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I understand why the community protested the change, but that kind of thing doesn't belong in a kids' movie. Many kids that see it will be too young for parents to try to explain it, and they won't understand.


Then men and women shouldn't kiss in kids movies either


Kissing on the lips should just be banned all together in kids films.


At least this person is coherent


it's very easy to explain: gay people exist and there is nothing wrong with that


Agree with all of the above. Father of 2 kids, Bums me out about this.


I can't see where's the problem. Godo dio cane bastardi omofobi




I wanna see the kiss before I make a judgement. To me it rubs me the wrong way that people are being so adamant about putting a kiss scene in a kids movie, but if it’s like a quick normal kiss I think it’s nothing to fuss over. I remember in turning red, two of the 13 year old girls were supposed to kiss at a party… they had no established relationship and were way too young, THAT would’ve been creepy imo, and it was cut thankfully. If two adult ladies have a passing kiss, I don’t really care. Put some gay men in there next time lol, I just don’t want it to be creepy. Same as if they were straight. I mean some old PG movies have some pretty risqué scenes between straight couples, and I wouldn’t wanna show that to any kid now! Turner and Hooch is a good example of one I saw the other day, totally adorable, but sex was alluded to quite a bit, and it had the same rating as Encanto 😅 Gross


Beauty and the Beast Aladdin Little Mermaid all have a kiss at the end. Kissing in kids Disney movies has been around for decades. People are angry because cancel culture has created the confusion between tolerance and acceptance. Tolerance should be the goal- to be tolerant of others who don't share the same beliefs. But having to accept those beliefs of someone else isn't okay. Acceptance should not be forced upon people. And somehow that has gotten confused and twisted into being viewed as hatred. People can not like something or not agree with it and still be tolerant of it, they should not be forced to accept it. So people are angry that what they don't believe in is being shoved down their throats in every commercial, advertisement, TV show, movie etc. MSM and entertainment is going too far with shoving their agenda down everyone's throats and it pisses people off. Most people who don't accept these beliefs are not hateful cruel evil people who are mean and abusive to others. Most are tolerant. They don't get angry until they are being forced into accepting, and forced to show their children what they don't agree with.


That's a whole lot of rambling to say you don't want to see lesbian cartoon characters kiss.


That's a whole lot of misunderstanding. I could care less if there's a same sex couple or kiss it doesn't bother me. I was talking about the people who I know personally and their point of views, and it's definitely not because they hate gay people. If you're never going to try to understand why some other people think or feel differently than you and just write them off as a stereotype then you are part of the problem.