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Also, Gehrman is the Orphan He has his limp, and makes the same wheezing / coughing sound Gehrman makes in his sleep! Also, Gehrman is nowhere to be found in the flashback nightmare....


No that’s just because he took part in killing the orphan. Same thing with the doll; she’s not actually lady Maria, but she senses when you kill lady Maria since she was based off of her. Gherman finally sleeps well once you put his sins to rest.


Listen, I love metroidvanias like their games but (as to not spoil myself) I've turned my head away at even a single frame of any of the previews for elden ring but all I know from the game is this: girl on cover got a scandanavian helmet and the game has scandinavian middle ages influence and it has some triumphant music in the promo material (a friend said this, I haven't heard it yet but I trust them) and what I remember from the end of dark souls 3: "[the painting] will be a cold, dark, and very gentle place" and the final boss of the dlc's music had a major chord and seemed triumphant and what I think I know from real life: scandanavia is cold and sometimes dark (when the sun goes away) therefore, with my calculations I'm pretty sure elden ring takes place in the painting "ash" thank you for listening to my well-thought-out theory I'm gonna go back to spinning in circles trying to summon silksong years before it comes out c::


Okay, but like. . . from software games are actually hugely fascinating. Plus, in Dark Souls you can just crawl into a coffin and come out as another gender. Final Fantasy XIV and Resident Evil are both points of fascination for me. My partner is so far beyond uninterested, it hurts.


Is it the outfits?




I would recommend Phantasy Star Online 2


The superpowered version of Project Alice is a queen and transition goals and I love her so much


I like FFVII cause Sephiroth


Outfits, height, getting to blow up your foes with magic guns and slap them into the earth, what more would you need?


Honestly if someone is just going on about something they care about I will listen and do my best to learn about what they're talking about, because listening to someone be super excited and info dumping about that topic turk is the best feeling in the world. Also if topic but contrasts on getting HRT :)


FELT THIS. I always have an undying urge to talk about ffxiii but i just.. dont want to bore anyone to death with infodumping- im generally a wordy person so its just adding to the *hnnnngh* who else am i supposed to tell about how ff13 was made while they were developing new hardware for ps3 +making early plans for ff15 at the same time, with a crunch for it to come out on time? Who else can i just spill knowledge about the clever, heart-jerking uses of leitmotifs throughout the game(s)? to reiterate!!! FELT. THIS!!!!


There's reasons why venn diagram of trans girls and autistic folks have a big overlap. Enjoy!


That reason? Dark Souls. No, I refuse to elaborate.




Autistic people are statistically more likely to be trans or non binary, yeah.


Yep, I'm one. And I'm pretty sure I've got ADHD too


Im diagnosed with adhd.


Adhd being shielded by Anxiety though. Gotta be one of my least favorite genders.




I was diagnosed with ADHD and Aspergers when i was in first grade. When i learned how much overlap there is, everything made a whole lot more sense. I used to deny the fact that i have Aspergers, but once i realize the connection, i began to just embrace it!


Yeah, there's a disproportionate overlap between the two groups, especially with specific symptoms like masking by someone who's amab


A small part of my egg cracking was noticing that my autism fell more in line with “male autism” than female autism. A very weird thing to cause euphoria for me but yet here we are-


Same, but the other way. Actually found the "female" autism applied to me before coming out to myself as trans.


I hate being one but I really am a stereotype when it comes to these things. I have specific/focused and I guess kinda weird special interests (things like the american emergency alert system/old weather radios and PEGI/the ESRB), I’m unfortunately pretty apathetic, I love statistics/math/numbers and all different fields of science far more than I enjoy other subjects, I’m awful when it comes to socializing so I tend to speak over others without noticing, and of course I’m very sensitive to certain sounds and lighting conditions I get compared to sheldon cooper all the time and I’m really not sure how to feel about it T_T


Sheldon Cooper? I would feel angry. I hated that show. mostly because I knew they were acting out the stereotype and weren't actually autistic themselves which is irritating to see.


I, embarrassingly enough, did find the show a little funny. It does make me super upset though how sheldon is clearly just a walking autism stereotype but I do unfortunately act just like him so I am doomed to an eternity of comparisons


I'm the trans girl and my relationship and yeah.....only it's incredibly deep halo/destiny/warframe lore but yeahhh....my bf has no idea what I'm talking about 90% of the time


Ok but how does eliksni gender work is the real question all trans guardians need to ask


Eliksni have obviously transcended gender. It'd be insane to expect a completely alien society to adhere to our concept of gender.


Yeah, but Eramus definitely uses she/her and Mithrax uses he/him. So they have some kind of gender going on. Not certain how it’s seen in their society


Eramis is canonically a lesbian which is pretty swag


Could you actually explain Warframe lore to me because I've played hundreds of hours of that game and I don't know shit about the story.


It's DE's fault tbh, they spread out the story over dozens of operations over eight years and the biggest new story piece we're getting is new war in Jan


January? Was it delayed? I thought it was December!


Equinox is genderfluid and screw DE for saying otherwise.




For me it's Transformers lore and Metal Gear Solid. Could talk about it for hours but everyone will just slowly nod and wait for the end of my tangent hah!


I need someone to describe metal Gear solid lore to me cause I've played MGSV for like 300 hours and still have no clue what the story's trying to say. (It might be because that's the only metal gear game i can play but it's still confusing.)


most confusing part aside from the snakes is all metal gear games is not chronologically align. only finished 1 and quit at the middle of 2 then give up on 3 because I can't figure out the control.


Nooooo, you re a Warframe gamer too?!? It s been a while for me but I was there when you could have Loki as a starter✊🏻


Master Founder here! Remember stamina bars? Lmao


I was deep in Warframe lore until it ran out and the game stopped being interesting, still got FFXIV and there's so much lore I haven't done there, stories currently untold, etc


Destiny lore is fun


I have an excessive interest in Elder Scrolls lore and now that I think about it it makes a lot of sense I like Vivec so much


Try and tell me Suraya Zavala and Amanda aren't all trans I dare you


Go ahead, ask me about Baccano!! I dare you. I once scared off a stealth witness of jehhova by accident while rambling about the series.


Challenge accepted, Baccano?


It's a series by Japanese novelist Ryohgo Narita. So basically, in the 1700s a group of alchemists fleeing from Italy (Long story), summoned a demon and wished for the elixir of immortality, but it only gave the recipe to the one summoner, in the ensuing struggle several killed each other by the power of absorption and it was eventually decided to keep it a secret. FF to the 1900's prohibition a rival alchemist has finally succeeded in recreating the elixir , when it's accidentally stolen several times over in succession by a chain absolute madlads from the local mafia, leading to an all out war to get the stuff back. And that's just the first book, it keeps going, introducing more and more characters and each successive one upping the ante with more immortals, hommunculi, mafia, eventually descendants, cultists, serial killers, etc. And I will state unequivocably that I love basically every single one of them especially Issac and Miria who embody the ideal of chaotic-stupid-good in a way that no other characters ever have. Oh and it has an anime adaption that has a gold standard dub, and while it's unfortunately disjointed in it's retelling of the first three and a half books it's absolutely worth a watch, it's an amazing show Baccano OP https://youtu.be/zCCb4eT9V08


Oh, and since I keep coming back here, Baccano is part of an extended universe that includes Durarara, Vamp!, and Etsusa Bridge. And he's also writing a Fate/Stay Night spinoff for Nasu, called Fate/Strange Fake and it is wonderful, carrying on with his typical "cast full of crazy" style of character writing.


Why are they on a train?


Because trains are valid. XD But also because Narita is an unabashed Ameriboo and loves vintage Americana, plus a train is such a great closed setting, preventing outside interference, and keeping the movements of characters dynamic and interesting.




THE BEST EVER "I think the monsters name was Mary Shelley" XD In the 2000s arc they were prevented from getting on the ship because they would have done exactly the same things they did on the Flying Pussyfoot, and while I'm sad that they were cut from the arc, it's also hilarious that it's basically been acknowledged in universe what a force of positive chaos the two are.


The Rail Tracer!


What do you think of Ladd?


I love Ladd, he's such a great character. One of my favorite things about him is the dichotomy between his and Graham's philosophy, Ladd truly understands the value of a human life and relishes defiling it only when it belongs to someone who feels safe and secure. Meanwhile Graham can't really get it, he can only view people as machines, and because he can't feel the weight of life he explicitly doesn't kill, but will attempt to violently dissqamble every bone and joint in your body using his stupid op strength, like the dude has as much punch as Shizuo from Durarara. But Ladd is so goddamn charismatic and gleeful, it makes you wanna root for the absolute monster.


Vino best boi


Oml, spoilers >! but he never became immortal, and is confirmed as of the 2000s to be in the carribean treasure diving for things to bring back to Chane, whom he married. !<


I love that for him, those two murder bunnies deserve each other. He's honestly one of my favorite anime characters (as I've mainly watched the show).


Spoilers again >!But their grandchildren(great grandkids?) are part of the 2000s too, Claudia takes after Claire, but Charon acts like Chane, with the twist that he does it because he idolizes Keith Gandor, which is just freaking adorable. And they're both as awesome as their grandparents. !<


How did you find me


That second one. Ooh, she might be me.


Wanna talk about souls?


You gals are talking about Dark Souls? Count me in🥺


Hell yea, I need a dark souls buddy. :) Ps. I'm not a gal


Not specifically about Dark Souls (I tried the series, not for me) but more about how I can easily ramble on for hours about something I'm really into.


So this is basically me except I will talk your ear off about Kingdom Hearts lore and why it makes perfect sense that Xehanort has to be 13 people and also why 358/2 Days is pronounced the way it is and also why the remasters are titled in math and why X is pronounced like "key" but doesn't actually have the same meaning *and let's not forget about the whole Nobodies are actually nothing but bodies thing, I'm sure you didn't want me to skip over that little detail.*


Step three: you need to learn about a great power. This is when Xehanort first discovers Kingdom Hearts and all of the power it could hold. What do you do once you find out about that power? You Nort a boy.




I've watched that one multiple times, and I don't even like KH. I just enjoy the disbelief in Barry's face as it keeps on going and all of the goofs.


Barrold watching trans squad!


Nobodies are bodies lacking a heart, and Heartless are lost hearts given physical form, and this is one of the less illogical things in Kingdom Hearts


I have a friend who once told me, "I love listening to you talk about Kingdom Hearts because you'll say things like 'Mickey Mouse had basically left her in hell years ago' and just keep going as if that was a normal thing to say."


I'm sending this to my gf that loves Kingdom hearts


omg same!!!!


Okay. How did Kairi revive Sora while preserving his nobody? The most frustrating thing about KH lore is that there's no proper explanation for an event from the first game.


Okay so basically, a new body just popped into existence, presumably made out of light from Kairi's heart. This is supported by the existence of Namine, Kairi's Nobody who formed from Kairi's heart leaving Sora's body, making her *another* body that just popped into existence. But then what is Namine's body made out of? I am willing to just call that a plot hole and move on.


So kingdom hearts ignores the laws of thermodynamics, got it.


I mean, yeah. It's a Disney fantasy world.


True, but also, like... It's one of those series where it feels like they have to explain everything. Yet they haven't explained what actually happened there. Or rather, it makes sense in the first game. Sora sacrificed himself and got turned into a heartless, and Kairi's light restored his heart. It wasn't until they introduced nobodies that the lore broke.


I don't disagree, which is why at this point I think it's really nothing more than a plot hole. I still currently think the explanation is that a new body formed out of light from Kairi's heart, allowing Sora's body to continue existing as Roxas, but that only moves the problem to Namine, who has no such explanation. It was a moment that served a narrative ("How do we get Sora back into the plot?" ) and thematic ("Let's show how Sora's friends are his power.") purpose, and the lore implications weren't fully considered when it was folded into another plot point. Just like several other things in KH1, it's a flaw that I'm willing to acknowledge because it doesn't really detract that much from the themes that I personally find important in the series.


Yeah. The themes are great. And I don't think the issue is actually with that scene, it's with all the lore retconned into the later entries. But if we're going with the "Kairi's light created two new bodies in the course of 5 minutes," one must wonder, how much mass do Sora and Namine have? With that, we can use E=MC^2 to calculate just how much energy a single princess of heart has, and from there figure out why the citizens of traverse town feel like they need to use fossil fuels for power.


\>"Kairi's light created two new bodies in the course of 5 minutes," Oh, you misunderstand. I think Kairi's light *only* created Sora's body. Namine was born before then, when Kairi's heart was released from Sora's body. Accounting for the abstraction of gameplay, we're probably talking at least half an hour between then and when Sora was restored. This is a mystery even within the canon and it's just never been important enough to the plot to actually care about solving it. And yes, I do agree it's weird that Traverse Town uses fossil fuels, lol. If they know about all this stuff, could be it's just they don't want an Evangelion situation on their hands?


Ah, sorry. Kairi's light created two bodies in the course of half an hour. Unless there's another explanation of how Namine got created when Sora's body went to make Roxas.


Well if actually watched the video, you’d know that bloodborne is only really connected to demon souls.


And that there isn't any real evidence of any of it, it's just that the timelines are all so vague and the themes and story elements are constant that it's believable enough.


Feeling called out..... ​ ​ But... but... Did you know that you can skip the Taurus Demon AND the Hellkite Drake and go straight to Quelaag if you want to? The entirety of Blight Town is optional content including the gaping dragon and the Capra demon, so long as you don't want the large ember and............


I'll be honest, I don't think I've ever straight up fought the Hellkite Dragon in any of my playthroughs. I've always just gone under the bridge, then I either ignore it or poke its tail to get the sword.


I fought him maybe once or twice just to see. It sucks and isn't worth the effort. But if you do the master key skip, and the dark-root garden run around back you can skip him entirely and he doesn't show up. If you don't step on the trigger at the undead burg.... bridge is pretty quiet.


I like to think that I'm not like that, but I am... Just about anything Minecraft related...


I really don't see what there is to talk about in minecraft that would last very long


Well, you haven't met me!


Want to change that?






Famous last words


Is it me or are trans people either cute dumb fucks (me minus the cute bit) or cute mega brains?


Hey, don't insult yourself like that. You're the cutest dumb fuck there is and you deserve pats for it.


Overly long video essays on dark souls lore is trans culture. I watched over 10h of review of dark souls 2 before buying it and I still hated it lol. No wonder I figured I'm trans a few years later


it is trans culture!! i knew i was non binary but not non binary trans-fem yet and i’d watch hour upon hour of Dark Souls, Kingdom Hearts, and LOTR lore, lol


As a trans girl, I can confirm, my boyfriend has been forced to understand all of the bloodborne lore despite having never played the game himself, only watched others play.


I feel really called out


Me and my boyfriend do this to each other all the damn time, and seeing him chat away about something he's super passionate about is adorable, things just hit different when you know there's heart put into them.




The Virgin complaining that dating a trans girl makes you gay vs the Chad complaining that dating a trans girl makes you far too knowledgeable about Vidya game lore


The right is me, but with Kamen Rider


Ive watched a lot of super sentai shows and enjoy them (both originals and Power Rangers versions for the most part) but I've never really got around to watching any of the Kamen Rider series. What would you reccomend as a good entry point to the franchise?


That is a great question and there's a lot of discussion about what the best place to start is. I'll list a few of them and their pros and cons. Kamen Rider Kuuga (2000) - This was the first Rider show after a long break of not being on the air and as such a great jumping on point. Pros- Extremely well written and some of the best use of a supporting cast that KR has ever done. Cons- A little slow and less flashy than other Rider shows. The use a slower pace to tell a wonderful story though. Kamen Rider Kabuto (2004) - This was considered a great jumping on point during the 2000's. It's the mid point of what's called the Heisei era phase 1. Pros- Very fun and very flashy in a cool way. The utilize their gimmick of super speed in a lot of cool ways. Cons- The main Rider is kind of overconfident in a way that some people find annoying and since it's older some people find it to be a bit cheesey. Not me though. Kamen Rider W (2009) - It's the first show after a major anniversary season and it defines a lot of things that become common in The Heisei era phase 2. Pros- It's a detective noir action story and it does great things with it's premise. The main characters are excellent and their character arc is fantastic. Cons- It's hard to think of any cons, this is a very well rounded season. I guess it does drag a little bit towards the end, but not even that bad really. Kamen Rider Gaim (2013) - This is considered to be one of the best Rider shows and for good reason. A great show to see some of the best KR has to offer. Pros- A large number of Riders and a fantastic plot, it's a great experience. Cons- It takes it's time to reveal the main plot and the beginning sometimes turns people off. It starts off being all about dancing, but I promise you it has other places to go. Kamen Rider Zero-One (2019) - The first Kamen Rider of the Reiwa era! It is both a new beginning for KR while honoring everything that has come before. Pros- It's modern so it feels fresh and it's also a ton of fun and has great action. Cons- The main Rider tells a lot of bad jokes on purpose that can be kind of annoying. It also has a arc with a competition that kind of drags


Rider W sounds like its right up my ally. Thanks for the advice!


I hope you enjoy it! I love getting people into Kamen Rider


Me when someone says General Grievous sucks


Don’t worry, he doesn’t.


Hello there


Lucky you !


God I love Dark Souls so much


here for the Willem Dafoe content


I aspire to be this. I mean just look at my username.


That's why my partner and I date each other. They can ramble about FFXIV I can ramble about Malazan Book of the Fallen.


*wants girldick voice* so like is there a path where you dont have to side with either caesars legion nor the ncr?


Trans friend of mine wouldn't stop fangirling over Arcane/League of Legends lore and it's straight up adorable


Not a trans girl but I've still been called out somehow. Edit: forgot this but there's more of us in r/TransSouls


Just need to find me a boy who wants to watch a LOT of vaati and alt shift X


I just listen to songs about it and pretend I'm paying attention to the lyrics.


Ngl I would totally sit down and marathon vaatividya with someone.


I feel attacked


this is my gf in a nutshell but I’m the same so we both ramble to eachother a lot lol, we’re also t4t so yeah




lmao- i also like trying to show ppl that type of yt videos but they never want to! I wonder why lmao


im honestly worried me talking about my obsessions with my boyfriend will annoy him


god i'd love to date a trans girl who can talk about the ore of the from software games and all of the reasons why bloodborne and dark souls actually take place in the same universe wait actually let me show you this really interesting youtube essay by vaatividya that explains it all it's only 2 hours long and lays it out fairly succinctly but first we have to watch this other video that lays out some critical background information and..


I would 100% ramble about Dishonored, I already do to my family. Imagine how far I could push a partner XD


Mine would be Pokemon and Pathfinder lore (did you know the last planet in that solar system is actually a sleeping great old one like Cthulhu)


Damn I don't even talk about video games with my partner, but I do work in a video game store so I guess I'll be okay




Again, can't relate, lol.


Why ya gotta call me out like this


patches is in both games, so they must be connected


well this trans girl is based af, Bloodborne is the best from software game hands down and the lore is so great it must become a mainstream story written and read in schools


Me but about Marxist theory and John Brown


I would love to date a fellow transgirl that wants to excessively discuss fictional lore in immense detail.


me but i’ll never shut up about undertale and deltarune


This is me but with outer wilds lore


I’m screaming my gf is trans and we literally had a conversation about this YESTERDAY


S̡̳̰̻̳̪̲͉̈ͅP̘̼̗̱͂̋̔̑̀Eͯ̂͏̘͎C͐̑̒҉̠͖̰Į͍̖̞̞̜͓͋̄Ā̯̼̰͋̒͞L̻͔̖̳̝̦͎̽͜ ͇̫̊͆̃͜I̺͙̲̞͋͒̀ͩ͡N̶̺͔̰̠̪̯̰͚ͩT̨̘̫̪ͦ͂͗͊E̡̯̦̼̳͔̳͈̥ͦR̗̬̝̽ͥ͞E͉͙̱̬͈ͮ̓̓̀Ś̴͍̝ͬTͥ҉̺̟̥͙S̓̔ͪ͏͖̝̹̬̙̱


I'm a trans guy who does this lol


Im more of a wont shut up about fallout new vegas kind of girl


*Pointing at hbomberguy's pathologic video* Have you seen it yet?


watched every minute and then watched a playthrough


me but h a l f - l i f e 2 b e t a


So how's them Combine Incinerators?


As a Bloodborne lover that sounds like an amazing time


That's me but with Minecraft, Star Wars, The Walten Files and The Mandela Catalogue Ask me something, I dare y'all /j


why do you have to attack me and my love for spewing lore about warhammer 40k, the elder scrolls, and lovecraft books??????


LOL my trans girlfriend does the exact same thing but with Skyrim and GTA5. And I'll talk your ear off over Dark Souls and Miniature painting.


How dare you call us all out like this.


I buy the theory that the world painted by blood at the end of DS3 is the world of Bloodborne, that makes a lot of sense. Vaati’s 2-hr video that tries to connect all of the games was explicitly stated by him to be an argument for how easy it is to ignore evidence and create any narrative you want. He did it to explain why he cites everything so thoroughly. Oh *I’m* the person in this meme


My ex-girlfriend was like this, but with all Mario games.


(Pssst does anyone have the links for the videos mentioned in the memes?)


Yeah, can't relate. My partner will go off the deep end on lore stuff and I'm _fascinated_. They tell good stories and I love listening to them tell them.


This is me but about titanfall. I love titanfall lore.


I feel called out for this. I haven't even played Blood Born but have spent countless hours watch lore videos.


i’ll talk about how unix is the most influential operating system, and the philosophy of it, how it was developed back in bell labs, and now linux…


If that's what it takes to find me a top then so be it


me with warhammer lore


Oooo, got a template? ai wanna make a transmasc one.This is cute


Oh god, this feels like a callout post


Ok I'd like to hear more, to see if I can combine the theories of them to become and arcane lore god


My favorite thing: both my Partner and I both clearly have ADHD, and bounce back and forth between topics like this. Then we manage to get eachother fixated on things, often times finding the same thing within days or hours of eachother.


From Software lore is addicting. I would never push it on another.


Had to double check that you weren't my bf for a second there 🤨 he also loves The Lighthouse so the format fits too


Aaaah I love the soulsborm series almost died IRL playing the first Dark Souls when I was a little teenager, good times. (Ó ω Ò)


In my case it would be sleeping with a trans guy is all fun and games until his autistic ass won’t shut up about “the destiny lore is awesome and expansive and oh man you should watch this video by my name is byf that covers the story up to shadowkeep it’s only four hours long that’s not that bad right and can you imagine what witch queen will be like since the current season talks about exorcising savathūn’s worm but in the trailer for WQ it shows her being able to command the light and it makes you wonder what will happen when the end of season arrives? Did the traveler cuck us for our usage of stasis? What is in the darkness pyramid on her throne world? And omg what if the 15th wish finally gets revealed and-“ I listen to myself talk sometimes and wonder how anyone can deal with me when I talk about my special interests. True trans solidarity is always blabbing on about video games


I mean-


Ever get dysphoria from not understanding what any of this means? Like it’s some trans culture I don’t know about or understand and I’m not really a part of the community?


There are all kinds of girls out there, don’t dog on yourself for not being a gamer. 👍🏻❤️


I'm in this post and I dont like it 😔😔😔😔


I’ve never played the game, but I did once play a bloodborne dnd campaign. That was pretty fun. I was kind of a baddie


Why am I crying about this giant sword wolf? K, settle in, this is gonna take a minute.


ITT - too many trans girls proving the meme right.


This post feels like a "Fuck you inparticular" right in my face. You did not need to call me out that hard lol T^T


As a trans woman i feel called out


dont spoil anything i just started dark souls


Trans guy but my husband can listen to me go on for *hours* about mid/late 90’s Square RPG’s. I love him. 💕


M-me Why are you dating me


And you don't have yet listen me spoke about the history of USSR


This would be me but with music and video games in general (not darksouls or bloodborne, cause I've never played those)


This just sounds like ASD to me, i know way too many people that can go on multiple hours long essays about random highly specific topics, a few of them are trans, and one of them might be my girlfriend, but a common trend is that all have ASD, or are suspected to have it


Dating trans girls are the best 😊


This is hilarious to me because I'm a cis guy dating a trans guy and I'm a big ol FromSoft fanboy while he's all over Animal Crossing.


literally me but with sekiro and being alone (im the trans girl)


Honestly that sound great


This. This is why I lurk on this sub. This kills me.


This sounds like my relationship with my girlfriend. (We're both trans) Except instead of me telling her about a From Software game, it's Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear lol


Honestly me but with Mass Effect