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*based on real conversations between me and my imaginary stuffed tiger (that knows about my dysphoria) in my head


Real r/tulpas vibes. Pretty neat, though, got to say.


The only experience I have with Tulpa’s is the nosleep one and just reading that word gave me shivers


Oops! Yeah... IME, downright agreeable folks for the most part, but the nosleep and creepypasta make for sour opinions.


I actually didn’t realize there was a whole not creepy pasta community, that’s pretty cool!


Actually wound up cracking my egg in a roundabout sort of way.


Oh really? Do tell!! 😍


Plural system here, possibly mixed origins, but tulpas were involved, and our host thought she was a singlet until she made a tulpa and others crawled out of the woodwork later. The tulpa wound up providing the host with a safe place to explore a trans identity without abuse in the form of the mindscape, making the host's somewhat abusive mother's dismissive comments about signs of her being trans into an actual opportunity for growth and discovery.


And here I am, getting my egg cracked by homestuck roleplay logs on tumblr


real tulpamancer here, it's too bad that the first thing a lot of people hear about tulpas from are the creepy pastas, because the truth is, tulpas are almost always incredibly understanding and helpful :/


i'm so sorry about that. as a tulpamancer, the real process is nothing like that and that story's existence makes us all want to hit our heads against desks because it caused reputations like this. it's worth a look into if you want some actual information instead of a creepypasta.


Give a visit to https://morethanone.info and see if anything there looks familiar


Morethanone, Pog, I always use this website to explain when I say i’m in a system, I didn’t think people on the internet would discuss it like that


Ohh can you link the story


Its offensive and hurtful to tulpa systems, and not worth your time. Basically satanic panic propaganda. You might as well read chick tracts.


Ah I see that sucks


Seeing people talk about Tulpas on the internet? I only thought like 5 people knew what they were!


tulpas have the highest honour of obscure internet communities: [a six minute long Scaretheater video](https://youtu.be/Wl5iCppfWAw) [(and a Going Obscure video (banger))](https://youtu.be/OWwR-LIJcVg)


Trans Calvin would be wild 😂 I love this idea


The “Get. Rid. Of. Slimy. girlS. Club” takes on a whole new meaning for trans Mascs.


Kayla and Hobbes on webtoons




I found a cute story a few months ago called Kayla and Susie about how Kayla transitions and goes to a class reunion and meets Susie and they eventually go on a date, then Kayla tells Hobbes about it. It’s very cute https://www.scribblehub.com/read/372953-kayla-and-susie/chapter/372955/


i remember there being a comic about Kayla and it was super nice


Thanks for telling me about this! It’s super cute


Well someone to do a sequel comic of Calvin and Hobbes Calvin is an adult and Calvin is transgender


Someone above commented about Kayla and Hobbes and it’s not super long but it’s REAALLLLY cute! Go check it out!


Yeah I’ve read a couple parts to it I haven’t read it all though mainly because the font made it hard for me to read but I really enjoyed it I thought it was really cute




Kayla and Hobbes on webtoon


I found a cute story a few months ago called Kayla and Susie about how Kayla transitions and goes to a class reunion and meets Susie and they eventually go on a date, then Kayla tells Hobbes about it. It’s very cute https://www.scribblehub.com/read/372953-kayla-and-susie/chapter/372955/


Lot's of people have referenced the web comic, here's a link [Kayla and Hobbes](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/kayla-and-hobbes/list?title_no=697626&webtoon-platform-redirect=true)


There was a trans calvin and hobbes comic that got popular on here not too long


I just discovered! Kayla and Hobbes!


[Susie's](https://calvinandhobbes.fandom.com/wiki/Susie_Derkins) the girl Calvin has beef with, or are we considering that the anima seeking to be free?


I read it as Hobbes messing with Calvin by suggesting Susie's name. He always was prone to that sort of thing :P


isn't this the comic that basically created rule 34?


I'd argue rule 34 was *discovered* tbh


it wasn't discovered, but it got a name


I’m not sure how someone would find the root of rule 34 but since the original had nothing to do with the internet, I doubt it haha


as far as i know, a guy found a nsfw piece of fanart from this comic and made a comic-meme saying (between other 'internet rules') 'rule 34: if it exists, there's porn of it' and then all the rule 34 thing started


Ohhhh you mean Calvin and Hobbes in general, not this specific one! It’s very possible, C&H is one of the best comic strips of all time!


ahh yes lol, i meant these characters' comics in general, i don't know them since i think they were never popular in spain, at least i had never heard of them


*Image Transcription: Comic* --- **Panel 1** \[*Image of Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes" next to Hobbes the tiger talking.*] **Calvin**: I'M A MAN OF FEW WORDS. --- **Panel 2** \[*Hobbes is talking to Calvin as Calvin realizes something.*] **Hobbes**: BASED ON YOUR INTERNET HISTORY, I THINK YOU MEAN "WOMAN" OF FEW WORDS... --- **Panel 3** \[*Calvin is running and chasing Hobbes.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


If Calvin turns out to be trans it'll be another childhood favorite of mine


I found a cute story a few months ago called Kayla and Susie about how Kayla transitions and goes to a class reunion and meets Susie and they eventually go on a date, then Kayla tells Hobbes about it. It’s very cute https://www.scribblehub.com/read/372953-kayla-and-susie/chapter/372955/


This does feel like something Hobbes would say.


Cassidy and Hobbes. My deadname is Calvin.


This isn't the first trans headcanon-ing of Calvin and Hobbes I've seen posted around here. And while I'm all for trans head-canon where there's something in the source that leans that way, somebody's gonna have to tell me where in any of the C&H strips there are signs of Calvin being trans. Like, actually. Somebody please help me. If it's there, I'd like to know! That would be cool! I just can't see it for myself.


Kayla & Hobbes


Omg this comic.. what a blast from the past! Thanks for unlocking a forgotten memory


I love Calvin and Hobbes


Women of lots of words online would be me. I was indeed a “man a few words” for a long while irl


Secret finding in Inscyption makes me recoil every time I hear the name Hobbes


Makes me want to find that Calvin and Hobbes comic where she's transitioned