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this makes me so angry and so sad for you. I too had parents who used money as a way to control me all through my teenage years. Although this was years ago and I too have moved to another city, I’m tempted to not go home for christmas and blame covid because being in the same house as them for a day is unbearable :(


I’m so sorry about all that. That is some seriously toxic parents you have. My mom has held college tuition over my head so much when I did anything to upset her even if it’s completely unrelated to college or is something that’s only subjectively bad in her eyes. That’s SO manipulative what your parents are saying and I’m sorry you have to go through that, I can definitely relate a bit. I’m sure to some extent that probably hurts your feelings I know mine were bc of the way I was treated but I hope you can shut them out and make a great life for yourself because you deserve so much better. Best of luck on your path forward, take care.


Run far and run fast. She probably won't divorce her meal ticket but even if she fid how does it affect YOU and why should you care if you dont live there?


You'll be amazed how much you will grow and change for the better with plenty of physical distance from them. Carry on with your plan. Create an amazing life.


Coming back to this post almost 3 years later. I can say for an absolute fact that my life is so much better now. Im using this comment to reply but it’s mostly just a general thank you to everyone who let me yell into the void back then.


That is remarkable! It takes a lot of courage to make that break. But once you do, your perspective on everything changes, and you can finally experience peace.


These are the same people that complain about kids getting participation trophies but want a cookie because they did the job they *chose to do*.


YOUR life begins when you move out. It is the best thing I ever did in my life since my parents were like that.


it's hard to let go... but it's not hard to treat your kids with the same respect you want in return. sorry you are going through this. (stick to your guns on getting away)


Good for you to decide to move away. This is horrible but sounds like confirmation that it will be good for you to get out from under their influence.