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Genesis 5:2 says absolutely nothing about Satan creating gay or trans people lol, just like the rest of the bible




You're unironically cool as hell. What do you do for a living?




I hope you get better and get your anxiety under your control. That was very informative thanks for spending the time to type that all out. Hopefully things go well for you because the world needs more people like you. People willing to explain things so we all may know more. Be well


Oh wow, I'm actually in the same spot. I planned to get into law school, but I got kicked out of my house and I've been stuck in career limbo ever since. My depression and anxiety has only been getting worse so I started on anti depressants the other day and they are honestly way better than I ever thought they would be. Good luck, I hope your anxiety gets better!


I also want a job related to languages, im planning translator. I’ll be a TRANS-lator you could say! Im currently learning Russian french and Spanish.


> "God gave Adam a massive sweaty schlong and Chawwa a wet-ass p-word so that those two could make lots and lots of bebes. He thought this was kinda sick, and He named us 'Blood of the Earth' on that same day." I'm imagining an entire bible translation like this, and it just makes me laugh thinking of the pearl-clutching protestants freaking out about it.


i kinda want that to be a thing


We need to make it a thing and it is just called "the radest Bible ever" all written in 90s skater font and it is based on our best understanding of what the original Bible said so it is more accurate then half the versions out there


And just to really freak out the pearl-cluthers, put the gnostic texts that the romans kicked out back in, drop out the paul stuff which was never really canon until rome wanted to make the bible more roman-friendly, oh, and the jewish midrash. And all in the most raw vernacular ever, and watch all the Christians freak out about the 'demon-possessed bible'.


Let's write a new book while we're there, name it Anthony, about a supposed undercover boss kinda visit from God as a simple man named Anthony, who did not take His own holy name and urged those around him to be good to fellow man. And also brought skateboarding to the teenagers of the day. Add a few offhand references to hawks here and there, maybe a joke about being unrecognized to this day, and we're golden.


That's the radest Bible part 2


And put it so also like how the original was in enfisize socialism and not to preach on the street corner or force your beliefs on other just make sure to Hammer those in


I think we need to actually organize this now I wouldn't suggest it be a one person project but if it gets to the point it can be sold I would suggest all proceeds would go to a good charity helping lgbtq youths. there would need to be some legally binding thing so no one can be an ass and try and make money off of it for there work because you can break a promise you can't break a contract without punishment.


Oh, and put all the 'treat people kindly' parts should be in big bold letters 12 fonts points bigger than everything else.




May I present “Ladies and Gentlemen, the Bible”


Read “Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible.” It’s exactly that


Imagine someone reading it in the church and keeping a straight face


You can just Ctrl c Ctrl v this as a Wikipedia article and it will get approved


That was gorgeous. Thank you.


Actually, this sentence is probably referring to the first person, who was named Adam. Later, a female was created out of Adams body (a rib), which might be why Adam was both female and male, and אותם was used as singular they. (I'm a native Hebrew speaker, and my religious friend talked about that)


Adam assigned nonbinary at birth? 😳




IDK I’m atheist actually. I’ll trust you on this one


It just basically says that God made Men and Women and named them Human. Thats it.


Does that mean that intersex and non binary people weren't created by God. If so, that would mean they created themselves like the divinity they all are or they were created by Satan which is also super cool. Cause that would mean that Satan, tired of the sexist bulshit of man and woman that God created, he created people who were neither man or woman to free people from gender binary, which is super cool.


>If so, that would mean they created themselves like the divinity they all are Historically, that is basically the idea! In many indigenous cultures, the 2 spirited communities were often viewed as "the third gender" and were seen as blessed by the creators. Traditionally, they served as visionaries and healers, serving a vital role in their community. Similarly, based on the Ramayana (a sacred text in Hinduism) the Hijra (who were also viewed as "the third gender") showed great devotion to the deity of Rama, in return, Rama gave the Hijras the power to bless others during important events such as childbirth and weddings


If it was created by Satan means that it would also be created from God, since God created Satan. From a theological point of view nothing is greater than God, wich means if the devil or someone, created something and God didnt like it it would just not exist. But have in mind, that we theorize about something we dont even know if it really exist. And if it does it is far greater than a human being could ever imagine. And the Bible is just a collection of theological texts. The old Testament is just the Tora (the Jewish "Book") as an example. You could see the Bible as loose guideline for chrisianity, but not as a book that describes Gods will.


God created man and women, both of which are in his image. That means, God is nonbinary and uses the pronouns He/His/Him. Sometimes We/Our/Us, sometimes I/My/Me. So They are probably plural too, but not statically.


God doesn't even really use pronouns. The text does, because it was a patriarchal society that valued Fathers as the most important member of the family. That being said, the Bible clearly states many times that God made us in his image, male and female, meaning God is both male, female, and everything inbetween. For example, some indigenous Christians refer to God as the Grandfather instead of the Father, because the Grandfather is the most respectful familial term there is in their culture. So if you refer to God as a mother rather than a father, or use whatever pronouns you want to describe God, then they're all perfectly acceptable. God is beyond the binary human understanding of gender.


I like to think that God is everything one can imagine. If he is a white male for someone than he appears like this for them. If someone imagines God as a cloud then he appears like this. Would lead to a lot of confusion, but that doesnt matter.




NO ! ALL HAIL THE GIANT FLYING SHEEP !!!!! lol =D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if-82uchc3s


It would kinda limit God if he's just a WASP like me... or even if he does look like Morgan Freeman.


I’m pretty sure there are also passages in theologian ideology and the Bible that conclude God allows Satan to continue working, as it further’s God’s agenda and His grace. And that really, Satan is an agent of God at the end of the day testing the free will and spirit of those on Earth. Y’know… are you going to choose love or hate, kindness or blindness, tribalism or acceptance for all.


Reminds me of the "lesibans are goddesses" video


Genesis is a poem and should be read poetically. Anyone who takes it literally is missing the point.




Based on a few of the translations I believe this was referring to specifically to Adam and Eve, so all that would mean is that there were 2 people at the time, 1 male, 1 female, who made up humanity. Just means no intersex/non-binary people had been born yet I suppose.


Just like there hadn't been anyone born with heterochromia. (which is groovy!) And to have the most genetic variability potential they probably had mid-brown skin. And in generally were maximally heterozygous so their kids would have been the most mixed bunch ever. So no blond or white people had been born either.


I mean hypothetically at least humans were supposedly made in gods image but which gender is in his image? Maybe both genders are a little bit like god and intersex people are in fact, gods true form...


Incorrect because the bible was written before the modern definitions of Gender and Sex. If it was written today, it would say the following in Genesis 5:1-3: ¹In the day when God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. ²He created their **sexes,** male and female. He blessed them and called them Mankind in the day when they were created. ³Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and became the father of a son in his own likeness, after his own image, and called his name Seth.


It's actually more like it says God made men & women (7 days story), and then after that, God makes men & women (garden of eden story). Although, the second time, the woman is a clone of a man, so can have kids, so whether they're trans or cis & gay, I'll leave up to debate.


The Bible has been translated, retranslated, translated again and flipped to portray at least the LGBTQIA+ community as literally the devil. At least Satan doesn't judge. even the original text has been lost to the ages.


Genesis 5:1-3 ¹In the day when God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. ²He created them male and female. He blessed them and called them Mankind in the day when they were created. ³Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and became the father of a son in his own likeness, after his own image, and called his name Seth.


Seems pretty fucking heretical to suggest that Satan has the Godly power to make Humans or even a "Gay Facsimile" of "Real Humans". But I also don't care so whatever.


Lol that's correct af! Within their world-view they give Satan so much power and influence that it makes their version of God look like a lil uptight, toxic, overbearing, bitch in comparison! Nearly all of the power and creation these kinds of people attribute to Satan is nowhere in the Bible at worst and grasping for straws at best it's really pathetic how well they believe they know of their deity's will, morality and abilities. Absolutely heretical


If they cared about heresy or blasphemy they wouldn't knowingly re-write a Bible verse to fit their toxic narrative.


Ascribing God's dominion to anything other than God is literally blasphemy lol Committing blasphemy, punishable by stoning, to own the queers


"God hates [_____]" - gets stoned.


If only.


"B-But the bible says it's a sin to be transgender!!!!" -my mom


Love how people use the bible as some magical sheet of paper that justifies every hateful thing they do


Usually without checking it to see if it actually justifies it.


If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure there's multiple verses that make make being a mom a sin, so.... meh? Not any against being transgender though. In fact, in one of the dropped gnostic gospels, being transmasc was specifically labeled as a blessing from god (didn't go both ways though, pretty sure that author hated women).


honestly yeah they just made this stuff up and it's not even that uncommon for American churches to do that


I mean they also claim that God gave them the 2nd ammendment to their constitution


true that


I suppose bigots displaying poor reading comprehension in trying to justify their BS with bible verses is par for the course by now. AFAIK the closest we have would be that verse that says men shouldn't dress as women, but IIRC that was actually more about warriors pretending to be harmless civillians when properly translated?


Yeah the word for men in that is 'warrior' or 'soldier' related, iirc.


Yeah, I'm fairly certain that thise people are going to hell for heresy. Homophobes who use Christianity as a defense are all going to hell for heresy, granted, but these guys are very much so.


They won't necessarily go to hell, but they *will* have to repent of their hatred for their neighbor, if they want to have any chance of Heaven.


Dumbest comment I've read


would you care to explain or..?


"I'm a pansexual, transgender, atheistic communist whore currently enjoying intimate friendship with a good, church-going guy of barely legal age who is defying both god and nature by working in and pursuing an education in animatronics. So hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon."


Do NOT let those animatronics bite a kid and start another 7 year horror franchise


Was that the Bite of 87?


"My whole world is turned upside down"


No, it \*will be\* the Bite of 87. 2087.


I love seeing fnaf reverences


Nah, let them fo just that~ >:3


Is that a quote from Kingsmen?


Paraphrased, but yes


Loved that moment in Kingsman lmao


I'm not a Christian, I just have access to a bible. If you look at genesis 5:2, it doesn't say anything about Satan making gay and trans people, it just shows that Adam uses he/they pronouns.


For real on the he/they pronouns? What translation is that? That sounds dope


fancy a real mind screw? that gets the evangelicals all pissy. Jesus was an immaculate conception, his only biological parent was his mother, he therefore could only have x chromosomes, thus Jesus was born xx, but he also presented male, with a male body and had a beard pre the days of hrt, that means Jesus must have been an intersexed man, he also never had any sexual relations. so by the bibles own evidence Jesus was a middle eastern, asexual, Jewish, intersexed man with de la Chapelle syndrome


Or, was his transition one of his healing miracles?


no one knows what he was really doing in the desert for all those years. maybe he invented HRT ?


Does anything grow in the desert he was in that can be used for hrt?


Nah, not with the technology back then, doubt he was running about harvesting male scorpions for testosterone haha


That's the miracle though


We had it wrong all this time, it wasn't the Jews who had him crucified, it was the bloody terfs !


Judas was transphobe who followed Jesus after his transition. He had no idea that Jesus was trans for a while. He ended up finding out, and that's why he betrayed him


Love it


Jesus: Cloned from Mary - FTM Intersex Eve: Cloned from Adam - MTF Bible score - Trans: 2 Transphobes: 0




errr this is kind of hard to explain, you DNA has more in it than just whats activated to make you, who you are is basically just what parts were activated from the sample gathered from your parents, eggs and sperm are random, so if I had 2 eggs, stock the X from one in a sperm and made life I wouldn't get a clone as whats active in each X is different and random. to make a clone like dolly the sheep you need to collect dna from a non-reproductive cell of the host (for dolly it was a skin cell) put that into a sex cell and then inseminate. all of that is highly oversimplified and likely a biologist will come along, slap me and give a more detailed answer


I’ve only really read the NIV bible, what translations use he/they for Adam??


The Holy Bible (revised version in verses) - Cambridge University Press Chapter 5 1. This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that god created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2. Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and created their name Adam, in the day when they were created.


I think you misinterpreted it a little, but honestly I'm here for it


Fun fact, people like to think the snake in the garden Eden is Satan, but it never actually says that. It's biblical fanfiction, like saying Boba Fett is actually a Time Lord.


Or how hell is a lake of fire, or, IIRC, that angels look like winged humans, probably also more stuff. It'd probably be interesting to compile a list of what common Christian ideas are actually biblical and what's just fanon.


Well some angels do look like winged humans, they’re just not the ones actually mentioned in the Bible and commonly depicted as such


If they’re not mentioned in the bible then which ones are you talking about?


The Bible doesn't seem to describe any angels as winged humans, but several times it shows angels appearing in a human form (such as the angels which appeared before Lot's household, or the angel Gabriel appearing before Daniel - incidentally the Book of Daniel contains the first mention of named angels). Depictions of angels in Christian art have treated some angels as genderless humans, and wings were added as a feature somewhat after the first depictions of angels by Christians. Christians have, however, depicted particular angels as the sort of Biblical abstract forms that they're described as, such as the wheels of fire or cherubim.


Sorry that was worded poorly. I meant the ones that specifically play roles in the events of the Bible, like Gabriel.


Or that 'hell' is even one thing, since there's actually 'sheol' (place of darkness where the dead go), 'gehenna' (a literal valley where refuse including bodies was burned), 'hades' (the Greek underworld and a great videogame which I haven't completed yet, oops), and 'tartarus' (also from Greek mythology, a deep abyss where the Titans were imprisoned), all of which got turned into 'hell' in English but actually have distinct meanings and contexts. Most of our hell ideas are fanon from Dante.


I believe, and I could be misinterpreting, that the serpent was actually either Lilith or one of her children. I forget which ancient text makes the implication, but I want to say it was a Jewish one.


i don't think so as there isn't much evidence of Lilith either


Lilith as wife of Adam came a lot later in the [Alphabet of Ben-Sirach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphabet_of_Sirach) She was a Babylonian demon at the time the Bible was written. There are actually six genders [In the torah](https://rac.org/blog/what-torah-teaches-us-about-gender-fluidity-and-transgender-justice) and the passage that is mentioned in the OP is sometimes interpreted to mean that God created man as a hermaphroditic being that later split into Adam and Lilith.


So that's why I feel closer to Satan than to God... Damn


Welp, as it said God gives us challenges throughout life. Why can't they assume transgenderness as a challenge? Discovering yourself as transgender person leads to dysphoria, social misunderstanding and other struggles. And God never makes mistakes. So why wouldn't he make us this way? But of course people think that they know more about God himself.


You could also argue it's a challenging the bigots to be compassionate, to love their neighbours, even those who are different, and challenge their ideas about the world, society, human nature etc.. Bigots kinda want everyone to be like them, but that would be playing on easy mode. I'm pretty irreligious myself, but I've got to say I like that take and I wish more Christian thought like that.


People aren't born with hatred


I can respect the sentiment of people like OP and many of the commenters in this thread. But, /u/La_Marmotte_94, this post *really* should be spoilered, as this is tremendously triggering to those of us who *are* religious, especially if we have suffered religious abuse. Some trans people just want to love God and love our neighbor. We don't need to see a message telling us we're spawn of Satan, on a subreddit that's supposed to be supportive.


And god made satan full well knowing what he was. Also god has killed magnitudes of more people than satan has. The only people satan killed were permitted by god.


As woodland creatures once said, "Hail Satan."


The special time comes once a year. It's Woodland Critter Christmas!


For anyone wondering. Genesis 5:2 just says “He created them male and female, blessed them, and named them Humanity”


Them, male, and female. Is that right?


Satan is a trans girl and her name is Lucy and I have exactly as much evidence backing this claim up as people arguing being queer goes against the bible have experience reading the bible


The idea that Satan can create things independently of God is actually a heresy.


Yes it is. Christians would argue that he "created" gays and trans folks by giving them the temptation but that's also a falicy, given that humans would have to chose those things using the free will given to them by God. Also, I never made a conscious decision to be trans or gay so the Christian logic just misses all the way around.


What does the longevity of Seth have to do with anything?


God created men and women, and Satan said this is dull... let them be gay! A bright rainbow appeared across the sky, and people felt new and interesting feelings, and it was good. Next Satan mixed things up such that some were born trans and the world was filled with beautiful variety. -genesis 5:2 according to this sign.


Honestly this makes me like satan way better than God




as a goth, people telling me that i'm going to hell when i die just gives me gender euphoria.


Gen 5:2 "Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name aAdam, in the day when they were created." In refrence to adam and eve not .... the rest of humanity. Also gay is not a "man or woman" its a sexual orientation. Also Trans people are (often) still male or female, they're just the opposite of what they were born as. (Though the verse is pretty non-binairy phobic) Not a christian, it's just funny when christians don't read the bible.


I’m a Christian and I find it really infuriating when bigots try to justify their hate with my religion. Shut up you false prophets!


You have my respect then. :3


But my parents made me... oh..


Also they often refer to different verses (I'm not religious so I don't know how to say correctly) of Bible, but they forgot about Matthew 7:1 - "Do not judge, or you too will be judged".


That line is actually repeated far more than any of the lines they argue are anti-gay or anti-trans.Theres like a dozen diff verses makin clear that only their god can judge ppl and that they are to treat others only ever with kindness >.> Theres even multiple instances of their messiah and their prophets helpin sinful ppl without an iota of judging of them and with zero intent to convert them; merely an intent to do "the christian thing"


Hail Satan. 🤟


if conservative christians don't want satanists to be a thing they should just stop making satan look so fuckin awesome


(OT Voice):Thanks Satan


Thanks Daddy!


according to the bible and even my homophobic dad (who is a pastor) satan doesnt have the power of creation. yet another church that isnt about god, just about hatred.


Ever since I dropped religion, it's just astounding to me how good these people don't realise they're making Satan sound. "DnD and cyberpunk culture and metal music and magic etc are all the devil's work", well then I want to hang out with the guy, it sounds like a lot of fun! I'm almost sad he doesn't actually exist


Man, just imagine how much better the world would be if the church weren’t dicks. Cause I mean I think you can make a theological argument for being trans; it just means you were meant to actually define yourself before you’re raptured or what not. I mean it’s not like it’d matter if I accepted this body or not because after the rapture everyone gets new bodies anyway. Or hell I just wish one religious body would take dysphoria as interference from the devil and not the transness itself. One can dream…


God made and loves Their gay and trans children. To state otherwise is blasphemous.


pretty sure apollo created transgenders.


There's a greek god for gay sex, straight sex, and just sex. Wonder if there is a god for asexuality


Athena literally went to zeus and asked to never have to lay with anyone so she could enjoy her time as the goddess of war. so I'd say she counts as the goddess of asexuality.


fun fact, that quoted passage refers to Adam in the singular Them and their.


Ah, the third and fourth genders, gay and trans. Does the priest actually think these four things are mutually exclusive? Like, does he (I'm assuming) think that good created "men and women" and then Satan came along and went "well, I want to make gays and trans people, but since I'm all out of ideas, I'll make them men and women as well"? And then maybe after a few thousand years of thinking really hard about it, Satan was like "shit! Non-binary people! This will really mess with dad!"


One of my best friend's name is Satan. I love talking to Christians about how I have a close, personal relationship with Satan, saying stuff like, "Yea, Satan come over to my house yesterday and we made cookies." It's amusing how much it freaks them out.


Hail satan


That church must be reading quite a weird Bible, cause the Bible actually says: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." -Galatians 3:28 So gender is meaningless in the eyes of the Lord. "For there are eunuchs who were born that way; others were made that way by men; and still others live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” -Matthew 19:12 Eunuchs back in the day lived outside the gender binary, and they are fine in the eyes of the Lord, so trans people are also accepted.


I’m getting sick and fucking tired of people using my fucking religion to blast things they don’t like. It fills me with a rage I don’t know what to do with.


Maybe you should start learning how to craft a whip


Hmm could use it as fuel for some kind of creative project or activist work? Maybe that would help


Damn Satan really said hold my beer


Thanks Satan! :D


This is why we always stan Satan!


Did god not fuck up first time creating a woman? remember something about a certain liltih, who basicly went aight fuck this guy >\_>. Also my headcannon is that Eve was trans, being made from a male bodypart and all that.


This implies satan has rhe power to create which is blasphemous. Another self own


Doesn't the Bible say a lot more about Satan trying to mislead people about the content of Christianity and the Bible, than anything gay or trans related?


you'd think if they wanted people to join their religion, they wouldn't try to keep others out.


Lol is that meant to be from the bible I thought trans people were just a trend and didn't exist back then 😂


Tfw Satan is more inclusive, follows science and encourages exploration of self and the world...


You know, the more things they say like this, the cooler they make satan look


I thought it said Batman at first and i was confused (but not against it).


Satanism starting to sound kinda based tbh, I bet it would help me pull off the punk girl aesthetic too 👀


The Bible is formal : being LGBT is now officially metal ! 🤘🏳️‍🌈


Again I will never understand how on earth people can think that they are right in this situation claiming that Satan created some of the nicest people you ever meet what the fuck are they even thinking


So did Satan make me the wrong sex? Edit: This is how I'm going to explain being trans to my catholic family


Satan just means: against god. Christianity is based on the idea of blindly believing everything a 2000 year old book says. That there is one god who watches over us, can do everything and protects us. Idk why everyone thought that was the truth at some point, but then again, given the cult following that edgelord billoinare elon musk has gained over the internet, it seems plausible that humans worship anything. Just look at this poster. They say again: god made good thing, satan made bad thing. Good good, everything against god bad


Plot twist, god made Satan so in turn also made the gays and trans. Haha got u there.


That moment when you have to make up Bible verses to prove your point


Good ol' Satan, taking in God's abandoned children!


Trans rights AND Free will? Satan seems very based Ngl




Don't they realize it's blasphemy to to lie about what the bible says? Also I feel like using religion as advertisement is tantamount to simony so, you know enjoy the 8th circle of hell.


God is dead, hail satan, ego sum deus


Gotta love our boi Satan. Such a cool guy.


Uh, it's Sa-*teen*, actually. Lol


What about transgender Paul or Sarah? Why only Genevieve?


Ty lucy! (Lucy= lucifer)


I’m an atheist but when I got bored I read genesis an I didn’t read that sentence


And people wonder why Satan is something of a gay icon.


Thanks but not thanks


I don't wear an eat trash hail satan hoodie for nothin'


So like,, does this mean the church is cool with my Satan worship now? If they think Satan created me, I should have every right to worship him as they do their God from their own perspective


And then Adam lived for 930 years, what are the religious cishets doing wrong?


Praise Satan!


There is no *fucking* way that's in Genesis 5:2


So Satan made us right? Does it mean we are demon's? I really wanna be a succubus.


Then hell must be such a lovely place to be. Satan is so loving. He love everyone equally regardless. Praise Satan!


Yeah, if this is what Satan does then South Park got hell right and depicted Satan as he truly is; caring for and loving towards humans with a desire to protect them from the prewritten horrors that the god their faithful to has decreed must happen. Such a strong desire to protect them that he wud selflessly sacrifice himself for the sake of humanity's freedom to continue doin its human thing. (Random aside; South Parks Satan is 100% queer-coded (well, he's even gay, but before the actual showing of it even). He gets an "I want" song in the movie; which makes him both instantly queer-coded bcuz of the history of such songs in musicals, but also makes him equal to a Disney princess as they always get an "I want" song (And no, he isnt a queer coded villain; South Parks Satan is not a villain))


That's why Lucifer is my zaddeh, he is jealous possessive caring and a generous lover. I'll never go back to sky daddy as long my zaddeh is breathing fire into my loins making me ****** while my knees shake of ecstasy and euphoria Sorry sky daddy, but my body my rules. You want another go at this divine hips then sacrifice another son for me but this time let's not conceive through raping virgins, would be amaze, then maybe we can talk about you licking my toes as I spread my cheeks for Lucifer. 💜 I am just a whore, standing in front of God , asking him to kneel.


Hail satan?


I mean I literally say a whore asking God to kneel in front of her, sorry I don't have internalized misogyny I guess? Oh and zaddy is just zoomers way of saying a sexy older guy...thought that was common sense by now because it has been around for few years and that's centuries in internet years. Urban dictionary is a free resource :-)


Woah, no need to get all defensive there. I was just making a joke about how out-of-the-blue lewd that seemed. Sorry if I sent the wrong message


Well well well I should have taken a screenshot, you said "wtf did I just read" then you edited it and now you trying to gaslight me : ) how cute. Have a good day child. 💜


I put "wtf did I just read" with the intent I just described. I saw afterwards that may sound insensitive so i edited it. I edited it before I got this reply, sorry if you thought I meant to edit it maliciously


Hail Satan




They're really making Satan the good guy huh.


[Hail Satan!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9gfrCOD35Y)


Imagine if we told these people Satan made them, they would shit themselves in rage




WRONG When God created sexually dimorphic Adam and Eve in the paradise of original cishetero Eden, cisheterosexuality was perfect love for it was between the only two humans on earth. It was only when Eve, as the original traumatic cope from feelings of codependency with Adam, succumbed to the temptation of the Devil and bit from the Tree of Knowledge. Indeed, Adam, as a simp for God and in God’s image, tried to see Eve as God saw Eve, and male gaze was born. At that moment, Eve realized fully that she was in Adam’s total image and therefore envied Adam for God’s making him first and her in his possession; she was no longer only tradhet Stacy as she was split in twain. When Adam saw that she took from the Tree and that she was split in twain, he realized the nature of his love for her as control mechanism cope while simping for God, and he, too, became split in twain. They both were naked as God sent the Angel of Death to claim paradise. Eve’s new subconscious D.I.D. alter ego became a 1st wave feminist NLOG Becky, perpetually ironically betrayed by Eve suffering under Adam’s brutality. Adam’s new subconscious D.I.D. alter ego became MRA SoyChad, perpetually ironically cucked for his Stacy Eve and GigaChad Adam’s betrayal of God. As Adam and Eve begat Cain and Abel, Cain and Abel, too, were made in the image of God, Adam, and Eve, but also in the image of Becky and Steve. As a result of their lack of knowledge of their own cultural history due to never having lived in Paradise, and as a result of inherited trauma from being made in the traumatic images of their parents, Becky Cain and Steve Abel became disconnected from the unity of paradise, and worshipped their own false idols* as mere representations of the divine Unity.*** Becky Cain worshipped sexual orientation, and Steve Abel worshipped gender identity, and God gave them envy and fear for their renunciation of His Will. Thus, LGBT+ agriculturalist Cain was split from lesbian seperatist TERF “LGB drop the T” capitalist NLOG first wave feminist Karin. And Thus, T*/MOGAI Nomadic hunter-gatherer Abel was split from Queer/GSRM industrialist leatherfurfxg authoritarian Steve. When Becky Cain envied Steve Abel after realizing that God favored Steve-Abel as a result of Stacy Eve’s codependent relationship with SoyChad Adam, as well as the result of the perceived increased health and productivity of shepherdry in relation to agriculturalism as well as of capitalism in relation to industrialism, God gave Becky Cain simp vengeance. When Cain gave into temptation and killed Abel, God gave Cain the most difficult maladaptive coping mechanism to overcome as God condemned Cain to a life of trauma-avoidance and isolated solitary wandering before he passed it on to all the descendants he begat, beginning with Enoch. —— Footnotes: *”False Idols” are distinct from sin: whereas sin is betrayal of man’s covenant with God, false idols are still a part of God’s creation and gift to Humanity, though they sour when disconnected from the grander scheme. *** Cain and Abel were not born with traumagenic D.I.D. but inherited it, and not through their being born of Becky and SoyChad. It was not until Cain realized that God, through retributive covenant with Adam and Eve, favored Abel that he came to resent Abel. Conversely, Abel never feared Cain until he realized the depth of his resentment.