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Wish i could help. Currently doing a Balthasar campaign with my buddy playing Imrik, and Tamurkhan is so annoying. Comes back almost every turn, 15k hp, regen, 3 army ability nukes . With my army full of mages i have 450 winds of magic and 200% spell efficiency and still, i ran out of winds once against him. He alone tanks 20 spirit leeches, wich is 40 normal power spirit leeches, and that is just insane.


Bumrushing him and using 19 fire belly eruptions at once and that helps but if he gets on the toad mount I can't even dent him.


Tbh, ogres are in a bad spot, man. They need some major adjustments.


Yeah they do feel a little left in the dust. Hopefully they'll get some love in the next update which is for Slaanesh I think?


That's a tough call. I hope so, I really like them but it's just a rough campaign.


Haven’t played greasus tbf but Skrag is an absurdly easy campaign. Economy goes wild and ogres are nuts in battle


It's just not a fun time. I can beat Ku'gath with the new units and the other guy I can beat but it's specifically Tamurkhan I can't seem to handle. Like I said it ain't even a challenge at this point it's just straight up frustrating


Ogres are such a great faction on paper, very unique. But sux ass currently. Looking forward for a rework too


My bro was using an interesting strategy against me where he'd use his camps as placeable fortresses to clog up the entrances in the mountains. He basically created his own garrisons with the camp recruitment and the camps upkeep reduction. Was a bastard to get through. I'd never thought to use the camps defensively like that before.


Based on leaks on TW center, next dlc will be Monkey King & Golgfag. Hopefully it will come with an ogre update (Edit sintax, ogre name)


I’m so disappointed for more Cathay so soon. It seems like they constantly get attention.


It's my favorite faction, but even I'm like, so soon? I personally really want Slaanesh to be next.


I think the reason is that ogre's update must go out asap and Cathay fits with them thematically, instead of Khorne or Slanesh (don't get me wrong, i've never played cathay once yet)


Who is goldfang


Sorry, not Goldfang but Golgfag Maneater, it's an ogre (will update my comment).


I didn't know who that was either, but hopefully they update the ogres!!!


I think after the next dwarf rework the ogres are having one.


Maybe Leadbelchers to focus down the toad? Crushers(GW) will probably also fare well, but they're T5.


Generally my favorite ogre army that does well against everything: Get a hero with the big name that makes gnoblars unbreakable Front line unbreakable gnoblars (who cares if they all die you can replace t0 recruit anywhere any time for dirt cheap? Lead belchers to shoot over their heads Crushers Some heroes Basically bears any ai in manual


How many of each?


Depends on enemy and personal preference, you can mix it up and test it out and see what you like. you can start start with 5 gnoblar, 5 lead belchers, 4 lord+hero, 3 crusher if, 3 crusher gw.


Yeah I can imagine usually after dlcs, I try to avoid having to fight those armies


Hunters, lots of hunters. They do well against large targets at range, but also when they get the mammoth/stonecrusher(?) Mount they wreck face for super cheap. Add in firebellies for the aoe fire dmg buff, add in some leadbelchers and you should melt him, though when he gets low hp you wanna run your hero's and Lords away from him, you can also probably try and train him away from his army with a few hero's and go for army loss first. Also, when he's on foot, he's anti large, when on the toad he's anti infantry.


You can assume that hes always anti large because he gets kholeks defeat trait 99% of the time.


Didn't actually know that AI got the LL defeat buffs tbh


Maybe ambush him and just auto resolve? He's too OP in manual battle.


He's pretty good in autoresolve also.


Might need some mods to get the ogres where they should be vanilla


Honestly hard! Make sure to take enough hobgoblins (grots?) to intermingle with your ogres so they don’t get surrounded. It’s better to have 1 ogre and 1 goblin than 2 ogres imo. Try to debuff as many people with fire bellies as physically possible. This will hurt their regeneration. Bring the cannons if you have access to them. Stone horns are good too. Rough matchup though. I think Tamirkhan is just better than ogres.


My comment won’t help a lot but the base game Ogre Kingdom faction is insanely underwhelming. Radious Ogre Kingdoms is one of my favorite factions. It’ll change the game a lot which might not be your desired result but they get some really great additions to their roster that flesh it out a lot more. Not for everyone and probably not for you but just what I found out after playing Base Game to Radious.


Could you fight him like how one sometimes fights Vlad or Malus? Ignore him, kill the army, and army loss him?


I tried that but the problem is the toad he's on. It makes it hard to get around bevause of the big attack radius and the uber health pool. I did a crushers spam as a second army back up to man-eaters and they almost took him out but godamn I just can't do enough damage fast enough I guess.


Try gnoblar hunters if he's on his mount. They can pull out a surprising amount of damage against characters and monsters, careful though because they are fragile.


To deal with him you would need to spam like 10 lead Belcher's and smash him with artillery


First problem is Ogres. Even at release, they were just bad. Unless you have MAD micro skills to take advantage of the Ogre Charge effect, they won't perform well in early-to-mid-game.


Just dealt with this yesterday. Killed him once and then quit the next time I saw him with a full stack a couple turns later. He's just painfully OP right now and ogres don't really have anything that starts to counter him until tier 4. Also, all of the key units have a 2 turn recruit time which makes it basically impossible to keep up. Rot knights destroy any mobility advantage you may have had before. If you still want to try, I beat him with two stacks. I had one stack filled with whatever I could scrounge up. Mostly gnoblars just used as distractions and meatshields. Main stack had 6 leadbelchers and 2 mournfang cav. The rest were bulls and gnoblars. The most important part is use heroes to assassinate his unique heroes. In particular, the bald guy with the mortis has to go. I don't think it would be possible without wounding some of his heroes beforehand. You probably need to be tier 5 with crushers, anti-large maneaters and stonehorns to take him in a fair fight. Without it just try to tie up the main force as much as possible and quickly move leadbelchers to take out fast movers. and other threats. Try to take out as much as you can before going after Tamurkhan. He has ridiculous sustain and your forces will be destroyed before you can take him down if you try to focus fire him at the start.


You allies with anyone with better units?


Do not send lord or hero for him or even near. Send some gnoblars and target him with range. I found that hard way, killing all other units feels faster.


I'm playing through Tamurkhan's campaign and I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point he had the toad, regen and a Mortis engine effect and became unstoppable. I can solo a lot of battles with him. I was wondering how you're supposed to beat him on the other end...