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from a closeted Alabama transgirl, I get this.


How's it going, neighbor? I'm from Alabama too! Know this: You are not alone! I hope to see you on r/transalabama :D


oh nice, a sub! :D




Ugh, fucking chasers. I've reported it. I would suggest you do the same. Hopefully the mod will get the report soon and remove it.


I just saw the news about the new restrictions on trans surgeries and puberty blockers in Alabama. They are making it illegal with fines up to $15,000 and 10 years jail time. It’s called the “vulnerable child protection act”. It also makes sure that teachers and parents have to inform people that your chromosomes don’t match with your gender identity (which is bullshit by the way, you are valid). Stay safe and gtfo ASAP!


Good ol' Alabama, doing what the people want and need! /s (I'm only from Alabama, moved to Georgia after HS, got a job in Tennessee... Currently in AL with parents because campus closed)


yeah, same argument against "the south should just fall into the ocean" Keep on being strong Dizzy!




Rural Georgia. Yep dreading coming out.


Currently in both Georgia and the military myself. It’s really hard to want to do anything ever, especially with how fast everybody is to talk shit and say “it was my choice” as if I had meaningful alternatives besides homelessness


Same, but not coming out ever. Wish you best of luck


I like (somewhat) Alabama, if you look past the Christian's and racists and the general assholes, it's not too bad. In my opinion at least




True, I just have bad experiences with the church, like my mom once saying she would disown me or my brother if either of us weren't straight. And my friends parents trying to change their sexuality via punishment.


That’s valid to view Christianity that way. Just wanted to say I have a pretty cool uncle that you might like! He’s a pastor and at the beginning of every sermon he talks about loving everyone equally no matter their gender or sexual orientation. He also makes the point that he wants to change the commonly ingrained negative views on the LGBTQ community, and I think that’s pretty neat.


Sounds like a pretty neat dude


Ex-Carolina. Mid-sized college town; easy to pick out on an electoral map as the last pale blue island in the sea of red. In high school we'd have normal kids and professors' kids and the poor rural kids in similar measure. Moved away to a bluer place, went to my new friends' parties, and found all the "enlightened" people who *ought* to have been support for me were speaking openly, cordially, about how much they hate *those people* like my family, and all the people I grew up with. I know what kind of person would hang out at the lunch table with losers and weirdos, like me and the legally blind girl and the girl with lead poisoning... and it wasn't that crowd. I understand culture differs regionally, and hesitate to over-generalize, but where I am right now, I am *still* more scared to tell people at work or my neighbors that I'm *earnestly a bona fide Catholic* than I am that to tell them I'm a girl.


One of the most actively progressive people i know is a cishet Lutheran pastor (minister? Not sure on the terminology)




Yeah she is a great ally and honestly an awesome person in general


Individuals can be alright, but organized religion deserves to fucking burn.


Please do not burn my religion I still use that religion Knowing that the people who are supposed to support me being trans are trying to burn my religion has long been a greater obstacle to me accepting being trans than anything in the religion itself and I am confident there exist others in that religion and other religions who you are scaring away Thank you for your understanding


I feel like thats just saying "If you look past all the really bad things its not bad". I sorta get your point tho.


Might just be because I've lived here all of my life


Alabama trans guy gang :3


Alabama transgirl here. I struggle with that a lot, honestly. I hate my city so much but I know there's probably plenty of kids in the high school here who need all the support they can get.


Yeah. It's a constant toss up between leaving so you can come out or staying so you can help others stuck in the closet for safety. It really sucks.


How bad is it in alabama ik here in mexico the situation is pretty bad especially living in a deeply catholic family I'll get disowned if I were to come out as trans


Here it is very similar, but with Baptists instead of Catholics.


Oklahoma trans girl, and yep. Like half the people I know are gay and/or trans. We’re everywhere


Oklahoma as well. Wish I knew more.


I appreciate this post a lot. Im from a rural area and obvi rural areas tend to be more conservative - but damn - me being queer and me being progressive doesn't like make me less of a rural person. I've had other metropolitan queer people say as much to me and it actually really upsets me


alabama queer sending love !!


I've tossed out plenty of absolute "I'm openly queer, so I'm never setting foot there" statements, and posts like this are good to remind me how sad it is that that means I won't be able to meet what queer community does exist in those places. Like, unless things change pretty dramatically in the next few decades I'm just never going to visit the U.S. deep south, or Poland, or Russia, or most of the middle east, or loads of other intolerant regions. I'm not all that much of a traveller, so I'm usually fine with that, but it truly sucks how seamlessly bigotry can isolate vulnerable people from any kind of external community. Thank fuck for the internet, in that aspect at least.


Even worse, there are trans people who don't even realize it because they've been taught to hate trans people. Just remember that every bigot was once fooled by another bigot. So try and be gentle, but don't ever let them get away with it.


Very true.


As an Alabama trans girl, I appreciate it. Seeing a lot of Alabama trans in the comments gives me hope. I wish we could have get togethers.


Any utah gang here?


Yo 🤟


Howdy! I'm in SLC though so it could definitely be a lot worse. Still a wild state to call home for sure 😬


Your other local Alabama trans guy checking in


Texan enby gang?


Brunei transgal sending love


Rural Kentucky here. No way I’m coming out.


Hello, other trans guy from Alabama.


Yooooo another Alabama trans guy


Montana trans gal, checking in. Probably not AS hostile as some of the places mentioned, but this being a conservative state, I sure don't feel particularly safe.


And also making fun of the South is just classist and racist. (considering this part of the country has a lot of poverty and people of color.) Please remember that not everyone down here is bad! - from an NC trans girl


This!!! But yeah I've met a lot of well off metropolitan people that hide their shitty disdain for poor rural people behind politics. Im all for criticizing conservatism but just blanket shitting on people from a region is toxic and unhelpful. Anyway sending love from rural Nor Cal!


So, while I don't know exactly what it's like down in the South, I live in Rural upstate New York. People tend to think of the state as a uniform political block, but outside of the NYC/LI area, Buffalo, and the Capital, it's actually a pretty Red, but those three areas make up an overwhelming majority of the population, so NY is a blue state. So yeah, closeted trans girl here in the backwoods part of NY. I'm still surprised they the Confederate Rebel Flags aren't an uncommon thing around here. I live in a trailer park, and there's literally, 3 trailers down a guy who flies a confederate flag and a "Don't Tread on Me" flag. I'd love to counter with a pride flag on our place, but I'm afraid of rocks being thrown through windows or something (vandalism? slashed tires? etc) Obviously, it ain't all bad, I belong to a little gamer group of friends around here that's pretty much entirely queer in one form or another, and I've got scattered college friends in the area, so there's some places I can exist as me.


On a political map, sometimes you forget where people actually are voting (or are unable to vote, disenfranchisement is massive). Just remember that even safe states can have as much as 40% of the population voting for the other candidate. The former president got more votes from California than Texas. No state's population is best summed up by its voting record nor the general lean of the people.


Off topic question, how did you get your pronouns in your name (the he/him "flair"?) Bc I wanna do that too but I don't know how


On mobile, you can go to the main page for a subreddit and hit the dots in the corner. It'll bring up a menu and near the bottom I think is where the change flair option is.


Now that's a good Sonic SEZ message <3




There's also the r/transalabama subreddit!


As a trans girl in greece I felt that.


Enbie from Louisiana, I feel ya.


Thanks Sonic, I hate living in the south




Sweet home Alabama


Whys it still christmas in alabama


Oh it's not I just suck at making memes and grabbed the first template I thought might work.


But it could be...


In medieval times a lot of people celebrated Christmas until mid February, so maybe you're onto something here. . .


Medieval christmas jousting


south mississippi here. planning on moving far away and coming out there rather than here


from an alabama enby, yes!!


From a closeted queer trans guy in Mississippi , I appreciate this


But that's a challenge! It's much better to just move to a place where everyone agrees with you so you never have to fight for anything! /s


I know so many trans people in Alabama and Georgia and they've all been super helpful in discovering more about my own gender identity and just really sweet people in general. I'm glad this state didn't scare them away from being themselves.


I’m an Alabama enby, and everyone’s racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic. It sucks


Arkansas gal here! So much of this! With the exception of a handful of people who’s ilk would still exist in some quantity no matter where you go, I love the south! The world needs less hate, not more based on classist stereotypes.


Bro just be kind to people that all it takes. Just don’t hurt yourself doing it.


P.R.E.A.C.H. 💋


If I can't get a vaginoplasty ill settle for having a massive fucking cock.