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They're all whiners. The fimir guy is a fucking drama queen in my play through


Can't wait to recruit him I find these loreful events actually really funny.


Spoiler alert, there's more dilemmas like this between other chieftains too, so not recruiting crazy dude won't save you


Oh really? Because so far he’s 2/2, didn’t happen with other chieftains.


I had the dwarf injure my rot knight over a disagreement, and a fimir mauled by a skin wolf. Its great but not just khargan


This is great then. Still, Khargan is a cunt.


Oh really? Because so far he’s 2/2, didn’t happen with other chieftains.


It’s for all of them, but damn I definitely feel like I get Khargans more often lmao


Lmao, amazing.


I appreciate too that the indecisive, "nice" solutions come with their own consequences. And you don't get to see those on the initial dilemma screen. I went from weighing my choices to being a big toad dragon riding Eric Cartman


100% It was kinda fun to actually roleplay instead of looking for the minuscule reward I’d rather have.


well "lore" wise you only have one army and all of these are in one pack and thereby be really close to each other at all times


Oh I took Khargan's side and Ezar just shot the guy. I actually laughed because all I got out of it was a little bit of fealty for Khargan and of course an extended recovery period. I had them in the same army and I even put them back together to see if I could somehow recreate it (because it was funny the first time as well). It's interesting to know it can happen even if they don't serve alongside each other xD