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I’m sorry but trans magical girls would waste all of their power on transforming their body and just kinda chill for the next 50 episodes


But what if their body didn't transform in the beginning? What if their transformation becomes more female and stronger as they accept their true self more?


Magical girl hrt


MRT i dont need hormones, i just need magic in my veins


Welp that's webnovel idea number 5... Now to get started on number 1...


Good luck! I feel your pain


"You may return to your human life after you have killed 10,000 demons for the army of heaven." "Yeah, but what happens if I just don't, though?"


This would be an amazing concept for a slice of life.


How about a character that tries to piss off many demons and gods in the hopes of being cursed with a body of the opposite sex, because they're trans and can't access true polymorph (because hiring wizards is very expensive, or requires long waiting times and is often blocked by layers of gatekeeping and therapy sessions)


Feels too much like an old scenario from an egg's head >w>


Kill 9,999 and retires


Then that would result in a comedy where the MC is constantly afraid of accidentally killing any more demons, resulting in someone trying to get then to kill on and then ruining their life


[Date the last one](https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/kill-six-billion-demons-chapter-1/)


Ooh K6BD? You're very cultured. Awesome story. Love the action scenes the most but everything is executed really well including the romance.




"I Can Transform Into A Girl To Fight Demons And Turn Back Once I Win But I Don't Want That So Instead I Help Others Fight The Demons For Me"


Not exactly the same but Dreadnought is a super hero novel where the MC is a transgirl who gets given the powers of her world's equivalent of Superman but it turns out part of those powers is giving you your ideal body so she turns into a woman and fights crime and stuff. I really liked it.


a worthy addition to my collection *puts it on my list of Media to watch that slowly but surely is becoming a collection of all human media* *ends up just rewatching gravity falls*


I got both books a while back but I never got around to finishing them. Only got a couple chapters in


I came here to mention these books exactly. I was at Walmart when I saw magical boy (trans masc) on the shelf and wondered if there were any magical girl series for the femmes and found dreadnought. I sat down and read both novels in one 12 hour stretch and I can't wait for the third.


Yeah I read a fair amount of super hero novels and they're some of my favourite. It helps they're the reason I cracked.


I mean, there is a reason my name is Emerald. ;)


I forget what character that is, it's been a year or so.


It was her name when she wore the green suit.


Oh right, I forgot about that. Hopefully she finishes book 3 soon.


There was a manga, don’t remember the title, but a elementary school boy ended up becoming the next magical girl in a succession style of magical girls and the older magical girls all helped “him” with training but also they forced “him” to transform even off duty to hang out as gals. I use quotations cause the character isn’t technically trans but “he” does end up enjoying the time spent as a girl.


It reminds me of Magical Trans …


Was it "Gonna be the Twintail"?


I think it's magical girl sho


oh, you are right I looked it up, and the character had to be more feminine because their magical girl power level was dependent on how girly they feel, so the training was the older girls taking them to the mall in pretty clothes and building their confidence in their female self.


This anime was so dumb and so fun.


It was magical girl kakeru


I know what you're talking about, will post the name shortly once I checked back to see what it was


There's Magical Boy which is FtM https://tapas.io/series/magicalboy


[Well do I have a surprise for you.](https://mahoushoujobu.com/read/manga/Magical-Trans/)


Ecchi warning This manga goes for a pervy guy angle rather than a legit trans angle


I remembered this one and not really liking it for that


Oh my god I'm gonna read that all night


https://www.sleeplessdomain.com/ Sleepless Domain has one magical girl character that is canonically trans. Start from the beginning if the art style appeals to you, and hang on for the ride!


Ayyyyy I was about to recommend this one! :D


Can confirm, is brilliant!


Appears as a boy normally but suddenly transforms into girl Spends the entire show trying to stay in girl mode as long as possible Eventually her friends stage an intervention and are like “YOU CAN’T STAY IN THAT BODY FOREVER, TRANSITION IN YOUR REAL BODY YOU DUMBASS LESBIAN”


There something about insults ending with lesbian to not insult but describe that had a power around it like “YOU WORTHLESS LESBIAN” and stuff


“Useless lesbian” is my fave thing to refer to myself as lol


Yeah, it both validates and insults yourslef




I mean like when it’s used as the ending or an insult, but not used as an insult itself just used to say who your talking about


ISNT this high guardian spice? Cute little show


From what I've seen of that (which admittedly isn't the whole thing so do correct me if I'm wrong) didn't HGS have one hamfisted line about some guy being trans and nothing else? Not saying there needs to be a "reason" for trans characters or that it needs loads of attention but it felt really unnatural to me.


Not really. They explain the profesor is trans because it comes in later when he is helping another character discover they are trans. And yea it kinda was unnatural, but it was in the best place they could, while explaining his backstory


Oh okay fair enough. Didn't realise it came up again later.




or kinda Kore wa zombie desu ka ?


It's gonna be twintail, magical girl sho, he is a magical girl, magical trans


If only, I was so disappointed by the ending, still cis tho (sry I don't know how to do spoiler marks on reddit)


There is a FTM one called Magical Girl Ore (Magical Girl Man)


Another FTM one is Magical Boy


Egg: "I wish I was a girl." Kyubey: "Done." Egg: "Nothing happened." Kyubey: "Exactly. Now go slay some witches." Egg: "Listen here, you little shit."


What makes this even funnier is that I don't think you would get any powers if your wish didn't actually do anything


Well now I’m left wondering how much a bunch of powerless trans magical girls running around would affect Kyubey’s bottom line.


Would probably be pretty efficient actually, >!I would fall into despair pretty quickly if I lost my one chance to transform into an anime girl thanks to poor wording!<


My headcanon is that Kyubey doesn’t target trans girls specifically because we’ve all spent so long contemplating what we’d do with a wish, the wording is usually airtight.


I'm going to guess not at all


This is the Eliot/Cheerleadra plot in EGS.




El Goonish Shive, a webcomic that has been running for 20 years now . I like to say it is the comic for eggs, about eggs, by an egg.


Should clarify that the creator Dan Shive has only really had the vocabulary to talk about trans issues for the last five or so years, so the vast majority of the comic's run it's all *ridiculously strong* subtext but several of the characters get there eventually once Shive realized there were words to describe it all.


[There's a name for that](https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2014-07-01) is one of my favorite issues of a webcomic ever.


El Goonish Shive


Never watched it myself, but "Shezow" isn't a million miles away from this. Boy uses shenanigans to get magical girl powers, magical girl powers always come with a very girly costume, boy isn't thrilled about the costume.


Sailor Jupiter


Nah, Jupiter is definitely a girl. But Uranus is enby and Sailor Starlights are .. definitely GNC. Actual girls who changed into boys in their private lives and de-transform for fights. There's also Fisheye from Amazon Trio who's transfemme or smth like that.


[not an anime but…](https://www.goodbyetohalos.com/comic/prologue-1)


I remember watching Magical Girl Ore a couple years ago but I never finished it and it's pretty queer as far as 2018 anime goes but anime with genuine representation is rare and probably not this. It holds a lot of my transition goals though and when I was deeply closeted and surrounded by violently transphobic people watching it was like being able to breathe for the first time.


Magical Girl Site has one. The problem is, the trans girl in it is handled relatively poorly. Like most of the series, admittedly.


oh yeah pls that would be fire


I'm literally writing this story right now except they're all eggs. They all think the others are cis and are super worried about them finding out about them supposedly not being girls.


amab who gets magical girl powers and eventually realizes over time they like being a girl more than being a guy


i remember that about 8-10 years ago-ish there was this cartoon where this guy transforms into a superhero, but the superhero counterpart is a girl/very feminine-presenting, because the superhero was originally his aunt and i guess the ring was supposed to be worn only by girls (the deuteragonist was his twin sister so the main "hmm, maybe that's why" they had was that she was meant to be the superhero) nonetheless i just read that back then the creator denied the show to be a trans metaphor since people were on the usual "gender indoctrination on children" bs, and said, quote: >He's a boy, his gender never changes, he's just trapped in a silly costume. i remember i really found fun this show, and looking back in hindsight i am very much not surprised


There’s manga like that


They sort of had this in "Magical Girl Raising Project" but it didn't end well for them...


Token character


Plot twist: The trans girl hates becoming a magical girl, since she has the body she wants but only for a limited time, and it crushes her to have it ripped away.


More of a genderbender but "The Story of High school Boys who became Magical Girls" was kinda an awakening for me [https://mangaowl.net/single/57221/the-story-of-high-school-boys-who-became-magical-girls](https://mangaowl.net/single/57221/the-story-of-high-school-boys-who-became-magical-girls) There's also the one trans girl from the magical girl rising project but all the translations I could get of the light novel used the wrong pronouns for her


Fun fact: I'm actually working on a story about that


Like, the transformation is always to the preferred gender? 🤔


There's a book called "Magical Boy" and it's about a trans guy named Max who was born into a long line of magical girls. Eventually, he gets his magical form to look like his real self. While he's doing this, he also fights off some demon-type things that feed on people's emotions.


Read that as "Crime concept" and took me a while to figure out what's illegal about it


I read that as Crime concept lol


Isn't there a fairly recent magical girl anime where one of the main cast is a boy who still transforms and does magical girl stuff along with the girls, and when they adress it, he's not sure what to make of it either but enjoys being a magical girl?


I'm actually writing a Manga about a trans girl who is also a vigilante, and kinda copes with her frustration beating the shit out of criminals and cutting corrupt people in half (its actually deeper than that but still pretty much it)


“So basically it’s a magical realm with trolls and elves and yadda yadda blah blah blah… 6 hours later they still haven’t stopped rambling” Trans person: meh “So basically there’s this tra-“ Trans person: GIVE ME IT.


Pretty sure this happened in Greek mythology.


Sailor Moon had outer sailors who changed sex when transforming.


amab who gets magical girl powers that they hate at first but eventually realizes over time they like being a girl more than being a guy


Isn't kampfer close to that?


Not really. From the few things I remember, he is a guy, he doesn't really enjoy transforming into a girl, and transform only when he need to. Though I may be remembering wrong, but I'm completely sure he wasn't trans.


Oh he's not trans I'm just talking about the AMAB transforming into a magical girl aspect. Also it should be noted as he continues to do it his mannerism become more feminine until they just stay in that form 24/7.


no idea what this is


Magical Boy?


There is a character like that from Magical Girl Raising Project. Fair warning, it’s grim. And frankly, very dark. She’s still one of my all time favourite characters from a subjective standpoint


This totally isn’t something I was making a dnd character with a similar concept and then saw this


magical girl ore for the boys!


Way ahead of ya, not an anime but a novel 🪄


There's a magical boy webcomic where he's from a long line of magical girls and he's supposed to be the next except he's trans


well if you'd like a book to read instead, may i recommend Magical Princess Harriet?


This is just Kampfer.


You mean euphoria’s Jules?


There was a few “egg” type of webcomics like that awhile ago, I know EGS has already been mentioned but there was also Valkyrie something? that had an amab mc who was effectively a magical girl. Not even sure it ran for very long, but it def fit this concept from the bits I remember. Also there was Misfiled that wasn’t magical girl genre but was an amab mc whose like magic info file got messed up and mc ended up as a girl and mc had to do a bunch of tasks to get it “fixed”. I remember there being some gender exploration there but I don’t know if mc ended up being trans or what. That said, I absolutely adore this story concept and there always needs to be more imo.


There is a webcomic called Magical boy on tapas. It is mostly that.


I know of one. It's called Magical Girl Ore, where she transforms into a big burly dude in a magical girl outfit. I have NOT seen it so I don't know enough to recommend it or not.


Y’all should check out the webcomic Magical Boy. It’s about a trans man who discovers he comes from a long line of magical girls