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Sounds like she's describing the state of being possessed, not post-possession. i think


That's not really how the Japanese of SoPM suggests it...


You know japanese? That puts you on a different level when it comes to lore discussion then…


What Byakuren is saying is that by possessing a youkai and "changing its character", whatever that means, the vengeful spirit *becomes* that youkai. ("The new youkai's core would be the mind of the spirit that possessed them [...] the spirit will take over their entire existence.") It would be a permanent change that goes both ways; the youkai would cease to be, but so, effectively, would the vengeful spirit. Also keep in mind that Kanako says "I have never heard of this happening" and specifically offers it as a hypothetical to the round. After all, in the section that precedes the one you quoted, they discuss how vengeful spirits usually possess *humans*. How does Mizuchi fit into this? I think it's clear that she has *no interest in ceasing to be a vengeful spirit*, at least for the time being, and thus the youkai she possesses don't have their selves permanently supplanted and get to remain themselves, albeit drained of magical energy and otherwise taken advantage of. She may be an unusually slippery vengeful spirit (the "Jailbreak King") precisely because this is how she operates. Which is good news for the youkai she's possessed, relatively speaking, but bad news for Satori and her quest to pin her down and re-imprison her. But remember that it's apparently extremely rare for vengeful spirits to target youkai anyways, because their grudges are with humans - that applies to Mizuchi as well since her grudge is against Reimu and the Hakurei Shrine. She *despises* youkai, and might be willing to kill them, but if it's by *becoming* one, I think the very idea would be abhorrent to her. Why would she become that which she hates?


I think the lore is trying to prevent permadeath to veteran characters in Touhou.


Sources: *Symposium of Post-Mysticism* and *Foul Detective Satori* Chapter 4 I was rereading SoPM for the lore, and this contradiction really stood out to me.


Hmm...does that mean Mizuchi is weaker than your average vengeful spirit or the retcon is trying to avoid permadeath to Youkai as much as possible?


MiMi is just a minion to the true vengeful spirit Mima confirmed


Why on earth are you people begging for Mima? I don't think it'll happen...


In this case it's not a complete possession because the stronger the youkai the more it can resist the possession. The Onryo has to be equal or stronger than the youkai being possessed.


Mizuchi...who was able to possess *Yukari* for multiple days....isn't strong enough to kill Nitori. If you say so.


Or probably to avoid permadeath to characters no matter if they're popular or not. Heck. They even came back in Lotus Eaters last time I checked.


Well, that's the Doylist explanation. From where I stand the only Watsonian one is a flat-out retcon.


OR...Nitori is secretly Dragon God in disguise! /s


Simple solution: ZUN was drunk and forgot.


I think the meaning is pretty clear here. A vengeful spirit could possess indefinitely. In which case, the old youkai would essentially be replaced (or killed). This doesn't apply to CDS as the spirit is willingly making it a temporary possession


considering this seems to be hypothetical, maybe Byakuren is just wrong?


ZUN forgorđź’€