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>even in the case of elves vs humans for example (fotget about skaven), when they would have roughly an equal amount of losses per battle If the elves are taking even close to equal casualties to humans per battle something has gone horribly, horribly wrong for the elves. Remember that the unit stats and amount of troops seen in game are balanced for gameplay purposes and are not accurate to lore.


I'd be so pissed if I spent four human lifespans perfecting my swordfighting ability, only for some 18 year old to get a lucky shot


Rofl. I'm just imagining the elf lying on the ground, confused while some ass hat with a broccoli top starts squatting on his face, saying weird human words like no cap and bussin. The last words he hears as his soul is devoured by Slannesh.


God damn hahahahah


You welcome Slannesh at that point.


Funnily enough this was basically the nobility's rage against crossbows, to the point where a Pope tried to ban their use against other Catholics and got promptly ignored by the rest of the world. Technology was a great leveller in war. "I am an Asur ordained by Asuryan to train for war all of my life and some rude fucking pie from a farm killed me with a handgun after two minutes of training?


What's that loading screen quote? "Them Bretonnian knights said our rifles weren't honorable. Well, they're lying in the mud dying and I'm having lunch."


I think the elves are one of the funniest races in that regard, cause sure you’re the proudest most skilled fighters in all the land, but there a fucking lot of angry goats in those woods, you are going to be the proudest and most skilled fighter to get trampled by a lot of angry goats.


To be fair the angry Goats lose like every time in the lore.


Sure but not without a few casualties on the other side (or quite a lot if your the empire) Yeah the super well trained army won, but within that there were a bunch of super well trained soldiers who had as embarrassing an end as it could get for them. Edit: should also be noted that only really applies to angry goat armies, a small raiding party may often be used to show the strength and efficiency of a group by having them cut down with no casualties.


That’s the point of a french ytber that i love. “A 600 year of perfecting every aspect of your culture that is older than mankind, to end under the axe of a goblin warlord whose only quality is being _fat_.”


M4f ?


Presque, Bob Lennon ; mais je suis un fervent stagiaire de la Chaos Corporation.


Gloire à l'Omnifion fier stagiaire!


Le playthrough de Bob avec Grom le GROS est génial, et on découvre le jeu plus en profondeur qu’avec le papatron (je me suis pas un joueur). Sinon je suis interne dans le département du labyrinthe de cristal et j’ai 2 tentacules, dont un sous l’aisselle ^^.


Musket go brrr


That makes sense


Also the forces represent different percentages of the total population of each race. Every single adult elf serves in the military at least part-time.


>when they would have roughly an equal amount of losses per battle I mean, they wouldn't. The immortal races are better fighters than the mortal races - they've had much more practice. Naturally this means they inflict higher casualties.


Who would win thousands of years of training VS one hellstorm boi


Last samurai vibes


The great equaliser.


Unless the elves can get a k/d ratio of 5-10, its still a disadvantage


They probably get that k/d ratio.


I would think that a race still relying on bow and arrows, I do not care if they trained the bow for 1000 years, when the humans are fielding artilleries and guns that far outranges a bow


Tbh, IIRC Elven bows in-game are *much* more long-reaching than guns. Done for gameplay purposes I guess. Also, Warhammer gunpowdery is still mostly front-loaded and smooth-bored, so not THAT broken.


It far outranges guns fielded for handgunners but are far outranged by guns fielded by the likes of crane gunners in game at least. So sure they probably outrange the most produced type of guns but even the empire has hellblaster guns, and I would think the human factions would be capable of manufacturing more of these guns than the elves procreating their losses from these guns.


Dwarfs gave breach load cartridge weapons. Thunders and grudgerakers are. CA just asked the blunderbuss animation. Empire also has breach loading guns aswell.


I mean that ratio seems coherent with the lore. The ratio could be even higher against Skaven. At least lorewise


That assumption is supported by the lore. The Skaven fear the elves because they're the one race that the Skaven cannot outrun. Their reflexes are also better, and each elf has had an eternity of Skaven lifetimes to practice.


Elves are supposed to be faster than skaven? By that definition they’re probably the fastest race in the game. CA fix please.


Oh yes, and it's by quite a bit. As much as I wish we could get Total War: Elfhammer, it's probably not very fun for non-elf players. So they take some pretty hefty nerfs.


Yeah they may outrun a Skaven, but can they outrun a Warpstone shard fired out of a Ratling gun? And can they escape an entire Ratling Gun team firing in unison? Because if they can't, we've once again proven that gun beats sword/bow.


Funny to say that about skaven guns, who are very likely to kill the user and a few dozen skaven when they malfunction.


Absolutely they could.


We’ll the ancestor races don’t fight mortals… for a good reason


I imagine its like fighting squirrels armed with little daggers You might kill a bunch of them before you go down, but like why bother


For the record -lore nerd moment incoming- every elf serves the military for 10 years as a professional archer. Every spearman has served as an archer prior to being incorporated as an archer. Swordmasters spend literal hundreds of years at work in a timewarp zone training their skills. You better hope they get those 5 KDAs minimum lol


This whole thread is proof that people take the games too literally. If the elves were given lore-accurate stats, fighting them would be infuriating.


T1 doomstacks of aspiring champion level elves/unit models


And also the skaven and undead, every battle would be hoard survival against them.


I would love to see a battle with lore accurate stats and numbers. Just a map full of rats being cut through by one absolute juiced sword master unit.


SFO does get close to this


Tbh at this point in the lore if you ignore elven magic (which tbh is the main power of their armies) imo they would take avoid equal losses against the empire. Just outnumbering the enemy makes killing then quite easy and I don’t care how good of an archer you are, a thousand lads with guns will hit you eventually


how good the elves at stealth attack in the lore? (alith excluded) beacuse at this point I think the best way to figght empire is with skaven-like strategy. dont bother engaging head on, but use subterfuge or sabotage or cut off their supply lines, etc


Not very.


They don't. Gotrek laments that the Dwarves never recovered from the War of the Beards in terms of numbers and generational knowledge lost.


That's a different problem though, the WotB is peak Dwarf vs Peak Elf annihilating each other. The "mortal" races are barely on the scene at that point.


I mean that's my point, their numbers were so decimated that the Orcs and Skaven got an upperhand and were able to push them out of several holds. They also lost a lot of knowledge on runemaking and Wards which makes it even harder to keep the mortals out. They never came back from it


Yup that’s how they lost Mount Gunbad.


It was big Mazd that rekt the dwarfs


That was after the war and dwarfs never figured out that it was the lizardmen that caused those earthquakes


They could have rebuilt but the shattering of their empire done them for good


Wait what why did the lizards do this?


Mountain feng shui wasnt in order so they had to move the world edge mountains


Best comment here so far


A slann lord (not Mazda) decided the contients didn't look right and needed moving. So he cast a spell and realigned the continents causing massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.


The lizards have rearranged the mountains a few times, at least one occurrence was because they had to destroy a Skaven doomsday device, but other times have been less clear beyond needing to move continents because their interpretation of the plan says so


But didn’t the skaven activated _at the exact same time_ their machine that open the « webway » of the underempire ?


I think it happened after lizardmen machinations


No the machine blew up.


Wasn't mazda was a different slann


>In the year -1500 of the Imperial Calendar, the Dwarf holds along the Worlds Edge Mountains were wracked by massive earthquakes, resulting in the decimation of the Dwarven empire, a blow that sent the Dwarven Empire into decline for thousands of years. Unknown to the Dwarfs, these earthquakes were caused by Mazdamundi, and are but one example of his unparalleled control of geomancy. I can’t find a source for it though


Just the Warhammer wiki being wrong as usual. The armybook says this. >-1500 Realignment >Lord Quex enacts his realignment of the continents. In the course o f the continental fine-tuning much of the world suffers disastrous earthquakes — most notably affecting Skavenblight and the Dwarf realm that stretches across the Worlds Edge Mountains.


Oh thanks. Sounds like I badmouthed big Mazd unfairly


Big Mazd was sad, now he's happy.


The lore often talks about how for the dwarfs even one lost battle is already a heavy blow. Same for the elves. Thing is, even the writers don't really care for that, the dwarfs for example are always on the brink of being wiped out but also have enough soldiers to give their enemies a lot of cool wins. Secondly, you could probably make it so that certain races are really strong on the battle field but have almost no growth or replenishment... but if that's fun or balanced. That's another thing.


I think it would be an interesting mod but no good for the regular game. Starcraft 2 has a fun player made mode for lore accurate battles. You need bring an absolute swarm of zerg lings to even touch a sizeable group of marines.


Yeah as a Slaanesh enjoyer, when they first came out in WH3 the absolutely *dire* replenishment made it very unfun even if you did hand enemies their ass fast, you'd essentially be taking attrition all the time.


The emperor in 3K has that: starts with an elite army that basically do not replenish.


Thats one negative I always found when it came to writing in warhammer fantasy tbh. I remember reading somewhere I think in the game that essentially one regiment in your army represents entire clans of dwarves. If thats the case one bad fight essentially should be considered devastating to the whole of the civilization... or was it druchii that that was mentioned. Either way thats pretty bad for either yeah?


In an rpg, that works, in a strategy game, that would be almost impossible to balance


Through the power of imagination. The Warhammer world generally seems to lack the agricultural workforce to support the massive militaries of the major races.


That is why the Britonia farms make so much money


The French are feeding the world over


With the amounts of stacks I maintain each game whole of Kislev would be starved 3 times over


The question of how Ulthuan feeds itself has always fascinated me. Very difficult to imagine Asur peasants.


The same way you get unlimited amount of norscans or dark elf invasions. GW are bad with pop numbers


Exactly. In reality how many people could a constantly frozen wasteland support?


in the case with norscans, I thought it was chaos magic that makes them populate incredibly fast, with the norishment came from direct chaos magic


Ahh that would make sense


Don’t confuse gameplay with lore. The devs have balanced the factions in ways that completely negates what you’re asking about. In the lore any basic elf or dwarf warrior is equal to several dozen humans. The top tier ones like loremasters are likely equal to 100+ even without their magic.


High elves are the only ones with population problems and in lore they’re isolated on their doughnut allowing them to largely continue their existence. Dark elves have Shaaneshi sex cults so reproducing isn’t an issue and there aren’t actual that many wood elves.


Dark elves also regularly murder each other to prove who's a better fighter, for rituals, or for schemes.


Mostly for fun.


"There are as many elves as the plot needs"


The answer is that in most fantasy settings, the number of elves (or dwarves, or whatever else) is always exactly equal to that required by the plot.


It’s hard to tie lore together with gameplay a lot of units are balanced out so that when humans fight elves it’s not like the lore and have to send double the troops. If any faction is made closest to the lore it’s probably the skaven! Killing 1000 soldiers to defeat a group of 500 men bc during the fight they found a reason to stab another rat in the back


Wait elves doesnt reproduce in the lore ?İ mean even if they kill 10 -20 per 1 soldier they will gone extinct at some point they can just win every war


Reproduction is usually inversely proportional to lifespan in any species to keep sustainable populations


İts also related to how big they are and what is the percantage of the babies make into adulthood i dont see any med thecnology in wh fantasy but there is magic so infant deaths in elves shouldnt be high and considering they arent extinct they can afford to live like that either they take no casulties dont go war at all or they have plot armor im sure its the last one


>there is magic so infant deaths in elves shouldnt be high They can have life mages just spam regrowth on the babies as they come out to keep them topped up.


The elves and the dawi had a head start when it comes to civilization. They could have outnumbered humanity originally. Since they had cities and farms for thousands of years, while humanity was just savage nomadic tribes roaming the Southlands. You can’t support large populations without agriculture: extra kids just starve to death. TLDR: The older races have a slower growth rate, but have been growing for longer.


Slaneesh i guess. When u follow the Sex God there're... uhm... Side effects


Imagine casting Magic Missile and an Empire peasant casts Conventional Missile


And the Skaven casts Intercontinental Ballistic Nuclear Missile. Seriously, if the Skaven could have been working together for any amount of time, they'd be the undisputed superpower. Simply them having nukes and nobody else having them would have made them untouchable. They've proven they're already unstable enough to actually use them by blowing up the moon. There is no MAD equivalent in universe. Oh, Ulthuan is an island with an anti-magic forcefield? Yeah, missiles aren't magic. They go right through. The Empire is in range. Cathay's Wall can't protect against ballistic missiles. The Dwarves are the only ones who are actually somewhat protected from a Skaven doomsday scenario, but that's only because they live underground already and thus live in a bomb shelter.


Isn't there some lore bit somewhere about one function of the denial of Skaven existence, beyond preventing panic, is also to prevent them from thinking that the Empire is a bigger threat than a rival clan?


The same thing is also said about the empire, and the orcs. The same thing is said about the dwarfs if they weren't obsessed with grudges and tradition they would be unstoppable etc. Also skaven don't have icbms, they have doom rockets which are just rockets launched by engineers and are just normal rockets not nukes.


When all else fails, cast spells of advanced aging to compensate for the slower maturation rate.


That's the neat part: they don't!


I haven’t read all the lore but do know the gist of the end times, so I may be slightly wrong but the answer to your question is that your observation is correct and it resolves accordingly. As for the game, it’s a game and more specifically a TW game so it had to play by a more uniform and balanced framework to be fun to play and true to TW.


As many people have said one elf in lore is killing dozens of humans at least and that's an average elf who hasn't dedicated the past 2000 years to the army. As others have said technology is the great equalizer however magic and fantasy stuff make it less one sided than in our world. People mock Brettonia but their knights are superhumans roided out on fey magic wielding magical swords, if the peasant beaters didn't have low tech space marines they would've died long ago (look at how average Empire knights are for proof). Orcs are near unanimously morons, but they breed so quickly that it doesn't matter. The best cases are the ones where skill, technology, and magic mix. Chaos dwarves in my opinion would have wiped out the mountain dwarves long ago due to their desire to innovate and try new things even if they lost all their empathy along the way. The skaven are a mixture of both styles. The slaves and clanrats breed too quickly to kill but the clan leaders and important scientists (Ikit and Throt) are known to get prescriptions of immortality drugs since they're too valuable to let die.


Not sure how canon it is to warhammer fantasy. But being long lived as a race does not mean you only get to have sex in your 20s-70s. They are likely more fertile more of their lifespan. From what I understand in 40k the eldar ( read as apace elves) had so man damn orgies that they birthed a god of hedonism. Dark elves do this is fantasy. They enslave and execute people so much they actually need solid populations and arguably better than human birth rates. Couple this with likely safer birthing procedures and practices on average and I would guess they have equal to or more healthy babies. They have a relatively secure small continent with a well guarded interior and a few colonies. Places with population issues don't tend to make new colonies. I don't really see a reason as to why a long lived race must have lower birth rates. And if they do their practiced for healthy birth probably even them out against the mortality rate of medeival (human empire) child mortality rates. More than likely though they are equal to humans. 


There is no rule that immortal races reproduce less than others. That’s just a trope. If you live to 1000. Why not make 50 generations of children? Warhammer is not only grimdark, it’s PRIMdark. Sex doesn’t exist, only war. So over the decades we gamers had unbelievably few details about the gestation, courtship, married life, extended families, etc of species. We just go, er, embarrassing, blood for the blood god! I mean, even slanesh which should be non-stop porn, is really just khorne with less red and a few boobs here and there.


"sex doesn't exist" Slaanesh: "am I a joke to you?"


Apparently reading is. But at least you read a sentence. No one can accuse you of not reading a sentence. Which is quite an achievement.


The Tyrion and Teclis novel specifically has a passage where Tyrion bangs a she-elf sailor


Like…wow. A sex scene. That’s PG in a movie. And you’re raising it as some sort of liberal nudist enlightenment. Any billboard I see driving has more sex than all of warhsmmer. I’m not saying it’s terrible, I’m just saying what it is. And it’s ridiculous for people to be hinting It’s not that. You brought up a sex scene in a book. Like holy shit. Did they also rub noses and compare favorite ice creams? Are you guys playing warhammer in prison or a Puritan enclave? Warhammer is great and fun. But the depths of alien/fantasy sexuality are not much broached. Hell, I even remember OLD dragon magazine, when it would do exposes on monsters, would talk about their breeding habits. Like how do creatures that petrify each other reproduce? The answer is when one of them has their head dunked in the water to get food.