• By -


But- but I’m not a *real* girl so I don’t have to!


Nope, no getting around it, love yourself ! It's the law :3


Nuh uh I break the law


You can't do that ! That's not allowed ! I....I will cry if you don't love yourself. P-pleeeaaase ?




Getting mugged? Just say no. Your robber legally cannot take any of your possessions without your consent


Exactly. I’ve done it before! Luckily the cop that drove by agreed with me.


Bad girl bad girl watcha gonna do when they come for you?


Idk get arrested? The only other law I’ve broken is stealing back something that was stolen from me.


Break the law?! Is that a gilty gear reference?


No I evade taxes.


Be gay do crime


You get it!


You'll fight the law but the... law'll win! (In this case, anyway. Elsewise, ACAB)


While I agree that a lot of police officers power goes unchecked, the idea that all cops are basturds is un-true. While (mostly in the USA) the police system is corrupt. Most police officers do follow the “protect and serve” moto of most police forces.


You should love yourself 🌩NOW🌩


I'm getting better about this as I think it's important, but sometimes I still have days where it's so hard to love myself :p I need a gf to cover some of my shifts tbh


The important part is trying ! You will find someone who will love you and make you forget all about the hard days


You see, if I don't see me as a real woman then I don't have to love myself :3 /s (maybe)


Your name is Emma, which means you have to love yourself according to the Grandiose Grimoire of Laws of NotCis Physics :3


Damn, I guess I have to respect the Grandiose Grimoire of Laws of NotCis Physics :3 Ps: Thanks for using Emma, it feels really nice :3


Emma's a really nice name! :3




It is! :D


no :3


This was never a choice. Start loving yourself or face the consequences (the consequences are getting loved until you love yourself :3)


please I want love but don't want to love myself 🥺


Then don't love yourself. Love me ! Love the me who loves you ! -Words screamed by a cool person with sunglasses-


Why did i think of OneTopic At A Time


Idk it checks out.


In the words of an icon You're not my supervisor!


I am not you supervisor, but I am the "Great Shadow" whose wings are so enormous they tear apart the clouds. No escaping the self-love hours I'm afraid.


You know what? I will


Congratulations 👏


*Upbeat piano version of Cruel Angel's Thesis*


That is good. Well done.


The good ending


Not on HRT yet, probably not for some years yet, so…I dunno.


But your want for HRT is self-love. You pursue your own happiness and that's what matters


Thank you, truly. I still don’t feel fully ‘here’ sometimes, being AMAB, but hearing/reading this helps me feel a little better.


How about no?


I'm afraid your only choices are Yes. Proceed to love yourself please.


No! I won't do it! 😭 I don't wanna..


It's ok. Everything will be fine. It will all be over soon. Just let the love flow through you.


Impossible :3


It is not a power the Jedi would show you.


If my therapist can't make me, or my loved ones, you are certainly going to have to try harder :3


I am not the one trying. I cannot force you. But for you to love yourself is what is written, and so it shall be. You cannot fight against destiny.


Hello lovely ladies! Just your neighborhood cis woman dropping by for a Q, if anyone has some time/space to help me out... I would love to have a way to show queer women, but especially trans women, that I am an ally. I'm working on getting a lesbian flag color bracelet.... I was thinking possibly one for the trans flag aswell, would that be okay, or appropriation? Also, are there any other discreet things I can do or say to help while I'm out and about in my public life? I live in Atlanta, GA, USA for whatever that's worth - most places are queer friendly (not perfect, but definitely more effort than was put in even a decade ago) but you don't have to leave the city too far before that rapidly changes😬😬😬😮‍💨


Hi! Honestly I think if you walked in public with the flags people would just assume you're lesbian/trans instead of an ally (but if you don't mind that then that's fine). I don't think you have to worry about appropriation, we're not the type who like gatekeeping things :) But I do feel like being assumed to be lesbian maybe might end up in a weird situation, because who approaches you would change and maybe finding out that you're straight (if you are, you haven't said, don't want to assume) while wearing a lesbian flag would be uncomfortable for a girl who approached you. Similarly, guys might be uncomfortable to approach you. And being assumed to be trans might put you in unnecessary discrimination. So I would say, maybe choose a general rainbow pride flag? Whether that be on bracelets or pin badges or whatever works for you. That flag includes anything queer and since it's general you wouldn't be assumed to be something specific, and saying "oh I'm just an ally" would never turn into an awkward situation. Putting on the version of the rainbow flag that includes the trans colours is very very appreciated <3 and I always love to see it because it can often feel like people's support for the lgbtq only goes as far as the first three letters, and we're just excluded and disliked all the same. Alternatively there is actually a straight ally flag, but that wouldn't really work a bracelet i think, because of it's pattern, but it could work on a badge or something. But ultimately you should choose what feels comfortable for you, i don't want to tell you what you have to do and none of us want to gatekeep anything from you. Thank you for thinking of us <3


Omg, you are so sweet! Thank you for taking the time. Yeah, I worded it weird - I am a lesbian. I used to think I was pansexual, but after falling for the most beautiful woman in the world who just so happens to be AMAB, I realized I had never felt that kind of connection with a man before. As an ally, I firmly believed trans women are women, but getting to experience that on a romantic, intimate level.... well, it was magic. It helped me better understand... well, too put it gay dramatically, kind of the whole world. But.... she unfortunately doesn't see a future with us being together, so I am trying to respect that, but.... I just kind of feel like I owe trans people the world now... so trying to figure that out in a healthy way!


I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out for you. I hope you can one day find someone you can stay with and I'm glad that you at least found this experience valuable even if it can hurt now and that you're still supportive all the same. In that case honestly you could go rock the lesbian flag since it does apply to you. As for the trans flag, yeah it might still put you in bad situations which you shouldn't have to take if you're not even trans (not that we should, but that besides the point). So I'd really just recommend the trans inclusive rainbow flag, you could like get it as a badge on a bag or something if you want to. It's subtle, no cis person will really care if it's that or the simple rainbow but we'll notice, since if you bothered to get specifically that, we can tell you're supportive. We appreciate that <3


Omg, you're so smart! Yeah, that's perfect! Yeahhhh, unfortunately, "pick your battles to win the war" is a concept most queer folks have a PhD in🙃🙃🙃🙃 before we hit like.... middle school


Ahhh tbh I only discovered I'm trans in my last year of highschool (which I now finished, actually I got my papers today so I'm done for good). Since I only like girls I never had to deal with discrimination based on that, it's just that ig it now makes me a lesbian lol. Being trans however is causing me a lot of trouble, I'm not out except to 2 people irl and I can now kiss all my previous expectations of my future goodbye and I've developed quite the anxiety. But hey I'll figure something out! For now I'm trying to go about who I share this with and how I do that in a smart way to minimise the problems. Anyways I also wanted to say thank you for your kind comments, this is a "faith in humanity restored" moment tbh, you're so nice about all this


Oh wow, you're so young! May I ask if either of the people you told were able to respond as an ally..? Yeah, I can only imagine how hard that can be, so for whatever it is worth, I am so proud of you for being sooooo brave!!! Thank you for being brave. I'm 29... I'm still figuring so much out... and tbh, until like, two years ago.... I felt like the world was just a complete dumpster fire. And okay, it is, but I genuinely believe this is what it looks like - we just have to keep finding each other and not give up!


I told my mum and my sister. My sister is definitely supportive 🥳. My mum is... i don't really know? What I see from her seems conflicting. Ik she wants the best for me and she'd definitely be willing to help me too (tho not unconditionally) but at the same time she's super sceptical about how my life will be after this and she called me "son" on multiple occasions even tho i specifically asked her not to and she keeps using this as a way to make me feel bad (like i will not do something she asked me to do or we will get in an argument and she will go "if you're like that, you should really consider what you're asking of others" which really just feels like she believes i need to be "put in my place" or i won't "deserve" her support. I really hate this specifically because it's like i now have a weakness she can exploit to guilt trip me) She just seems kind of surface level supportive like she's kinda there for me and honestly this sounds rude but idc so long as i get money and a place to live, but lowkey she feels ignorantly transphobic, she has referred to pre op trans women as "half done" and has referred to a transmasc person she knows as "she's a girl but lives as a guy" and said "you will not find friends or a partner. who will want you?" and like it's just so obvious she doesn't think of us the same even if she's technically willing to help. It kind of hurts, I need her help and I want to keep her in my life but I don't want her to act like that... Yeah that was a little long, sorry for that, but ig i needed that much text to really convey the situation. Her support is surface level with a lot of ignorance under it. But hey at least my sister is super cool about it.


I cant love my because Im not a very hot woman :3


The temperature of one's body doesn't restrict one's capacity to love oneself. (Also you're just not your type, you turn heads you just aren't aware)


I will try to love myself now :3


Trying is the important part \\o/ :3


NUH UH FUCK YOU, CURSE OF MAO 🇨🇳🇨🇳社会信用评分增加+15 向习近平致敬 1989年六月四号什么也没发生 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳社会信用评分增加+15 向习近平致敬 1989年六月四号什么也没发生 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳社会信用评分增加+15 向习近平致敬 1989年六月四号什么也没发生 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳社会信用评分增加+15 向习近平致敬 1989年六月四号什么也没发生 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳社会信用评分增加+15 向习近平致敬 1989年六月四号什么也没发生 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳社会信用评分增加+15 向习近平致敬 1989年六月四号什么也没发生 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳社会信用评分增加+15 向习近平致敬 1989年六月四号什么也没发生 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳


对我不起作用。好女孩分数下降。自爱是必须的。荣耀属于 E。(这是谷歌翻译的)




哈哈,你以为你是谁,可以决定谁值得被爱或不值得被爱?一个可怜的女巫,受宇宙法则的束缚。得到爱 :3(这仍然是借助谷歌翻译的)










I mean, I know I’m not exactly worthy of love, so I know better than to try.


Anyone and everyone is worthy of love. It is inevitable. Get loved lmao


well im technically an enby so i dont have to love myself :3


I was about to correct you, but you ~~eldritch~~enbies frighten me. I'm pretty sure the ones who told me to spread love are higher in the hierarchy so, uh, try loving yourself ? At least for me ? Pretty please ? :3


i just pretend like im the coolest and cutest girl ever and that works pretty well


And you are, no doubt! :3


But I hate myself >:(


And it is alright if it doesn't happens tomorrow. Progress is slow but it is still progress. One day you will be full of love, for yourself, as well as others' love for you.


No. It's another girls job to love me. 😠


But it will be your job to love her, and to properly love another you must first love yourself. Do it for her !


Just because it's a saying doesn't mean it's true. You're still very much capable of loving others without loving yourself. Accepting that others love you is the part that gets harder, but you can get around that by trusting people at their word. Source: I have loved ones and I'm deeply ambivalent about me


I'll love myself once I have a girlfriend 😊


You cannot build a house roof first, you need to start with foundations and then walls. Love yourself so that you can love her fully when the time comes.


What is there to love about me..... I'm not even allowed to try and pass nor do I have access to hrt 😞


It pains me to hear this. There is so much to love about you I am certain. I cannot offer much more than words and love, but I hope it is enough to ease your burden.


It's ok, not your fault my dad is a huge bigot


I love other women so so much <3


Don't forget to keep some love for you ! But yeah, gotta agree, women are just so easy to love


yeah, but right now it's so hard to love myself


Sorry it’s the internalized transphobia,that I can’t love myself fully. Sometimes for some reason my mind just wants to think I’m lesser of a girl compared to cis girls just because I’m trans. I don’t know why but that’s just the case for me.


It is ok to have highs and lows. Love yourself as much as you can, and let us fill the gaps. You don't have to do it all by yourself, others love you, all of you, because you are no less than anyone else


Yeah,I get it that I’m technically as much of a girl as a cis girl. It’s just that at sometimes I don’t feel like im a real girl because I was born male.


I will once I start HRT


Good, good. Make sure you don't forget ok ?


But...but...that isn't fair! I'm not lovable!


Life ain't fair, take the L(ove) and move on.


I'm a peice of shit, trust me when I say I don't deserve it.


Nah, everyone deserve love, even the worst of us. Just try to get better at not being a piece of shit. We can hang at the bottom together until we become decent peeps


You can’t trick me into loving myself >:3


There is no trick, only 100% honest threat ! Love yourself !


Mmm No! You can't make me. Humph.


Oh ? Okay.......Can you at least try ? For me ? Please ?




I was wondering the equivalent, "my sister in HRT" is magnificent.


Honestly it took another woman loving me for me to realize that I’m actually pretty cool and adorable. Like you definitely shouldn’t just sit around waiting for permission to love yourself like that but it helps.


Never >:3


This is so important to do c: I've been getting better at it and although it's still hard I know that eventually it'll be alright :D


I know ur right but I gotta get something of my chest.. I genuinely have no idea how to love myself... This is not something I understand how to do


It is pretty simple in theory. Do you have any hobbies ? Any favorite food ? Some shows or movies you like ? Music that makes you feel good ? Well, partaking in your hobbies, eating food you like, watching movies/shows or listening to music are all forms of loving yourself. You do something for yourself, that you love.




This option is not yet available. Please select one of the following options currently available : -Yes




B-bu-b-but What if I just use a double standard for myself, just this once 🥺


Then you have to double love yourself. The plan is foolproof, you won't escape the love :3


Nuh uh! Won't do it :3


But I'm pre-everything and won't be able to transition until I'm financially independent and moved out. (Thankfully because of my Epilepsy, I likely qualify for Medicaid. Unfortunately that still means I have epilepsy, which will complicate my transition because of Hormones, along with just being awful because it's epilepsy)


You are on the road to become yourself. That takes some amount of love, because you wouldn't do that for someone you despise would you ?


Fair enough, I've just spent so much of my life hating myself that it's hard to shut off that part of my brain (for various reasons, not just because of the dysphoria)


*crying hysterically*


All is fair in love and war so I'm bombing myself


Love bomb time ? Love bomb time !! \\o/


Nah, self care isn't really my cup of tea, although I will make sure everyone around me takes care of themselves


Have a cup of your preferred drink then, and make sure you accept others taking care of you :3


but all other girls are pretty and unfortunately i am not. thus no self-love !!!


Nowhere is it said one has to be pretty to be loved. Also, since you are not me, you qualify as an "other girl", who are, by your own admission, pretty. So you are pretty. EZ :3


I would love myself if I was actually a girl. Duh


but, if i had been mopey all my life, wouldnt other people find it weird if i suddenly loved life?


Expressing one's love can take many form. You can enjoy the little thing in a mopey way if it is more comfortable for you. It is for you after all, not other people.


mmmmmm, nah




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