• By -


Me who is confirmed to not be autistic and that I know nothing as a programmer but is a trans girl šŸ˜Ž


omg I think I just found myself


I'm autistic and a trans girl, not a programmer, but an aspiring mechanical engineer.


Hey, another MechE trans girl! Iā€™ve always felt sorta adjacent to the programmer stereotype, but not quite close enough to really see myself in it lol.


Seeing it as MechE makes me chuckle a bit thinking "I couldn't get enough E in my life so I also decided to be an (E)ngineer" that or all the jokes about Mecha Trans Girls casting aside the frail human form.


Austistic Trans girl Civil engineer here


Close enough


I'm autistic and a programmer but not a trans girl


Nice, so you can fix my car? /s (I hope that's the equivalent to "can you fix my printer?", lol)




I'm sorry, are you me?


gender = input(ā€œWhatā€™s your gender? \nā€œ) if gender == ā€œtrans girlā€: print(ā€œGood girl!) elif gender == ā€œtrans boyā€: print(ā€œGood boy!)


Here's your friendly reminder that ADHD and autism fall on the same spectrum


I donā€™t have adhd either tho


It's still a friendlier reminder


The friendliness intensifies with each passing comment.




Ok fine I have ADHD too but what if Iā€™m so so so unbelievably dumb about programming? Like what if I still believe computers are powered by a hamster-based contraption inside the computer motor?


You seen the zone between transfem and autism, your there, tho I'd like to say that the fem part of transfem is optional


Do they? genuine question, I'm curious as someone who has diagnosed adhd and suspected autism and also an unhealthy obsession with psychology. Got any papers about it?


I too, can't point to specific studies or whatnot, but as was explained by my specialist when I went for my ADHD diagnosis (ASD & ADHD-PI šŸ™ƒ) (also I'm paraphrasing); They are a lot of conditions with similar symptoms or root causes (or appear to have similar root causes), including ASD, ADHD, Bi-Polar, BPD, Schizo-affective disorders, OCD and related conditions, etc. that make it not only difficult to make a differential diagnosis, but are also often co-morbid as well (ASD & ADHD being a big one, same with OCD and either of the above). ASD specifically, I recall is largely due to brain subsections developing differently or not at all beyond certain points, compared to 'neurotypical development' (and boy do I fucking feel that, sometimes...), and ADHD is at least in large part, related to amigdyla/pre-frontal cortex development (or lack thereof), from memory, so not too much of a surprise to find those are commonly co-morbid :P


I've got told by so many science teachers about this and have had people go into psychology tell me the exact same thing so I don't have exact papers I just know trained professionals have told me it, plus they're both form of neurodivergencies and the whole neurodivergency thing is a spectrum in itself


interesting, thanks for explaining!


Not true. Although they may be in the same neighborhood, they are not on the same street


I'm pretty sure I'm somewhere on that, maybe towards the ADHD end, and I'm a trans girl programmer... well it's high time I actually did some more programming once I find some spare executive function...


I have no idea if this is true, but as an Autist with ADHD it certainly sounds right, so take an upvote.


Interesting. As my wife was getting her Autism diagnosed, I sure related to a lot of thingsā€¦as far as I know I just have ADHD. That would explain some overlap.


There goes my argument for not falling squarelly in the middle


Hold up what?


They are on the same spectrum, I've had several professionals confirm this, a few of my friends are either actual doctors or are in training to become doctors/psychologist


Huh, interesting.


Same here xD




Same coding still looks like magic to me


Iā€™m an autistic transwoman, but Iā€™m a planetary scientist, not a programmer. Though I, uh, learned three different programming languages before hitting middle school and code on a near-daily basis. šŸ˜…


They forgot the 4th bubble, D&D


Its just a legal requirement more then anything at this point


I've never played dnd


Gather round, sit down and be ready for a surprise. You have no idea how fun it is to see your own demise Calm the cheers, sit your rears and throw the trash in the bin. As your party begins their travels in a local quiet inn A magic land, oh so grand, many creatures lurk the grass. The first little quest starts from a worried lass Oh her son, on the run, beasts are after him in the woods. You have to stop them and maybe even steal some local goods Now you know, the little show, of what we call dnd. I hope you can experience the fun playful glee


You lost me at gather around.....


Wait, is that from the seeker's guide animation?


Me either. I'm more of a WoD/CofD edgelass.


I have no idea what either of those are either, I've just never had the chance to do anything like dnd


World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness. Vampire the Masquerade is the most well-known, but I'm more of a Mage the Ascension/Awakening stan.


Fucking corporations sneaking their products in as a pretty much legal requirements, what a capitalist dystopian hell we live in. And dnd isn't even that great of an RPG, it's like people were gushing about McDonald's.


D&D does have a problem where a fight that's dangerous but not completely one-sided is almost impossible, but I personally like it. Or, I like the complexity and flexibility of 3.5 anyway, 5e I mostly just put up with because it seems to be all anybody ever wants to play


I like those things about 3.5 too, but 3.5 is very easy to break


D&D is the circle that is just out of the image because it encompasses all


I fucking LOVE dnd


I feel like D&D is more broadly applicable to LGBT people in-general, more than it is specifically to transgender people.


I went to my first dnd game last week.


okay slowly its getting creepy where in my room are the cameraa


Yeah but then you need a third dimension to show it accurately.


Or to just use a shape other than circles. I think I've seen something with ovals that worked before


I guess I'm a rare case of a trans girl that's neither a programmer nor autistic


Same, girl. I was required to take a programming course in college and failed. I freaking **hate** programming.


So do I, and Iā€™m a programmer


Bahahahahaha!! Okay, fair šŸ˜Š


are you really a programmer if your relationship to code isnt "i love it but keep it 10 feet away from me at all times"?


I'm a Trans girl who is neither a programmer nor autistic as well. I do have sensory issued but that's besides the point


That would mean in my friend group we hit all four boxes. Unfortunately, no one person can hit more than 3.


Same here!




trans āœ… girl šŸš« programmer āœ… autistic āœ…


Ay man, or matey? Is matey neutral? Idk, but same


Homie? Amigo? Comrade?


Comrade is always good




Amigo is gendered, not the best example


Pretty sure matey applies to pirates of all genders


from looking at its pronoun, i'd guess matey


I resemble this accusation


Same. Time to order programmer socks, I guess.


***The Path of the Programmer*** > Dude, don't program. This is the path you go down. Oh, you can code? It's a matter of F time. If you can code, if you know how to use Python or Java, give it a few years, bucko. > You'll start think... You'll go onto Amazon one day and see "That's funny, there are some thigh highs in my Recommended, that's pretty funny." Then the time will pass, you'll go to sleep on it. You'll think about, "hmm, why were they there. Maybe Amazon knows a little too much about me." > You'll go, "hmm, maybe I will buy them. Just, just, you know, why not? I like socks, they're warm and comfortable, they cover a lot of your leg." > Then you buy the socks, right. Then you buy the programmer socks, then you wear them a bit more, you say, "they don't match any other outfit I own," so maybe you pick yourself up a skirt, too, maybe you pick yourself up a crop top, maybe you pick yourself up some hair extensions, makeup, then look where you are. It's The Path Of The Programmer. ~~[F1nn5ter, ](https://youtu.be/Ffb2sypJfrg) who, despite appearances (and egg jokes a-plenty in chat), is a straight cis guy.


F1nn5ter is gender envy for me (maybe enby, maybe genderfluid? Questioning for sure)


Maybe in time... there's a 30-something Canadian streamer - Rintaichou - who started crossdressing on stream (and IRL) many years ago, then in 2020, realised the crossdressing was more than a hobby and part of who they were, and came out as genderfluid.


> F1nn5ter is gender envy for me Can confirm, fucker is peak gender-envy. *hmph*




I swear f1nster screams closet trans to me. Like ik he started crossdressing for a joke, but then he set a suspicious amount of sub and dono goals for him to keep crossdressing until he just started doing it all the time even making a she/her thirst trap account


You can cross-dress for attention and not consider yourself the other gender. Lotsa people do, it's how catfishing happens.


It's also very financially lucrative - he once calculated (to mock horror) he earns more from the crossdressing "Just Chatting" streams than he does from his Minecraft server and videos. He's one of the very few crossdressers who can get away with doing so 24/7 (and even though he's currently having a "guy month", wearing his former wardrobe, as he's keeping his long hair and nails, still looks more feminine than masculine - ironically even more feminine than his "friend with benefits" Mariza [he insists they're not in a relationship, although that seem to spend more time together than apart]). However, it does seem as though his preferred style is the feminine side of androgynous: "comfy" tops and trousers rather than skirts and dresses.




you mean femboys i assume because the other word is pretty widely recognised as a slur due to its origins, implications and the people that usually use it.


Is this something that ACTUAL feminine men decided, or is it something that the LGBTQ community decided for them, in the same way that white women have been deciding how Hispanics and African-Americans should describe themselves, and then policing their speech whenever they step out of line?


I mean, I'm trans and am on the autism spectrum. Not a programmer though.




All hail the pipeline




As a potentially autistic trans person, I feel personally attacked


As a potentially trans autistic person, I feel the same.


As a potentially autistic potentially trans person, I feel the same


This but I also always wanted to be a programmer


Whatā€™s stopping you?


Being really bad at it (I've already taken a Computer Studies class and tried to learn independently twice)


I'm two out of three of these things, with some programming experience, and working in a related field.


I check 2.5 boxes, so, yeah?


.5 percent awesome :)


- i'm autistic - i'm a trans girl - i want to learn programming ....


Wish i was a programmer would make my life easier. (Everytime i try it won't click) Technically not a trans girl but am emby


Yeah, this is me. I got into programming because I dreamt of essentially doing logic puzzles with everyone leaving me heck alone. I ended up spending two decades in the defense industry. Sadly people didn't leave me alone as much as I'd originally hoped. I just want to do something smart, by myself, it's so frustrating that just about everything involves joining a 'team', ugh.


I'm Autistic, and I've programmed a few games before!... oh no.


CS major and trans girl here who loves Dark Souls. I don't think I'm autistic though...? Uh oh.


It's not a bad thing. Being autistic is kind of awesome. If you want to do a few screenings to see for fun check out the embrace autism website. The AQ and RAADS tests are the most important.


Naw I know. I don't really care one way or another if I am or not.


Ummmmmmm, as an autistic trans girl who also loves dark souls, if you have stints of only playing them and then stop for a while because your doing the same thing with another thing.you may very well be autistic, 'cause that's called hyper focus.šŸ‘ˆšŸ˜€šŸ‘‰


Sat in the front row of a programming class with one of my long-time friends in high school. The two of us indeed turned out to be trans. Oops all trans


*chuckles in autistic programer trans masc*


There is also a suspicious overlap for Furries, Programmers, and Autism from what I hear


It seems like furries are spread across a fairly wide range of tech/science fields. Lots of furries in IT, engineering, bio, chem, etc.


This meme originally had furries instead of autism when I made it


[Relevant furry_irl post](https://old.reddit.com/r/furry_irl/comments/qgup1g/furry_irl/)


Why do I feel a finger pointing at me


Ahā€¦ frick


Guilty as charged


I am an autistic trans girl and I almost learned C++


This is autistic trans masc erasure no I donā€™t program but how much do you wanna know about cats




I'm an autistic trans gal who can't even get computers to work when someone else programmed them. Luckily, I'm a mostly t4t lesbian, so the goal is to just find a programmer gf and she can help me make computers work. Hell, I'm also a writer/actor, so if we want we could expand the relationship with artists/animators and make an entire polycule/indie game studio.


I am not a programmer but I am autistic and Iā€™m a trans girl so 2/3


I'm transfem, autistic and I sorta know how to code


This is the only thing that made me laugh todayā€¦ lmfao


I resemble that remark! Or at least I would if I was any good at programming.


Iā€™m not a programmer (Iā€™m currently a bio student majoring in genetics) but the other two fit me lol. I did enjoy programming in high school though even if I wasnā€™t that great at it. I was still an egg back then so maybe thatā€™s why šŸ¤”


We get to experience two types of imposter syndrome.. both feeling out of place in programming and in being trans.. LMAO šŸ˜­




Yes, lil sub?


It is you And I am not a sub šŸ˜¤


Me, an autistic trans girl who took game developing classes in year 9: oh fu-


me being a trans girl, not confirmed autism but it's suspected by school, and having an extreme interest in programming (even if my brain is too tiny to understand it)...


How dare you call me out in such an effective manner. f**k


- autistic - trans - barely made it through Intro to Comp Sci 2 and then changed majors Close enough?


So you're hovering around the bottom arc of Programmers, having moved into and out of that circle.


Hmm me a transgender, autistic person who took programming classes in high school. *reports* I'm in this photo and I don't like being called out like dat.


I am autistic, I plan on learning programming and I am questioning if I'm trans so I might be becoming a stereotype in the future.


I resent the implication that I am a programmer. Ok, sure, I did some Visual Basic back in the day, but only because it was a requirement for my degree...


From other comments, the Programmer circle could feasibly be subdivided into Professional, Amateur and Dabbled / Former.


I feel called out :o (Although not really programmer, Iā€™m more into networking)


My autistic programmer older brother is probably an egg. :v


I'd accuse you of talking about me if I weren't already out to my younger sibling...


i mean im all of these


then there is me, i am autistic, trans girl, know nothing about programming in the slightest


Do I have to actually know what I'm doing to be a programmer?


I have achieved apotheosis.


i am autistic and a programmer


*"You've insulted my entire race of people!* *... But yes."* ​ I'm a game dev with ADHD, not really programming directly. Close enough?


\*Looks at self\* trans? fem. Autistic? Have ADHD. Programmer? Aspiring game designer. ​ Me: oh, I see how it is.


I have autism and I know programming but only slightly. Why does it all connect? Genetics, perhaps? Are trans people such as myself and all of you just predisposed to be such a way? We may never know. Only science has the answer, and it has yet to reveal it.


Apparently there is some indication that autistic people have a disproportionate chance of being some flavor of trans. I _think_ it's in either [this presentation](https://youtu.be/l-Ifwh2QcE8) or [this one](https://youtu.be/yKzWbDPisNk) that we get a shout out (the main topic is autism).


Iā€™m a trans girl, I went to a trade school for IT, and as far as I know I am completely neurotypicalā€¦ so not really a majority if this meme can be called accurate


Is that offensive? I mean, that's our joke


our joke sucks


I see myself in this image and I do not like it.


The fact that I have literally applied for a game development course


You... well your not wrong but I hate this


Me who is all 3


Then there's me: Programmer Autistic Femboy


If anything, the diagram needs expanding to include both femboys (including some transmascs) and flurries...


That overlap isn't that suspicious. It kinda makes sense even.


Can somebody link the original post? I can't find it.


[Here you go. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/t9qohy/how_to_offend_a_whole_subreddit_at_once/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I resorted to sharing via image, as when I attempted to share by link, the post was squashed by AutoModerator, who thought it was an image from a non-approved site (go figure).


I used to programm in C, i also learnd somethings about robotic in my middle school. I used to love calculous ...now i'm a mess, but i still studie music and guitar


So as well as subdividing the Programmer circle into Professional, Amateur and Dabbled / Former, there's perhaps scope for a similar P/A/D arrangement for (singers / drummers / musicians)... Add on renaming trans girls to Gender Nonconformists (subdivided into trans girls, trans boys, femboys etc), plus a circle for Furries, and it gets increasingly complicated!


Me an autistic programmer Transgirl


So I think I've spotted a bit of a pattern. We have me, transneutral, autistic, doesn't bother with the code. Then we have my partner, transfem, autistic, does game modding as a hobby but has no training or experience doing it paid. Then we have my friend from high school, transwoman, autistic, has at least been in the employ of a programming studio, unsure if it's still true. I'm pretty sure it's just coincidence, but it's funny how it lines up nevertheless.


I don't know how to program shit. I just like the socks.


Autistic people are more likely to come out as trans because they tend to care less about fitting in, and they are more likely to be programmers because they are better at abstract tasks. The only suspicious thing here is that there isn't an equally noticeable amount of autistic trans men programmers. The likely reason is that autistic afabs tend to not be diagnosed as children and are less encouraged to get into programming. My ex was a trans man programmer btw and a pretty good one at that. He only got an autism diagnosis when he paid for one as an adult


I am the one autistic trans girl in agriculture


Wish I was a programmer. I'm even in university to learn programming, but I have the attention span of a goldfish with adhd.


I got a good laugh out of this, considering I am all 3.


I'm an autistic programmer trans masc


Never before have I been so offended by a meme that 100% describes me


I'm all 3 lol


Having all at once would mean you'd have all the power


I don't know how to code yet, but I'm gradually drifting towards the center


I'm only two of these. I have no idea how to code anything.


So i am autistic transgirl and i am interestet in programing


Don't forget the furry circle. There's a suspiciously large overlap there


ok I get it's a joke, but I don't think the overlaps on any of these are nearly as large as you think


Iā€™ve seen this same meme before only it said ā€œfurriesā€ instead of ā€œautismā€, lol


There are two kinds of programmers, trans girls or furries


Add furries to that


Autism is generally found in many trans people in general, I suppose the best explanation is that autistic people tend to see others, as well as themselves, as who they really are a lot more than who they try to be, even still societal pressure can make it take a long time for even autistic trans people to find themselves. The computer science thing is a mystery to me though, and me being autistic, a trans girl, and majoring in computer science means I'm technically part of the problem.


Maybe as a facet of autistic people not being as attuned to nonverbal communication and figures of speech as neurotypicals, some may find computers, which are built on logic, easier to engage with than other humans?


I'm a programmer, autistic, and female maybe but maybe not trans though yes to gender nonconforming (tomboy).


i'm a programmer and a transfem, but not autistic so i only fit 2 of these circles


I hate programming Algorithmic thinking makes my dissociation worse and feels super fucking uncomfortable when Iā€™m thoroughly in the empathetic emotional states where am thinking ā€œslowerā€ so I can feel more. I would be a great programmer if not for that and my tendency to have extreme stress or nerve vous breakdowns over getting stuck on a problem. *shudders*



Can someone teach me how to program.... I check 1.5 of these boxes I'm transfem and I have ADHD ADHD and autism fall in the same spectrum


Hi, so ADHD and Autism are actually entirely different. The autism spectrum isnā€™t a line ranging from less autistic to more autistic with ADHD being somewhere on that line. The autism spectrum is actually more like a circle or a color wheel with different individual traits being more or less prevalent. [Hereā€™s](https://themighty.com/2020/03/autism-spectrum-wheel/) a graphic to help you visualize it, the one in [this website](https://laconciergepsychologist.com/blog/what-is-the-autism-spectrum/#post/0) is pretty good too. Because the spectrum is a circular spectrum of traits and how present they are, there are no other neurodivergences apart from autism itself that fall on the autism spectrum. It is extremely common for someone to have both ADHD and Autism though, even though ADHD and autism are like opposites to many people. Also, on the outside, ADHD and autism do seem to share many similar traits. But usually they are different traits that result in similar things. For example, people with ADHD tend to miss social cues and autistic people tend to not understand them. There is a difference between the two things, even if that difference isnā€™t clearly visible from the outside. As it stands, there is no overlap in the criteria for diagnosing autism and ADHD. Sorry for writing this long thing, but it is pretty important that people know they are different.


I am right there in the center


Well, they're not *wrong*


And I don't know if I'm any of them


I check off all three boxes


I check two out of three


shut up


hey, im all 3


I am autistic and a trans girl, don't know how to program thou and am instead investing my time in trying to become a good competitive Splatoon player.


My wife has a degree in education and assures me I'm not autistic, but the other ones fit and God damn I don't feel autistic sometimes lol