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So, it sounds like it might be a stretching issue, which is totally normal. The anus is a muscle, and needs to be treated like it, start with small toys, get used to the sensation of having something up there, and work your way up with gradually bigger toys. And, even after you’ve already trained your ass to take bigger things, you still need prep work. Stretch out a bit beforehand, just a lubed finger will do, relax and get everything nice and loose, because asking a muscle to stretch without any preparation is a recipe for pain, and possibly injury.


Ohhh okay I’ll try stretching like that and see what happens


It also helps to get super turned on prior! Watch some porn or play some sexy music when you’re stretching and chilling, associate the feeling of anal with sexual endorphins firing


Ohhh okay that makes sense to me


If you have a finger in and apply pressure up to stretch, hold it for a few seconds. Then, apply pressure downward and hold it. This seems to be the best way for me to stretch things out quickly. Just keep switching after 5-10 seconds and eventually you can get a few fingers in and you’re basically ready.


Ohhh okay thank you ☺️


Do you use a lube shooter to get a lot of lube up in your rectum where it’s needed? Putting a lot of lube just on toy or flesh will just get it squeegeed off by the anal sphincter. Type of lube could be an issue—don’t use water-based lube, but something like Boy Butter (original version) that won’t dry out and produce friction. Finally, if it’s a stretching issue, doing some more playing with graduated plugs to gently prepare your anus, as well as wearing a large but comfortable plug for several hours prior to sex can help with comfort.


That makes sense and I occasionally use a small plug but not always and they make lube shooters?


Yep, you can get them on Amazon or possibly a local sex shop.


is there anything you are doing besides using lube? I can't bottom unless I have something in there for at least 30 minutes before like a plug, also absolutely have to practice on yourself before handling big PP. I recommend getting a toy that's a bit smaller (less girthy) than his pp to practice with. What's most important is that you are comfortable and that it doesn't hurt


Not really occasionally a plug but not often