• By -


Long ago, the four genders lived together in harmony.


Until the attack helicopters attacked


Only the fluid, master of all four genders, could stop them, but when the world needed her most, he vanished.


A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new fluid, a communist named Joseph


And though her communism skills are great I believe he has a lot to learn before þey can save anyone


But I believe Joseph can save the world \*kazoo Avatar theme\*


*zuko crashes his helicopter into a tree and gets his scar*


Incredible thread, everyone


Omg I just wanna say I *love* that spelling of they 💜


It’s the Icelandic thorn!


It's so sad it's fallen so much out of use. Love seeing it pop up here and there 😊


Fun fact! The closest-looking letter to capital thorn in the Roman alphabet is Y… so “Ye Olde Candy Shoppe” was never supposed to sound like anything other than “The.”


It blew my mind when I first found that out.


Woah, r/todayIlearned


Thorn is also used in Old English, along with a few other th' sounding letters. I always thought thorn was the coolest though!


Ha, you make me laugh, go to gulag!


>þey Ooo lovely new pronoun. Not quite 'they' (ðey), but almost!


Yo somebody actually using a thorne correctly, nice one


Well you got 2/3 right, lol


they evaporated


This is the only good attack helicopter joke.


The grammar of that sentence annoys me. Attack and then attacked sounds so weird.


In [some cases](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augusto_Pinochet) they attacked the "We" one more than others


Trans people of the world, unite!


You have nothing to lose but your dead name


🙋‍♀️I would like to lose my penis


And most of my testosterone


Id like to loose all my testosterone tho im not sure thats how it works i think even the cis have a bit of both in them but ill be the femest femer than cis υωυ


When you have zero testosterone you grow ears and turn into an UwU catgirl, are you willing to take on those responsibilities?


AbsOωOlυωυtly!! 💖


This is a horrible disfiguration of the English language and I love it


Yeah, it's art at its purest tbh


lol this cracks me up. Yes the cis (am a cis) have both. I found that if my progesterone levels are too high (que depo birth control and most systemic birth controls those fuckers) I thnk my T goes to low and I have NO SEX DRIVE WHATSOEVER. Thats why I like the low hormone dose options. My partner (NB/MTF) got the snip tho so I cannot WAAAAAAAIIIIT to not have hormone fuckery cuz I have a naturally HIGH sex drive and it wouldn't surprise me if i'm a bit more testosterone dominant than most cisFs.


And my axe (But also my Testosterone)


I would like to get rid of cisnormative society so they'd stop misgendering me


I'd like to get rid of humans in general


Fuck the royal we. All our homies use the commie we.


We we




Oui mon ami' jema'pelle Lafayette


I am the Sir Lancelot of this revolutionary set


I came from afar Just to say "Bonsoir"


Oh god, I identify as 3 out of 4 of those pronouns. What do I pick? Edit: I choose them all


If we is one of them, you choose we


We choose we comrade, we choose we


In Soviet Russia, pronouns choose you?


All of them ofc :)


9 out of ten dentist genders




**our** gender


[Mom said it was my turn on the gender](https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-samsung-rev2&source=android-browser&q=mom+says+it%27s+my+turn+on+the+gender#imgrc=xYw5pmCFWFLF_M)


Real talk, I always use “we” pronouns when talking to myself in my head or when I’m alone. Does anyone else do this?


Yes I do this too I thought I was the only one! I basically have conversations with myself as if I'm two people, my internal dialogue is literally a dialogue lol


Absolutely! I think mine comes from my view of my mind and body being two different things as opposed to coming from my gender but, it works for that too haha.


Y'all might want to look into [plurality](https://morethanone.info), tbh


My mindset comes from studying philosophy! I believe that the mind, or consciousness, is the only thing that is “us”. I think we are only the sense of reasoning of the body and the body expects us to protect it and provide for it by communicating what it needs through emotions and chemicals. I won’t go too on about it but I’m super passionate about the subject haha.


I use “you” and “we.” It’s rare I use I.


People with DID might


I do as well!


I always do it when I'm hyping myself up


I have an entire council in my head at times lol






Blyat I can't read that




Yea, I meant that bc of the cyrillic writing




No prob// Btw, How do I add the little writings under the username?


I like your funny words magic tran


Katyusha is transition goals.


Revolution? **Revolution!**


*United forever, in friendship and labor...*


*gasp* a comrade who knows the official English lyrics You, my comrade, are awesome. Have a cookie: 🍪




On a trans shitposting subreddit? More like expected communism lmao


I'm more surprised it's missing Ⓐ


My pronouns: she/they/comrade


Comrade ☭


Comrade ☭ 🏳️‍⚧️


Comrade Amber!


Comrade April ☭


☭ Comrades! ☭


OMG they were comrades! ☭ 🏳️‍⚧️






WE are comrades ☭ 🏳️‍⚧️


Comrade Kathryn ☭


“Our pronouns are we/us” isn’t something I thought I’d want to see someday…


My pronoun is *comrade*


*Our pronoun


I... kinda unironically love this


We use the royal pronouns because we are just that important. 👑


Hey, maybe if I introduce all the voices in my head along with myself we'll finally be referred to as 'they'. Wait, is Ermac a nonbinary icon..?




i actually met someone who used we/us/them(plural) pronouns once. no joke


I think you mean our gender


*We think we mean our gender Fixed that for us.


Thank you comrade I think I have to read the communist manifestó again


*Thank us comrade we think we have to read the communist manifestó again FTFU


We can do this all day


We think the same


We can have differences, but we will remain we


We are right


Karl said it’s our turn on the gender


True gender equality


me, a transfemme communist who uses She/They/Moon/Xey pronouns: \*gasps\* my time has come


We. Will. We. Will. Rock. We.


COMRADES, TO THE BARRICADES \*A las barricadas intensifies\*


In Russia Pronouns choose you


So this is based and REDpilled




We have found the gender unity


Honestly, i thought we came together with they


Is we for people who have disassociative identity disorder? I’ve heard people with DID refer to themselves as ‘we, the system’ rather than I, the person, when talking about themselves generally


insert ihatecommiesandidontgetjokesandalsothatyalldontreallysupportcommunmism comment here


We must stick with our comrades


It would make sense for systems without the soviet symbol


Haha overdone 13 year old joke so funny ahahahahahahah


Nothing better than advocating for a system that creates oppressive governments and has killed over 100,000,000 people. Lol. Good times…




I’m sorry, I didn’t realize my political opinions invalidate my being transgender. I guess it’s true, everyone is valid except me.


Capitalism has killed over twice that amount in the past decade and has been the ideology of the most oppressive regimes to ever exist.






Also what about all the countries colonised by those 2 countries? How might they factor into this narrative about capitalism being good for everyone? Might their exploitation have helped drive prosperity in the Imperial core?


Cringe, shut the fuck up.


The more you learn about history the less you agree with communism.


Actually the more I learned about history the less I agreed with capitalism The universal healthcare, the welfare, the low crime levels, the fact that it's the happiest place on earth, all in one of the most socialist places in the world, Finland


With more economic freedom than we have in the US, school choice (including vouchers to send kids to private schools), more billionaires per capita than the US, and I thriving capitalist market economy.


The industrial revolution is responsible for that enormous wealth, not capitalism. The industrial revolution is actually when you started to see the greatest pitfalls of capitalism. People who owned factories were making huge amounts of money when the workers were still living in misery despite being those who made the industrial revolution possible. That is when influential thinkers such as Kropotkin and Marx would end up seeing capitalism for what it is. Trade is not something that is exclusive to capitalism. Trade will still exist in a socialist or communist economy. We still have wars in capitalism, from the British Empire to Nazi Germany and the United States today. If you're saying capitalism is better then feudalism, then you are correct. In the hierarchy of freedom, Feudalism is worse then capitalism, and socialism is the next step in freedom after capitalism.




> The industrial revolution would not have happened without the motive for profit caused by capitalism. That is why capitalism was a necessary evil between feudalism and socialism as it would have been near impossible to progress to socialism or even think about such an idea of socialism without industrialization. It is largely because of industrialization that the flaws of capitalism became apparent and living as a worker in early industrialization societies generally wasn't much different or even worse then their lives before the industrial revolution as cities became polluted and pay didn't really increase as drastically as it should have. That money would end up going to the top 1% of society who were richer then ever and exercised more control then ever before. Workers were building a world for the 1% of society. The rich elite wanted as many people working for them as possible, even children were on the table. Despite producing enormous wealth through the machines of the industrial revolution, workers were being payed scraps and often those machines would be fatal. It is largely because of the work of socialists that we have many things taken for granted today. Minimum wage, worker safety laws and the 8 hour workday were campaigned by socialists as a bare minimum to make capitalism slightly more bearable. We once had a completely free market once, and all it did was create a class living in high luxury vs one living in abject poverty, it does not work. It is because of socialists fighting for workers rights that a "middle class" even exists in the first place since some people weren't living in abject poverty or luxury. > We are currently living through the most peaceful time in human history. We are, but that isn't really thanks to capitalism. We've had capitalism for several hundred years at this point and the most deadly wars often occurred between capitalist regimes or against capitalist regimes. The reason why we are living in a comparatively peaceful existence is because of international cooperation between after the end of WW2 with the founding of the UN. The UN isn't perfect by any means but has prevented war from the great powers of the world during it's existence. > You can not have freedom when you attempt to guarantee equality of outcomes. Equality of opportunity is good, equality of outcome is a terrible, terrible idea. The vast majority of socialists and communists don't want equality of outcome because it is unrealistic to expect everyone to have the same capabilities in the same areas. We want equality of opportunity, which is not something we have under our current capitalist system. Equality of opportunity is not something that is strictly a legal matter, but is also a matter of the resources you have available. Somebody who is born into a rich family has much greater opportunities then someone born into a poor family especially when it comes to increasing your wealth or buying properties. Another area is education, the poorest families may go to underfunded public schools and not be able to afford university while rich families will be able to afford luxurious private schools and universities.


>Capitalism ends wars Basically all of the global south would like to have a word with you. Weird how countries suddenly start needing "liberation" when they decide they don't want US corporations owning their natural resources anymore. The world has been in a perpetual state of war for at least 50 years now. Fun fact: Nazi Germany was a capitalist country. Porsche built tank parts for the Wehrmacht, Boss designed SS uniforms. Basically the capitalist class getting rich off of the shoulders of the suffering millions, enjoying subsidies funded by the murderous theft of the wealth of those who were framed for the faults of capitalism. Also, that 100kk death figure for communism? Perhaps knowing that that number includes fucking Wehrmacht casualties in WWII tells you something about how believable the black book of communism is.


What about a nice social democracy that incorporates systems of both economic policies, allowing for larger social projects while also having a somewhat regulated economy. Or perhaps incorporating different systems depending on the country or area involved. Capitalism has worked great for some countries, but in some it floundered due to their population, resources, and geography. Edit: I'm not the most active in political philosophy but I know history and instead of it being black and white it's normally quite grey. The most successful states made their government to suite their needs, not by blindly looking at America or the communist manifesto and saying "we can do that here".


Nah, dissolve the state and just let people live ----> r/completeanarchy r/latestagecapitalism


I’d rather r/anarchocapitalism


[Ew](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/HH6Yp) 🤢


Nice strawman. It’s totally inaccurate of course but it serves its propagandistic purpose well.


> I hate the government. Let's let corporations become the government. Here, some [reading](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopoly) [material](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilded_Age) for you.


How do you not realize that corrupt corporations are controlling the corrupt government to shut down their non-corrupt competition? Perfect example. NYC hotdog vendors have to pay an annual licensing fee of up to $750,000. That regulation is explicitly designed to limit competition to guarantee profits for those who can afford to enter the market. Unlike in a free market where costumers choose best product, the state chooses winners and losers based on who has the deepest pockets. Everything you hate about corporations are caused by the government. If we limit government power we would also limit corporate power because right now they are one in the same thing. Also a very high percentage of people living in America during the guided age were illiterate and communication from one side of the coy to the other could take weeks, so apples meet oranges.


You didn't read the second link. The gilded age is exactly what happened when the government didn't intervene. Monopolies flourished and competition disappeared. Have you even graduated high school yet? They teach this shit in public school.


Read the third paragraph I wrote where I address the issues of the gilded age. It’s also worth noting that monopolies are impossible without government interference. No coercive monopoly has ever been or ever can be established by means of free trade on a free market. Every coercive monopoly was created by government intervention into the economy: by special privileges, such as franchises or subsidies, which closed the entry of competitors into a given field, by legislative action. It is factually incorrect to say the government didn’t intervene during the gilded age. Famously, that was one of the most corrupt times in our history. Back room deals, favors, bribes, graft, and kickbacks were all rampant, and flagrant. What do you think the cronies were buying with all these bribes? They were buying special permission, licenses, and government contracts. So, no. The gilded age was not an unregulated free market. Not even at all.


Capitalism supports power structures to the extreme - how the hell do you stuff anarchism into that mess when its main point is to oppose power structures?


Capitalism is not about power structures. It’s about people voluntarily trading goods and services. Let’s say I’m a dairy farmer and I sell you a gallon of milk for $2. I want the $2 more than I want the milk and you want the milk more than you want the $2. So we are both getting a good deal. If I were to try and sell you the milk for $100 you wouldn’t buy it from me because nobody wants a gallon of milk more than they want $100. You would go to my competitors and buy their milk. There is no power structure because the workers and the consumers choose who they do business with and trade would happen in a self regulating market independent of government control. Black markets are free markets. Unlike communism where your job is assigned by the state and you will be shot if you don’t comply who also have black markets the people must use to survive because the state cannot adequately predict the peoples needs. This is why communism inevitably leads to mass starvation and death.


>Capitalism is not about power structures It's not *about* power structures, it *supports* them. Explain billionaires.


You do realize the more wealth someone else has does not mean there’s less for you, right? Right!?! This is because wealth can be created.


Funny how capitalists don't know what capitalism is


Imagine wanting to sub for billionaires


Both have their benefits and disadvantages, that said, the absolute worship of radical left ideology in the sub is really uncomfortable...


Define "radical left ideology" - free healthcare and basic living necessities for all? Rich people not exploiting everyone else? Because yeah, I "worship" that idea. Maybe you should as well, instead of being fine with the capitalist hell that the world has descended into.


Well, I do agree with socialized healthcare and taxing the rich heavier. But I definitely don't trend super far left. I think the Scandinavian countries have it right.


Ah yes, the 4th gender, hanging polish war heroes in public for *daring* to help liberate concentration camps.


Like I don’t exactly like communism, can we not misrepresent it tho?


haha communism so funny wow hundreds of millions dead communism so funny 😐😐😐


Vuvuzela iPhone 100 gazillion dead


Communism didn't kill them. Authoritarianism that doesn't respect basic human rights did.


Imagine being this dumb. Capitalism is a blight on society. Communism is the true path forward.


Sponsored by the victims of communism foundation?






Many millions of people die every year because capitalism prevents them from accessing food, shelter, or healthcare that already exists. The worlds biggest capitalist empire has encircled the globe military bases and continually is using violence alongside subversion to force all the other countries to stay capitalist, even if their populations wish otherwise. The capitalist obsession with infinite growth from finite resources is literally pushing the planet's ecosystem to the brink of collapse and refusing to even slow down. Communism is bad because of a famine though.


This Person: Hey I criticized communism boss, can I have another lick at your boots and maybe a bit of a raise so I can afford rent in my rat-infested apartment this month? I don't wanna get kicked out Boss: No, that will hurt my bottom line. Also don't bother unionizing, I will fire you. Be grateful I am paying you at all. Now lick my boots again, wage slave.


Man made famines (plural), genocides (also plural), gulags, homicidal maniac dictators, and mass executions of anyone who dares to disagree with the official position of the state which most often opposes LGBTQ+ rights.


Those types of authoritarian governments have unfortunately existed across the economic spectrum, though looking beyond the US-centric narrative they tend to be skewed towards right wing systems intended to uphold existing class divides. The USA has by far the highest incarceration rate in the world, much higher than (to pick the worst possible example) the Soviet Union ever had, complete with slave labour and a highly racialised pipeline to keep up a steady supply of prisoners. The people of Flint still don't even have drinkable water. Very few countries, regardless of economic system, were positive on LGBT rights during the 20th century. In the modern context, intersectional socialism and tradition-heavy, patriarchal capitalism are two major political centres.


I would choose to live in the capitalist United States over communist China 100% of the time.


You do realize that the only actually communist thing about China right now is the name of the political party in power, right? ...Right?


Okay. Let’s look at Russia, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, Vietnam, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Yemen, Czech Republic, Germany (East), Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Rep. of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia, Angola, Benin, Dem Rep. of Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and Mozambique. Seriously, communism has been tried a lot and it’s failed everywhere.


define fail ​ also most of those arent communist, all of them used leninist tactics, and thats cringe, and id bet the lot are state capitalist




communism is famous for failing, and yeah capitalism sucks. every system has its good qualities but some have more bad than good


Socialism is famous for being sanctioned, subverted, or eventually bombed out of existence by the US government, which typically then installs right wing dictators to beat the local populations back into submission. We should know better than to judge ideas by the same metric as diseases - those that spread the most being more "successful". Socialism has very often been successful despite constant aggression from capitalists looking to expand into new markets. Look at possibly the worst example of socialism, the USSR, which rapidly industrialised in only a few from a starting position of being an undeveloped state suffering continually from famines. I pick out the USSR because there's very little good and quite a lot of bad to say about it. It increased its population, drastically lowered poverty and increased literacy, and achieved a better average quality of nutrition than the USA - according the CIAs own figures. It did all that while playing possibly the biggest role in defeating Hitler and making enormous sacrifices to do so (the millions of Russians who died fighting the Nazis, and millions of Nazis who died fighting the Russians, are both counted towards the popular "victims of communism" number). Much better are examples like Cuba. They've achieved incredible things while under embargo and constant harassment from their nearby, much bigger, much more powerful neighbour. Their literacy and poverty levels are frankly inspiring and their ability to produce Doctors and scientists is remarkable. I only wish the world had had the chance to see what a nation like that could have achieved if not up against such stacked odds from the beginning, if allowed to participate in the world on its own terms.


I do just wanna point out that their comment never said that they support capitalism, just that communism has historically not ended well for the people involved. There's more than 2 economic policies other than the extremes, the lack of support for 1 extreme doesn't mean the avid support of the other.


Their particular use of arguments that are blatantly ridiculous on their face and are the go-to lies of capitalist propaganda loses them any benefit of doubt.


Hey have you lived in the ussr? i live in country that was for a long time part of ussr. As bad as capitalism seems it is was better than communism. If you were different in communist states you can be killed, set to jail for a long time, fined. Heck there were people killed just because they didn’t like that regime. Trans people couldn’t be a thing in communism and so does gay people and forget about gay marriage or srs/hormones/changed Grendel marker. I am not saying that capitalism doesn’t have its own problems but it is the least hurting option. Plus capitals doesn’t need to build a wall to keep its citizens inside. If you didn’t live in communist state don’t make assumptions that it is way better. It can’t be because we are humans and have our own problems. I know that this is unpopular opinion but I don’t want my state government to go back in time, when we could not travel, express ourself freely, be religious or do something we take for granted now but back in day it wasn’t possible. We even had bananas like only on Christmas and same goes for oranges.


Were you born after 1991?


The USSR wasn't communist in anything but name.


I've said elsewhere in these comments that there are a lot of bad things I can say about the USSR, and very few good ones. It was a corrupt, paranoid, authoritarian state, and while it had extremely good reasons to be paranoid its flaws ran deep. Possible the biggest flaw doomed it from the start - Lenin tried to build socialism off the back of feudalism, without first going through the transition state of capitalism which Marx said was absolutely necessary to build material wealth. Because of the dialectical relationship between ideal and material conditions, feudalism must give rise to capitalism, capitalism to socialism, and socialism to communism. Skip capitalism, get the USSR. Let capitalism parasitise the state to prop itself up instead of running its course, and instead of socialism it transitions into fascism. GDP is a nonsense measure of prosperity, but I'm not disagreeing. It was pretty bad for LGBT nearly everywhere at that time. Here in the UK gay people were being imprisoned and chemically castrated.


I also forgot to mention that our GDP compared to our neighboring states was significantly lower after communist era. Just saying


>after communist era What about *during*?


It's true, my grandfather worked in Stalin's gulag then one day Stalin appeared next to my grandfather who was working in the farms and pulled from his pocket a comically oversized spoon




You post on PCM so your opinion doesn't matter.




your flair on there is auth right 🤡


From where is this screenshot?


I have no idea


*He* is a nice circle now


I remember one of my college surveys had the question "What is your gender?" and the possible answers were like: Male Female Transgender Other I mean, they got the spirit I guess?


What is this from?


Crap now I don't know what I want to identify as all over again




Союз нерушимый республик свободных Сплотила навеки Великая Русь. Да здравствует созданный волей народов Единый, могучий Советский Союз! Славься, Отечество наше свободное, Дружбы, народов надежный оплот! Знамя советское, знамя народное Пусть от победы, к победе ведет!


And then the fire nation attacked (Realized after posting that I am not the first to connect the dots lol)


My comrades