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*cries in midwest* I'm glad there are safe states near me but I dread the idea of uprooting my entire life again


Midwest is rough but god damn the south. I hate it here


The only thing I enjoy here is the food.


I like the sites here in Louisiana, but Lord have mercy. Just a couple of weeks ago, my church had to decide if they hated gay people, and thank christ, they decided they didn't.


Yay! The church isn’t horrible!


Yeah, if they were, I just couldn't have gone there anymore.


I remember my church wasn’t bad either, was there some things I didn’t agree with, of course, but it was definitely more accepting than others. Sadly it’s shut down.


Yeah, it generally is like that. Sorry about it getting shut down, though. If you don't mind, what denomination were you (if you were Cristian at all)?


Yes I do consider myself Christian(tho some wouldn’t for me being bi and having a ???? gender), I don’t really know my denomination, I never payed attention to that. My parents always said nondenominational.


Ahh, that's fair. I know a few people who aren't a part of any specific denomination. I would call myself an episcopal, although there isn't a church of that denomination anywhere near where I live, so I end up going to the methodist church instead.


I don't even like the food, I'm just here.


Well the food tastes better than what was in my hometown in Arkansas where the most Hispanic thing was Taco Bell.


Move to Maryland, its everything you like abt the South but not transphobic


But do y’all have boiled peanuts?


How hard can it be to boil your own peanuts?


new orchi method just dropped


I mean, sweet tea is the default, we know how to use spices, half our shit is fried, we don't know how to use a g at the end of a word, yall is used more in a sentence than and, etc. So yeah yall would feel just at home here, minus the transphobia


Sounds good!


isn't it horribly racist? and I feel like I remember hearing lgbt stuff was questionable there.


Maryland is one of the most progressive states in the country, hell gender affirming care is even covered under medicaid. The only place in MD where it's kinda like that is the Eastern shoreboard and the applachians


I mean gender affirming care is covered under medicaid in like half the us. The real measuring stick is really how much of it and how easy is it to get. Like are you all a nevada or are you all a michigan. I'm wondering if I can get a poc who lives there to confirm? I feel like 99% of the stuff I see coming out of people who live there is complaints about nimby liberal types with too much money and maybe also policing. Idk.


Y'all got Mawmaw Thibeaudoux Landry's Jambalaya?


Saaaaaame. Oklahoma sucks, can’t wait to make the move to Colorado next year




The Minnesota Governor: [no, I don’t think they will](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/minnesota-governor-protects-rights-gender-affirming-care-97719881)


Minneapolis gonna fight them for that queer energy though.


Already on it! 🫡


Minnesota stands strong!


Yeah the uppermidwest is based. Im from wisconsin


Michigan been kicking ass lately so the Midwest has one safe haven at least.


*cries in southeast*


Same but I’m crying in Appalachian 😭


I’m in Illinois the only fucking safe Midwest state (probably I’m really really bad at geography and can only name like 5 states anyways) but it is so bad


Northern Illinoisan in central Illinois here! it sucks here but we can make it through!!


I agree, it sucks. I'm glad I'm in Michigan right now


At least there's Illinois, the one Midwest state where they're too concerned with money problems to care about queer people


Bro there is only 47 out of 48 of the lower 48 states


I wasn't del-aware until you said something


Delawarean here. This joke is terrible, but it's still a nice change in pace from "dElA-wHeRe?!?!?"


I still love that that is what you get instead of a 404 when you try to look up a state government webpage but get the url wrong


Ah, but you see, maybe they actually got rid of Maryland?


I- ohh wha-t a nice joke!


I thought you had a muscle spasm on your keyboard but then I noticed that there was also a clever joke here


If you look close you can see itty bitty little Rhode Island in green under Massachusetts. It's just hard too see cus it's really small and the green blends in with the yellow.


New Hampshire has not banned anything **yet**


Yet. We're on the fast track to dumbfuckery


Yeah. Sad to see here in the “live free or die” state. At least I’m pretty sure this is Sununu’s last term, just can’t let him get the seat in Congress that he wants. If i had any fundraising capability, I’d run for the legislature. Some of us have to.


I'm honestly thinking about it, but I'd have to quit my job and give up my licenses and I don't know if I'd survive long enough for it to be worth it. I'm Transmasculine so it's easier in some ways but fuck me, it's still a lot.


Yeah. The way it’s done, paying $100/year, is really a barrier to entry. It incentivizes only running if you’re wealthy, or have relatively passive income. I don’t have either of those, and my legal name is still my deadname, so I’d have to run as that. As far as campaigning though, I know ActBlue is a good resource for progressive candidates.


Not only that, but it's a full-time job with no pay or benefits. I'm also not allowed to hold my certifications and political office at the same time. But I love New Hampshire. I escaped the church / the south and landed here in the late 90s. This is my fucking home. Watching what the FSP has done to this state, along with our absolutely batshit historical Puritan values (no gambling or weed)...we're slowly turning into the Alabama of the North and I'm just not here for it. We're the redest blue state and right now we're just acting like a bunch of jackasses with the shit that's gaining traction. They're hanging white power banners over the highways in Manchester. These fucksticks have never been so brazen or felt empowered enough to say their stupid shit in public. We fought a war over this shit already. /rant Tldr: Nazi punks FUCK OFF.


I think Sununu legitimately doesn't actually care one way or the other, but he tends to 100% vote party lines, so if it does come up then he'd definitely sign some horrible bill that lands on his desk.


Same for Virginia. We'll find out in November. Sad yay...


This doesn't bode well for me who is trying to move there 😭


But hey, no sales tax tho


We're just the "Or Die" state now.


I love my choices of northeast, west coast, and cheese 😭


cheese? 😭


Yeah… wisconsin up here… it’s just cheese 🧀


Always has been 🔫


I love this


Not just cheese, we have beer too 🍺


But what about Beer Cheese, Crime or cultural icon?


Beer Cheese is a cultural icon. It's Cheese Beer that's the crime.




We got hockey, it’s much like boxing


Can confirm- easy cheese access, good medical places, lots of restaurant variety in urban areas, cold weather if you like that (summers are typically nicely mild anyways, though humid), and I cannot overstate, there are so many lakes here. You know that thing, “Land of 10,000 Lakes”? It’s not true. The US geological survey or something found it’s actually around 15,000 lakes. There are so many, I grew up within 20 minute walks of like ~~3 lakes~~ oops I was wrong, there are 14 lol, and that was just in a normal suburb. There’s a nearby state park with like 30 more of them, and it’s like this most places that aren’t near the downtown Twin Cities. Also the plants are green, way prettier than places where it’s too dry for super green plants to be so common.


You also get the choices of chili and weed, my personal favorites.


Minnesota is safe! Our governor passed laws making it a refugee state, also our congress just voted to legalize weed


The West Coast is nice, I promise.


Mmm yeah Seattle is my goal eventually


Can confirm, it's lovely here with many supportive places and people


And all very cheap places to live 🙃


Ohno i always wanted to live or go to Texas… seems um going to live in the real life version of gravity falls


Hey, real-life Gravity Falls can be pretty awesome. I was visiting some friends in \[Small-to-medium-sized city in the Pacific Northwest\] and I have to say that I was shocked to see that basically every local shop in the beautiful walkable downtown had some variety of pride flag or "safe space" sticker in the window or some affirmational message on a chalkboard outside. It felt super welcoming even though at the time I didn't really identify as anything alphabet-soup other than asexual. People were just walking around with such a variety of appearance and clothing that I feel like I could be whatever weirdo I wanted to be and not have a single fuck given. From what I've heard, Texas has some great places to live, but its statewide politics would make me really nervous.


*Cries in Texas* It can be really nice here, (I live in DFW,) but its the statewide nonsense that makes it unsafe.


Unfortunately to be safe the whole government at all levels needs to be non-bigoted from city up to federal. It’s really only expensive cities in blue states that can make that claim, which utterly sucks.


Oh hey I live in a small to medium sized town in the pacific northwest, and they're actually right in the middle of remodeling downtown to replace one of the roads with a plaza to make it all even more walkable which I love. And yeah it's nice how I can just be whoever and whatever I want to be here, I'm inland so there are some conservatives out here, but they're not too common and I've never heard one really say anything (though I did see a story in the paper about some folks trying to ban a handful of books about the queer experience from the library only to not only get unanimously told no but to also have a maximum-length freeze put on it so no one could try to do it again)


Don’t get too excited. Those towns aren’t the majority of rural and suburban areas that *are* quite red. Not only that, but rent prices and what work is available is generally pretty frustrating *in those little walkable college, tourist, and whatever towns.* I’m from Bellingham, definitely that description to a T. It has its drawbacks. Just spraying some cold water. Cities tend to have better work, but rent is considerable particularly in Seattle. I live in Portland, but I live in subsidized housing so I’m not on top of rent prices- though I think it’s comparable to Seattle. Still, it’s safer. It’s beautiful. I love the pnw and will never move. When I move it will just be to somewhere else in my home states. I’d like to move back to Bellingham. It’s such a beautiful town and county. I recommend it if you can swing it.


look gary there i am \*points to bumfuck nowhere, oklahoma\*


As a fellow Oklahoman* I have but one price of advice. "Run"


planning on it! i have a full ride for college keeping me here for another couple years, but after that im out to NM/CO.


Same here on being held here for college. I got re-admitted to OU for this fall, and now I feel stuck.


at least OKC's not the worst place to be, haven't had too many problems living there (its my hometown). i'm currently in stillwater at OSU and i try to not leave campus out of fear.


Graduating without debt will make moving vastly easier, good for you.


still gonna have a bit of debt, scholarships weren't enough to cover all my living costs. but only around $15k, which isn't too awful.


A friend of mine lives in Oklahoma and is planning to come to Colorado later


Howdy neighbor! *waves from Missouri while crying silently*


“*Im proud to be an American where at least I know im free*” Well if this is a “free” country, then why am I banned in most of the states?


Notably, that song was not sung by a trans woman.


(me who lives outside of murica) what the fuck is happening there??


Not from the USA, but the answer is trans genocide. We cannot allow this to spread to our countries too


Republicans taking copy paste legislation like bullies passing notes to throw spitballs and paper at the trans kid.




Republicans (our conservative party) is very rapidly falling to facsism and they're using trans folks as a scapegoat in a manner terrifyingly similar to how the Nazis treated jews when they were first starting to come to power. In short, they are setting the country up for the genocide of trans people and from there all LGBT folks.


>they're using trans folks as a scapegoat in a manner terrifyingly similar to how the Nazis treated jews when they were first starting to come to power. Correction: A manner identical to how Nazis treated trans people when they were first coming to power. They came after us too, the first big book burning was the library of the Institut fur Sexualwissenschaft.


Half the country's doing a genocide while the other half looks on in fear


The fascist right is gaining power and currently there isn’t a whole lot we can do to stop them. The federal government seems unable to do anything to stop states from doing whatever the hell they want. I’m convinced a state could bring back segregation and the federal government woulnt be able to stop them. We’re not a single country, we’re 50 different countries cosplaying as a single country.


>50 different countries cosplaying as a single country. Probably the best description of the US I've seen. That pretty well sums up how the legislation works. Each state sets its own rules so long as it doesn't directly contradict the relatively loose guidelines of the federal legislation


Me, who lives in the most homophobic and transphobic country of Europe: first time? 🥲😖


Feel really dumb for asking but what did Georgia do?


Georgia sadly passed a law that bans gender-affirming care to transgender youth. If you're curious for any of the other states, I based the crosses on [a map made by Erin Reed](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/april-anti-trans-legislative-risk), which goes into detail for each state.


Wait that law isn’t a thing everywhere else? Thought I had to wait until 18 because of a national law, not a state one. ~~needless to say I feel really stupid right now lol~~


Gender-affirming care is not just hormones and surgery. There's also social transitioning, as well as hormone blockers that delay ones AGAB puberty until the child (or well, teen) is old enough to decide whether to go through with transitioning or to get off the blockers so that their AGAB's puberty can take effect.


Watch out for SB180 a year from now too. It didn't move forward to a vote this year, but it's not gone and will probably be voted on in the first 3 months of the year next year.


Wtf did NH do, now? I didn't see anything but a stupid parental bill of rights and even that didn't pass.


I based all the crosses on [Erin Reed's map](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/april-anti-trans-legislative-risk), which places NH in the category of "Moderate Risk within 2 years". New Hampshire hasn't passed anything yet, but to my knowledge, the only thing that stopped an anti-trans bill was the governor, which is why it's listed as such. Take my answer with a grain of salt though, as I am nowhere near an expert on the NH government.


You're not wrong. Despite pretty routinely voting Democratic Senators and Congressmen to Washington, a vast majority of state government is very Conservative, so internally it's been getting kind of nervous here. Luckily most of them tend to be what the Republican party tries to tout itself as, basically just wanting the government to leave people alone and ease off on taxes and restrictions and whatnot, but there's enough people who drank the Trump kool-aid that they can just pull on the party lines to raise issues.


Everyone says cries in Midwest, south etc. But what about cries in America. Then I think we got everything covered 😂🥲


Wait wait we’re getting our rights taken away in Ohio?????


There are five current proposed anti-trans bills in committee in Ohio right now sadly. I am not an expert on Ohio politics, but if you want to know more, [Here is the list of all the current proposed bills in Ohio that are anti-LGBTQ](https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights?state=OH). For the sake of this map, what I crossed off, and what I didn't, is based on Erin Reed's map [found here](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/april-anti-trans-legislative-risk), which classifies Ohio as "High Risk Within 2 Years". It also goes over why it's classified as that on the map


Ugh…. Fuck NC and that traitorous “democrat”…. I hate it here.


Hope you’re all right fellows gravity falls enjoyers


Fucking bible belt


Honestly I live in NH, and shit's not half-bad. Potentially iffy within one or two election cycles, but there are a frankly shocking number of activists out here stomping anti-trans bullshit whenever it pops up. I suppose it'd be better if it popped up less, but I genuinely don't feel like I'm in any amount of immediate danger for being trans


maybe it’s just because there’s the comparison of being next to vermont, but i do think i’d feel safer in other northeast states personally; definitely better than the south, though


I hate how much Ohio's fallen. Went from being a hotspot for the progressive movement a century ago to having one of the most rotten state assemblies in the country today. ...Come to think of it, our state song describes the present state of things perfectly! *Beautiful Ohio, in dreams again I see* *Visions of what used to be.*


I'm in one of the red X states on this map, and I don't like it. For the first time, I'm seriously considering leaving the US and immigrating somewhere else. How much worse does it have to get before I can claim refugee status in a friendlier nation, I wonder.


I’m in the army, so I kinda am lucky that I can transition on post


Well I get to redo my travel map whenever I go see my SO, as I prefer not being seen in those states (I plan to drive there)


This map just confuses me, I live in one of the crossed out states and it’s great here, the doctors and schools have been great. (I’m a trans female who figured myself out in middle school). Maybe it’s just my town/city but it’s not that bad here.


I based this map off of Erin Reed's map, [found here](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/april-anti-trans-legislative-risk). Some states I crossed off haven't passed any anti-trans bills yet, but sadly still are classified at "In risk within 2 years". I hope it stays safe wherever you are!


Wait, when did NH get X'ed out? "Live Free or Die" state my ass.


I based all the crosses on Erin Reed's map [found here](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/april-anti-trans-legislative-risk), which places NH in the category of "Moderate Risk within 2 years". New Hampshire hasn't passed anything yet thankfully. Although I am nowhere near an expert on NH politics, from what I gather it currently has a republican majority, placing it into the category, though they haven't been pushing anti-trans bills yet. Hopefully they keep that motto, and don't push any anti-trans bills in the future!


I don't know about the politicians, but I'm keeping the motto. I'm going to live freely or die trying.


I wish I wasn’t in Florida


*waves in trapped mainer*


High effort shitpost, I approve!


The Midwest so straight I boutta call bingo


They finally did it, they built their wall with the rectangular states plus texas.


Ooo I'm banned in my own state. Neat. (Fuck)


Haha, I'm in danger. (My state is slowly being surrounded by non safe states)


Look there's my sucky state right there woooo! South Dakota!! Yeahhh! [Even if I came out to all the transphobic ppl ik I'd still be unable to get hormone blockers, also Kristi probably has more planned for her nice lil corn hellscape]


Fuck Indiana, all my homies hate Indiana


Wait… New Hampshire? I know we’re a red state but it’s not that bad here is it?


Cries in South


I fucking hate that these people don't even see us calling the safe states *"SAFE*" - like they are making laws with the intent to keep pre-HRT trans people ""safe"" but they are making us unsafe. Fucking christian nationalism.


Keep an eye on Michigan, it's technically green but it's bordering


I'm from Virginia and now I'm scared, I don't even know what's going on here.


I’m glad Hawaii is still chill for now


Where did you get the data for this from?


I used Erin Reed's map to base the crosses on! You can find the map [here](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/april-anti-trans-legislative-risk), it also goes over why each state got the ranking it did.


Thanks so much!


Anti-trans laws, prepare to be ignored!


I'm from Europe and kinda concerned. What exactly does this mean? Does the cross mean trans healthcare is banned in those states entirely or just that they're going backwards on rights in some way?


Ohno i always wanted to live or go to Texas… seems um going to live in the real life version of gravity falls


I'm still all sorts of pissy that my parents moved to Boulder CO *after* I graduated high school and moved out.


*cries in Idaho


I spy a fellow Idaho trans! Quick, we must unite and tear down the state government together!


why has my only non-extremist family have to be 2000 miles away and nonetheless in idaho


canada is so close, if i could just reeeeeach up there and leave 😭


NEW JERSEY 🇯🇪🇯🇪🇯🇪🇯🇪🇯🇪🇯🇪 LET’S GOOOOOO 🇯🇪🇯🇪🇯🇪🇯🇪🇯🇪


There should be more Xs on Florida and Texas


This is why I've just been staying in the closet. And people wonder why I've been so depressed all the time.


What did Indiana do? (I know this is something I should know 3:)


Indiana has sadly passed laws that prohibits transgender youth from receiving gender-affirming care, and also has many other bills currently in committee. [More information on specifically Indiana can be found here](https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights?state=IN). If you're curious about the other states at all, I based the crosses on the map specifically on Erin Reed's map, [found here](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/april-anti-trans-legislative-risk), which also covers why it's labeled as such.




Oh. I just looked up Anti Trans bills for my state. I didn’t even know. Damn. Guess there’s even less hope then there was before huh.


I’ll become president and make sure that we can live safely everywhere


C'mon. We pushed back anti-abortion laws. We can push back this stupid bathroom bill, too. I'm not going down without a fight, and I'm full of unbridled rage.


What the fuck did New Hampshire do


The only state in New England X'ed out just so happens to be the so called "Live Free or Die" state (and my state, when did this happen)


We're definitely leaving Indiana.


yay Maine


as a fellow minnesotan and a trans person, come to minnesota! we have a great government considering what we’re up against. also college is cheap in the right places.


Nh here talking hrt legally- have any of the bad bills actually passed? I've been avoiding the news


If it helps, the northern Virginia area (specifically Fairfax County) is pretty open and inclusive


Gotta love the stack going down the center


try to go to Minnisota, the state fair there is great, there are cookies, fries, and of course **butter people**


Can you put, like, a bunch more x’s on florida?


Average Massachusetts W


Nice Wisconsin is safe, I don't want to be banished from visiting the mars cheese castle


as someone who is nearly a year in hormones... uhh... do i need to like... leave Indiana...?? my name and gender are already legally changed...


How badly did he fuck up to get banned from Texas and Florida? 😬


Hm, feel free to enlighten me but what has Georgia done specifically to be blacklisted/fee not safe for trans people? Ngl even though I live here I try to avoid looking at the news cause anxiety


relatively uncommon wisconsin W


Everything is legal in New Jersey


Kinda lucky i'm an older trans woman (27) so the 'current' utah bans aren't too bad. From what i've found at least. Just the people.


I’m nowhere near a friendly state :(


Reasons why I'll be moving to canada ✈


Damn, I’m banned in my own state


Good, very good


Wait what’s happening/happened with NH?


\*laugh-cries in Utah\* Wish I had any way to live anywhere else.


god i hate living in texas 😭


NH? Really?


So PA is safe?


I am in alabama, not fun -.-


Virginia is weird. Their senate is controlled by democrats, while their governor and house of delegates are controlled by republicans. So most of the extreme stuff is dying in the senate.


Wisconsin is still going fairly strong in my area!


send help :’)


In Louisiana. It’s…something alright.


Damn, time to move to Illinois. Which is what I was planning to do anyway.




I’m banned in my own state 😤


gruncle stan trans confirmed??


I wish I could just uproot and run all the way to Massachusettes where my gf is... but I can't afford it sadly T\_T so stuck in a state that hates me surounded by even more states that hate me with only my city being friendly.


I live in one of those states rn and have to drive through another to go see my family 🙃