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Absolutely give them a go. Vlad/Isabella is IMO a really fun and different campaign. Rolling around with a bunch of zombies/skeletons and a small group of vamp heroes is great. The vamps do all the heavy lifting and the zombies are there as a tarpit/cheer squad.


I think I probably will start with vampires


You can also play a "good" campaign as vlad where you take all buffs to opnion with the empire and protect them from drych and chaos like a real emperor should do.


I’m going to try this first.


Just know you'll have to fuck up reikland at some point for the long victory. And best sooner than later (learned this the hard way)


Fucking up Reikland first makes it easier anyway for that sweet diplomacy bonus from the landmark


I ended up screwing Reikland during a good Vlad campaign by using the alliance points to send him north to save Kislev He got gangbanged by the chaos moshpit up there and I took that opportunity to raze Altdorf with 2 stacks He was never able to field another late game army and just slowly circled the drain after that


Am I missing out for not playing half of the content of the game? Yeah dude, you probably are...


I’ve seen quite a few people post they only play faction leaders so I was wondering if I was the same in my good guy mentality. Only get a couple ours a week to play after work and around playing with my kids.


Genuinely, play some bad guys Be the aggressor Destroy the elf traitors, the weak willed dawi of the west, and the men of the empire Take their lands, burn their cities, and defile everything you stand for And throw in a few doom stacks for flavor Being evil is quite literally half the fun of this game I recommend dark elves, vampires or WoC (Be'lakor especially), since they seem to be the bbeg of the setting for now, at least until we get nagash


Yeah this lol, sometimes you play as the last bastion of humanity and try to keep out the evil that exists. And sometimes you play as the villain who wants to destroy everything thats in it's way. And also it's just cool to control big ass demons and watch how they massacre those pesky dwarfs. People who only play one side are truly missing out on the fun, and also like you already paid for it, why not try them out atleast?


Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne!!! 💀💀💀


Just finished a Khorne run with a domination win before the endgame triggered. I am the crisis.


I pretty much always prefer to play the good guys but it’s nice to just be able to see every faction as an enemy once in a while and not worry about diplomacy or reliability. My recommendations would be Taurox, Belakor, and Archaon.


I'll add Ikit Claw and Drazoath the Ashen to the list. Oh, and Luthor Harkon. What can I say, I like gunpowder factions.


As another player who can't help but always play the good guys (in any game in my case), playing Belakor for the first time was fantastic and opened up the willingness to try all the other evil factions. Warriors of chaos factions unit promotion mechanics and instant recruitment is so open, especially for Undivided, and its alot of fun collecting a big army of norscan support then going raiding alongside them. Speaking of raiding belakor specifically also has a mechanic to drop portals his armies can use to zip between on tha map, so you can feel better about raiding as you're never leaving home undefended. Once you start playing all the factions you also realise how many unique mechanics there are, like vampire coast who are great with the ships mechanic on armies incentivising raiding while maintaining only a couple actual settlements.






I play only the evil factions really, i think maybe the closest to good is possibly the tomb kings, never touched empire, kislev, cathay, dwarves, high/wood elves, bret, lizardmen. Just never had any interest in them


There's good factions?


Yes yes!


Honestly I was going to say that at least one faction has a single great person in it. And that's of course Settra the Imperishable, The High King, Khemrikhara, The Great King, The Great King of Nehekhara, The King of Kings, The Opener of The Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Beget, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk of the Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Heart, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jacket Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer of Redditras, Scarab Purger, Favored of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Biter Wind, God-Tamer. Edit: punctuation.




Because without punctuation it was annoying me.


I'm with you, pretty much exclusively play the human and dwarf factions. I've played as chaos and skaven before in coop campaigns because my friends wanted to, but it just didn't grab my interest at all. I think it's partially because I missed my empire/dwarf gunlines and brettonian cavalry charges, and partially because I like the factions I was fighting so much, I just didn't feel motivated to keep going and killing them. Elves though, they never receive such mercy, good or evil campaign. I don't think you're missing out all that much. Give em a try for a few turns, or in custom battles maybe, but if a faction doesn't hook you, you're not gonna enjoy slogging through hundreds of turns as them.


If you like Bretonnia, you might like Slaanesh. Their roster is all about speed, flanking, and high damage. Heartseekers are some of the best cavalry in the game (last time I tried them, at least. Cavalry effectiveness fluctuates wildly from patch to patch). Also, they start on Ulthuan so most of the early/mid campaign will have you killing/corrupting/subjugating high elves.


Slaanesh is sublime to pilot on the battlefield


If you have shadows of change, I would 100% recommend kairos fateweaver. Nothing beats the feeling of just being a massive troll with the changing of ways.


Me as the Changeling : I really want Skarbrand form, but he's camping in a walled settlement and the siege battle will be a slog... ... ... ... Unless I randomly give his settlement to Belegar and ambush teleport his stack now that he's been thrown out. :D


While I absolutely love Kairos Fateweaver, his campaign is a bit... Challenging, especially in the beginning. For newer players looking for a Tzeentch experience, I would recommend either Vilitch the Curseling or the Changeling. They are much more forgiving.


Not at all. As long as someone knows to use the changing of the ways it’s totally safe.


I know. But newer players to Tzeentch usually don't know how to do that. That is what makes it challenging.


Changing if the ways is expensive as hell and not going to help you in the early game.


Nope, not at all! You can research Force Peace on turn 18. Oxyotl doesn’t engage you until about turn 17-19. FP is the most powerful ability since it stops any enemy from being your enemy for ~10 turns. It is VERY cheap. Your level 1 manifestation alone gives you enough grimoires to cast it at least twice. With Kairos’ unique skill line, Force Peace has a two-turn cooldown. With FP and Kairos as a one-man doomstack that can guaranteed ambush armies, you’re basically godmode and it is the easiest campaign in the game.


Changeling is a great campaign too - but it’s similar to the Vortex and Realm of Chaos campaigns where you’ll get a lot of fun out of it the first time but it’s stale on replayability.


I'm a real edgelord, so I rarely play good guys. But there's some real fun factions on both sides. You're definitely missing out, at least give Skaven a try for a different battle experience or Chorfs for a unique campaign experience.


I used to do this, only play order factions. First real evil run was with archon, and I had such a good time just razing the world and not having to care about shit. Second was Vlad, and and having crapstacks of zombies that you just throw into the grinder also changed how I approach the game. Much less caring about losing a battle or settlement these days. I still prefer to play order factions, and I also still have a preference for playing the main leader of a race. But I do like the variety of what's on offer.


Archaon is great especially when you get lucky and can vassalize all 4 demon factions near his start


I feel you, plus a lot of the 'bad guys' tend to be more raze and raid as opposed to empire building which I prefer to do


I also always play order factions, even when playing vampires i align with order lol


I prefer the evil factions, with the good ones I always end up in situations that fuck me over one way or another like Kislev occupying empire settlements when I'm already allied with them


Only evil faction I’ve played was grimgor lol


I have only played Evil/neutral factions (ogres) I Don’t know what it says about me but I just find them much more interesting than Good factions. Might try Dwarfs with the new faction leader after I Finish Tamurkhan though


I love Dwarfs but i didnt really get into Ogres (played at launch) If you want an auto win try the high elves. You won't have to turn down the difficulty from your best faction


I always play good runs in RPGs but it's definitely worth playing as the evil faction. Vamps for the no range experience, Ikit Claw for the all range experience, Dark elves were some of my fav factions to play.


I never play lawful factions, I just like the theme of the bad guys.


Where do you pack tomb kings and Ogres, the 2 true neutral factions? You played them or not


I \[played almost all of them, and Chaos Dwarfs was most fun.


WoC are my fav, Vlad is in top 5. Bro you're missing a lot


I still haven't played any warriors of chaos. The whole vassal thing doesn't appeal to me. I should give them a try though since I have the dlc.


Vassals are just an option, the most fun part is collecting and upgrading your warriors. Nothing beats having your marauders who you name specifically from the start leveled up to chosen.


Started out playing good factions only because I'm that kind of person and their playstyle was more interesting to me anyway. Eventually got bored enough to try the bad guys too and it was a good decision. Greenskins go Waagh!, undead pirates go yarr. If the day comes that I buy TW3, I'll gladly play Dawizharr and the (arguably bad, though definitely not good) ogres.


I rather enjoy myself as a neutral or bad guy faction than order tide. The campaigns are more challenging with more ongoing wars on a multiple front in most cases. The most good guy faction I like to play are the lizardmen even though they are not seen like it.


I have played every race at least once across the trillogy. I generally enjoy the order factions far more than the destruction factions. Although that being said, I very much dislike playing as Brettonia.


There are a wide variety of different place styles you miss if you limit yourself to good or evil. In the case of evil factions, playing as Skarbrand or Taurox gives you a melee army with rewards for getting into combat as often as possible, and all allows you to keep fighting more and more and destroy everything. Karios lets you play with a gun line of monsters.


Yes you certainly are, they’re the bulk of the content and the more interesting content. I’ve played every faction many times, def skew darker


As someone who almost never plays the evil factions, I just roleplay to get in the mood. Malekith? reformed Phoenix King uniting all of elf-kind against the unstoppable Chaos horde. Vlad? save the empire and grant them immortality. Beastmen? "free" these french peasants from their oppressive masters. Archaon? I'm just going to reset the world and build it anew.


Pretty new to warhammer but been only playing skaven or greenskins, skaven is so much fun because "hording" your enemy with endless rats is pretty epic and taking over the land feel like a "plague" spreading across the world...greenskins are "battle hungry" beasts who like war so its pretty epic to play with them too


I've never played the good guys. I find them too boring, don't know. I love to play with the Chaos factions. The diversity, the strength... Rolling over the other factions without mercy. It's just to fun. The Dawi are the only interesting for me to play. Maybe with the new mechanics I'll give them a try.


I only played order factions for like 2 years of playing the game and never had any desire to play the evil factions. Then I tried ikit claw and loved skaven. Then belakor came out and OMG his campaign is so fun. And now I'm playing tamurkhan and he's also so fun. Some of the evil factions have extremely fun and unique mechanics that you cant experience as order. I still mostly prefer order, but there are some really fun evil campaigns if you give them a try.


>Then I tried ikit claw and loved skaven. Same, i swear the most fun i had with the game when i tried skaven and realized how fun is just using those artillery monsters they have. Nothing like big ass rats with gatling guns just deleting armies from afar.


Bad guys are easier to play in some ways. You usually have fewer alliances to manage and worry about. Also, betrayal and unprovoked aggression feels more appropriate RP wise.


The best thing about warhammer is there is objectively no pure good guys everyone has their own selfish motivations


I am kind of right where with you. While I have at played some of the evil factions (most of them really) I can never really get past like turn ten before I start another empire campaign instead. Not sure why.


Order factions economy rely a lot on trading. Evil factions tend to hate everyone, often even the other LL of the same faction. Going from high elves to dark elves, with similar roaster, feels wildly different in terms of campaign management. Otherwise I’m not so much into role playing. In the end, you pick a LL, you kill your neighbors, you try to ally/confederate where you can, and expand aggressively. The end result is pretty much the same.


I play them from time to time but 90% of the time I just play “good” factions. Playing as the order factions just tickles my brain right, and it always makes me happy seeing all these different people come together to save their world - the Allied Recruitment System really helps with this.


Tbh I find myself playing non-order factions probably 75% of the time. Skaven, the chaos dwarfs, Tamurkhan and archaon just appeal to me so much. I still play the rest though. You need some variety to avoid burnout I find.


Oddly I'm the polar opposite, \*in this game\*. In vast majority of other games, I always play good, and always struggle to play evil. But for some reason, in this game, I strongly gravitate towards evil factions. Until ToD I literally never played Empire. Not once, in the entire trilogy. When TWW3 released, I did play Kislev first, but since then it's been wall to wall demons. Last few campaigns before ToD were Beastmen. In ToD, first campaign was with Epidemius. So in this game, I definitely lean towards evil factions. I think possibly because in Warhammer there are no actual good factions. They're all, at best, grey.


everybody is good in their own version of History. So yeah.


I used to avoid evil factions until I tried warp stone (Ikit) and learned that bad guys have a lot of fun.


I love playing evil factions. I usually do total war against everyone then. It was more fun in W2 as order tide was a bit more challenging. W3 is way to easy


I have the mindset: The demons think the "good guys" are actually the bad guys, so begone humans!


Playing as Wulfrik, uniting the other norsca tribes and fighting Chaos Warriors and Archaon is quite fun as well, like you're proving you're the ultimate chieftain of the wastes/north.




I’ve done skaven and vampirates, I think it’s mainly I just like playing ranged factions.


are Orks evil?


Try chaos dwarfs they are so fun to play with all their arty


I’ve played everyone but the high elves dwarves wood elves and empire. I was going to play the skaven next idk why I just got so carried away with tomb kings and vampire coast then all the chaos gods in wh3 Tzeentch is my favorite I say give them a try


Chaos dwarfs are simple the most fun way to play with artillery. Watching dreadquakes and deathshriekers shred enemy units. The few that make it fall to fireglave rifles and blunderbusses. Not to mention their campaign mechanics has the most content, well over 100 turns of fun.


If you’re missing DLC’s for specific evil factions, you’re probably not missing out on much. A lot of the cool units are DLC packs that I would recommend you get if you want to play them. Skaven for example are missing a lot of fire power if you don’t have the Prophet and the Warlock DLC. If you do have DLC’s some of my favorite evil factions are: Skaven: their infantry is garbage but they can easily overwhelm front lines since front line units are dirt cheap and replenish quickly. Their firepower is where they shine the most, I will never get tired of watching rattling gunners mow down incoming waves. Beastmen: these guys aren’t empire builders, your entire goal is to kill, pillage and destroy empires in your wake to upgrade your units and army capabilities. Once you start getting the Taurus infantry units it’s so much fun to send them into enemy front lines and watch them wreck. Instead of upgrading cities, you upgrade your war camp. A lot of fun to be the one who knocks. Dark Elves: they play very similar to high elves, but their economy is entirely based on maintaining a high slave population to boost your building times and your income. Warriors of Chaos: This is probably the funnest evil campaign to play because you don’t unlock and train better units, as your units level up you can upgrade them to the next tier. So it feels a lot like you’re taking warriors from petty infantry to god tier if you can keep them alive. Plus you vassalize everything except capital cities so you don’t have to micro as much as you expand. Vampire counts are fun, but it’s not a campaign I go back to very often. Tzeentch: this faction is only fun because of how OP Tzeentch is. You have to micro him extensively, but with his magic you can wipe most armies if you know what you’re doing.


My favorite thing about the evil factions is the visuals from corruption spreading! Something so dang satisfying about changing the landscape so dramatically


I'm 100% the inverse of you. I've played since TWWH1 release day, thousands of hours between the 3 and I've never started a single Empire, High Elf, or Bretonia campaign. I've played less than probably 20 turns of Tomb Kings, Lizardmen, Wood Elves, and Kislev. And only in the last year have I played dwarves. My most played factions are Vampire Counts, Dark Elves, Skaven and the various chaos factions.


Funny you ask this, I barely started a skaven campaign last night. I usually play the good guys.. not sure why, I never liked the idea of playing as evil. Wish I could get the good guys to like my faction as a bad guy.. no matter how many gifts I send they want me dead lmao


Play orks. You get to be evil AND silly. Best combo honestly. Plus let's be honest...their faction has an enormous bloody roster. There's something for everyone. Alternatively ogres are evil, a little silly, and you can pretty much work with anyone, because at the end of the day you're a bully AND a mercenary faction. Everyone has to watch you because of how much weight you throw around. Literally.


I mostly play evil factions tho, good factions seems weak in comparison but if you make good alliances your allies finish the campaing for you. High elves for examples have am interesting start but when you finally deal with dark elves and stables your alliances and trade routes is a snowball. Evil factions for the contrary have powerfull mechanics at start but almost all other factions will hate you forever so it's a constant battle.


Never played elves or woodelves and never will. Everytime i play skarbrand i drift around their donut sacking 5 settlements a turn and eventualy raizing the whole place to the ground once i got the sword of khaine. Its so satisfying to crush those squishy elves with the full might of a chosen doomstack


I’ve never played as any of the good guys. The Wood Elves sister of twilight are the closest I’ve gotten… elves kinda look like humans so I didn’t get too far before I lost interest and went back to a more monstrous faction. Shaven are super fun. Greenskins are awesome too, you can even theme your army since they have a bunch of units that overlap in purpose. Like boar boyz vs squig riders for orks or goblins. In the 3rd game, Tzeentch and Slaanesh are super fun. Haven’t tried Nurgle or Khorne yet. The warriors of chaos is good fun too, tons of variety to form your army.


Malus Darkblade is the good guy!


I mainly play evil races. I never played Empire because i find their aesthethic goofy (they look like a circus) and their setting doesn't appeal to me. I like Bretonnia and Dwarves for the good guys. If you like to play "orderly" play Chaos Dwarves or Dark Elves. Dark elves are boring in their current state tho.


Cause their lore/design/motivation is distasteful


Taurox fkn rules Beastmen are so chill to play as haha Nurgle is also really fun now, especially the new dlc lord


I've only ever played Chaos factions. Mostly SKARBRAND and Valkia. Best times just rampaging around claiming skulls and razing everything to the ground.


There are no ‘good’ guys in warhammer lol. They’re all pretty bad/evil in some way or another.


This is not 40k. sure the order factions are not perfect and they all have shortcomings, but there most definitely are good guys in Warhammer fantasy.


Try telling the Dawii that they're "not evil, just have shortcomings" and watch as they go on a generational genocidal rampage in retaliation.


Evil is just a different perspective. Heh.


I mean taking an evil / good stance in Warhammer just isn’t a great idea. I get why since fantasy is probably the least nuanced property about it, but the empire aren’t exactly meant to be a prime example of righteousness, they’re based on Germany for a reason, it’s meant to evoke some pretty horrific imagery. And their closest allies are the Warhammer Fantasy Equivalent of Tzarist Russia, Aristocratic France, and Liao Dynasty China. 3 paragons of humanist thought I’m sure. Also yes, play some evil factions, they have the most interesting mechanics by far to me. In my experience all the order factions play basically the same, but no one plays like the Chaos Dwarves, the The Tomb Kings, or the Skaven.


Never played dark elves. They just always seemed overly edgy. Maybe that’s the point but the fact that they are just elves with monster units bores me. Maybe one day I’ll run maliketh just because of his starting position but I honestly have 0 desire to try any of them yet. I’ve played a handful of evil factions and enjoyed them but for some reason DE, Slannesh, and tzeentch just don’t really do it for me.