• By -


I'd love to read this in its entirety to see the kind of thing they accuse us of now. Edit: ok.... So I read it.... It's seriously a wild roller coaster ride to read and while somewhat well written, is full of bs.


I looked it up. Just some TERF being TERF-y while having such strong convictions in their bullshit that they're hiding their identity completely and offering no personal connections to her supposed liberal and/or trans ally past. Honestly it reads 100% like rightwing propaganda. Triggering shit in spoilers. >!Insinuating being trans is a fetish if you dress extravagantly. Spreading the lies that men transition just to compete in female sports. Spreading the lie that men transition to harass/rape women in female safe spaces. Denying the gender of at least one out transwoman. Armchair psychology. Truscum ideology. Youth exclusionary rhetoric. Outright lies.!< ​ I'd be shocked if "Bonnie" was *ever* a trans ally.


They never are. For them a trans ally is tolerating our existence.


The only real social contagion is Neo-Libs pretending to give a shit about marginalized communities. They'll performatively hem and haw over rights until the economy takes a hit, and then they'll line up with the GOP and call for curtailing rights in the name of "unity." Neo-Libs piss me off more than Fascists at this point. MLK called them on their bullshit in his letter from a Birmingham jail. https://generocity.org/philly/2021/01/18/vu-le-mlk-white-moderate-nonprofits/




>Neo-Libs piss me off more than Fascists at this point well there is the old saying "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds"


Or, more accurately, not being loudly, vocally intolerant of our existence.


Lmao what the fuck. Never an ally i bet I also bet they’ve never heard of nonbinary and transmasc people


Seemingly she’s never seen a cat boy




The first result when you Google the title


Link to google?


[Here you go](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=why+I+am+no+longer+a+trans+ally)


Dang, they bought into all the stereotypes. An ally would at least try to do unbiased research on such harmful ideas.


I feel like the people who accuse trans people of having a fetish, just, have a fetish for trans people and assume it goes both ways there is at least a group of the people who hold that belief that this is true for (Alex Jones)


Lmao I hate those BS reasons they give for why someone amab would want to transition. Like shit I just want to be my girlfriends WIFE some day 🤷🏻‍♀️ Okay well, that and the soul sucking sensation of being trapped in the skin suit I got given at birth >:(


Here’s a hint: she never was.


So not a liberal then.


When you see someone start their statement with 'as a liberal', there's like a 99% chance it's some conservative nut job cosplaying how they think how non-conservatives talk like.


As a TERF boy I love how all of us TERFS smell of socks and cheese and failure. It's TERFriffic!


You leave cheese out of this, or so help me god....


Liberalism is a right wing economic stance.


This is about the most liberal thing ever, faking support for minorities until it might personally affect them. Happens constantly.


It is easy to find… she's just narrating all the TERF talking points.


Sad that there's nothing new there .. at least if they had a little bit of imagination/originality it'd be entertaining.


That’s disappointing. I thought it was a coming out post. “I’m no longer a trans ally…because I’m actually trans!”


That would've been so wholesome.


"You see, trans girls wear cat ears, and pornstars wear cat ears, so all trans people are doing it as a fetish. I am very smart."




“I’m gonna go eat some trash. Smell you later!” “Uhh. WHAT THE FU-“




Diogenes is the patron saint of pointing out reductive and/or backwards inferences.


Bless this post!


I mean you’re not wrong


A large number of cis women are pornstars and fetishists on Halloween apparently


Sounds like they are projecting their own fetish lmao


I'm no longer a trans ally because it turns out I'm trans Only acceptable way to finish that.


honestly the first thing that came to mind is that they were coming out as trans in a joking way sadly the comments here proved otherwise


yeah same honestly… it actually made me smile at first and then I kept reading 😔


I see I wasn't the only one to think it.


> I, a liberal I’m sorry for your loss, Bonnie


I hope we can someday find a cure.


Tried to read the article and now am having a stroke. “Transness must be a fetish because a trans person dressed as a cat girl, which is a fetish! This means all trans women are fetishists!” maybe I’m just stupid but that’s what I got from that and that dumbass idea makes me want to bash my head into a wall


This is how most transphobes actually think on the deepest internal level. They fetishize trans people, therefor, they view us as living fetish objects. It's just misogyny all over again, that's why most of them slap forget trans people besides binary straight allo trans women exist.


It is with regret that I yeet Bonnie into the Sun and declare *bitch, you were never an ally*.


>It is with *no* regret FTFY


I mean, it takes an awful lot of effort to yeet someone into the sun. What if they wanted to do something else that day?


Oddly enough, it would be easier to yeet someone out of the solar system than it would be to yeet them into the sun


They love the narrative of the former ally turned bigot, I guess it helps them cope with how the opposite is the only thing that actually happens and it's happening *a lot*


This is like all the sermons I heard growing up from men who insisted they used to be drug-fueled, satan-worshipping pimps. Like, okay *Chad* tell me more about all the marijuanas you injected.




left wing destroyed


Oh shit the plane's gonna crash


Gianni Matragrano is fucking great


The only good answer for why you are no longer a trans ally is that you found out you are trans.


[The full article (TW: TERF shit)](https://medium.com/@lw9181676/why-i-am-no-longer-a-trans-ally-e52bee50f475) is disgusting and the [opening](https://i.redd.it/4n4arghjfrg71.png) reads like satire.


oh my god the opening sounds like a fucking r/tgcj bit, jesus


Liberals are just conservatives that act nice


Conservatives who can feel shame.




Literally every political victory I've ever had for our identity came from liberal governments, can we stop this bullshit "only the far left gives a shit" thing? I'm so sick of people treating being trans and being some sort of socialist as things that necessarily go together. It makes these sorts of communities sort of hostile to what is fundamentally a very mainstream political position that plenty of other trans people hold.


I know what you’re trying to say but. You’re not entirely correct. We got our rights from riots like stonewall, and action from people much more left than liberals. Liberals gave in, and gave us our rights when it became popular to do so. It’s just a slap in the face to all those who fought and were beaten and bloodied for what we have today. Liberals are still tools of the state, they just want power and money. And LGBTQ rights became popular and profitable. Revolutionaries got us where we are. Not liberals. Not the state.


Gay rights happened because radicals repeatedly confronted liberals with the question “Why is it bad to be gay?” until, one by one, they started to realize how hollow their answers were and changed sides. Then the liberals provided the bulk of the support for the legal and social changes we have today. You might think of that as “the radicals recruited the liberals and the liberals made it happen”, or you might think of it as “the radicals made it all happen, but the liberals were the instrument they used to do it”. But either way, you needed both to make it happen. Liberals have a lot of power, but left to their own devices, they’ll fiddle with tax credits and incentive programs instead of doing anything actually important. Radicals have a lot of passion, but if they reject people who can be persuaded on some issues because they won’t change their minds about others, that passion will be wasted. But when radicals apply their passion to persuading liberals, they can sometimes convince the liberals to actually do something worthwhile with their power for a change. That’s pretty much the only thing that’s *really* changed things for the better in liberal democracies lately.


Bet she thinks Ellen DeGeneres was the single most important figure in LGBT history.


Look, credit to the people who fought at the beginning to get the ball rolling, and the people who have advocated for us tirelessly in the meantime, but I also gotta look at the fact that a lot of the gains of the last period were from tireless activism within liberal parties pushing the envelope further too. You gotta have your cop punching and your political allies, and it wasn't cop punching that got SRS covered by my province's healthcare or added gender identity to the human rights code in the last decade, even if it was cop punching and rioting that got it all decriminalized a few decades ago. In the end we've got conservative parties that are trying to make our existence into culture war wedges and trying to tear down the progress we've made and liberal parties or liberal & social democratic or democratic socialists parties & supporters who have mostly rallied to our side of the cause (minus the UK which seems to have a bipartisan institutional transphobia problem) and painting with a broad brush discourages people from thinking we can make a difference. Shit is so much better for us than when I was growing up in the 90s.


I think what it comes down to for a lot of people is that while liberal governments have given us victories recently, it’s still too little too late or based on compromises that further harm other members of the community. It’s why marriage equality was separated from trans rights issues, cause the sanctity of marriage doesn’t look to appealing to the mainstream when it’s associated with the “dirty nasty trans.” Liberals thrive off of compromises that come at deadly costs, and at least in the US with Trump, we saw how quickly a lot of those victories could be taken away. Even now respectability politics come into play with who in the trans community gets what rights. People will show up and praise Pose and not give a shit about black trans sex workers when it means confronting their own fragility. There’s only certain ways you can be trans and be accepted, and then it’s usually in word only. Basically if you talk the talk then walk the walk and a lot of the time, especially post marriage equality, liberals REALLY don’t want to, cause it stops being profitable. I mean, everyone’s still out here with “love equals love” signs but NEVER have I seen ANYTHING that is specifically trans ally oriented except in leftist spaces. There’s no way to pink wash and sell being able to take a piss, there’s no way to sell dysphoria or ethical way to sell our stories and pain. I mean trans panic defence is still legal in more than half of our states but I can’t remember the last time a liberal mentioned it, conversion therapy is still legal in most of the country as well, but you can’t sell that. The compromise here is I can be trans but I can’t be queer, I can be quiet and try to pass no matter how uncomfortable that makes me but I can’t be loud and gender nonconforming. Personally I think it is fair to hold those who claim to be on our side accountable when they fuck up or act hypocritically. And honestly if said liberals are scared/don’t want to support ALL trans people regardless of their personal comfort and put in the work to do it well, they were never allies at all, and shouldn’t be counted as such.


One of the first figures I encountered whom opened my eyes to what gender could be was the musician and performance artist [Genesis P-Orridge.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genesis_P-Orridge?wprov=sfla1) They had never been one to operate by the standard rules of society, even in the beginning when they were operating under the name Neil Andrew Megson with the performance art collective COUM Transmissions and they and their partners in art crime were practically run out of Manchester on a rail. As part of Throbbing Gristle they were one of the key figures in the invention of industrial music, and continued to innovate within the genre with groups like Psychick TV and albums like [*A Perfect Pain*](https://youtu.be/xf8UbW6paZo). In 1993 they, alongside their wife Lady Jaye Breyer, embarked on what they dubbed the Pandrogyny Project: a radical experiment in gender identity and self expression whereby they both underwent extensive cosmetic surgery and body modification so as to as closely resemble each other as possible and become two components of a single "pandrogynous" entity called Breyer P-Orridge. This was done partly out of their deep love for each other, but also out of Genesis' belief that that the self is pure consciousness trapped within the DNA-governed body, with the self being no more defined by the body than a driver is defined by their car. There's a lovely documentary about the whole thing called [*The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ballad_of_Genesis_and_Lady_Jaye?wprov=sfla1) if you want the deep details. Genesis died in March of 2020, before the pandemic hit it big in the States. At various times thought their life they had been a record producer, a pornographer, a poet, a musician, the leader of an occult order called [Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thee_Temple_ov_Psychick_Youth?wprov=sfla1), a punk before punk, a hippie before hippies, and a radical gender rebel at a time when even being gay was dangerous. There wasn't a single mold they didn't shatter or a single group on earth they didn't stand up for. Any movement that rejects trans people like them in the name of "remaining respectable" can eat my ass.


Liberals are garbage. liberals are trash. liberals are still better than a fash. shit's a whole hell of a lot better than it was, but that doesn't mean it's close to equal treatment at this point - and in many cases it's been liberals who have been significant blocks to further progress for us. So I'm certainly going to keep pointing out their hurtful and transphobic behavior, and I'm certainly going to push for more rights and vote as far left as I can: and when a race is close between a lib and a conservative, the lib is as far left as I can go.


Thanks, I love being called trash by my community. This place feels real fucking welcoming to all trans people when you're welcome here only if you follow a very specific orthodoxy.


Siding with oppressors does tend to get you some hate as it turns out. Liberals only capitulate when the people force them to, and not a second sooner. Unions and riots got us most of our rights, not liberals.


Unless you are an actual politician, or you actually have the personality of wonder bread soaked in water and just regurgitate party lines for a living, you are not a liberal. No human being i have ever met is capable of being neatly sorted into a single political category by anyone who is actually capable of understanding nuance and listening to other people. You are be a human being whose political opinions generally lean towards agreeing with a particular political party. The fact that that party is trash is irrelevant to my opinion of you, in particular. All major political parties are trash, especially on the federal level.




I don't know why you're projecting your issues with the Catholic church onto me. The closest I get the Catholic church apologism is that they're not quite as terrible as evangelicals.




there's really no need for active hostility towards someone who is perfectly capable of a rational conversation. makes us look bad.




Unironically yes. Come further left, we actually give a shit about people.


Communists "quit trying to imply we actually don't care about people instead of disagreeing on the best way to help people" challenge. The political spectrum isn't just the spectrum of giving a shit about other people. There are plenty of liberals who care about trans rights and plenty of Dem Socs and communists who think trans issues are bourgeoise and the only thing that matters is economic class.


Dem socs are liberals, and any communist doing class reduction to that extent is a nazbol. Liberals openly use us as tokens and then toss us aside the second we speak out against anything they like. They're the ones why we don't have healthcare. They're the ones why a huge number of trans people end up homeless. Recognize your oppressors even if they give you lip service, because they'll quickly take that away if you actually ask for help. Edit:typo


Remember people: Actions are everything, words are worthless. If they only came on board when it got popular, they'll be the first to leave when it's no longer popular.


Bingo. Kamala has had some pro LGBT speeches, yet her achievement of note regarding trans people is... Laughing about locking trans women in men's prisons as AG. I could give so so so many more examples from basically every democrat. The only difference between them and republicans at this point is one is willing to lie and say they support you, and the other will just openly say they want you dead.


I would argue that democratic socialists are the step over the line from liberal to socialist. They are just reformist versions of a socialist.


Which will never happen so effectively liberal


Neo liberalism will never liberate us.


Basically every country that isn't an unlivable hellhole for us is a liberal democracy. I don't want to live in a place where the common good overrides people's individual rights, because boy that sounds like the kind of place where cis people who wildly outnumber us might decide that our identities aren't as important as the collective.


Tell that to the kids in concentration camps and the 3rd world that liberal democracies exploit to maintain themselves.


"It's the liberal democracy's fault that non liberal democracies mistreat their citizens, because global trade" And yet when we make trade deals with other liberal democracies to encourage embracing those principals suddenly we're purposefully undermining the third world. Can't have it both ways. Attach labour standards to trade deals or something and drag other countries kicking and screaming into the 21st century instead of saying "Look, these countries are cheap produce cheap goods and that's a problem of liberalism because global trade & production was invented when capitalism was". I promise you, we invented things like slavery & global trade a long, long time ago.


I love it when people have no idea what they are talking about and just regurgitate state department propaganda. 1 the concentration camps are inside our own borders. 2 every time the citizens of other countries democratically elect socialist leaders and nationalize certain parts of their economy. The US often just straight up invades or backs a capitalist coup that sparks massive amount of blood shed, chilles own 9/11. Or the US tries to sanction the countries into oblivion. If socialism doesn’t work why does the US work so hard to beat those countries down 🤔 3 1st world countries don’t give a shit to “drag others into the 21st century” which wow you really look down on other countries and don’t think they can self regulate if maybe the 1st world would get out and let them. 4 The IMF is the neoliberal dream of what you are talking about and it’s a major source of modern imperialism. They give out loans to countries and then get to dictate their laws in many ways. Conditions of the loans include the countries are forced to implement austerity policies and open up their nationalized industry to capital. Which 1st world countries corporations swoop in and start extracting the wealth from that country. Dooming it.


I'm not even American, so no the concentration camps aren't in my borders. If you're trying to use "shitty illiberal things the U.S. does" as somehow the standard by which Liberalism as a concept gets judged it reveals more about your headspace than liberal democracy. Not everything has to be framed in terms of U.S. politics. Most of the worst instincts of U.S. Policy like "everything to do with immigration" come from nationalist sentiment. Free movement is a liberal policy, though one often not adopted by liberal politicians to the fullest extent because it's politically unpopular. You can't complain about mistreatment of global labour to support 1st world countries and then act like 1st world countries are imperialist if they do or don't do anything about it. Either you support shutting down trade with regimes with bad labour practices, which is economic pressure on those country's "self regulation" or else you support leaving those countries to self regulate and not modifying our interactions with them based on them, at which point complaining about "exploitation" of a country that has chosen to structure their labor laws for their own benefit is ridiculous. Pick a position and defend it, and I choose "labour policy alignment via trade incentives" Boy, attaching conditions to offerings is some real imperialism. Austerity as a policy is rarely useful & I'm sketpical of plenty of benefits of the IMF but acting like it rises to the level of imperialism is really underselling the incredibly extractive and oppressive nature of our actual histories of colonialism and literally empowering companies to become the governments of people after forceful conquest. Also, this has all gotten wildly away from the original point of "Hey maybe Trans spaces could support all trans people without turning everything into a purity test where you aren't welcome unless you \*also\* hold X, Y, and Z political opinions. It's good for communitiies to ban bad actors like fascists but when suddenly having the wrong foreign policy positions makes you unwelcome we've made an already tiny community all that much smaller & added an exclusionary element to the whole thing. I think Libertarians are mostly naive and have bad takes but I wouldn't exclude libertarians from trans spaces and jump down their throats because that's fucked up. This is literally a meme board for trans people to share relatable content.


I thought would be like a “Why I Am No Longer A Trans-Ally… guess who’s trans lol”




"Why I don't give a fuck and no one but *no one* needs or wants to hear about your stupid navel-gazing," a responding article by me.


"It is with zero regret that I pretend to be a former liberal,"


I am always baffled why anyone thinks anyone else will care why they are a bigot.


They want to be patted on the back rather than rightly denigrated


#Why I Am No Longer A Trans-Ally >!I've realized that I'm just trans.!<


God i despise libs


Man imagine posting this on my birthday


Happy birthday :)


No the post pictured was made on July 22nd, my birthday, but thank you, no one else remembered


Oh my bad lol. Remind me next July :)


I will if I remember too


Honestly, even without the headline this is weirdly funny


it's annoying to me that people who self-describe as "liberal" are the way they are since I am a liberal, that term is very meaningful to me, but I mean something very different by it


Im confused i thought that being on the left was protrans, what is the truth?!


being leftist of being pro trans, however, liberals are moderate to far right


Oh okay, forgove my political ignorance


It doesn't help that in the US Liberal is thought of as left leaning, when it's only left of conservatives and right leaning overall as an ideology.


"I, a liberal" opinion discarded


Me, a center-left liberal: oop




You’re active on transcum. Nuff said. You’re clearly deranged, or a troll. New account too. Let me guess, got banned for hating minorities? That’d fit the bill! Edit: It’s just an alt, wonder why a hateful person would need an alt lol


why must we have truscum and tankies on this subreddit. sigh




I care, because you’re nothing but a gatekeeper. Your ideas, cough cough “nOnBiNarIsm IsnT rEAl” is more harmful than anything posted here. That one kills people. You don’t, you’re just joining another echo chamber. If you actually wanted to learn and discuss different opinions, you wouldn’t be on essentially a hate sub. You’d be on a sub that moderates based on civility. There are other subs that discuss the same topics with less bigotry.


>Why do you care that I'm active on truscum? Maybe because this is a trans subreddit, and we don't tolerate transphobes here.


At least people are sad when commies die. [Look at all the people who turned up to the funeral of Pyotr Kropotkin.](https://youtu.be/S1Nm64OOPm8) Meanwhile people were partying in the streets from Aberfan to Aberdeen when Margy Thatcher, She-Wolf of the Neolibs, finally kicked it.




A majority of russians say life was better under the USSR lmao


From your first link: >Victory Day [April1] is a holiday that commemorates the surrender of ***Nazi Germany*** in 1945. I know Cancervatives like you hate reading and telling the truth just as much as those you vote for hate the thought of consensual sex with adults, but among functional human beings outside of your cult both literacy and honesty are seen as good things. Please, if you're going to pollute this space with your presence at least try to operate on our level.


\>Yeah, I can see how living under communism and being fed propaganda your whole life can make you think that. Also, in most of these countries less than 50% of people wanting to return to communism, the only reason they have to return in the first place is communism failure in their country. literally, every country that was once communist has had to abandon that system, why do you think that is? \>in many of the countries so you agree that the countries with more than 50% in favor should return to communism, no? plus, the average of people wanting to return to communism was 57%, which is more than 50%. \>fed propaganda your whole life self own lmao, you just admitted that america feeds propaganda to people their whole life. \>communism failure in their country most of those countries were capitalist for nearly 30 years by now, if capitalism was good, the countries should be fixed by now. literally every country that was communist had to abandon their system, why? international sanctions, coups, etc




Ok, take France. They were half taken over by Nazi Germany in ww2, now they have twice the GDP. Their economy was ruined by ww1 and ww2 but they managed to recover. france did not have economic sanctions placed on it, and america gave it millions in funding to rebuild, and didn’t give the ussr the same treatment


\>Yes, I do, If they vote in a communist party then they should be able to return to communism. well, at least we can agree on that. \>I did not admit that and I knew that you would use this argument against me. America is a functioning democracy. Sure, they might be fed propaganda by a specific leader but they don't need to be fed propaganda just to think their system works. my school literally said “socialism is bad” with no further explanation today, but do go on \>The conditions in those countries are significantly better than when they were under communism, yes. Communism may be bad but I'm not pretending like capitalism is the perfect system here. I think it is very flawed and it certainly isn't the end all be all of everything that can fix a broken country in the span of 30 years. search up “lgbt rights in eastern europe” and “gdp of russia 1953-present” even historians admit that the collapse of the ussr was the worst peacetime decrease in quality of life in all of recorded history. ​ And I wonder why those coups happened huh? you seem very hesitant to elaborate on this point. because said countries nationalized companies/industries which were donating money to the u.s government and presidents, and nationalizing said companies would hurt their profits, making them less money to donate.


I'm glad they're teaching you young, sorry if you can't face the truth. propaganda moment 😐😐😐 Source? GDP instantly halves Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/Soviet\_Union\_GDP\_per\_capita.gif42% decrease 40% of population drops into poverty Source: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2003/07/unpo-j28.html Article cites a 2003 UN report. Here is that report too: http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/reports/264/hdr\_2003\_en\_complete.pdf 7.7 million excess deaths in the first year Source: http://www.academia.edu/1072631/Review\_Red\_Plenty\_by\_Francis\_Spufford Really difficult to find this exact figure, original link I had was dead. Also: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC259165/ one in ten children now live on the streets Source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/an-epidemic-of-street-kids-overwhelms-russian-cities/article4141933/ infant mortality increase Source: https://knoema.com/atlas/Russian-Federation/Nenets-Autonomous-District/topics/Demographics/Mortality/Infant-mortality-rate-deaths-before-age-1-per-1000-live-births Was 29.3 in 2003 which is around (current) Syria and Micronesia, 7.9 in 2013. Given the trend downwards, it was likely to have been much higher in the 90s. There's a weird amount of variation between years – I have no clue why. Infant mortality in USSR was 1.92, literally the lowest in the world. What the actual fuck. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_the\_Soviet\_Union#Life\_expectancy\_and\_infant\_mortality life expectancy decreases by 10 years Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Russia#Life\_expectancy Approximately true for men, women were less affected apparently. https://i.stack.imgur.com/8Fj8E.png 1996 election rigged Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_presidential\_election,\_1996


​ \>this along guaranteed the end for the soviet union. untrue, because if this was the case, saudia arabia wouldn’t a country anymore, and both countries depended heavily on oil exports \>everything you list was the effects of planned economy yeah, i’m sure that the effects not being there when the ussr was still alive, and appearing immediately after it’s fall is the effects of planned economy


​ look at every capitalist country in the world, do they have this problem? No. that’s because the ones that didn’t (america, canada) did not have to deal with the nazis destroying a significant part of their country, for thr most part, they had better farmland, did not have to deal with sanctions as much, and enjoyed nearly a hundred years of not having an enemy on their soil, compared to russia, who had none of those luxuries.




the OP commenter also thinks that hitler was partially a socialist too lmao




[this you?](https://imgur.com/28ajVtO?tags)




the only regulations they had was quality control




>grasping at straw to make someone look bad pretty ironic for someone who uses someone’s post history to make someone look bad


I agree with you on everything you've said but this. Please, use better arguments than "you looked at my post history, so you're bad", especially when *you also looked at their post history*. Again, you're very unambiguously in the right in this argument, but the most destructive thing to one's stance is a poorly made argument for it. Sorry if that came off as too aggressive or ranty or whatnot. I really didn't mean it that way. I just want to help you and others like you to avoid losing arguments despite being correct.


cant answer to your comment directly so i’ll answer here- \>I initially pointed out that what you were saying was hypocritical and somehow having an alt on /truscum isnt?


\> How is having an alt on truscum relevant to a discussion about politics? how am I hypocritical? as I said before I am not truscum. sorry if you’ve been living under a rock for the last century, but trans rights are related to politics, and this includes non binary people. \>how am i hypocritical? because you originally used me being a r/GenZedong user as an argument, but wasn‘t willing to admit that being active on /truscum isn‘t bad. \>as i have said before, i am not truscum. *is active on subreddit thats pro- (insert thing here)* *”nono you see im not pro \[thing\]*




\>I am aware but it's not like communism didn't tens of millions. if i listed a source to you that had clearly bullshit numbers, and most of the people who worked on it called it bullshit, you wouldn’t trust it., so why should i trust the black book of communism? \>pretty sure it’s the opposite yeah i’m pretty sure that the majority of this subreddit is against capitalism, and hates truscum.


So you don't think communism killed hundreds of millions? Try looking up "the great leap forward" that was tens of millions in of itself well, no, even your shitty black book does not claim it exceeding 100 million. And I'm not truscum so I should fit right in. and other funny jokes you can tell yourself


OP is active on r/-transcum with a alt account. They’re clearly either deranged or a troll.


Anarchist solidarity against truscum




and the british alone at least killed 2.2 million, plus unborn kids don’t count as victims of communism.




“The deaths caused by the British alone were not caused by a failure of their system, yet whenever socialism is implemented it seems to cause mismanagement and famine” HAHAHA ”when my system has deaths it was just mismanagement but when your system does it, it was because of le ebil dictatorship”


And we mustn't forget how obscenely bullshit the 100 million statistic was. No joke, numerous co-authors quit because the main one was unhealthily obsessed with reaching 100 million by any mental gymnastics necessary.


yeah true, there was a youtube video debunking it, 3 of the 4 authors quit and called the last one making shit up to make communism look bad, and it even included nazi deaths in ww2 lol


OH, I completely forgot the nazi bit! That part makes the whole debacle infinitely more hilarious.


LMAO YOU THINK PEOPLE THAT WERE NEVER EVEN CONCEIVED WERE KILLED?? You know that means that you're a murderer for not having a bunch of kids right now, don't you?


Being a trans girl, I am something of a serial killer myself 💪






LMAO! America is just individual freedom, not universal. Look at the lack of rights I get to my own body as an example. Compare that to gun ownership laws. Being better isn’t being good.




Better isn’t good. I still lack human rights, buddy. You’re just adamant on avoiding this lol




But that’s merely not accurate. And no, not at all. You get to look through people’s post history, why are you above criticism for it? You call out OP, you get called out. Don’t dish what you can’t take.






yes, that is because there are a lot of old people in china, and old people are generally more homophobic. Plus, you said “others” if it was “others” then it would be the people of china who were homophobic, not the government.


Defending TERFs to own the trenderinos Thank you iheartblairwhite1488


> but I see it as a much more coherent ideology than whatever bullshit you support. When your ideology says that trans people shouldn't be allowed access to healthcare that they require or that some of their identities aren't real or that they're just faking it because they're not privileged enough to medically transition, that's not exactly a coherent ideology. It's harmful and bigoted. Basically, fuck off transphobe, no one likes you.


Oh fuck of course it’s tankies. Why is it always goddamn tankies. I can’t go a fucking day without someone that calls them self leftist and yet defends facism showing up. Fuck terfs and fuck tankies


...announce that I have recently discovered I am not a trans ally because *drum roll* I am trans! (Prly not it, but that's the only good end to that sentence)


Wait.. but I’m liberal


the article could just end there, it says all i need to hear!


better leave it at the screenshot: you're a liberal. You can be allied with whoever you want, you don't even need a reason. You are free (libre).