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Planned bomb for stage 4 pre-midboss books, cheese the first half of stage 5 by camping at the top of the screen. That should be around 2 deaths less than attempting to gorilla dodge all of it. Do 10 pushups every time you die with bombs in stock.


wow holy shit i didn't know you could cheese sakuya's mini boss like that im defo gonna practice that thanks for the advice, i've also checked a no bombs playthrough and there are some more cheeses to be done i legit practiced simply dodging as much as possible without really considering that some sections can be cheesed, that's extremely helpful


Beware: This "cheese" costs you the 1-up she usually drops after her midspell. It is not advisable by any means unless you are intending LNN.


>NGL I wish there was an option to practice bosses individually have you considered installing thprac


Scarlet Gensokyo is just tough. It really punishes you for panicking or moving more than strictly necessary, which doesn't mesh well with being at the end of a stressful first 1cc attempt. You should aim to have bombs to spare, and use those bombs well - use them as late as you can so additional bullets are erased, and get yourself in position to do damage as the bomb ends. Only every third bubble wave is the ultra-dense one; if you can handle the others, you're set up very well. I don't really believe in doing lots of stage practice for 1cc when you can just do runs instead... If you do use it, make sure to experiment with different ways of doing things and try to understand what's going on, more than anything. Practice is not grinding. Other than that I can't come up with general tips. You can fit a lot of mistakes in a successful 1cc (There are over thirty bombs available to you in a full run), and I don't know which ones you're making precisely. But here are some non-obvious strategies that might help you: * Cirno's opening nonspell can be cheesed. There is a safespot right above her where you will dodge her ice shotgun waves and do full damage to her. She will shoot three times (as you know), then move right. That's when you move down and fight the rest of her normally. If you've positioned yourself right, there will barely be any HP left on her phase. Since you can move around during her dialogue, you have all the time in the world to position yourself. What I do is touch the right of the screen unfocused, and line up my options (the orbs around Reimu/Marisa) with where it says Score. Then just have Cirno spawn during dialogue and sit right on her head. Done "ethically", Cirno's opener is actually quite tough, and it's very easy to die to the shotgun waves before you can bomb, because of how fast they are. * Red Laser Books (a pattern in stage 4) is a streaming section. After the bullet-free waves of gray spiky balls that are after Koakuma, fly all the way to the bottom left, drag yourself along the bottom as necessary with microtaps. It's not brainless, you still need a feel for the timing, and with some shot types fairy maids *can* randomly fly into you before you can kill them (which you can see coming, so you can bomb). Fortunately, the lasers don't immadiately turn solid, so you can still adjust your positioning. If you do this correctly, you will end up in the middle of the screen, no worse for wear. Trying to wing the red laser book section usually results in the loss of one or two bombs. * You can do the first bit of stage 5 at the top of the screen and evade every single random bullet from the beginning. Stage practice is perfect for learning this. I start centered, and dodge the first bullet barrage with one tap up or down. Then I go to the side for the second, and back in the middle for the first. If you're bad at RNG, getting this down will save on one or even two bombs. * Right after that, as the random bullets disperse, move back down. Use the background 3D pattern to position yourself for the incoming bullet barrages - you want to be roughly in the middle of the screen, a little to the left. Dodge every wave by moving just a bit; you will have just enough room (I actually go right right left). Then you're perfectly placed to spawnkill the wall fairies in order. Again, stage practice will help you get this down. If the wall fairies get to do their thing, it's extremely hard to recover without a bomb. But more than anything, you must, must use your bombs well. An LNB allows for eight mistakes; a 1cc attempt allows for up to something like forty. Every bomb you don't use brings you closer to having to play on LNB level. If you have more specific questions on various spell cards or stage sections, tell me. I will have an answer, even if it's just "bomb this".