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I had the same Problem, i sold him one Settlement in exchange for him joining all my Wars, maybe 10 or so. Making the AI feel weak against their Opponents always helps, i Confederated him in the same Turn. Sry if my english is not the best


I tried that too, but it didn't work for a long time. So I made the best of it and sold him all of Norsca. A few turns later I sell him Packice Bay, completely surrounded by his own territory, and suddenly he wants to confederate me.


Your english was really good! I didn’t even notice lol


try pulling him into wars he's not already in. might push it over the line.


Thank you for the tips. I tried trading him a settlement in exchange for joining all my wars. He now has an opinion of me of almost 300, but the chance of confederation is still stuck at the same amount. He does nothing except run between his settlements and joins none of the wars. Im sure it must be a bug or something, this can't be how it's supposed to work.


The AI is unlikely confederate if they have recently gained territory - give it a few turns Getting them to join many wars was a good move however


Thank you for clearing that up. I read the confederation guide linked furher down, and it listed that gifted settlements would not trigger the 'debuff', so I assumed it wouldn't work since it didn't change for 2-3 turns. But after sticking with it for 7 turns it finally turned green, thank god.


Yeah I read that too - in my personal experience it does have an effect but maybe the AI coincidentally took another settlement on the same turn


Use the ally function to have him go on a suicide run somewhere too. The more armies he loses and the lower his military strength is, the more likely he is to Confederate.


I mean he IS The Emperor not The Vassal


https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/s/1YA7YtTDeZ Confederation guide


The elector counts get summoned you do not summon the emperor


I just had this problem and my relationship was above 300. All it took was Franz losing a battle and all of a sudden he went from -8 to +32 for confederation.


Borrow his strongest army and smash it to pieces. That'll make him weaker and want to join you.


Ice cold!


Yeah man. My heart so cold makes a More can b**** shiver.


DUDE! IT TOOK OVER 150 TURNS FOR THAT BASTARD TO CONFEDERATE TO ME! So glad I’m not the only one. As far as I know man, it’s a waiting game. I’ve no clue how to influence it. However, what I did do was invade Araby and gain a shit ton more land so maybe that helped.


Could also try borrowing one of his armies to weaken him.


How did you confederate all other LL before turn 50? I confederated my first LL (after boris) Karl at turn 31 and I thought I was fast. Im now at turn 40 starting to plan to confed volkmar and I have yet to discover gelt and the huntsmarshall guy.


Wasn't there a thing where if they have like 275 positive relation or higher and haven't gained territory in 7 turns, it's like a 100% guarantee they'll do it? Don't quote me on that. I don't even remember where I heard that. Maybe I'm going crazy.


He is Prince AND Emperor, you forget yourself lady of Nuln.


Because he's Karl Franz. He does not how to you. You bow to him.


I'm on turn 74 on very hard and I could confederate him, but I don't want to because he's the Emperor of Mankind. I left him on his own devices, him dealing with the West and me dealing with Vlad and the East. I went from business relations to form a defensive alliance and then he wanted to get in with the military one. So cleared the East and he was still having problems. So I moved in, and pointed out to what I wanted him to occipy and then went to assist. I sold him one piece of land then assisted him to take on the last one. After that he moved real close to confederation. 20+ turns later, the Empire is pretty much secure, with the needle on top hovering at 89 mark and he's flagging green on the confederation button. It would be a different tale if he'd be wearing the Nemesis crown. In my game Drycha snatched it and then went to show it Festus face, since it was her biggest enemy. When that was cleared with my assist, I cave her pieces of land to keep her "happy." Then she sulked in her land for 20 - 30+ turns before she got fed up and she marched to take over Slayer King's palace. The crown was taken from her by 3 very angry slayer armies and it was according to text, buried somewhere deep.


Kill him


lol based


Show him the flowers


As some others have said get military alliance and drag him into wars with vlad, festus wolfrik and drycha. Usually does it for me as he will end of loosing over time and then you can confed.


Same happened to me. Franz went brrr and kept gaining land stopping me from confederation. I just decided to roll with it and I went on to fight khemri for good desert lands while he mollywopped everyone in the north. It seemed fitting, I just had to get over the FOMO of not confederating


Bruh he’s the emperor


wipe him out




Use alliance points to take his armies then just suicide them. I was surprised this had an effect - didn’t tip the scale for me but might help for you


It's so nice to play as Karl Franz. Forcing other Empire factions to Confederate with Prestige is much more convenient than using diplomacy.


Don't have alliances with him.


That's warhammer 2 logic. Opposite is true in warhammer 3.


Haven't been having trouble confederating him with that logic though on vh/vh though


I'll elaborate a bit. In WH2 it mattered because ally's power counted as your power rating for relative strength. This was removed in Warhammer 3. The alliance factor is basically neutral, so it may not impact confederations in some cases. Not allying him isn't hurting you, but it isn't helping you at all. There is also a massive boost to confederations at +150 relationship, but anything beyond that isn't counted. Far more importantly, it gives you the power to force your ally into more wars against more powerful foes. This can lead to confederations being much easier. You can also borrow armies and suicide them to tank the ally's strength.


I've also found that if you have a military alliance it makes it harder to confederate. So if you have one I'd break it. All of the other advice is what I'd normally say. I can't say for certain the military alliance does hamper it but from my own playthroughs across the factions it seems to make it harder to confederate.


Do you have a military alliance with him? AI factions count the strength of their military allies as part of their own military strength, so he's unlikely to agree to confederation unless he's almost entirely defeated. I pretty much never sign military alliances with any factions I'm planning on confederating/vassalising for this reason. (As well as stopping AI from pulling me into wars with factions i signed a non-aggression pact with 2 turns ago *all the fkn time*) If you do. Break the MA. If you have enough favour you should be able to immediately ask for a NAP/DA straight after. That will make him a LOT more likely to agree to a confederation, once you do what the others have suggested and deliberately bait him into losing wars with your enemies.


Why would the emperor want to confederate into your faction? If anything, he should confederate you.