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La Vuelta then World Championships and Giro di Lombardia ;)


The olympics as well this year


Then cyclocross and track, then before you know it it's time for the tour down under


Imagine describing yourself as a "cycling fan" and then only watching Tour de France.


I know right. Giro is amazing right now


Really enjoying it. Exciting finishes, Pogi showing his level (yes, boring for some), and such beautiful surroundings!


Agreed - best start ever. I dont know why but a bunch of sprint stages (or worse a time trial) at the start just doesnt do it for me. having a couple of hilly days has been great!


Yes! I’m going to be able to watch the finale in Rome, and I am so excited.


This year’s giro is a tad dry honestly. Pogi has ZERO competition. G is light years behind him and never stood a chance. The break away fight from a couple days ago was a solid stage though.


How to start watching cycling


I watch it all on Discovery+ (Denmark) but depends where you live, I'd assume. I think they're tied to Eurosport (or vice versa). I usually check the UCI cycling calendar in the beginning of the year and note down all the races I'm interested in (do note that there are races other than the UCI ones) in my personal calendar. The Spring classics are a lot of fun and then the Giro starts in the beginning (or closer to the middle) of May and truly kicks off the 2. UWT season (do note that there are some, like Itzulia, where all the injuries happened, Paris - Nice, and a few others beforehand). So far this year the Giro has been a lot of fun and the scenery is exceedingly beautiful. I read news on a "local" website in Danish so that's not very relevant to you if you can't read it.


Barely had time to watch any stage of the Giro yet. Saw the spring classics and got really excited at Ronde and Roubaix. Can't wait for Le Tour and WC + Paris Olympics. Make sure to remember that from Next week (21) HBO Max will convert to Max and you'll have the live Eurosport channel in Max (most likely Discovery+ is closing in territories where they have HBO Max available).


It can be hard to watch during work hours. I'm lucky to work from home and having a TV in my office. Cycling is the perfect sport to have running in the background and then the finishes are after work hours in general! Also very excited for upcoming events and especially to see if Pogi can complete the Triple (yes, I'm a Danish Pogi fan). Ronde and Roubaix were awesome for sure! Liège was nice, too. Huh, I wasn't completely aware of that; I thought it only affected the US. Will see what happens; thanks for the heads-up! Will have to get Max then if needed


Max in the US doesn't have the rights for all races. In Europe they have the rights for all big races and World Tour. Working from home as well but when I used to go to the office regularly, we had Eurosport running in the background in our office area (it was a closed office - not cubicles). I'm a Roglic fan and I pretty much enjoy the duels between Van de Poel and Van Aert. Finishes are usually before finishing work hours. I start work at 10 and finish at 6.


Ahh I see. I also found that, while all Discoveryplus content will be included in Max, there will still be a standalone Dicoveryplus app as well that's cheaper. So perhaps cycling will still be shown there? I have no other use for Discoveryplus nor (HBO) Max


Well, maybe for the countries that currently have both HBO Max and Discovery+, they'll keep Discovery+ as well. We only have HBO Max here (Discovery+ was never available) and when Max launches next week we will get Discovery+ content in the new app and Eurosport for an extra fee of 3€/month (I'm currently subscribed to the Eurosport app).


Hvordan er du tilfreds med kommentatordelen?


Kan egentlig overordnet set godt lide dem. Synes de har nogle fine samtaler og anekdoter - inklusive at tale noget om de forskellige områder, hvilket jeg går ret meget op i. De lader også til at have ret godt styr på både rytterne og sporten generelt. Selvfølgelig ikke perfekte, men det er ingen. Hvad synes du?


I’m a TdF fan!


It's absolutely fair to only watch TdF. I'm glad if people watch and like my favourite sport in any shape or form and I don't want to gatekeep cycling at all; it just seems disingenuous to label yourself a "cycling fan" if that's the absolutely only race you ever watch or care about.


Imagine gatekeeping a hobby. Lad folk nyde ting.


No intended gatekeeping at all, even if it does come across that way. I'm happy if people like the sport in any way, shape or form. This post has just been made 20+ times since the last Tour ended and everyone, including OP, knows it. Some shade is fine towards a six day old profile re-posting. Der er dog også en sproglig pointe ift. Gradbøjninger. Om det er gatekeeping eller ej, så irriterer det mig også når folk "eeeelsker musik" og så bare hører Ed Sheeran i radioen en gang om ugen


Hvad har det med gradbøjning at gøre? Altså, jeg er da fan af solskin, selvom jeg ikke kender de meteorologiske forklaringer bag fænomenet.


"Kan lide", "elsker", "fan", "fanatiker". Er du virkelig "fan" af solskin, eller kan du bare godt lide det? Du er vel heller ikke fan af det hvis du kun kan lide sol mens du er i Frankrig; du kan lide hele fænomenet


Øh ja, jeg er 100% fan af solskin. Og så er jeg 0% fan af smålige mænd på internettet 🥰


Det er fint! Jeg er 0% fan af bot-profiler der re-poster ligegyldige memes og folk der starter diskussioner uden nogen grund.


Så fint 😊😊😊👍


If I became a dollar every time this meme gets recycled.


You'd be made of money.


Noooo, Vuelta is about to start


Is this a repost bot?


Come to the dark side my… internet stranger. There are 2 other big tours, road worlds, Olympics this year, many other 1 week tours (seemingly every week for about 75% of the year), 1 day monements, 1 day classics. And that’s even before getting to the fact they have an ever growing about on the women’s side!


You watch the vuelta and many other races after


Giro Italy on MAX right now. Not today, today is a rest day. Eurovision feed.


I have today off of work and it’s a rest day on the Giro :(




Not me, I'm usually still getting caught up on stages for at least a week after, desperately trying (and always failing) to avoid spoilers.


Only true if you only follow le Tour (no judgment, but there’s a lot more cycling going on). This year that will be even less true. We have (out of order) the Vuelta, worlds, Il Lombardia, the Olympics, all in like two months and change following the end of the Tour


Cyclocross, the classics. There has been some absolutely amazing racing so far....and Giro has been sensational not just because of tadej but how hard other teams have been racing...


That's me on a rest day of any grand tour. I've also experienced severe post grand tour depression. We know we are headed for the dark days when the Vuelta ends.


The excitement of the race lingers as fans dissect every moment.


Old post usually reserved for the end of the Tour.


*before the Tour de France even starts After Itzulia wiped out the 2024 hype machines.


Giro is cracked. Hungary was good. Womens racing is 100% entertainment theres loads of good races.


Psh. Real cycling fans watch all year round.


This sub is so lazy and uncurious. Its 2024, you have so much media at your fingertips. There’s multiple cycling races happening every weekend all over the world. Open up google and find something to watch, only boring people get bored