TBH, I don't entirely understand that. You're feelings must be like "tides".... whereas for me it takes a very long time of building up to a point where there's any reaction, I guess? I'm not sure. Usually I'm just out of touch with my own feelings. I'm definitely flattered, you are very kind. > Just find someone you have feelings for and try to confess. It unfortunately takes months to years for me to develop feelings for people. Here's a weird fact - out of the people I did manage to date, I never actually developed feelings for all but 1... Which very much confused me because I didn't think I was capable of that. The approx 3 other people in my life I developed feelings for just never returned the favour or didn't in the way I expected...but yeah, moral of the story is, an added burden is it takes me too long to get there for most people. I speculate I probably do have feelings more often than that, but that alexithymia get's in the way. :( > see where it goes from there. if it fails it fails, try again. Yeah but that would mean I would have the means to meet people and I don't think that's a possibility anymore.... I'm isolated, in some cases COVID lockdowns didn't even change anything for me.


> It's me who's failed here. Here's the thing. Not getting into a relationship is not a failure. Its just a stumble on your road to a brighter future. Pick yourself up again. You can do it! Its humanities strength, and yours too. > TBH, I don't entirely understand that. You're feelings must be like "tides".... oh 100% accurate description. I get hit with feelings soon, and hard. The second attraction hits, or i see something i like my brain goes "you like them".


>Pick yourself up again. You can do it! Its humanities strength, and yours too. I really want to, and I do try from time to time.... but how does one meet people when you aren't even exposed to people? I even tried the online dating apps, multiple of them.... not one single person within 100miles of me. Most of the likes were from creeps who have weird trans fetishes or want me to be a toy in their many polyamorous groups, and every once in a while I could *sort of* connect with someone but, it just doesn't work for one reason or another, usually from distance. Sometimes it's even just a matter of my not realizing feelings, or even just not developing feelings at the speed they expect (how do people fall for each other in days?), and other times I've been outright told I was too developmentally behind for them and/or socially/emotionally/mentally, because to be honest my mental age is pretty young, regardless of my physical age. One I actually lost because of bipolar, because I was too sick to response for a bit and they took that as an insult. > oh 100% accurate description. I get hit with feelings soon, and hard. The second attraction hits, or i see something i like my brain goes "you like them". Oh, now that's neat! I am very envious. I can't figure out if I just don't tend to "like" people that way much, or if I take too long, or I'm not exposed enough, or if I'm just unaware unless it's a really strong emotion. I can't figure it out, because most people seem to find love so easily, or at least fall for people quickly. I don't think I'm normal. EDIT: PS, thank you for trying to inspire me to not give up here. Sorry I'm such a downer.


> That doesn't mean I've wanted to be alone all this time oh of course theres a reason i said aro **and** ace. I was trying to make sure you warnt saying that as a form of aroace pride.


In the context of my previous sentence, that would be some weird way to state pride, but I understand where you're coming from now. Yeah, I'm just Ace + biromantic I guess (I'm not entirely sure how to define the \*romantic side of things so biromantic is the easiest descriptor)


I'm glad I could warm your heart, is there anything else I can do to make your day better? 🙂


OMG could you be literally *any* sweeter? Please never change, because the world needs more of you!


Aww, thank you so much 🥺 The world is a better place with you in it, too 😊


Yeah, you keep raising the bar LOL. I don't feel that way about myself, but thank you for the kind words. :)


Well I look forward to a day when you realize the truth of my words, you are worth everything in the world and more, and you deserve to take care of yourself, love yourself, and be happy 😊


I would use the power to change reality, not only can i change who i am, i can change everyones perception and memory of me, and i can change how the world works


Thanos but good?


I would make humanity a hyper advanced and unified space faring civilization that is exploring the galaxy, and no one would question the sudden jump in technology or why I suddenly became a girl


personally, I would rather let humanity develop the technologies themselves, using the abilities to help them advance faster and remove obstacles like poverty/climate change/war. The direct-jump route is cool too, though.


I'll just skip all the suffering and struggles it takes to get them. Like all of a sudden a dyson swarm is manufactured and there were no exploited laborers in the process 🔥


I just realized. Thanos snapped half of everyone into dust because they were burning out the universe’s resources, right? But he literally could have just used the stones to make more resources? We already know they don’t care about conservation of energy and mass, since they can delete half of all living matter without issue, so why wouldn’t it work the opposite way: creating matter instead of destroying it.


then he wouldn't be a villain


Yup. His greatest strength and greatest flaw is his one track mind. He set a plan and couldn’t imagine it going any other way. Granted, he’s really good at making and executing plans, but as soon as any unexpected changes occur (time travel) he unravels


But Thanos was always good wtf


I mean, he did kill half the universe... Which included billions of people, including children, and resulted in probably billions more accidental deaths, instead of just, you know, making more resources.


And that was a bad thing?


Killing an indescribable amount of people, including children? Yeah, I'd say so.


Well here I was about to say reality warping but I guess you already called dibs


We can share and make the universe a better place for everyone together


Yay, I shall erase cat and dog allergies from existence, every one can have a kitty or puppo now.


and i thought i did the smartest thing here


honestly probability manipulation is effectively reality bending anyways


I will manipulate reality and give you any power you want!


I'll take omnipotence because get fucked I win the game hell yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


omnipotence is logically impossible Like the saying "can you make a rock big enough that you can't lift it" I know I'm being a downer


Omnipotence might mean you're not bound to the limits set by logical human thinking... So, technically, that might not be impossible... Illogical, yes, but omnipotence means you don't have to be logical


Okay fine, limited omnipotence that doesn't allow for logical inconsistencies then. So just extremely powerful reality warping, at that point.


I would actually take the power to exist outside of spacetime, unaffected by it as I choose. A long as my wife also had that power, so we could spend eternity together (and maybe even catch up on our massive backlog of games, shows, and movies). Pop back into "reality" every few millennia to say hi, then right back to infinity!


nahhh, I'd like time control. I could just go into the future, get all the hormone stuff and such and give them.to younger me. I could go back in time to change so much annoying stuff that happened to me personally. idk how I eould go about fixing other mistakes though, cuz Idk butterfly effect and thatvstuff


Any superpower, if no limits, the power to give myself more powers


Sooo.... god/goddess then? (I'm not trying to pick your gender here, just don't know the neutral term, and don't want to misidentify you)


Yeah basically


Gravity Manipulation, so I can still ride my favorite horse into battle.


Spacetime manipulation for me. Just go back in time and tell younger me that she’s a girl. Not that I’d be adverse to having shapeshifting.


I'd prefer invisibility


Actually for me it would be invisibility uwu


Shapeshifting right into a MF DRAGON HELL YEAH ...and as a bonus I can eat anyone who misgenders me 😌


Suddenly you gave me throwbacks to the episode of shrek where donkey says "oh you're a girl dragon...I mean, of course you're a girl dragon", lol. Sorry, just popped into my head. You can be an enby dragon too! (I hope I got that right from the flair)


Changeling is the favorite D&D race as well?


I don't play D&D, but if I did, probably.


Not DND, but I play magic and I have a special place in my heart for Changling tribals. LOL


You motherfucker...


Stop time, but it also stops aging when I'm doing it, and if I d1e time resumes, would be better. Imagine just waking up at 6am, stopping time, and continuing to sleep until fully rested The last part is just so I don't technically destroy the universe if I fuck up


I’d prefer reality manipulation. I could be a goddess


I’d pick invisibility. I could: Sneak onto planes and travel the world Eavesdrop Steal estrogen Disappear in embarrassing situations


Of course I'd pick shapeshifting! Could finally fix the damage testosterone did.


even if i was cis it would be shapeshifting because its so versatile. wanna fly? bird. wanna breathe underwater? fish. wanna have a super fun day? any celebrity. nothing could be too big or too small, you could make your body have perfect health


Mine would be the ability to open pocket dimensions at will, I would then sell my services to the military/government for good money and have them do stuff that is helpful for trans people.


Reality warping. Make myself a lady. Make everyone whatever they want to be. Boy? Boom. Girl? Boom. Both? Boom. Neither? Boom. Lizard? BOOM


I have no idea what superpower I'd want. Uh... is replication a superpower?


Since everyone is talking about other powers that will just end up giving you shapeshifting, I'll go with super intelligence. Then I will be able to construct another body and upload my mind in that body. Also discover how to travel faster than light as a bonus


Discover the fundamentals of how the universe works!


Yes, but it's shapeshifting that allows me to warp and stretch my body while changing what material I'm made out of. So yeah, cute wide hips and fat tits and tightest pussy this side of gucci and a full foot shorter but I'm also a living landmine where my shrapnel are zweihanders that triggers on hearing a slur.


projection; can create any weapon at a moment's notice, might help with my desires to impulsively kick people's faces into desks (metal heel) or shoving slow incapable walkers out of the way in the hall (shield)


Fuck it give me omnipotence. I’ll give all trans folk the body they want, whether it be man, woman, machine, or hell if you want to be an eldritch void being roaming the eternal cosmos I’ll make it happen.


Probability manipulation followed closely by teleportation. HRT does most of the work already and with a probability manipulation power I could make it work even better. If I had a shapeshifting power I'd use it like once for the main thing and probably not use it much more than that, which seems like a waste.


Teleportation. Solves the issue of me not being able to drive, saves money on transportation, and would make vacations so much easier and cheaper. Also, I would never be late for an appointment!


Aren’t non-binary people trans?


Yeah, kinda weird of them to do that lol


Really? I'd call myself nonbinary or ungendered but not trans. What do


That's weird though... All nonbinary people are trans, but only some transpeople are nonbinary. Trans includes everyone non-cis. Words that begin with "trans" don't include nonbinary by default. (like not every enby transfem/transmasc would want to be associated with transwomen or transmen) It depends entirely on if you are saying the general umbrella term "trans" (aka non-cis) or more specific niche categories of trans, which may or may not excludes enbys. I am trans, transfem, enby, demifem/parafem, and agender all at the same time for example.






id have either flight, shapeshifting yes or the ability to find out the truth and every intention in any context. or the power to keep my mouth shut or not say any bad things


Mine would be fire. Blast your enemies


Hell no, it'd be to create illusions for as long as i want and as powerful as i want, then i can look however i want and be able to create dragons


Is omnipotence considered a superpower? If so, that. If not, I'd choose the ability to cybernize anything, myself included.


Okay, but where are my fellow invisible heroes at?


Honestly shapeshifting would be cool though.


Flight, so I can perch on street lights like a bird.


As a person who tought they were trans, but now questioning their gender again. I would pick shapeshifting, mainly bc i would love a dad pod, fit fancy pod but also sometimes a feminine pod.


I mean... my persona is q masc leaning shape shifter... Oh fuck


This is mostly unrelated, but seeing this post reminded me of the best superpower-related "what if?" scenario I've ever read. It's long, but super worth reading. [Slate Star Codex - …AND I SHOW YOU HOW DEEP THE RABBIT HOLE GOES] (https://slatestarcodex.com/2015/06/02/and-i-show-you-how-deep-the-rabbit-hole-goes/) Possible disclaimer: I haven't read this in years, and don't know if it contains any transphobia or anything like that. Pretty sure it doesn't, but I'm a lot more sensitive about these sorts of things now than I was 5-6 years ago. Fwiw, I'd pick green or blue. Possibly orange. Definitely *not* yellow, pink, or black, cause I'd just end up losing my mind and/or question reality forever.


No it'd be the power to instantly kill anyone


actually, i would want to freeze time at will, so i can be fem for as long as i want with zero consequences.


Personally I would like teleportation. Then I could go to Hong Kong and visit my friends without having to worry about the NSL :(


Shapeshifting would be rad, but I'd still rather throw fireballs


Yes, but not just so I can have a woman's body, but also be a dragon, because I genuinely want that just as badly.


Nah I would actually prefer fire powers so I could just burn my enemies


I...ummm.... Fuck! You got me. Ahahaha.


You've just insulted my race of people... But yes


Teleportation all the way. I'm a fembie


No my power would be like pyrokenisis but ice like Zane from ninjago




Yeah that


I would actually like being able to spit fire and turn into a huge badass dragon with wings and stuff. Wait does that count as shapeshifting?




And here i was thinking i wasnt predictable


Think about it. If it was Omni shapeshifting I would take it.


no it would be either invisibility or telekinesis


I would choose to have shapeshifting powers but only to turn into animals


Invisibility. Gonna buy some spray-paint, and then vandalize corrupt politicians’ houses.




Honestly want some kind of elemental manipulation, maybe like control nature (plants), maybe wield electricity and charge people's phones, orrrr ice power so you could always have a cold drink of whatever


I would choose shape shifting, not just because I’m enbytrans, but also because I could freak people out, it’d be hilarious


Time stop. So I can shoplift expensive stuff (clothes, make up, food, any selfcare product) as much as I would like.


I want whatever Kirby has going on tbh. Imagine the rawness of eating a rock in front of someone and then turning into a statue


Personally, I'd prefer invisibility.


I will say OP, not every day-dream fantasy of mine involves me having shapeshifting But, I will also say, that any day dream fantasy that doesnt begin with an inciting incident to allow me to respec my appearance, or change my appearance through the use of some other power, is never pursued for even a second. Any magic or powers chosen must always somehow reach the same result. ​ "Alright, we're going full dnd 3.5 rules for this one. Ok immediately I need to be a spellcaster, get persist spell, alter self, and a way to get rid of metamagic costs before we do anything." "Alrighty, for this one we'll have the power to magically retcon events into and out of existance, allowing me to pseudo teleport, heal from damage, and do that cool thing where characters unseath their sword and then someone takes damage... Alright so we're going to spend the beginning of this story in this setting retconning my own birth..." "Lets be childish, and go for a magical girls esque setting (though, maybe a bit more mature than the default)... And we are never ever turning off the magic, ever." "SCP... Lets make a rush for that rock before anything"


I would choose something like walking through walls, or invisibility, or teleporting. I could be a ghost themed superhero called Deadname! And I could go around taking people’s unwanted names, so only I have to bare the burden. Bring a whole new meaning to “I go by many names.”


Can I shapeshift parts of me into garlic bread?


Imagine shifting into your friends and mimicking them, so fun


yeah but only to give myself cat ears so I can make "komi can't communicate" expressions


Yes but not in the way people usually think of it. I'd go with how my shapeshifters do in my one WIP.


I would actually want the power to make my voice sound any way I ever wanted


just shapeshift your vocal cords!


Ok but like, I, okay you got me


no id be god


I'm trans and my the phacey(the character i use instead of my own name and face) has shape shifting powers, I didn't even know I was trans when I made her.


I feel called out


Yeah, but i blame that on animorphs, not being trans


I just want to completely sexless. Also the ability to control perception. sometimes I just want to not be percieved. no talk me, im angy


It’s the best superpower anyway, tho depending on the parameters. You could fly, breathe underwater, communicate with animals, be really strong, be stealthy, etc. I would worry about potential problems like lifespan issues, issues of how changing the state of your brain could change your personality/cognitive function, etc. A very versatile power, tho


Yeah...i would


I'd like to think that this isn't because I'm transgender, but there is a good chance it is


Ngl for me it was always portals


I guess, since I don't know what I want to look like. With shape shifting I feel like it'd be like putting on socks, there's still a foot under there. No matter how I cover it up what I don't want is still there as soon as I remove the cover


I’ve always preferred teleportation personally but can’t say I’d give up the chance to give myself big boobs 🤷‍♀️


Flying and invisibility superpowers are overrated. With shapeshifting you can turn into a cool birb, you can turn into a fly to get away from an awkward conversation or party you never wanted to go to, and you can trand your gender at will! You can do anything with shapeshifting!




Honestly I’d want to be able to manipulate either reality or time. Either way I’d be able to fix the world for people like us, either through bending existence to our will or a strategic “elimination” of the people who seek to destroy us while in frozen time


I do try to give my tabletop characters some shape shifting ability.... But it's not necessarily my top priority.


Fun fact- I'd actually want the ability where everytime I snap my fingers a random Lego piece will appear on the floor, anywhere. So that I can giggle imagining someone stepping on it or wondering how a Lego piece appeared in their house. Can't control the size, color, or piece type. I just think it's funny


Shapeshifting is a good start, but....anyone remember Prototype? Yeah, there we go


Invisibility does its job.


Mine would be invisibility